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Mad Max: Fury Road |OT| What a Lovely Day | RT: 98% | Metacritic: 89


These crazy people. I knew it.

Well, not the eight years thing, I didn't know that. :p But I did know the flick had been in development hell for ages.

It was all set to go into production originally with Mel as Max 14 years ago!


I don't get a couple people complaining that there's not enough dialogue or that the characters/story are thin. Most of these things get told through the visuals and the looks on the actor's faces. I think this movie would even work if you just pumped out a metal soundtrack to this for 2 hours and have nobody speak....
This movie could totally work as a silent movie.
This makes no sense to me lol

"I loved this thing, and everyone else didn't despite them being very similar and yet i don't love this thing"

People were saying TO was a movie, well...this one is a game. TO had a good foundation, a decent script, and decent character exploration, made you care for some of the characters.
I advise everyone to watch it, as I said, its a beautifull world, an unexplored world, but beautifull non the less. I dont expect many people to agree with me, nor I look for it. But this was one of my most hyped movies, being played by one of my fav. actors, and to see such a flat outcome regarding story and script is disapointing, when it would be so easy to explore the dif. cultures and vast world the movie shows. One bit I found incredibly bad was the conversation between Hardy and Theron, where she explains where she came from, and the bit after the crow area. Terribly cliched ! The scene where Theron is "dying" Hardys performance is just so goofy that it made me chuckle, and I wasnt the only one in the theatre with the same reaction. Have I seen some sort of "Beta" footage ?!

I could also comment on the voice audio, badly mixed, its as if the movies audio and dialogue was recorded separatly, on a sound studio.


People were saying TO was a movie, well...this one is a game. TO had a good foundation, a decent script, and decent character exploration, made you care for some of the characters.

I advise everyone to watch it, as I said, its a beautifull world, an unexplored world, but beautifull non the less. I dont expect many people to agree with me, nor I look for it. But this was one of my most hyped movies, being played by one of my fav. actors, and to see such a flat outcome regarding story and script is disapointing, when it would be so easy to explore the dif. cultures and vast world the movie shows.
One bit I found incredibly bad was the conversation between Hardy and Theron, where she explains where she came from, and the bit after the crow area. Terribly cliched ! The scene where Theron is "dying" Hardys performance is just so goofy that it made me chuckle, and I wasnt the only one in the theatre with the same reaction. Have I seen some sort of "Beta" footage ?!
I could also comment on the voice audio, badly mixed, its as if the movies audio and dialogue was recorded separatly, on a sound studio.
Fucking spoilers.
I don't get a couple people complaining that there's not enough dialogue or that the characters/story are thin. Most of these things get told through the visuals and the looks on the actor's faces. I think this movie would even work if you just pumped out a metal soundtrack to this for 2 hours and have nobody speak....
This movie could totally work as a silent movie.

I think some people may be mistaking a lack of standard Hollywood exposition dialogue with a lack of story.

El Topo

Damn, the more I think about it, the more I want to watch it again. Such a great movie.

I think some people may be mistaking a lack of standard Hollywood exposition dialogue with a lack of story.

The plot is definitely rather simplistic and straightforward, but I don't think that's necessarily a problem, especially given how overblown movie plots often are these days. Dialogue is used sparsely, but I thought very efficiently. I really like how the movie nonetheless managed to establish and distinguish various characters, even if only by a small scene or a few lines of dialogue.


That, and on a narrative level, people are quick to mistake brevity and density for being a lacking narrative, which is not true. This is a no-spoiler thread, so I'm not going to go into the story, but I feel like, it's actually a complex beast, and difficult to explain everything that happens -- the why and the how -- in a few simple sentences. It's even harder to express the motivations of the characters, which are mostly clear, but informed through aspects of mise-en-scene, and inference, rather than blatantly dropping their motivations on you ever minute as movies tend to do. It's complex; the world is complex, steeped in mythos and custom, its characters are products of it yet often stand above it as contradictions in a beautiful, poetic way. It's literally steeped in world-building goo, and people who attempt to rob it of that are missing the forest for the trees.

Exactly. You think about how to explain the plot of this to someone, and at first it seems like this huge, complex, inexplicable thing. But the movie does it effortlessly through just visuals. It's just incredible.

It was all set to go into production originally with Mel as Max 14 years ago!

Yah just read the wiki entry on this thing. Truly the rockiest of roads.


These crazy people. I knew it.

