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Mad Max: Fury Road |OT| What a Lovely Day | RT: 98% | Metacritic: 89


Holy shit that was epic!

I am the kind of guy who hates movies that have non stop action but my god this was brilliant! The whole thing was incredibly well staged and directed the cinematography sublime, the music outstanding and the action perfect. You never saw the same thing twice! Its amazing how much variety there is in the action department so clever and well choreographed!

The moment i stepped out of the theater i just wanted to see it again! And i will!

The hype is for real lads!


I'm a lot more hyped for this movie than Avengers/etc but I have to wait few weeks before going to watch it.

Can't wait and of course I will stay away from this thread :D

Lan Dong Mik

And why would I want them?
It's going to be the best reviewed film of 2015 that is for sure. Didn't see that coming lol. Strange how it probably won't get any award noms though, well maybe for best actress (possibly) and technical shit.


What's the consensus on 3D? I normally hate 3D unless a movie is made for it specifically, e.g. Gravity, Avatar, Tron Legacy. But I just heard a from 2nd-hand account that the 3D was good. Should I see this in 2D or 3D?


Does all the praise here mean its going to do bad numbers wise?

It's actually doing OK, from Deadline:

International :

We’ve been hearing that Mad Max could smoke out the charts with a $70M-$85M overseas bow, but Universal’s Pitch Perfect 2 isn’t receding its cat claws depsite the testosterone apocalyptic beefcake in the marketplace.


Domestic :

Shouldering a $200M+ budget, this testosterone-packed actioner is on track right now for a mid-$40M haul and the studio is hoping that positive reviews and good word-of-mouth will give this violent film longer play.


A movie with those reviews will probably have strong legs.It's not a smashing success but at least we can rule out an Edge of Tomorrow situation.


Just got back from seeing this.
It's one of the most beautiful movies I've ever seen. The cinematography really was sublime and the design of the world (particularly the vehicles) was something special.
Soundtrack was awesome, action was nail biting, but Tom Hardy as Max was a bit of a disappointment. Hope he gets more meaningful screen time if they ever make a sequel.

Really want to watch it again at IMAX because I imagine it will look so pretty on that giant screen and I'm sure there are things in the dialogue (world building) that I missed first time because I was so captivated by the awesome sights and sounds.
What's the consensus on 3D? I normally hate 3D unless a movie is made for it specifically, e.g. Gravity, Avatar, Tron Legacy. But I just heard a from 2nd-hand account that the 3D was good. Should I see this in 2D or 3D?

Just go see it in 2D. It was shot in 2D. It looks glorious in good old fashioned 2D.
What's the consensus on 3D? I normally hate 3D unless a movie is made for it specifically, e.g. Gravity, Avatar, Tron Legacy. But I just heard a from 2nd-hand account that the 3D was good. Should I see this in 2D or 3D?
I saw it in 2D, but you could tell which shots were obnoxiously layered for 3D. One particular shot toward the end immediately springs to mind.

Go 2D.
The only review that matters. lol

"Mmmm...that is...a...tasty...endorsement."




You go watch this movie. It's a tribute to the God of Destruction. And His name is George Miller. You go watch this movie right fucking now.
Yeah the big 3D shot in here is cheesy as hell lol. Sadly the really loud and higher quality theaters here are exclusively 3D

I reluctantly saw it in 3D for that reason and forgot about 3D until that shot. The effect is very mild and not that bad but given the choice 2D is the way to go.


Thankfully nobody wanted to see this in 3D, so we went to a 2D showing (sandwiched between 3D showings) in the main theater. The sound was fucking loud and the screen was nice and big.


I can't say enough how gorgeous this movie is. Truly beautiful, arresting visuals. Magnificent, top-notch use of color. This is the kind of movie the world needs and deserves. My props to Miller for his complete and absolutely uncompromising himself and WB for allowing themselves to be taken along for the ride.

You people go watch this movie.

Best screen in my neck of the woods mercifully showed it in 2D, it was an XD theater, one of those wall-to-the-wall things. It looked so good.


I can't say enough how gorgeous this movie is. Truly beautiful, arresting visuals. Magnificent, top-notch use of color. This is the kind of movie the world needs and deserves. My props to Miller for his complete and absolutely uncompromising himself and WB for allowing themselves to be taken along for the ride.

You people go watch this movie.

Yeah, it's a little annoying to hear from people that they think it boils down, on a technical front, to just "great action." I'm not super familiar with the technical aspects of film, but I took one class and there are so many aspects of this film, on the technical side, to do with color, juxtaposition, framing, sound, narrative -- they're so tight, and recognizable, it feels like the direction of the movie is so nuanced. I don't think it's the kind of thing that just anybody could have put together on a technical front, not like this, not at this quality. There's measurable, painstakingly crafted moments that elevate it from just a great action flick, to a film worth considering for its achievements, technical or otherwise.
I can't remember the last blockbuster where my appreciation of it actually grew the further away from it I got and the more I thought about it. Damn near every single element of its craft worked towards the whole. The themes, production/costume design, the score, the editing, the performances, the pacing of its narrative into discrete chapters, the weaving of character beats and story into the action, the incredibly kinetic and creative sequences that almost always coherent and readable, the expert direction, the usage of the latest filmmaking technique and technology. The use of color and negative space and the attention to detail and spatial awareness and my fuckin' goodness.

For the story it wanted to tell cinematically, its essentially perfect. George Miller had the time, money, the technical know-how to polish this thing up til its gleans, and we're all the better for it.

It's just an incredible cinematic achievement.


