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Mad Max: Fury Road |OT| What a Lovely Day | RT: 98% | Metacritic: 89


Holy fucking hell. Just saw it. This movie is like the Grand Canyon--descriptors and pictures don't do it justice--you have to see it yourself to understand.

None of the praise its received is undeserved as far as I'm concerned. This is one of the best movies I've ever seen.
I think Miller should've played with the direction the action is taken. Just like Snowpiercer the movie really only goes two ways, forward or backward and therefore on screen it could've been left to right and right to left.

Would've been cool.


I'll help you out.

Spoilered just in case.

Yes 6 people beating drums and a blind guy with a flaming guitar is a good use of resources in a post apocalyptic world.
Yes, it's a death cult and the band inspires the soldiers to sacrifice themselves for the state. It's their own flag of US of A.

Since all these people seem so talented in building pressure sensitive triggers for their explosives why don't they just place mines in their perfectly groomed dirt bike jump canyon
Because they love car chases.

Why is it the people from the water town use both fire and explosive weapons more then ones from the bullet and gas towns?
Because it's stated that the other towns supply them with the stuff and the towns exist symbiotically.

How are the guys swinging on poles useful against the clan with spikes all over their cars or against people with flame throwers?
Because they love swinging on poles and people's lives are cheap.


Hm looks like I was wrong about Max's earpiece. I watched the movie again today and tried to pick or spot more details and the earpiece was...missing. It's featured in all the promotional posters and stills.

So I did some digging and asked around, it turns out in the cut of the film screened last year for test audiences there was a scene when Max meets the Wives and is in the cab of the War Rig:
When he dumps out the bag to store all the Rig's weapons in it he comes across the earpiece and puts it on.

Seems like they cut the scene and then digitally removed the earpiece throughout the film. lol

why? i hope we can see more of this on the blu ray disc.


Saw this again last night with my father. He is a believer and Mad Max convert now! Theater was packed last night so that was very encouraging to see. I have hyped this movie too all my friends, but I have a feeling they will all ignore me again just like Scott Pilgrim.

I'm generally very critical of films, so when I start heaping on glowing praise on a film, one would expect people to stand up and take notice.


Can't wait, going to see this tomorrow. Having to travel out of my way to see it in 2D, frustrating to say the least.

I tried to get my friend and girlfriend to see it yesterday but they refuse to see movies in 3D. Which seems to be the ONLY option in Edmonton here for evening shows. Why is it this way? Fu*k movie studios pushing 3D only. Only options for 2D are in the city at 3-4PM in the afternoon. That's not an option at all. Or I could drive to another city to see it at 7PM. Greatttttttt.

Will most likely have to wait till DVD release now. Good job, Hollywood. Good job.


I haven't had time to chime in, but saw it twice and love the hell out of it. Feels like Miller combined the breakneck pace of Road Warrior with the fantastical elements of Beyond Thunderdome and finally achieved his vision.

Now, I still think Road Warrior is the better film because of how grounded it all feels, and compared to Fury Road it's basically a documentary. But Fury Road is already a classic and maybe after 100 more viewings I'll think differently.

It's certainly the best action movie I've seen in years and to delve into my own hyperbole territory I look at it like a middle finger to all of the cgi heavy films other people rave about that I never felt any connection to. This is what we've been missing and the direction I hope other filmmakers follow. Unfortunately I think this is one in a million. Appreciate it while we have it.


This was a great movie. I was shocked but very pleased with the movie being mostly about Charlize Theron's character. This was her film and she owned it. She was completely absorbed in the role. I don't know if a lot of people have been saying anything about him but I thought this was Nicholas Hoult's best performance in a movie yet. He was second best.

I loved how simple the storyline was but how effective every action set was. It felt like a two-hour constant thrill-ride. Will definitely be seeing again.


Trying to find a logical reason for a
death concert on wheels
is crazy. The movie is crazy, the title has "mad" in it. Get a clue peeps.

It's a highly exaggerated form of war drums. Basically the purpose is twofold in that it rallies the soldiers and scares the enemy. When you hear that sound from miles away getting louder and closer knowing that something bad is coming your way, there can indeed be a psychological effect of fear.


How does this hold up to Road Warrior? Saw that this weekend for the first time. Holy shit is it good.

Well it's another good Mad Max movie so that should be enough praise to go see it. But it's a different kind of movie with a tone maybe more silly and not as depressing or bleak as Road Warrior.


Well it's another good Mad Max movie so that should be enough praise to go see it. But it's a different kind of movie with a tone maybe more silly and not as depressing or bleak as Road Warrior.

I don't mind silliness, look at beyond thunderdome. Though I hope Fury Road doesn't have a character like Feral Kid. Didn't like that character at all.
I tried to get my friend and girlfriend to see it yesterday but they refuse to see movies in 3D. Which seems to be the ONLY option in Edmonton here for evening shows. Why is it this way? Fu*k movie studios pushing 3D only. Only options for 2D are in the city at 3-4PM in the afternoon. That's not an option at all. Or I could drive to another city to see it at 7PM. Greatttttttt.

Will most likely have to wait till DVD release now. Good job, Hollywood. Good job.

It really is depressing. I'm having to watch it at 5pm as well as going out of my way to see it in 2D. There are few films I'd be willing to do this for, but I just had to see a Mad Max film in the cinema. It's one of the reasons I rarely go anymore, 3D and crowds of loud people and no smoking. Fuck that!
I wish I could enjoy this movie as much as everyone else because I really love crazy over the top no fucks given action movies. I never liked the previous movies but I was completely sold on Fury Road after this trailer. Thought it would be amazing but nothing stood out much for me in the movie. All the action segments were too similar so they've blended together in my mind. I liked that it had well written female characters for once though. Oh well.


