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Mad Max: Fury Road |OT| What a Lovely Day | RT: 98% | Metacritic: 89

I'm not expecting it, but it might have an outside chance of a Best Picture nomination (they are still doing up to 10 right?). I have to admit I don't know how crowded it will be this Oscar season but if District 9 can get nominated than this should too.

If they're doing up to 10, it has a much better chance, for sure. Have they decided on that? Last I heard, they were considering reverting it.


I'm not expecting it, but it might have an outside chance of a Best Picture nomination (they are still doing up to 10 right?). I have to admit I don't know how crowded it will be this Oscar season but if District 9 can get nominated than this should too.

They are apparently seriously considering going back to 5, since the shift to 10 (and then anywhere from 5-10) has actually had the opposite of the intended effect (the category hasn't gotten more inclusive as far as type of film, and overall there has actually been a decrease in the number of nominated films across the board as most end up going to the best picture nominees).

I think this movie will be big in tech categories and genre award shows, and has an outside chance at a director and editing nomination, but Best Picture is probably out of reach unless it becomes a legitimate box office phenom based on word of mouth/long legs.


Just got back from this I saw it in 3D and DBOX which was utterly outrageously. The seat was magnificently overpowered, certainly made the film even more tense.

The movie was amazing action distilled into some beautiful scenes. Little to no exposition was needed as well.

-Plasma Reus-

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I've had a fucking nightmare night trying to watch this fucking movie.

I go to the cinema, the only one showing it in 2D in the entire city, and the motherfucker is fully booked. The girl at the till tells us the next one is at 10 o clock, (we'd have to wait 2 hours). My friend says there's a smaller cinema showing the movie, I am apprehensive but still too excited and need to see this film, and I agree. We get there and it's fucking fully booked, only two seats in the front left, this is a small ass screen and we're literally staring up at this 50' screen. I can't fucking do it. We walk back to the other one hoping to get to it on time. We do, we arrive 30 minutes ahead of time. Go to the ticket seller, and ask for two tickets to mad max, she smiles and says 'Great! Do you already have 3D glasses or are you buying them?'. Are you fucking shitting me. We ask for the 2D showing. She says it's in another hour and 10 minutes time, and it costs double because it is in a director's hall showing whatever the fuck that is. We just walk out as she apologises for the fucking ridiculousness of it all.
George Miller is an old man who hasn't made films in decades.

Besides Terrence Mallick who came out of retirement of nearly two decades to make The Thin Red Line I can't think of a comeback like this.

I just don't understand it. This film is grotesquely good. It was so absurd.
George Miller is an old man who hasn't made films in decades.

Besides Terrence Mallick who came out of retirement of nearly two decades to make The Thin Red Line I can't think of a comeback like this.

I just don't understand it. This film is grotesquely good. It was so absurd.

His last film was in 2011


I never understood why venturing out of a single genre is seen as a negative in Hollywood, especially when it comes to landing these big budget projects. If nothing else, I'm sure dabbling in animation gave Miller all kinds of freedom when it came to the visual construction of a lot of these set pieces.

If you wanted to make a parallel, I feel the most obvious would be Zemeckis. After a decade in animation, back to live action. Except, unlike Zemeckis, Miller hasn't gone senile quite yet.
Did anyone else pick up a sort of Terry Gilliam vibe from the characters/art/quirkiness?
actor speculation:
could have swore Michael Palin was Charlize Theron's subordinate on the war rig in the beginning, the squinty directing one covered in total white.
I've been watching a lot of Python though.
I never understood why venturing out of a single genre is seen as a negative in Hollywood, especially when it comes to landing these big budget projects. If nothing else, I'm sure dabbling in animation gave Miller all kinds of freedom when it came to the visual construction of a lot of these set pieces.

If you wanted to make a parallel, I feel the most obvious would be Zemeckis. After a decade in animation, back to live action. Except, unlike Zemeckis, Miller hasn't gone senile quite yet.
Nothing in Flight showed that Zemeckis has gone senile. If anything, that plane crash shows the dude is still a master of blending live action and CG.


I've never seen a Mad Max movie but the hype is getting kind of hard to avoid and the trailers have me a bit interested.

Wondering whether I should pay the cinemas a visit tomorrow.


Yup, not much else to add. A fucking masterpiece. A symphony of destruction. I had the highest of expectations for this movie for months, and it still blew me away in every way possible.

I don't know what the previous world record for holding one's breath was, but I think 2 hours by me should be a new one. :p

A couple times I noticed my fingernails were digging into my palm. I was just completely engaged in every way possible. Such a relentless, amazing experience.

George Miller is a fucking god.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Just came back from it




Nothing in Flight showed that Zemeckis has gone senile. If anything, that plane crash shows the dude is still a master of blending live action and CG.

The effects were good, Zemeckis has always had a good grasp of effects.

The kindest thing I can say about the rest of Flight is that he didn't write the script so it's probably too unfair to put the blame solely on Zemeckis.

(Also, it probably has the laziest, most uninspired use of licensed music in any film, ever.)


Just saw this today and I fucking loved it, beautiful movie, awsome action, two hours just flew by. Will watch again.

The guy on the electric guitar with the amps behind him, so awsome


Saw it today. I went in with high expectations and I still managed to be blown away. The only unfortunate thing was that the last third of the movie didn't quite live up to the first two thirds in terms of action and visuals.

Hoping this movie holds up when watching it at home rather than in a theatre.


Just saw this with my dad and brother-in-law. We all loved it. Extremely polished high octane action! And damn, Charlize is stunning!
I eagerly await a redub in the next few years where the entire sound mix is replaced with a heavy metal soundtrack. This film has so much momentum and visual storytelling


The effects were good, Zemeckis has always had a good grasp of effects.

The kindest thing I can say about the rest of Flight is that he didn't write the script so it's probably too unfair to put the blame solely on Zemeckis.

(Also, it probably has the laziest, most uninspired use of licensed music in any film, ever.)

Not to mention the laziest, most uninspired use of John Goodman.

Melon Husk

Very good.

Tom Hardy is easily the biggest (maybe only) weak link of the film. His barely intelligible grunts (and another accent botch job) carry none of the requisite weight of a great silent protagonist.

Also, it's a film that's so overt and heavy handed with its imagery and themes that you can't help but admire the fact that it commits so fully to its conceit.

I liked Hardy but it definitely felt like he couldn't quite get a grasp on his character. Like, he ALMOST had it, but veered off. He has his moments, though, and does a good enough job being the extremely reluctant hero.

Didn't help that his accent varied widely. I just want him to be Australian, dammit :(

Agreed. Perhaps the sequel could focus 100% on Max. That accent though, it has to go. I wanted to hear an (even fake) ozzie Max, not a bullfrog. Fortunately continuity issues are not a concern in the Mad Max universe.

actor speculation:
could have swore Michael Palin was Charlize Theron's subordinate on the war rig in the beginning, the squinty directing one covered in total white.
I've been watching a lot of Python though.

I knew he reminded me of someone! Sadly it couldn't have been him.
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