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Mad Max: Fury Road |OT| What a Lovely Day | RT: 98% | Metacritic: 89


Been curious about something

When he is strapped to the lancers perch at the beginning of the chase and the car starts going really fast with the fire coming from the exhaust and all that, Max says, " CONFUCUMUS " or something like that

what is he saying?

I watched it four times and could never figure it out. :lol

Just figured he was letting loose a string of profanity.
Subtitles on this will be great. I thought for the longest time that Slit was yelling a homophobic slur at the end chase. Turns out he's yelling "FANG IT!" which is basically "let's fuck shit up!".

Furiosa says it early on, when her Lt asks her if she wants to circle back and lead the Buzzards into the ambush. She says, "No, we push through. We're gonna fang it!"

I always thought she was saying "bang it".


Subtitles on this will be great. I thought for the longest time that Slit was yelling a homophobic slur at the end chase. Turns out he's yelling "FANG IT!" which is basically "let's fuck shit up!".

Furiosa says it early on, when her Lt asks her if she wants to circle back and lead the Buzzards into the ambush. She says, "No, we push through. We're gonna fang it!"

I always thought she was saying "bang it".



Subtitles on this will be great. I thought for the longest time that Slit was yelling a homophobic slur at the end chase. Turns out he's yelling "FANG IT!" which is basically "let's fuck shit up!".

Furiosa says it early on, when her Lt asks her if she wants to circle back and lead the Buzzards into the ambush. She says, "No, we push through. We're gonna fang it!"

I always thought she was saying "bang it".

Yeah Theron thought Miller made the term up but it's Australian slang for "gunning it" or going faster.


beyond that. when Ash(?) goes " IM AWAITED IN VALHALLA!!! " and guns it.

Max yells something there. It is bothering me I can't understand him lol

most likely is. but what profanities!

blu ray needs to come out already so i can check the subtitles
The subtitles will say: [Profanities]
Subtitles on this will be great. I thought for the longest time that Slit was yelling a homophobic slur at the end chase. Turns out he's yelling "FANG IT!" which is basically "let's fuck shit up!".

Furiosa says it early on, when her Lt asks her if she wants to circle back and lead the Buzzards into the ambush. She says, "No, we push through. We're gonna fang it!"

I always thought she was saying "bang it".

lol it does sort of sound like that other word. It wouldn't fit though.


I saw FR a little while ago and I don't think it's as good as most do. The setpieces were pretty cool and well shot, but I think the characters aside from Furiosa were underdeveloped and I had trouble connecting with them. Just didn't really seem like a memorable experience for me... maybe I should give it another chance.
I'd put Fury Road above T2. The world, the storytelling, the visuals, the music, the cinematography, the energy; It all hit me on a level deeper than T2 ever has. That's taking nothing away from T2, it's still one of the action GOATs, but I have no issues ranking Fury Road extremely high right now, higher than many action classics that would probably have people calling me a blasphemer. I don't care, it's a great, great movie.

Hard Boiled is still the king anyway though, so miss me with all this "Die Hard/Aliens/T2/Raiders" talk

T2's writing is far and away better and deeper, though. It's a great action movie, but the quality of the script overall is what makes it so exceptional. Mad Max is a great roller coaster, in terms of the production, but who or what is there to really give a damn about?
I don't know that Terminator 2 is all that well written, though.

Terminator 2 is a great sci-fi film. The inversions from the first are well-done, there's no trite love story,the relationships are well- and realistically-depicted, and the narrative raises and answers more challenging questions about the nature of man's relationship to his technology than even most "hard" sci-fi - and without pretense, to boot.


My top 5 exactly. No order

T2's writing is far and away better and deeper, though. It's a great action movie, but the quality of the script overall is what makes it so exceptional. Mad Max is a great roller coaster, in terms of the production, but there's just so little to it beyond that.

I agree, but it's the way Fury Road does everything else that elevates it for me which is why I specifically said "storytelling" instead of "writing." The frantic, physical, silent film energy to the storytelling in FR resonates with me more than the writing in T2. FR is absolutely a roller coaster, but it's Roller Coaster Prime- ironed, oiled, and buffed into an aerodynamic piece of work that accomplishes everything it sets out to do at a level we don't see often in action movies, much less big budget action movies.

Like I said, I'm not taking anything away from T2, it's a classic, but if we're ranking these movies I have to be honest with myself, and when nostalgia is removed, FR does more of the little things I value right now than T2.


T2's writing is far and away better and deeper, though. It's a great action movie, but the quality of the script overall is what makes it so exceptional. Mad Max is a great roller coaster, in terms of the production, but who or what is there to really give a damn about?

T2's *prose* might be better (I'm not sure I agree with that, even, but I'm willing to recognize the validity of the argument). Writing is more than dialogue, though, and Fury Road is a tight and concise and very beautifully told story. If you can *watch* a story rather than simply listen, it's got a hell of a lot to give a damn about. IMO it's a triumph of film storytelling in so many ways.

The real beauty of it, though, is that people who aren't into visual storytelling still at least get a rollercoaster.


The first is. The second is kinda sloppy .

Yeah, after revisiting the first two prior to Genisys' viewing, it's the second movie where the timeline stuff makes less sense, mainly the tech coming from the first film's Terminator and that whole paradox.

T1 all the way, baby.


I really love T2, and has interesting arc for Sarah Connor, but I don't think I've ever heard it seriously argued that it's a deep story. If anyone is willing to enlighten me on how it has a significant amount of depth (not compared to Fury Road, just in general), I'd like to hear it.
I really think this movie is one of the best things I have seen over the last decade. There isn't some moment throughout the day that I don't think about how much I want to watch it again.


