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Mad Max: Fury Road |OT| What a Lovely Day | RT: 98% | Metacritic: 89

I hate you.

There's no way I'm not getting the blu-ray disc whenever it comes out. It will look GLORIOUS on my Panasonic plasma.

Third time was so awesome. Back to 2D cinema and they put the volume right up and I was roaring and riding the Fury Road again !!!

Love it, love, love, love it.

I will see if I have one last viewing in me before this goes out of the theatres ;___;

Oh, btw Max vs Doof Warrior was so entertaining! The Doof just was super fixated at getting his guitar back, Max was using it as a blunt weapon and the Doof kept trying to get back onto his music and the very moment he got it back, he rocked back on like a maniac \m/


Saw it a third time on Sunday.
This time I understood a lot more of the yelling/screaming that some of the war boys were doing, but I'd still like to read a script if it ever starts floating around.
Had some real old ladies getting tickets on my second viewing

must've heard they had some badass
grandmas in this shit

the more i think about the grannies, the fabber they become to me :x

like i was thinking, when they were offered any acting role, they probably assume oh i will play another old person in a drama movie or something

......... i wonder how it was for them to be told that they were going to ride motorbikes in the desert, shot baddies and own their scenes like action heroes. AT THEIR AGE


as a society, we tend to erase or forget our elderlies. it's as if once you hit a certain age group, specially as a woman, you're not expected to be cool or be badasses or something..
Gonna go see it again for the 6th time :D this time I bring my cousin with me :D

Normally I'd think a 6th viewing of a movie in theaters is a tad bit excessive....but having seen it for the 4th time the other day, and STILL wanting to see it in theaters again, not so much this time. I just wish I could've seen it in IMAX.


Wow, I just saw the movie, Incredible.

I also hope that Charlize Theron got paid more or at least equal to Tom Hardy because her character was the obvious protagonist of this film.


Finally watched after looking the good reviews, and my twitter feed blowing up about it.

One of the best (if not the best) action movies I've ever seen. Loved the pacing, ranging from the quick introduction, to straight up... action!

how did they manage to do that final action sequence, when Max, Furiosa and the group decides to go back? It was so long, yet I did not felt it dragging at any point. SO GOOD.
I got back from seeing it about an hour ago. I heard all the hype but wow, still completely blown away. My hand was literally clutching my chest for the last half hour or so.

I definitely feel like I have to go catch it again before it leaves theatres, I don't think there's any home set-up that could do it justice.





Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Another example of how awesome my 61 yo mom is. I took her to see it and she absolutely loved it.

My mom is turning 67 tomorrow. She hated it. The fact that I enjoyed it is actually disturbing to her. She liked other ones in the '80s.
Getting old really sucks sometimes.


saw it for the first time today...wow. The 3d is unreal, and I love what he does with framerates for the most part. Never seen anything like it, that's for sure. I could've gone for a little more exposition though, it did feel like too much action to me.
saw it for the first time today...wow. The 3d is unreal, and I love what he does with framerates for the most part. Never seen anything like it, that's for sure. I could've gone for a little more exposition though, it did feel like too much action to me.

Apparently there was initially more exposition the introduction but they cut it after test screening. I hope we get to see that as deleted scenes on the Blu-Ray, but I didn't think there was too much action. The pacing was perfect IMO.
Gonna go see it again for the 6th time :D this time I bring my cousin with me :D

Ok, just got back. My cousin loves it. Hell, I think he enjoyed the film more than I do :D He laughed quite often at the visual humor of the movie, that's for sure (I like the humor of the film, it's just that I don't emote much).

I should add that we watched it in an ATMOS theater, and I think that the audio was great and it helped with immersion.


poop meter feature creep
Finally saw this the other night with my friend. 9/10, awesome movie. Gonna buy it Blu-ray/digital when it comes out.

Furiosa was the best character. Max wasn't shit next to her. To quote my own Facebook post on the subject:
Why does Mad Max: Fury Road, a movie about crazy car action in a post-apocalyptic punk wasteland, have the best female character of any recent film or show? All other media needs to take a note from Mad Max on how to write a character that's strong, capable, and badass, while at the same time not being a sexy piece of meat, a simple romance option, or pure support role for the male characters just because she's a woman.
I want to be Furiosa, she's that well-written.