I can't remember the last blockbuster where my appreciation of it actually grew the further away from it I got and the more I thought about it. Damn near every single element of its craft worked towards the whole. The themes, production/costume design, the score, the editing, the performances, the pacing of its narrative into discrete chapters, the weaving of character beats and story into the action, the incredibly kinetic and creative sequences that almost always coherent and readable, the expert direction, the usage of the latest filmmaking technique and technology. The use of color and negative space and the attention to detail and spatial awareness and my fuckin' goodness.

For the story it wanted to tell cinematically, its essentially perfect. George Miller had the time, money, the technical know-how to polish this thing up til its gleans, and we're all the better for it.

It's just an incredible cinematic achievement.

As Mr. Miller said in the Cannes film panel: "It's really creamy!"


Yeah, it's a little annoying to hear from people that they think it boils down, on a technical front, to just "great action." I'm not super familiar with the technical aspects of film, but I took one class and there are so many aspects of this film, on the technical side, to do with color, juxtaposition, framing, sound, narrative -- they're so tight, and recognizable, it feels like the direction of the movie is so nuanced. I don't think it's the kind of thing that just anybody could have put together on a technical front, not like this, not at this quality. There's measurable, painstakingly crafted moments that elevate it from just a great action flick, to a film worth considering for its achievements, technical or otherwise.

Indeed, every shot in this movie feels like it was properly thought out and developed ahead of time. Nothing left to chance or randomness. The whole production was clearly, as you said, painstakingly crafted, from top to bottom.


Indeed, every shot in this movie feels like it was properly thought out and developed ahead of time. Nothing left to chance or randomness. The whole production seems to be, as you said, painstakingly crafted, from top to bottom.

The pay off of storyboarding an entire movie with over 3500 panels a whole 8 years before the movie is even made.
Just finished watching this in 3D..

And oh boy, what a crazy ride it was...The Mad Order 1886 !
Was it crazy ?! Yes....was it worth it ?! No...The movie sacrifices story and script for its 2h long chase/explosions and stunts. Performances (apart from Nox) were mediocre all around, the script was terrible, with a handfull of lines per character (literally...theres about 10-20 lines each), failed attempt at drama, when in the end you dont feel anything for any of the characters. Tom Hardy played Bane in this movie, but in a goofy way, he felt goofy all throughout the movie instead of badass. Charlize was incredibly depressive and the models were...models. Every character seemed to have forgotten how to communicate, or have a QI of 10, everything they say is 3-4 words long tops.

The soundtrack as good as it is, was so overused.

It seems like every single character was designed with such an amazing detail, the world is gorgeous, the details impecable, but at the expense of story which is really non existant.

The villain never did anything at all, aside from talking, and when he tries to do something, dies very quickly. Having a movie where 90% is a chase scene, isnt the smartest thing, when you ditch completely character and world development.

I LOVED The Order 1886, but the majority praised its looks and bashed its story, when in Mad Max, the same rule should apply.

I am a Hardy fan, Love that man, its incredible to see him fall so flat in this performance that required someone who could go all-in crazy. This was probably my most hyped film this year, and I must say...what a disapointment.


The pay off of storyboarding an entire movie with over 3500 panels a whole 8 years before the movie is even made.

These crazy people. I knew it.

Well, not the eight years thing, I didn't know that. :p But I did know the flick had been in development hell for ages.
Just finished watching this in 3D..

And oh boy, what a crazy ride it was...The Mad Order 1886 !
Was it crazy ?! Yes....was it worth it ?! No...The movie sacrifices story and script for its 2h long chase/explosions and stunts. Performances (apart from Nox) were mediocre all around, the script was terrible, with a handfull of lines per character (literally...theres about 10-20 lines each), failed attempt at drama, when in the end you dont feel anything for any of the characters. Tom Hardy played Bane in this movie, but in a goofy way, he felt goofy all throughout the movie instead of badass. Charlize was incredibly depressive and the models were...models. Every character seemed to have forgotten how to communicate, or have a QI of 10, everything they say is 3-4 words long tops.

The soundtrack as good as it is, was so overused.

It seems like every single character was designed with such an amazing detail, the world is gorgeous, the details impecable, but at the expense of story which is really non existant.

I LOVED The Order 1886, but the majority praised its looks and bashed its story, when in Mad Max, the same rule should apply.

I am a Hardy fan, Love that man, its incredible to see him fall so flat in this performance that required someone who could go all-in crazy. This was probably my most hyped film this year, and I must say...what a disapointment.

Did we watch the same movie

And people criticized the Order for its gameplay as well


Indeed, every shot in this movie feels like it was properly thought out and developed ahead of time. Nothing left to chance or randomness. The whole production was clearly, as you said, painstakingly crafted, from top to bottom.

That, and on a narrative level, people are quick to mistake brevity and density for being a lacking narrative, which is not true. This is a no-spoiler thread, so I'm not going to go into the story, but I feel like, it's actually a complex beast, and difficult to explain everything that happens -- the why and the how -- in a few simple sentences. It's even harder to express the motivations of the characters, which are mostly clear, but informed through aspects of mise-en-scene, and inference, rather than blatantly dropping their motivations on you ever minute as movies tend to do. It's complex; the world is complex, steeped in mythos and custom, its characters are products of it yet often stand above it as contradictions in a beautiful, poetic way. It's literally steeped in world-building goo, and people who attempt to rob it of that are missing the forest for the trees.
Just came back from seeing it with a couple of the guys in the office. We left a bit early to catch a 4pm showing. Since the San Diego Comic Con trailer I have been anticipating Fury Road. This film didn’t disappoint, I would love to watch/read a documentary about this film being made. I couldn’t tell at some points what was practical effects vs. digital effects and those action sequences stunning.
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