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Mad Max: Fury Road |OT| What a Lovely Day | RT: 98% | Metacritic: 89

So I just got back

GAF, I didn't just witness a movie. This is a 'movie' like the finest cooked meal in the world is 'food'

This was a symphony, an orchestra of blood, sweat, gasoline, and metal.

When I watched this movie, I didn't just see skill, I saw love

I will be seeing this again

and again after that.


Just saw it, if you like action movies even just a little, then this is a must see film. The first hour starts out extremely strong, no waiting till the end of the film to bring out top notch scenes. It is guaranteed that you will at least see something you have never seen or imagined before in your lifetime.

Truckers will probably appreciate many scenes as well.


Talking to my friends again today after none of them want to see it, and one of them said the action looks stale and thats its a Redox rental at best. He also said that Age of Ultron has the best action he's ever seen so his opinions are obviously shit. Fuck him.

None of them are listening to me after I'm gushing to them about it. Its very frustrating lol
Talking to my friends again today after none of them want to see it, and one of them said the action looks stale and thats its a Redox rental at best. He also said that Age of Ultron has the best action he's ever seen so his opinions are obviously shit. Fuck him.

None of them are listening to me after I'm gushing to them about it. Its very frustrating lol
Did they like stuff like The Raid, John Wick, etc? You know, movies with minimal CGI and a focus on clear choreography and stuntwork? I can't imagine that people who value those aspects wouldn't want to see this

I mean, I like Age of Ultron, but best action ever in a world where we have Raid, John Wick, Dredd, Edge of Tomorrow, and more? How can anyone think that?


Did they like stuff like The Raid, John Wick, etc? You know, movies with minimal CGI and a focus on clear choreography and stuntwork? I can't imagine that people who value those aspects wouldn't want to see this

I mean, I like Age of Ultron, but best action ever in a world where we have Raid, John Wick, Dredd, Edge of Tomorrow, and more? How can anyone think that?
I forced the one specifically I mentioned to watch The Raid 1 (don't think he's seen any of the others you mentioned), and he loved it. He's stubborn as shit unfortunately. I've seen all the ones you mentioned and I love all of those as well. He's just an annoying dude lol
Talking to my friends again today after none of them want to see it, and one of them said the action looks stale and thats its a Redox rental at best. He also said that Age of Ultron has the best action he's ever seen so his opinions are obviously shit. Fuck him.

None of them are listening to me after I'm gushing to them about it. Its very frustrating lol

I know how it feels. Friends of mine said they would rather watch Insidious 3. Sigh.
I know how it feels. Friends of mine said they would rather watch Insidious 3. Sigh.
Insidious 3?

Rather than Mad Max Fury Road?



Just got out................ that was the best movie I have ever seen.

I watched it in a standard theater and already have plans next week to see it in IMAX.
That Brothers in Arms music track is the hypest of hype shit man gees junkie know how to party

I've been putting it on repeat this entire day.

Was the one track in the movie that took me out of the movie to appreciate it

...then the action combined with my appreciation of the track hit twice as hard when I got back into the movie.


I've been putting it on repeat this entire day.

Was the one track in the movie that took me out of the movie to appreciate it

...then the action combined with my appreciation of the track hit twice as hard when I got back into the movie.

At work i had the soundtrack on loop.


This was a magnificent experience.

Holy shit.

Holy. Shit.

WTF did I just watch.
Haha. I just got back from watching it and this was my reaction. I thought the movie was going to be good but I wasn't prepared for how good it actually it was. I love this movie. At some point, it stops being a movie and it becomes an experience. It's rare (and awesome!) to see something like this on the big screen.
Amazing movie. Amazing. Totally fuckin' amazing. Hype 110% deserved.

Gotta say, I did love the absolute FUCK outta the ladies. The characterization was excellent. This kinda movie is not usually something I would go outta my way to watch, but goddamn. GODDAMN...! The lack of romance
save a few nice quiet moments
was refreshing and powerful. Those women kicked. ass. I guess I'm just trying to say... I was inspired.

