Does everyone who's seen Citizen Kane actually think it's the brilliant, best of all time masterpiece everyone says it is? I'm just curious because I feel like some people just go along with it but don't necessarily feel the same way.
I respect it for what it did, but at the same time was incredibly bored while watching it. Of course, that was over 15 years ago. I should probably re-watch to see if ageing has changed my opinion of it at all.
It's definitely the most watchable "classic" film I've seen.
Oh man, give Casablanca, Rear Window, or It's a Wonderful Life a watch. I enjoyed all three of those more than Citizen Kane. Yes, I'm
that insane person. But seriously, I could re-watch Casablanca a million times. Love that movie.
EDIT: Oh, and to stay on topic, I saw Fury Road yesterday and LOVED IT. Went with friends who were seeing it for the second time (they had movie passes that were about to expire so just decided to see it twice) and hearing their impressions from the second watch really makes me want to see it again. In particular was one person saying "I was able to notice a lot more stuff instead of just being constantly in a state of stressful "WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN?!, such as the deformities of everyone that I assume come from in-breeding / radioactivity". She's an awesome person.