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Mad Max: Fury Road |OT| What a Lovely Day | RT: 98% | Metacritic: 89


Finally got to say it.

Absolutely loved it. Even the brother whose taste is subject enjoyed it and asked about the other Mad Max movies.

The ending was a lot happier than the other Mad Max movies.
I wish I could enjoy this movie as much as everyone else because I really love crazy over the top no fucks given action movies. I never liked the previous movies but I was completely sold on Fury Road after this trailer. Thought it would be amazing but nothing stood out much for me in the movie. All the action segments were too similar so they've blended together in my mind. I liked that it had well written female characters for once though. Oh well.
I felt the same

I wanted to feel like I was being chased

But it didn't even feel like there was much of a threat even though things were in motion looking gorgeous
Truly enjoyed it... the friend i went with found it kinda....boring. LOL Anyway i think straight up action movies like this may just not be his cup of tea!

The cinematography was masterful, the only thing that bugged me a tiny bit was that i felt they kinda held back with the gore and blood thing that this sort of over the top, no punches pulled action kind of demands imo. (Then again, it could just be that i am watching Spartacus Uncut at the moment so this seems tame in comparison lol)


Watched it two times, one in 3d and one in 2d.

Can't stop thinking about the movie, the soundtrack, the characters, the art direction, the dialogue...


This fucking movie.

Yep, i watched it the other day, and i've been telling everyone i could* that it's FUCKING TRUTH.
i love this movie.

*unfortunately i don't know anybody, and the few people i know, ignore me on facebook. :(


My coworker is putting on Mad max 2 for our lunch hour, my first time seeing the beginning

I've only seen the first one though. :(
The film club i'm in plan on watching the trilogy one night, i'm really looking forward to it.


I saw earlier posts from you with numbers. Perhaps you should make a graph. Hopefully the numbers are not too depressing in the long run. This film is so shiny and chrome, it deserves tons of viewers.

How do you upload images to here? I have a graph of the US daily cumulative updates.


$219m now worldwide with Monday's numbers.


The Mule

How do you upload images to here? I have a graph of the US daily cumulative updates.

you don't upload images here, you upload them somewhere else like imgur and then paste the URL between these tags [ IMG ]http://imageurl.com/pic.jpg[ /IMG ] (minus the spaces)
yeah, ok... i really enjoyed mad max and think it's a great movie, but that comparison is so far off the mark.

Does everyone who's seen Citizen Kane actually think it's the brilliant, best of all time masterpiece everyone says it is? I'm just curious because I feel like some people just go along with it but don't necessarily feel the same way.
Does everyone who's seen Citizen Kane actually think it's the brilliant, best of all time masterpiece everyone says it is? I'm just curious because I feel like some people just go along with it but don't necessarily feel the same way.
It is a masterpiece and it is fantastic but this could be its own topic worth discussing. Orson Welles is a god if you like certain things.
Does everyone who's seen Citizen Kane actually think it's the brilliant, best of all time masterpiece everyone says it is? I'm just curious because I feel like some people just go along with it but don't necessarily feel the same way.

it was incredibly ahead of it's time, holds up really well today because of the structure too imo.

The Mule

Does everyone who's seen Citizen Kane actually think it's the brilliant, best of all time masterpiece everyone says it is? I'm just curious because I feel like some people just go along with it but don't necessarily feel the same way.

it's not really about that. you have to consider the movie in the context of the time it came out. it was groundbreaking and way ahead of its time. these days it doesn't seem so special because every movie since has used its techniques.

mad max is a great movie, and stands out from the pack of movies around these days, but not even in the same league as what citizen kane achieved by comparison to the time it came out.
Where did you read that it's not releasing in China?
I can't find a release date, but it was mentioned in the weekend box office threads. I'm guessing it's delayed, because it'd be a crime to outright skip those territories. Hasn't there been bad blood between Hollywood distributors and China in the past few years, to the point of litigation?


I think somebody certainly could make a thread. It'd be interesting to see people's thoughts.

Honestly, I don't think I could stand seeing another internet thread with a bunch of people calling it overrated.

Though I'll give you there would probably be opinions on both sides that are worth reading, Citizen Kane threads online always seem to be the same. Just a bunch of folks who hear that it is considered the best film of all time, watch it with an ax the grind before it even starts, and then hop online to take it down a peg.

Anyway, Fury Road ain't the Citizen Kane of its time, but it is goddamn great.


I can't find a release date, but it was mentioned in the weekend box office threads. I'm guessing it's delayed, because it'd be a crime to outright skip those territories. Hasn't there been bad blood between Hollywood distributors and China in the past few years, to the point of litigation?

They usually don't confirm releases over there until quite soon before they come out. I'm sure it will be out there. Chappie only released in China a couple of weeks ago.


I did it.
I finally convinced my wife to go see it with me.
I don't remember if I've ever seen a movie three times in the theater, but I can't stop thinking about it.

A true test of how good the movie is, can it penetrate the mind of someone completely unaware of what the movie is, or about, and still be enjoyable? I am almost completely certain the answer is yes. I'll find out soon enough.


it was incredibly ahead of it's time, holds up really well today because of the structure too imo.

I view it the same way I view a lot of 'classic' films. Undeniably well made, undeniably innovative, and flat-out classics... but that doesn't mean I find them particularly entertaining. I can enjoy them in a critical analysis way, but I don't find myself emotionally attached to them.

So I'd never say Mad Max was better per se, but I would say I emotionally engage with Mad Max: Fury Road more than Citizen Kane. That said, I did study Film Studies for two years at A-Level, three years as a BA, and two years as an MA... so I tend to prefer watching stupid, loud films to relax.


Does everyone who's seen Citizen Kane actually think it's the brilliant, best of all time masterpiece everyone says it is? I'm just curious because I feel like some people just go along with it but don't necessarily feel the same way.

I respect it for what it did, but at the same time was incredibly bored while watching it. Of course, that was over 15 years ago. I should probably re-watch to see if ageing has changed my opinion of it at all.

It's definitely the most watchable "classic" film I've seen.

Oh man, give Casablanca, Rear Window, or It's a Wonderful Life a watch. I enjoyed all three of those more than Citizen Kane. Yes, I'm that insane person. But seriously, I could re-watch Casablanca a million times. Love that movie.

EDIT: Oh, and to stay on topic, I saw Fury Road yesterday and LOVED IT. Went with friends who were seeing it for the second time (they had movie passes that were about to expire so just decided to see it twice) and hearing their impressions from the second watch really makes me want to see it again. In particular was one person saying "I was able to notice a lot more stuff instead of just being constantly in a state of stressful "WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN?!, such as the deformities of everyone that I assume come from in-breeding / radioactivity". She's an awesome person.


Fucking amazing is the best way to describe it. Reminded me a bit of Terminator 2 in that it had the same plot as a previous film (Mad Max 2 in this case) only it changes the particulars and does it on an epic scale.

I don't get the feminist criticism at all. Nothing was overtly feminist about it, Furiousa wanted to free the lord's sex slaves and take them to a safe location and Max gets tied up in it. This isn't some Andrea Dworkin nonsense.

Can't wait for the game in September.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
finally saw the film.

tremendous movie, had a blast the whole time.

loved the overtly feminist slant, glad it's a hit - hopefully we can get another in the series soon.


Goddamn this movie kicked my ass. I was kinda surprised how packed it was at 1230 on a Sunday.

Word of mouth is going to lead to this movie having great legs. I wouldn't be surprised to see it do almost as well as it did this week all through next week. It won't hit Avengers numbers for sure, but it'll be good enough to get another.
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