Saw this last night, was very impressed coming out of the theater. Now that I've had a day to digest the experience, I'm even more pumped. It was fucking awesome. The tone is more fantastic than Road Warrior or even beyond Thunderdome, it feels almost like a Metal Hurlant Mad Max comic turned into a film. I want to see it again.
Saw this last night, was very impressed coming out of the theater. Now that I've had a day to digest the experience, I'm even more pumped. It was fucking awesome. The tone is more fantastic than Road Warrior or even beyond Thunderdome, it feels almost like a Metal Hurlant Mad Max comic turned into a film. I want to see it again.
Shit on Avatar's narrative all you want, Cameron's chops for staging action haven't shown a speck of rust. Avatar still has the best choreographed action setpieces of the last decade.
Holy shit, what am I reading? This is one of the craziest things ive ever read on this site and that's saying a lot
Holy shit, what am I reading? This is one of the craziest things ive ever read on this site and that's saying a lot
Dat unanimous agreement
This.Lol come the fuck on.
The action is just competent, and well shot. There's really nothing to write home about or memorable
People think Avatar's finale was shit? :\
One of my most memorable in the theater for a long time now. Still remember that feeling of awe throughout that last battle.
Saw this last night, was very impressed coming out of the theater. Now that I've had a day to digest the experience, I'm even more pumped. It was fucking awesome. The tone is more fantastic than Road Warrior or even beyond Thunderdome, it feels almost like a Metal Hurlant Mad Max comic turned into a film. I want to see it again.
This is craziest thing I've typed on this forum.
It's 20 minutes of insanity. First, alien dragonriders fight against warships in the air, alien army vs. human army in the ground. Alien-rhinos steamroll army humans, hundreds of alien dragons steamroll the warships. And then a final battle between a giant mech that wields its own giant knife against an alien riding a giant panther, culminating in a knife fight between mech-rider and another alien. This is craziest thing I've typed on this forum. And it's all shot expertly. Only Mad Max reaches this levels of crazy. I really can't believe are trying to put it down.
That asshole playing guitar and shooting flames out of it will go down as cinematic legend, one of the best parts of the movie.
Seriously the best action movie I've seen in years. Bravo George Miller!
I love how this dude was integrated into the score.
So awesome.
Yeah say what you want about Avatar's overall story but the action was incredible.
Cameron is the Mozart of action sequences.
Nothing memorable? Okay. Just from the last 20 mins alone...Lol come the fuck on.
The action is just competent, and well shot. There's really nothing to write home about or memorable
It's James Cameron. The man made Terminator 2. Don't shit on his action.
Nothing memorable? Okay. Just from the last 20 mins alone...
-epic gifs-
Wow, ok this just about signals the end of this line of discussion, haha.
Nothing memorable? Okay. Just from the last 20 mins alone...
I feel like if you tried to describe the final chase scene of Fury Road your head would explode
But ya, don't fuck with Avatar, yo. I didn't like the movie from a story perspective, but christ on sale..
I still can't believe the car was fully functional, as in, it actually had a fully functional sound system and the guy is playing for real, he practiced for months to be able to play while the car is in motion.
This movie is not for everyone, my friends went and I hated it, and that is ok, but it's ridiculous to call this movie being "fake".
Oh yes, I can't get the movie out of my head for the past two days.One of those movies.
Upon viewing: That was great.
A few days later: That movie is a classic.
Just saw it. It was pretty dope. Didn't have the same "I JUST SAW GOD" reaction that a lot of you guys did, but I liked it a lot. Pretty impressive stunts/fx. Gorgeous color palette. Wished they pushed harder on the R rating, definitely felt like Miller held back on some things. Max was more integral than I thought he'd be, given some of the impressions here. It was definitely mainly Furiosa's show, but it was more Furiosa + Max than I expected, which was nice. Hardy and Theron's disdain for each other really shone through :lol But it works for the story.
Did anyone else think the camera was very jerky and stuttery a lot? Like the framerate had dropped or something? I couldn't tell if it was a deliberate camera effect or just the projector fucking up. The showing I wanted to see at the theater I wanted was sold out, so I had to settle for a different place with a smaller, shittier screen. The ads that played before the movie were stuttering a lot, like they were streaming them off Youtube or something, which makes me think the projector just fucked it up during the movie too.
Mad Max, I can't even, man. I can't even try.
The changing framerate was on purpose.
It was a little weird for me, sometimes it seemed like the movie was skipping random frames in totally unassuming shots.
i thought it was used to great effect at the start whenhe's being chased in the citadel and he's running through his hallucinations, that was really cool
I'm worried I might burn out on this movie like I did Gravity..
But I gotta see it again. Maybe at Movie Tavern.
i've seen it thrice, I'm a mad man. now no more for me until the bluray is out. and funnily enough the rewatches did not hurt the film at all (nor did my attention span waver)
it's one of those films that has my mind racing after i've seen it (in a good way, not negatively like it has been for like almost every other blockbuster in years)
No it's not, Avatar has fantastic action sequences. James Cameron is the Godking of action. No amount of hate some of you people spew at that movie will change these facts.