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Mad Max: Fury Road |OT| What a Lovely Day | RT: 98% | Metacritic: 89


Game looks sick.






Will go and watch this movie tomorrow with my work buddies. Mens Night in our cinema. Can't wait.

Noooo, if you sheepishly attend and Fury Road is a blockbuster, then you, me, and all the other men (and real women) in the world will never be able to see a real action movie ever again that doesn’t contain some damn political lecture or moray about feminism, SJW-ing, and socialism !!!


This is stupid maybe but I am excited for this so I was avoiding the RT score to go in blind because I feel like I enjoy a movie less if I know it didn't get stellar reviews so I don't want to risk that idea or mediocrity being planted in my head. Thankfully this got stellar reviews.
This is stupid maybe but I am excited for this so I was avoiding the RT score to go in blind because I feel like I enjoy a movie less if I know it didn't get stellar reviews so I don't want to risk that idea or mediocrity being planted in my head. Thankfully this got stellar reviews.
If this isn't the Citizen Kane of action movies, then
I've always liked the look and concept of the Mad Max movies more than the actual execution of the films themselves. Like some of the ideas and world-building were great but the movies always left me feeling a little flat (maybe because I was born in '86 and came to them later).

I saw this in a sneak preview last night.

Fury Road is finally the Mad Max movie that fully satisfies me. Like, I can't imagine a better Mad Max movie and would love to see them try.

I have no complaints whatsoever aside from one cheesy special effect in a movie full of them, a slightly off ending (and I mean very slightly) and Tom Hardy's voice. His performance is great, but his voice is just weird. I got the impression that he couldn't pull off an Australian accent so he croaked his way around it.

None of these issues take away from the film though and I only focus on them because the rest of the movie is perfect.
What did you feel was the most crazy part of the movie?

Oh, jeez...sequence wise? Polecats. That's not a spoiler since you see they're in the movie, but I have no idea how they pulled that shit off.
Movie wise? This shit shouldn't exist. Not in the form it does. You can see exactly why it took so long to make, because these are the most complex chase scenes I've seen in a long, long time.


and Tom Hardy's voice. His performance is great, but his voice is just weird. I got the impression that he couldn't pull off an Australian accent so he croaked his way around it.

I get the feeling that Tom Hardy just enjoys fucking around with weird accents. For some reason I always end up liking the result despite how ridiculous they should be on paper.
i haven't read much into it cause i want to go in fresh as possible when i see it, but is the movie more a car based combat movie from the few screenshots and previews?
You know, I'm kinda more excited about this than Star Wars: The Force Awakens -- and I consider myself a huge fan of Star Wars. It just seems so refreshing and unexpected, and as someone said "one of the few original blockbusters this summer". TFA will be awesome but we all more or less know what kind of film it will be even without reading the spoilers.

I've always liked the look and concept of the Mad Max movies more than the actual execution of the films themselves. Like some of the ideas and world-building were great but the movies always left me feeling a little flat (maybe because I was born in '86 and came to them later).

I feel the same way about the Highlander franchise (although the Highlander sequels are actually bad movies rather than movies whose concept is not fully realized).


I can't wait for this.

Sadly, in Montréal, it's mostly in 3D. Will have to do some 2D hunting.

I refuse to see a movie in 3D since it gives me headache. Especially since it will be post converted to 3D, since Miller didn't shoot in 3D.
i haven't read much into it cause i want to go in fresh as possible when i see it, but is the movie more a car based combat movie from the few screenshots and previews?

Not sure what you mean, but yeah, cars are involved in almost every scene.

It's not car based combat in the sense of, like, Twister Metal with cars shooting each other. It's more car combat in the sense of chasing, and firing while driving, and trying to board each other and fistfighting on moving vehicles.

But it's entertaining and a spectacle. And I hate 3D movies but the preview was in 3D and I think this is the perfect type of silly action movie that benefits from it. But yeah, the 3D was after-the-fact so in terms of QUALITY of 3D, it's probably lower than it could've been.


Unconfirmed Member
Hearing the roar of the cars in person is pretty amazing.

A bunch of my friends saw it today and can't stop raving. Seeing it tomorrow, so hyped.

I can't wait for this.

Sadly, in Montréal, it's only in 3D.

I refuse to see a movie in 3D since it gives me headache. Especially since it will be post converted to 3D, since Miller didn't shoot in 3D.
Sad. Miller said his preferred version is 2D as well.


George Miller da gawd

Yeah, I mean... it's a friggin reboot/revision... I think no one expected this. Amazing.

Agreed; I mean from what I read yesterday it was pretty much in development hell and had so many issues during production that it should have failure all written over it. Incredible turnaround.

I'm seeing it tomorrow!

Enjoy breh
Remember to post your impressions in this thread!
You know, I'm kinda more excited about this than Star Wars: The Force Awakens -- and I consider myself a huge fan of Star Wars. It just seems so refreshing and unexpected, and as someone said "one of the few original blockbusters this summer". TFA will be awesome but we all more or less know what kind of film it will be even without reading the spoilers.

I don't expect much from JJ Abrams and action movies. If he does that terrible shakycam shit again...





I don't think I've been to the theater in like 5 years and I certainly didn't think this movie would be the one making me go back.


I thought GAF hated Michael Bay?

... And what i mean by Michael Bay is explosions every four seconds. It's laughable how stupid this film looks!


I thought GAF hated Michael Bay?

... And what i mean by Michael Bay is explosions every four seconds. It's laughable how stupid this film looks!

I dont know man, the transformers movies have never had an RT score as high as fury road. So maybe that means there is more than just a chain of explosions in the film.


The only thing this movie has in common with Michael Bay is that things blow up sometimes.

Oh, and it's a movie.

Sometimes? All the trailers equal explosion-fest! It's nothing but explosions! And by going how trailers are cut nowadays, i'm pretty sure i've seen 90% of the actual movie just by watching those trailers.


Unconfirmed Member
I thought GAF hated Michael Bay?

... And what i mean by Michael Bay is explosions every four seconds. It's laughable how stupid this film looks!
My film snob friends who've seen it are telling me it's an artistic triumph and a beautiful film.
Sometimes? All the trailers equal explosion-fest! It's nothing but explosions! And by going how trailers are cut nowadays, i'm pretty sure i've seen 90% of the actual movie just by watching those trailers.

I've seen the movie.

It's absolutely an explosionfest. In the best possible way. Absolute savagery. But the trailers have actually not shown that much.

If it isn't your type of movie, that's totally cool. But for people who want action movies, this is the real good shit right here.


I thought GAF hated Michael Bay?

... And what i mean by Michael Bay is explosions every four seconds. It's laughable how stupid this film looks!

I can't speak for the rest of GAF but Michael Bay is a terrible action director. I've always loved good action movies however.
Remember hes working with the RAID team so no worries.

5 film techniques J.J. Abrams will use to showcase his Star Wars universe

When I see articles like this stating what type of shots and effects he wants to keep for Star Wars, could just be parody or actual speculation on Verge's part (and they're terrible, so that's not out of the question), I'm worried.

Aerial Shaky Cam and Rapid/Snap Zooms are gonna get my goat. JJ Abrams, stop your Battlestar Galactica wanking, you're jerking too hard.


I thought GAF hated Michael Bay?

... And what i mean by Michael Bay is explosions every four seconds. It's laughable how stupid this film looks!

Ah, the old "all action movies are the same" routine.

The difference here, as it always is in film, is one of the movies is shot like a film and one is shot like a 2 hour toy advertisement. George Miller knows a thing or two about making movies -- and it shows.
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