Well, not the eight years thing, I didn't know that. :p But I did know the flick had been in development hell for ages.

I wish more movies could undergo this sort of "development hell". It's really special when there's no commercial pressure to make a film and deliver it for some targeted tentpole window in a certain year. Only when a talented filmmaker is given more than enough time to prepare the work, the funds to make it happen exactly as they envision it, and then even more time to polish it and work hard on post-production... do we get stuff like this.


Just got back from watching this movie.

What a FANTASTIC visual experience this was.
It has nothing to do with what we are accostumed with these days.
There is some sort of anarchy involving every single aspect of the movie that makes it so amazing.

Go watch it now!


I wish more movies could undergo this sort of "development hell". It's really special when there's no commercial pressure to make a film and deliver it for some targeted tentpole window in a certain year. Only when a talented filmmaker is given more than enough time to prepare the work, the funds to make it happen exactly as they envision it, and then even more time to polish it and work hard on post-production... do we get stuff like this.

We can only hope Miller's and his crew's efforts are rewarded.
NOOOO! NO! That's just...wrong.

I mean, the lengths The Order fans go to.

I dont intend on making anyone like the Order, everyone has their own experience in arts related pieces. Just like some people found the few narrative elements enough for this movie and a bond with a deeper element. Im just sharing an opinion, and after watching the trailers of any of the older movies,
we see how Max was badass and how whimpy and goofy new Max is.
Just finished watching this in 3D..

And oh boy, what a crazy ride it was...The Mad Order 1886 !
Was it crazy ?! Yes....was it worth it ?! No...The movie sacrifices story and script for its 2h long chase/explosions and stunts. Performances (apart from Nox) were mediocre all around, the script was terrible, with a handfull of lines per character (literally...theres about 10-20 lines each), failed attempt at drama, when in the end you dont feel anything for any of the characters. Tom Hardy played Bane in this movie, but in a goofy way, he felt goofy all throughout the movie instead of badass. Charlize was incredibly depressive and the models were...models. Every character seemed to have forgotten how to communicate, or have a QI of 10, everything they say is 3-4 words long tops.

The soundtrack as good as it is, was so overused.

It seems like every single character was designed with such an amazing detail, the world is gorgeous, the details impecable, but at the expense of story which is really non existant.

The villain never did anything at all, aside from talking, and when he tries to do something, dies very quickly. Having a movie where 90% is a chase scene, isnt the smartest thing, when you ditch completely character and world development.

I LOVED The Order 1886, but the majority praised its looks and bashed its story, when in Mad Max, the same rule should apply.

I am a Hardy fan, Love that man, its incredible to see him fall so flat in this performance that required someone who could go all-in crazy. This was probably my most hyped film this year, and I must say...what a disapointment.

Bullshit. Other than everything else about The Order's story being terrible the main critique was that it set up plot threads which were never resolve. Fury Road not only answers every question it asks; it does a great job of setting up things that will be addressed later without you realising it. A lack of exposition isn't the same as a lack of plot.

Anyway, to address your more objective points:

The villain is clearly a terrible guy: He enslaves his people by withholding their only source of water, he manipulates his men into thinking he's a God so that they'd lay their lives down for him without a thought and he imprisons and rapes his wives as broodmares.

On top of that all of the lead characters develop in some way. Max regains some of his humanity and in the processes his madness turns into a boon, Furiosa leans that running from her problems isn't the way forward and faces them instead, Nux relinquishes his false god when he finds genuine purpose and begrudgingly accepts the sacrifice he was once so eager to make. All of the characters with screen time develop in some way.


Just saw it, fucking awesome. Don't see many movies in theatres but that was worth it. Brutal action, surreal mythology, gritty style for days, strikingly shot and solid acting. Hell of a ride.
I dont intend on making anyone like the Order, everyone has their own experience in arts related pieces. Just like some people found the few narrative elements enough for this movie and a bond with a deeper element. Im just sharing an opinion, and after watching the trailers of any of the older movies,
we see how Max was badass and how whimpy and goofy new Max is.

New Max
whimpy and goofy
? Were we watching the same movie? You sure you didn't confuse Max for Ultron?


Do people here know that Cory Barlog, game director of God of War 2, worked with Miller on the game and movie both? Fucking cool! He put up a few pics on his Twitter when he attended the premier as well. He left Sony in 2007 to go work with Miller, basically.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Just finished watching this in 3D..