I wish I could enjoy this movie as much as everyone else because I really love crazy over the top no fucks given action movies. I never liked the previous movies but I was completely sold on Fury Road after this trailer. Thought it would be amazing but nothing stood out much for me in the movie. All the action segments were too similar so they've blended together in my mind. I liked that it had well written female characters for once though. Oh well.

I've seen it three times and really don't understand the sameyness. Every set piece is pretty different. Different strokes I guess.
I've seen it three times and really don't understand the sameyness. Every set piece is pretty different. Different strokes I guess.
Seriously, every chase had a different feel to it. It was very impressive how much variety Miller was able to squeeze out of "chase scene"


I wish I could enjoy this movie as much as everyone else because I really love crazy over the top no fucks given action movies. I never liked the previous movies but I was completely sold on Fury Road after this trailer. Thought it would be amazing but nothing stood out much for me in the movie. All the action segments were too similar so they've blended together in my mind. I liked that it had well written female characters for once though. Oh well.

Maybe it was too much to handle your first time. Try again!! #nevergiveup
just got out a little while ago. it was as insane as i expected. loved it. the useless war drum with double neck flame thrower vehicle may have been my favorite thing.

redhead wife hhhnnngggg


$211m worldwide now. Production budget was 150, safe to assume it's made up for it's promotional budget now too?

It needs to make around $300 million to break even/make a tiny profit. The studios take about 66% and even less from international distributors. Plus add in the marketing budget.


Saw this a couple nights ago at my local theater and it was fucking awesome! It's so visually striking and all the stunts were very impressive. I now need to see it in IMAX for the full video audio experience, the theater I saw it in was a small screen with weak audio and I don't think it did the film justice.


I don't know that it's safe to assume that, really. The marketing campaign was pretty large. Plus they don't get all that money. The general rule of thumb is 2.5x the reported budget and the film is likely to start seeing a profit.

The thing is Mad Max sells super well to syndication markets everywhere; it's kinda like Star Trek movies in those regards. Thus, I believe all Fury Road needs to make is 375M WW (Star Trek 2009 numbers) for a sequel to be in the cards. After all, it reinvigorates interest in the old Mad Max movies in a good sense for WB's catalog, much like Star Trek 2009, and a sequel will almost certainly go up, especially with the guaranteed lower budget for the sequel.

Mad Max: The Wasteland is looking good to me.
Tried going to it yesterday with a buddy at a ~4:00 matinee, but it was completely sold out. So we went to the ~7:00. That sold out too.

The attendant guy said that the ~1:00 was almost entirely sold out as well.

I guess people in Minnesota like this movie.

Oh yeah, I forgot to say that movie was badass. Loved it.


First film i've seen in a long time where I didn't regret spending the money. Imax in 3D was flawless, with no ridiculous strobing to ruin the experience, although i'm really struggling to remember if 3D was even utilized outside those three in your face moments.

For as much as I loved it I still expected more and left left a little disappointed. Most of the drama and 1 on 1 scenes either fell flat or were just awkward. Didn't buy Nux or the ending either. Both were a little too convenient and felt unrealistic after the first third of the film.
Just what kinda third-rate indoctrination techniques was Joe using on his war boys?

Still though, best action film in years. Really hope we get another.

I think Miller should've played with the direction the action is taken. Just like Snowpiercer the movie really only goes two ways, forward or backward and therefore on screen it could've been left to right and right to left.

Would've been cool.
Yo, what happened with your friend.


Finally watched it last night, Jesus was it as amazing as I taught it would be. Loved loved loved the soundtrack and all the set pieces. Need to watch it again because it def is a movie you need to watch more then once just because it is that amazing.
Just saw this movie.

Really amazing. My favorite stunt might be the dirt bike grenade throws or the pole scene. The film felt very experimental which I really liked. The use of silent interactions in certain scenes and audio distortion was nice. The art design was really good and downright crazy at times from the car-tank to the stilt walkers.


I wish I could enjoy this movie as much as everyone else because I really love crazy over the top no fucks given action movies. I never liked the previous movies but I was completely sold on Fury Road after this trailer. Thought it would be amazing but nothing stood out much for me in the movie. All the action segments were too similar so they've blended together in my mind. I liked that it had well written female characters for once though. Oh well.




Film really stood up to a second viewing.

I'd go see it again, but I don't want to burn myself out on it.

Maybe in a few weeks before it leaves theaters.
Film really stood up to a second viewing.

I'd go see it again, but I don't want to burn myself out on it.

Maybe in a few weeks before it leaves theaters.

This is what I'm doing!

I saw it twice in one week, then pacing myself and will go again after a week passes :D Really building up that craving at the moment. Watching other things and that itch under my skull for the irrational awesomeness that is Fury Road is growing, gnawing on me :D

Am addicted, to be sure.


This is what I'm doing!

I saw it twice in one week, then pacing myself and will go again after a week passes :D Really building up that craving at the moment. Watching other things and that itch under my skull for the irrational awesomeness that is Fury Road is growing, gnawing on me :D

Am addicted, to be sure.

You watch!

You crave!

You watch again!
I have seen this movie now and I am completely serious when I say this.... 3 TIMES in the span of a week. I loved every scene of this movie, I cant wait for the blu ray version.
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