I even want to go see it in the theater again.



Just got back. Wow. What a film.

I feel like people going to see it having no idea what they're getting into aren't going to like it though. I heard 3 separate groups of people bitching and saying it was stupid during and after the movie.


Just got back. Wow. What a film.

I feel like people going to see it having no idea what they're getting into aren't going to like it though. I heard 3 separate groups of people bitching and saying it was stupid during and after the movie.

The movie is made for diehard movie fans. People that have seen so many movies that crazy original shit like this given 200 million is the hoily grail of movie watching and they all know it.


Just got back from watching it.

And to borrow a line from Malcolm in Jurassic Park, with a slight addition:

"George Miller, you did it. You crazy son of a bitch, you did it."
A masterpiece of an action film.

I rarely rewatch a movie at the theatre these days (I'll usually wait for the Blu-ray day one), but I'm making an exception for this one. I'll go see it again on Tuesday.

And Nathan Jones.


I got back from the movie. Yeah, it def is good and pretty over-the-top insane... but I still felt somewhat underwhelmed. I dunno, it seems like it's one of those times where the insane internet hype kinda ruined the movie for me. Maybe I set my expectations too high, or maybe I didn't know what exactly I was getting into (never seen a Mad Max movie before). Again, pretty good movie, but I'm just not feeling the hype.

And I didn't like the soundtrack, it was too damn bombastic for my taste and I think many of the action sequences could had worked just fine without music.

Yeah this most likely is an unpopular opinion but whatever
While the action was tip top in the film, the thing I am still in awe of is how fully realized the world of it was. Miller finally had the means and the technique to deliver the post apocalyptic vision he had in his head over thirty years ago. The action was just the cherry on top. The real meat of the film was the bleak, horrible future presented in it. That aspect is what I think was the most mind blowing aspect of it.


Just came back from the theater, I was a mild fan of the originals, always liked more the idea of the Mad Max world than the actual movies, until this one, it was abso-fucking-lutely mindblowing, this is a movie that shouldn't been made, and yet we got to thank the Film gods that it was, is perfect like few movies I've ever watched were. Furiosa earned her place as one of the best action characters ever, and IMO as good and iconic as Weaver's Lt. Ripley, and Hamilton's Sarah Connor. And the cinematography, OMFG, soooooo good, from the trailers you could guess it was excellent, but watching the movie in IMAX is a unique experience, and again IMO to the level of the very best and legendary cinematographies



Fastest two hours of my life. I seriously thought there was another hour left when the credits rolled. Couldn't believe it. What a goddamn ride. Straight 10.


Just got back. D-Box was excellent and added a lot to the experience. If you are able to see it that way please do. As for the movie... Ehhh. It's was decent and had some fantastic visuals and solid sound design (really enhanced by the D-Box experience) but after the
muddy, night scene
I was looking for something more than
returning to the rig and red sandy sand sand rocks
or some more bits of character like the
chrome spray martyrdom
guitar guy
, and
old blind justice
. It just felt like after that scene it was back to more of the same.

Overall I'd give it a 7/10 with the caveat that it's a movie I probably wouldn't watch more than once and certainly not outside of an optimized viewing environment like a theater.

Me and my gf have never seen a Mad Max movie (we love action films though). Will we still enjoy and understand this?

Enjoy? I don't know. That's really a personal taste thing and without knowing you and your personal tastes better there's no way to say one way or the other. It's easy to understand since it's very straightforward. You shouldn't have any issues there.


While the action was tip top in the film, the thing I am still in awe of is how fully realized the world of it was. Miller finally had the means and the technique to deliver the post apocalyptic vision he had in his head over thirty years ago. The action was just the cherry on top. The real meat of the film was the bleak, horrible future presented in it. That aspect is what I think was the most mind blowing aspect of it.
Saw it tonight and I've got to agree. This was a true dystopia.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
GAF, I'm watching the trilogy tomorrow morning, and then going to watch this movie.