Die Hard
Mad Max: Fury Road

I can agree with this list. Easily. Come on Septmber 1st, i want my BD copy!

beyond that. when Ash(?) goes " IM AWAITED IN VALHALLA!!! " and guns it.

Max yells something there. It is bothering me I can't understand him lol

most likely is. but what profanities!

blu ray needs to come out already so i can check the subtitles

I always understood it as "Fuck them all".


Theatrical cuts - Alien > Aliens
Directors cuts - Aliens > Alien

The Aliens directors cut is basically on par with the Alien theatrical cut for me.


aliens directors cut is something i will never understand people liking
all it does is drag the movie down
the stuff in the beginning on the base before the outbreak looks like a syfy channel movie


Alien is about as far as you can get from an action movie, so comparing them on that basis doesn't even make sense.


aliens directors cut is something i will never understand people liking
all it does is drag the movie down
the stuff in the beginning on the base before the outbreak looks like a syfy channel movie

IIRC the Aliens directors cut;

-- Does a better job of explaining why Ripley cares for Newt - Ripley never got to be a mother due to her cryosleep.
-- Explains why the Xenos dont immediately kill the marines after the first action sequence. The sentry guns force the Xenos to find a new route in.
-- Teases the existence of the Queen. (Original cut, she's kind of out of nowhere)

The directors cut of Alien is the one that really drags the entire movie down, IMHO


T2's writing is far and away better and deeper, though. It's a great action movie, but the quality of the script overall is what makes it so exceptional. Mad Max is a great roller coaster, in terms of the production, but who or what is there to really give a damn about?

Fury Road's script is interesting because while there is relatively little dialogue, there is a tremendous about of world building and visual story telling.

Take Nux's arc, for example. He's a "half-life war boy" - son of Immortan Joe, doomed to live a short life due to the diseases that plague them (in his case, the tumors growing on his neck) if not fighting out in the wild. Transfusions are all that's keeping him alive at the point we meet him. Immortan Joe has built up a mythology around himself and for the war boys to latch onto as a way to keep them motivated in the face of short, unpleasant lives: the whole bit about the roads to Valhalla, shiny and chrome. Over the course of the film, Nux goes from
actively trying to die in an act of valor fighting for Joe (and failing repeatedly), to being humiliated in front of him, to coming to realize he was on the wrong side of the conflict, to sacrificing himself for Furiosa and company.
Nearly all of that is done without exposition, but Nux's arc is hugely impacting regardless because the history is all there, and we see his character move through it.

Likewise, Furiosa's character has great depth, but it's almost all wordless. Her determination to return to her homeland is mixed with a desire to protect the wives, and with her own self loathing for a lifetime of being in Joe's thrall. Her reunion with the Many Mothers is poignant even before we learn the truth about the Green Place because we know her burden of guilt for what she's done, what she's lost, what she's been through to get there.


Recently I tried to make a ordered list of my favorite films. At least starting to make it, but as it got harder and harder, I came up with some complex rating system. MMFR somehow got on top using it. I even tried to tweak the parameters, but it'd stay there although I'm pretty sure it's not my new all-time favorite, lol. It's just such a well-rounded package. Scrapped my system after that, however it's a given that Fury Road is very near the top. Higher than T2 and Die Hard for sure.


I wasn't comparing them on that basis, it was just an opinion drop :p

I was really more saying that to the people who were replying to you. :p

Fury Road's script is interesting because while there is relatively little dialogue, there is a tremendous about of world building and visual story telling.

Take Nux's arc, for example. He's a "half-life war boy" - son of Immortan Joe, doomed to live a short life due to the diseases that plague them (in his case, the tumors growing on his neck) if not fighting out in the wild. Transfusions are all that's keeping him alive at the point we meet him. Immortan Joe has built up a mythology around himself and for the war boys to latch onto as a way to keep them motivated in the face of short, unpleasant lives: the whole bit about the roads to Valhalla, shiny and chrome. Over the course of the film, Nux goes from
actively trying to die in an act of valor fighting for Joe (and failing repeatedly), to being humiliated in front of him, to coming to realize he was on the wrong side of the conflict, to sacrificing himself for Furiosa and company.
Nearly all of that is done without exposition, but Nux's arc is hugely impacting regardless because the history is all there, and we see his character move through it.

Likewise, Furiosa's character has great depth, but it's almost all wordless. Her determination to return to her homeland is mixed with a desire to protect the wives, and with her own self loathing for a lifetime of being in Joe's thrall. Her reunion with the Many Mothers is poignant even before we learn the truth about the Green Place because we know her burden of guilt for what she's done, what she's lost, what she's been through to get there.

So much this.
Just saw this.... WOW!!!! Completely blown away by the cinematography, the world, the lore. This movies clicks all my buttons. Honestly the best action movie in the last decade. WITNESS ME!!!!!
Max is a better character than the T-800
Furiosa is a better character than Sarah Connor
Nux is a better character than John Connor
The action is shot better
The action is more inventive
The story is told *through* the action, and not via stopped-down exposition dumps between set-pieces.
Nobody slides in and out of character for cheap laughs or plot purposes
There's no storytelling bloat
There's no editing missteps

1) Raiders of the Lost Ark
2) Die Hard
3) Fury Road
4) Predator
5) ALIENS (Theatrical Cut)
Watching "The Drop" after this was kinda funny, because it almost feels like a prequel. Tons of similar mannerisms.

I liked that movie but it felt like Hardy was doing a riff off of Brando in on the waterfront, he was great tho despite such a high bar to compare it to

I found Gandolfini even better tho, damn good leads in that movie


I was banned for all the Mad Max fun, but seriously fuck this movie. It's feminist garbage, disrespectful to the original series, and looks too polished...

...and I loved every goddam minute.
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