Saw it yesterday.
This movie is the Citizen Kane of the generation.
In that it didn't make much money?
Saw it yesterday.
This movie is the Citizen Kane of the generation.
Does everyone who's seen Citizen Kane actually think it's the brilliant, best of all time masterpiece everyone says it is? I'm just curious because I feel like some people just go along with it but don't necessarily feel the same way.
The domestic budget was $150M, wasn't it?
As much I love Kane and consider it very watchable, Casablanca definitely trumps it.
Casablanca is a much simpler affair though. Kane is a very complex movie with non-linear narrative, it's incredible that it holds up as well as it does, much more surprising than is the case for a play adaptation.
Both are still very much watchable despite the passage of time though so there's no point in arguing. Casablanca wins when it comes to watchability, but Kane is far more impressive and complex.
The Citizen Kane of movies.Saw it yesterday.
This movie is the Citizen Kane of the generation.
That reminds me of that douche moderator at the Fury Road pressconference in Cannes. Reporter asked a question where he made a parallel to Casablanca's use of saying things with only eyes or body language and moderator felt a need to step in with a "comparing Casablanca to Mad Max is a stretch".. it really bothered me. Yeah, Fury Road is an action movie.. but it's a masterpiece nonetheless.As much I love Kane and consider it very watchable, Casablanca definitely trumps it.
Yeah, I guess I should have been more clear, but I agree. I think Kane is a better film, but Casablanca is more watchable.
Casablanca is a much simpler affair though. Kane is a very complex movie with non-linear narrative, it's incredible that it holds up as well as it does, much more surprising than is the case for a play adaptation.
Both are still very much watchable despite the passage of time though so there's no point in arguing. Casablanca wins when it comes to watchability, but Kane is far more impressive and complex.
I think you're doing a huge disservice to Casablanca here. It being simpler and more focused does not make it worse or any less incredible. Basically half the major lines in the film are *still* recognizable parts of pop culture today. Watching it is like playing "spot the iconic line." IMO that's easily as impressive. Especially since it was basically written as it filmed. Calling it a stage adaptation is also doing it a disservice, as it's not like the film actually much resembles the play, and the play wasn't even produced. It's basically more accurate to call the play a rough first draft.
Citizen Kane may be a masterpiece of auteur vision, but Casablanca was a defining pop culture film. It's not that it's more watchable in the moment, but that it's easily one of the, if not the, most accessible and enduring films made in that period or before (or, arguably, for quite a while after).
I don't understand this need to drag one thing down to bring another thing up. Both films are incredible achievements for very different reasons.
Movie was phenomenal.
Citizen Kane is the Fury Road of movies
I saw both versions recently.2D or 3D?
Regarding Orson Welles, I very much prefer Touch of Evil. Now that's one awesome movie. Not as awesome as Fury Road, though.![]()
It's the Citizen Kane of Citizen Kane.
As much I love Kane and consider it very watchable, Casablanca definitely trumps it.
I think Fury Road will hold up like the Road Warrior. We'll look back in 2045 and still be able to enjoy it without complaining about dated CG effects that will tarnish a lot of the big films coming out around the same time as it did.
I think you're doing a huge disservice to Casablanca here. It being simpler and more focused does not make it worse or any less incredible. Basically half the major lines in the film are *still* recognizable parts of pop culture today. Watching it is like playing "spot the iconic line." IMO that's easily as impressive. Especially since it was basically written as it filmed. Calling it a stage adaptation is also doing it a disservice, as it's not like the film actually much resembles the play, and the play wasn't even produced. It's basically more accurate to call the play a rough first draft.
Citizen Kane may be a masterpiece of auteur vision, but Casablanca was a defining pop culture film. It's not that it's more watchable in the moment, but that it's easily one of the, if not the, most accessible and enduring films made in that period or before (or, arguably, for quite a while after).
I don't understand this need to drag one thing down to bring another thing up. Both films are incredible achievements for very different reasons.
Casablanca too!came in expecting to talk mad max, reads about citizen kane instead...
Excellent article, indeed. There was a pretty good comment, a little below the article:
Miller was given the rights to Mad Max and Road Warrior by Warner Bros. as part of the deal to drop Justice League. They had no choice but to use Miller since he owned the rights to the character, world, etc. And considering how much money Miller has pulled in for WB with those animated ‘kids’ movies, he still had a lot of pull at WB. He probably even got the greenlight for Fury Road as part of the Justice League deal too. The man does hold an MD degree after all, so he’s not stupid....unlike the WB execs.
Just came back from watching it a second time. Such a fantastic movie, holds up so well, second time around. It's quickly becoming one of my favourite movies, just everything about it is so good! I've rewatched the first two Mad Max movies inbetween the trips to the cinema and got a few of the references today, which was really cool.
Excellent article, indeed. There was a pretty good comment, a little below the article:
Oh, on that, we can most definitely agree! I've tried to do my part, seeing it twice and spreading the hype to whoever wants to listen/don't ignore me.Haha, awesome.
I really want this movie to be more successful. Miller schooled Hollywood.
So I'm bringing my girlfriend, 4 of my best friends and one of their girlfriends to see this tomorrow for their first time... and my third. I MUST MAKE THIS A BOX OFFICE SUCCESSFOR VALHALLA!!!
Second viewing is about to start...WITNESS ME!!
Do You Realize Mad Max: Fury Road Is A Miracle?
Excellent article here. Do read through it fully. There are spoilers, so beware.
More at the link.
Latest box office figures puts it at $227m ww as of Monday.
Watched it yesterday - my personal favourite movie of the year.
I think Fury Road will hold up like the Road Warrior. We'll look back in 2045 and still be able to enjoy it without complaining about dated CG effects that will tarnish a lot of the big films coming out around the same time as it did.