I think I might die of emotions. I don't think I've been this hyped for a movie, Christopher Nolan's films notwithstanding.
Fuck. Kurt Busiek, godlike comic book author, had the best idea for what DC property Miller needs to adapt: New Gods. That would be insane and glorious.


I know most are blowing their load when it comes to this film but I watched it tonight with a buddy and we both thought it was so-so.

The action scenes were well made, had a nice slick presentation to it. But a lot of the slower/emotional moments really dragged. And a lot of the action started to feel too similar by the end of it all. Story wise I thought the film was a disappointment, but the action was good so...meh overall.


Saw it again tonight in 3D on an AVX screen with Atmospheric surround and an audience who was actually into it. So much better then the screening I went to yesterday (which had a shit audience and shit audio).

Also, 2D vs 3D...I kinda liked the 3D a bit better. The sped up footage was far less noticable.


First off I loved this film. Absolutely loved it. The tempo, tone, action, story and cinematography were like a perfect symphony of filmmaking.

With that said I was surprised how tame the violence was.

I'll spoiler just for caution because I am not sure if general comments on stuff like this is ok or not:

I am officially lost at what makes a movie R-rated any more. I thought after seeing that infamous youtube video I had it down but this film really was pretty tame overall. I men the action, deaths and everything had weight but it wasn't gratuitous and the blodd was minimal.


First off I loved this film. Absolutely loved it. The tempo, tone, action, story and cinematography were like a perfect symphony of filmmaking.

With that said I was surprised how tame the violence was.

I'll spoiler just for caution because I am not sure if general comments on stuff like this is ok or not:

I am officially lost at what makes a movie R-rated any more. I thought after seeing that infamous youtube video I had it down but this film really was pretty tame overall. I men the action, deaths and everything had weight but it wasn't gratuitous and the blodd was minimal.
Dude's face gets ripped off. They don't show much of it, but that alone is probably beyond the realm of PG-13.
You're right, though, it's pretty tame for the most part. Kinda similar T2 or Aliens as far as the gratuity goes.


I know most are blowing their load when it comes to this film but I watched it tonight with a buddy and we both thought it was so-so.

The action scenes were well made, had a nice slick presentation to it. But a lot of the slower/emotional moments really dragged. And a lot of the action started to feel too similar by the end of it all. Story wise I thought the film was a disappointment, but the action was good so...meh overall.
I still think Kingsmen was the better action movie,but I would still say the movie was good. I can relate to your action becoming monotonous complaint but the "slower" moments are about 10 minutes of the entire movie. Can't see how that's a legitimate complaint.


I can't stop thinking about this film. I really wish the game came out same week as the movie. I'm itching to play that so hard right now.
Dude's face gets ripped off. They don't show much of it, but that alone is probably beyond the realm of PG-13.
You're right, though, it's pretty tame for the most part. Kinda similar T2 or Aliens as far as the gratuity goes.

rating people saw female getting milk. stamp it R


It's been like action movie renaissance lately, what with The Raid 2, Kingsman and John Wick. Dying to see this, and from the sounds of things, it's left quite an impression!


Ok here is the question I need an answer too.

I saw the movie in 2d today with my girlfriend. I am taking my brother and dad sunday but am curious if I should go 2d or 3d. We don't have IMAX 3d here. Ultron is taking them up and Tomorrowland next week. So the question is 2d vs realD-3d standard.


Ok here is the question I need an answer too.

I saw the movie in 2d today with my girlfriend. I am taking my brother and dad sunday but am curious if I should go 2d or 3d. We don't have IMAX 3d here. Ultron is taking them up and Tomorrowland next week. So the question is 2d vs realD-3d standard.

My predicament exactly. Would also love an answer to this.
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