Been listening to that song all day. Makes cleaning my house way more intenseI'm going to drive to work with Brothers in Arms blaring. Hope I don't crash into anything
Been listening to that song all day. Makes cleaning my house way more intenseI'm going to drive to work with Brothers in Arms blaring. Hope I don't crash into anything
I always assumed that Thunderdome Max was the feral kid from RW. They even had the same distinctive patches of white hair.I think Hardy felt more "Mad" if that makes sense. Like a feral animal. I've seen fan theories that assume he is the grown up feral kid from Road Warrior (what with all the grunting) but I don't buy that theory.
I saw Hardy (ages ago, god this movie was stuck in development forever) say that he played the character like "a wet panther" and I titally see that.
I'm not a huge fan of directly comparing artists, but I will say that I think Hardy was great... weird moving accent, bad ADR and everything included.
Just got back from Mad Max brehs :wow: haven't been that impressed with a action movie since The Raid.
Kojima approves.
We're actually just talking about action scenes, Bobby. But whatever gets you into a rant mode.
Avatar represents one of the finer blends between live action and heavy CG.
instantly became one of the GOATS when I left the theater. this is rare...we won't have something this good in hollywood for years guys.
Avatar 2 is only a few lifetimes away, breh.
Cameron sequels. Never doubt him.
Kojima approves.
your post about to get shitted on by a bunch of people lol. but yeah, while i don't really like that world, cameron's got a crazy track record with sequels. i just hope he injects some of that edge that he used to be known for.
Kojima approves.
your post about to get shitted on by a bunch of people lol. but yeah, while i don't really like that world, cameron's got a crazy track record with sequels. i just hope he injects some of that edge that he used to be known for.
this is what i've been asking for on big-movie threads in neogaf since i joined. that grimy large budget action movie. filmed competently.
I ain't afraid of no posts. Cameron's coming for everyone's necks.
But this thread is about the here and now of Mad Max Fury Road, and in this glorious post-Fury Road world, we should do as much as possible to keep speaking about Fury Road and how amazing it is, and how terrible the people who don't think it's amazing are.
Fiiiinnnaaalllly seeing this tomorrow, convinced my girlfriend and shes as keen as I am.
Don't know if it was posted.
Miller's wife really deserves credit for editing the film. Even during the most frantic and intense action sequences you can still follow the movement of the action perfectly. Every shot felt like it was on screen for just the right amount of time.
Has anyone tried the D Box seating?
I went yesterday and loved movie.
DOLBY ATMOS was great and I would love to try motion seating with a second viewing.
I had no idea Miller's wife was the editor, great team they do
Has anyone tried the D Box seating?
I went yesterday and loved movie.
DOLBY ATMOS was great and I would love to try motion seating with a second viewing.
Posting my impressions here. Posted them in the wrong thread originally.
Saw it yesterday.
What a glorious throwback. I would not go as far as to call it "the best action movie I've seen since Terminator 2" or "Best action movie of the last ten years", but man, it was a riot!
Loved the exploitation/ozploitation vibe the movie gave me. Miller and his team completely understand what they wanted to achieve. The movie is complete insanity and embraces that. When used, CGI or special effects are mediocre at best, but I didn't care. It fit perfectly with the tone and style of the movie.
Loved how there's very little exposition and when there is, it's perfectly interwoven with the balls to the wall action set-pieces.
Some gripes:
- For an R-rated movie, the gore was really, really tame and cut in such a way that you can barely see it. Disappointing.
- The ending felt like they had to get it over with. It's...weird. While the action was climactic, the plot unfolded in a very anti-climactic way to me.
-Immortan Joe got such a quick send-off. He was such a great villain but dies in the blink of an eye.
And here's my biggest annoyance of all, but I can't blame the movie for this.
- Fuck Kinepolis (Belgian Movie Theater chain). They interrupted the movie for a 10 minute break again. They always do this, and it's fucking horse shit. This way their movie goers get the opportunity to buy some more overpriced popcorn, nacho's or beverages. This time it wasn't even near the middle of the movie, more like closer to the end. 30 Minutes left on the clock. It completely destroyed the excellent pacing that makes Fury Road such a relentless adrenaline fueled trip.
I find it incredibly disrespectfull towards their audience and even moreso towards the movies that they run. You know, the movie that everybody wants and goes to see. The artistic vision of a group of people that spent significant parts of their lives creating something they love. The most vital part of Kinepolis' income. The thing that justifies that company's very own existance. It's utterly disgusting.
I never seen a movie theater do this in the U.S. I would never support a movie theater that did this
No problem I just knew some of you would enjoy it !Made an avatar from that.
Thanks ^^
the idea of christopher nolan directing a mad max film excites me
Wanna at least explain what's bad about Avatar's action setpieces? Maybe mention some of those expertly constructed sequences from those 'many other' films that best it?