And oh boy, what a crazy ride it was...The Mad Order 1886 !
Was it crazy ?! Yes....was it worth it ?! No...The movie sacrifices story and script for its 2h long chase/explosions and stunts. Performances (apart from Nox) were mediocre all around, the script was terrible, with a handfull of lines per character (literally...theres about 10-20 lines each), failed attempt at drama, when in the end you dont feel anything for any of the characters. Tom Hardy played Bane in this movie, but in a goofy way, he felt goofy all throughout the movie instead of badass. Charlize was incredibly depressive and the models were...models. Every character seemed to have forgotten how to communicate, or have a QI of 10, everything they say is 3-4 words long tops.

The soundtrack as good as it is, was so overused.

It seems like every single character was designed with such an amazing detail, the world is gorgeous, the details impecable, but at the expense of story which is really non existant.

The villain never did anything at all, aside from talking, and when he tries to do something, dies very quickly. Having a movie where 90% is a chase scene, isnt the smartest thing, when you ditch completely character and world development.

I LOVED The Order 1886, but the majority praised its looks and bashed its story, when in Mad Max, the same rule should apply.

I am a Hardy fan, Love that man, its incredible to see him fall so flat in this performance that required someone who could go all-in crazy. This was probably my most hyped film this year, and I must say...what a disapointment.

I agree with absolutely everything here. Well said.


After seeing the movie I am angry about this. The game better have a Tom Hardy skin or no buy
I'm pretty sure there are vehicles from the new movie in the game, and maybe there are similar set pieces and stuff, but it's not a Mad Max: Fury Road video game, it's a Mad Max video game. It's kind of related to the movie in the same way Fury Road is related to the other movies in the series. I think.


Since the game isn't an adaptation of the movie I don't know that it's comparable.

After seeing the movie I am angry about this. The game better have a Tom Hardy skin or no buy

Doubt they have the rights to that, but it does have some similarities to the movie. Pretty sure the War Boys and some of the Immortan kids (Rictus, I think) are in it.
Simo has posted good info on it elsewhere, but apparently the game started as a Fury Road tie in, but is now semi-standalone. Takes place before Fury Road officially, doesn't step on the Fury Road canon, takes a lot of visual cues, and involves Gastown (where one of the war parties in the film came from). They said it's not the same Max, but rather just fits in the universe and is its own story.

Don't think they'll license the actors.

I think Mad Max the game, is to Fury Road what Fury Road is to Road Warrior and company.


‘Pitch Perfect 2,’ ‘Mad Max’ Soaring to $50 Million Openings at Box Office (Variety)

Early Friday estimates, based on matinee numbers, showed the Anna Kendrick-Rebel Wilson musical connecting solidly with audiences at 3,427 locations with around $20 million to $22 million Friday. Should those numbers hold, “Pitch Perfect 2″ would finish in the $48 million to $52 million range.

Warner Bros.’ “Fury Road” is close behind with $20 million on Friday. The R-rated actioner, starring Tom Hardy, is expected to land in the $50 million range.


Yup, apparently all the WW gross is not going to count.

Doesn't the local gross matter more to the production studio? From what I read sometime back, studios don't make a whole lot from the WW gross, as that goes towards cinema costs and what not as well, and they're not left with much?


That word of mouth/insane review buzz came just at the right time in the cycle, it seems

Probably a good thing. The trailer I saw looked so terrible that I was planning on waiting for Mad Max to hit Netflix before I bothered to watch it. I only changed my mind when my roommate told me how well the movie was reviewing. Going to see it tonight at 9 in D-Box. Hope it's good!


And then there were four.




Probably a good thing. The trailer I saw looked so terrible that I was planning on waiting for Mad Max to hit Netflix before I bothered to watch it. I only changed my mind when my roommate told me how well the movie was reviewing. Going to see it tonight at 9 in D-Box. Hope it's good!

I cannot even comprehend this opinion. I mean, it doesn't bother me that you didn't like the trailer, but I literally cannot comprehend it. The official trailers for this thing have been some of the greatest pieces of marketing I have seen for any movie. I have probably watched them both a hundred times.


I cannot even comprehend this opinion. I mean, it doesn't bother me that you didn't like the trailer, but I literally cannot comprehend it. The official trailers for this thing have been some of the greatest pieces of marketing I have seen for any movie. I have probably watched them both a hundred times.

Don't hold your breath. I showed a friend the Official Main Trailer, with the guitar guy, today, after being much hyped and he said 'Seems more like a 49 % movie than 99 %'. I was embarrassed.
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