I'm not entirely sure how I feel about MAD MAX: FURY ROAD just yet* but I can say this for it, it is unlike any other film that has been released in the last decade. It's actually quite surprising that a film that is as risky and as unapologetic for what it is would get the green light from a major studio. It's going to rub some people the wrong way (the first evening I saw it with two friends who were really put off by it) due to it's outright bizarre nature; the film is lean on exposition-heavy, filler-driven plot and lays into you with hardcore, nonstop action and thematic imagery. That, in my mind, is a breath of fresh air in an industry that is absolutely teeming with tiresome, bloated, overlong blockbusters that run way past the two hour mark (*cough*Avengers*cough*). 95% of this film was done with practical effects, physical set pieces, and stunt work.
Make no mistake, the constant, chase-driven motion of the film is jarring, but it is intense and engaging and NEVER boring (which is more than I can say for a lot of other blockbusters that do the same, tired shit over, and over, and OVER again). Some will complain about a lack of plot, but those are the people I would remind that film is still, first and foremost, a visual medium. This could, in essence, pass for a silent film. The thematic elements of the story are told visually; the sexual politics and feminist sentiments are laid bare, wrapped around an action film that thrives on sweeping wide shots and gorgeously insane visuals. Regardless of whether or not the film is your personal cup of tea (and there may be many of you), there is no arguing that the level craftsmanship on display here is, objectively, head and shoulders above most other films in the action-blockbuster genre.
For me, the jury is still out on whether or not I think this is the "action masterpiece" that the (almost unanimously positive) reviews would have you believe. I'd need to see it again without being blindsided by just how batshit crazy the movie is. I do, however, feel like this is a film that MUST do well in order to encourage studios to take more chances and green light films that have the balls to go the places that FURY ROAD does; movies that don't rely on "witty banter" and world dominating villains to drive the overloaded CGI spectacle. It may not be for you, but MAD MAX: FURY ROAD demands to be seen in a theater by everyone who understands that "a movie is not what it is about, but how it is about it." -Roger Ebert
*After seeing it a second time this morning, without the experience being diluted by friends who couldn't stop shaking their heads at the screen, I can confidently give it a 9/10 rating. Superb action film.