Just got back from watching this. Fucking hell what a movie. So intense.
I'm still trying to process it...but shit, I want to go see it again tomorrow!


Something I noticed last night in my second viewing, since I know so many were speculating about Furiosa's backstory. I noticed that the first time we see her, we see her from behind with the same brand on the back of her neck as the War Boys were attempting to brand Max with at the start. So I'd guess that Furiosa's start in life was as a blood bag, and she either somehow rose above that moniker by performing Immortan's evil biddings.

Anyways, there's a 5-10 minute segment, from when Furiosa yells "fool!" in the canyon to when Splendid opens the door to shield Furiosa, set to "Brothers In Arms" that is both the best sequence in the film, and probably the most exhilarating action sequence since T2.
Watched that movie last weekend, and it was one of the greatest cinematic experiences I ever had.

And this is coming from somebody who is old enough to have been around when the old movies were released (though They wouldn't have let me into the cinema back then, since I was around 5 to ten years old then, but I watched them soon enough on TV a few years later... :D )

This is how you bring an old franchise into the future..

If Star Wars is able to do something similar, I don't even....


Yeeeehhhhhaaaaw, since my GF bailed on watching it with me, i'm going to watch it again with another friend tomorrow.


Yay congra....oh wait :(...
Sorry to hear, at least Fury Road should be just the right film to drown those bad vibrations for a while.

She bailed on watching it with me.
There is no bailing in our relationship, she's pregnant and we had our 10th anniversarry a few weeks ago :)


Completely untrue. Max is key to Nux who both wind up being key to Furiosa and the wives later on. Without them, the entire ending of the movie would be different or it would have ended about 30 minutes earlier.

He might not be the main character but he's still pretty important to the plot

Remove Mad Max from Fury Road and you don't have a movie. He was integral to Furiosa's escape.

That's not what I meant.

They shouldn't have made the guy the movie was named after such a forgettable character. I'm not a fan of Theron, but she was good. The WITNESS ME!! guy was good. Max himself felt really generic. I wasn't entertained nor invested emotionally.

As for his importance to the plot, I disagree, but let's leave it at that.

2- Maybe you just needed more dialogue, I don't know. The characterization is fine, even great. A lot happens, they just don't talk about it. Personally, I think the excessive dialogue and exposition is one of the main issues with most blockbusters. Most just treat audiences like idiots. They seem too worried to alienate them so they tend to spell everything out in the lamest ways. What Fury Road did felt fresh to me.

I don't want to argue, since I realize it's just not my kind of movie, but honestly I feel like i've read only half a chapter. The story as it unfolded really felt the most crumpled (not sure if im using the right word here) story of all the movies I had ever seen.
That's not what I meant.

They shouldn't have made the guy the movie was named after such a forgettable character. I'm not a fan of Theron, but she was good. The WITNESS ME!! guy was good. Max himself felt really generic. I wasn't entertained nor invested emotionally.

Max was pretty memorable to me. Reminded me of how Max has been in all the movies. I do think Hardy at times was a little uneven in his diction. Sometimes he sounded a lot like Mel Gibson and other times he channeled some Bane. But as for his on screen presence, he pretty much nailed Max.

As for his importance to the plot, I disagree, but let's leave it at that.

Not sure how you can disagree on that. Without Max, Nux probably isn't involved in the chase to begin with. And without Max, Furiosa doesn't elude the Bullet Farmer. And without Max, the whole ending would change.
If Star Wars is able to do something similar, I don't even....

Honestly I don't think it will be able to, in terms of cinematography, action, dialogues, etc. The part it could do as good is maybe the "well written female character" part if they avoid damsels in distress and other sexist cliches. (I haven't read any recent spoilers btw)


Sitting alone in an empty theater ready to experience this. Haven't been to the movies in a long time, but this is one I'm not going to miss.
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