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Mad Max: Review Thread.


Why is this game so popular on GAF?

Out of a joke, because it will release the same day as mgs v?

It's a popular IP these days and it's a game from the developers of one of the best games of last generation. Why wouldn't it be popular on GAF?


I tend to take first impressions around here with a grain of salt. Most of the time I see people praise a game they just bought, as if to justify their purchase, only to sour on it eventually. That or just claim reviewers don't know what they're doing ala Devil's Third as a recent example.

I was guilty of that myself with The Order. Not that I loved that game first off, or anything, but it went from "Ya, this is okay, it has its moments" to being pretty disdainful of it, overall.


Buying Day 1. Actually, already fully bought and paid for.

Don't care about 2 early reviews. Do care about car combat. Will support car combat. Will have a freaking BLAST with the car combat.
Buying this regardless of reviews because this is as close to an open world Fist of the North Star game as it will ever get.

Definitely getting some Shadow of Modor vibe from the Let's Play videos, and to be honest SoM wasn't THAT great for me, it was fun at the start but began to drag half way through, as one would expect from most open world sandbox games these days (even Far Cry 4 was like that for me). I am perfectly okay with that though, still looking forward to Mad Max.

Speaking of great movie tie-in games, y'all need to play Toy Story 3, best movie tie-in game ever, no joke.


Game looks decent enough, but The Phantom Pain is like THE game I've been looking forward to. Afraid their timing couldn't be worse, but the holiday market is looking like it's going to be flooded this year anyway, so I don't think delaying until early 2016 would have been good for it, either. At least they have the Fury Road Blu-Ray/DVD release to help it out a bit.


Buying this regardless of reviews because this is as close to an open world Fist of the North Star game as it will ever get.

Definitely getting some Shadow of Modor vibe from the Let's Play videos, and to be honest SoM wasn't THAT great for me, it was fun at the start but began to drag half way through, as one would expect from most open world sandbox games these days (even Far Cry 4 was like that for me). I am perfectly okay with that though, still looking forward to Mad Max.

Speaking of great movie tie-in games, y'all need to play Toy Story 3, best movie tie-in game ever, no joke.

Open world fist of the north star game would be amazing =(


That's pretty hilarious when the other company is fucking WB.


He's getting defensive and reaching wildly rather than engaging in reasonable conversation. Dude totally took the bait while attempting to claim the moral high ground that doesn't exist.


Expecting 7s and 8s. Maybe a 9 thrown in here and there.

Though honestly, I don't give a damn what it scores. Can't wait to get my hands on it. I've been waiting so long for a decent to good Mad Max game. I just wish I had the money for both it and MGS V on Tuesday. I'll probably pick it up before the month is out, though.

Also, love the drive by shit posting trying to use two reviews from no name blogs as justification. Wish the review thread could have waited until more legitimate sites start getting their reviews up.


Cause it looks like it could be entertaining, and not everyone wants to give their money to the greedy asshats at Konami.
So instead you'll give it to the company who puts out broken products, sells 40 dollar season passes that are hot trash and hold back playable characters/missions as preorder bonuses.

You sure showed them.
That's pretty hilarious when the other company is fucking WB.

One company put out shitty PC ports of solid games. The other dismantled an amazing development team, cancelled the most promising project I've seen in years, and has destroyed the reputation of countless once great franchises. Not even in the same league.

So instead you'll give it to the company who puts out broken products, sells 40 dollar season passes that are hot trash and hold back playable characters/missions as preorder bonuses.

You sure showed them.

If you take issue with season passes and shitty preorder bonuses, you might as well flee the industry, because everyone pulls that shit, and it's all garbage.

That'll show em.
Don't expect it to, but it'll make me feel better to not support them.



The fuck am I watching here?

One company put out shitty PC ports of solid games. The other dismantled an amazing development team, cancelled the most promising project I've seen in years, and has destroyed the reputation of countless once great franchises. Not even in the same league.

What are you smoking? WB deliberately misled consumers and pushed out a turd of a game hoping to get away with it. Konami made a business decision based upon their current position and goals in the market. That decision is unpopular, but was the result of Kojima continuing to spend large amounts of money even though Konami was planning on shifting their focus away from the console market; PT got caught in the fallout. So yeah, not in the same league at all, but you keep fighting the good fight.


So a couple of no-names give it mediocre reviews and people are abandoning ship? I'll start getting worried when more notable reviewers start saying it's mediocre. Until then, it still looks like fun.
I mean, the game might not be good, but two reviews by sites like these certainly wouldn't convince me of that. I think it's a bit hasty to jump to conclusions on mediocrity based on them alone.


I have a very strong dislike of everybody in this thread that is making me want to replay Wolverine. God, that game was so much fun!
I'm still likely to take plunge. After the movie I was left intrigued by the world (mostly implied in the movie, which was great) and this game seems to flesh that out a bit. I also like collecting stuff and exploring a world, so it seems up my alley.


I was pretty excited for the game until I heard it used the Ubi open world dynamic/Batman combat. I might check it out down the line but I still haven't played Mordor and it seemed like there was more to that.


I figured it would ride in somewhere in the middle of the road and that does not bother me one bit. I have seen enough to know what to expect from it and know that I will have a blast. Hell, many times these 'average' scoring games end up being ones that I love to death.


Un Rama
I have a very strong dislike of everybody in this thread that is making me want to replay Wolverine. God, that game was so much fun!

I'll need to dig it out again and play it. Shit was basically imagine if Platinum Games made a Wolverine Game. Had no right being as good as it was. Loved the healing factor gore animations.

Damn that movie was bad.


Why did people keep on mentioning Fury Road like this is supposed to be a movie tie-in?

It isn't.

It's a standalone game using the Mad Max IP. Nothing to do with the film other than the fact that, yes, it releases the same day as the Blu-Ray (for obvious market reasons) and the character, Max Rockatansky is in it.

That's it, so I really wish people would drop the whole, "lol, movie games suck"

Not entirely true. It's a standalone entry/story but Avalanche have also specifically said the game takes place before Fury Road. George Miller also was directly involved with it's genesis since the grand scheme of things had Fury Road expanding it's universe into anime and video games back in 2003.

As such Miller helped create the story, locations and characters for the game which also were related to the movie. This is in turn led to Miller bringing on Cory Barlog where the project was taken to Avalanche and development beginning in 2008.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
People on Gaf, THE place for informed gamers are basing a purchase on a couple of blog reviews?

Ok then.


More like a lot of people realized the game looked incredibly mediocre weeks ago and these initial reviews are simply confirming the fact more than anything.
Not entirely true. It's a standalone entry/story but Avalanche have also specifically said the game takes place before Fury Road. George Miller also was directly involved with it's genesis since the grand scheme of things had Fury Road expanding it's universe into anime and video games back in 2003.

As such Miller helped create the story, locations and characters for the game which also were related to the movie. This is in turn led to Miller bringing on Cory Barlog where the project was taken to Avalanche and development beginning in 2008.

Yeah, I remember hearing that too awhile back but the recent press just seemed like they ditched that entirely and made it more of just a Max in the wasteland chronicle.

No Love

Fuck it, buying this even if it is only a 7-8ish game. It'll still be fucking awesome. Avalanche can do no wrong in my eyes.
People on Gaf, THE place for informed gamers are basing a purchase on a couple of blog reviews?

Ok then.

Generally speaking, reviews threads often tend to be among the worst threads this site has to offer. And I have no desire to single out any specific fans/detractors of a particular game, developer, publisher, or platform. But the problem is that people very often enter into reviews threads already knowing what they want to see from reviews and then proceed from there. Reviews going how I expected? Boom! I knew this game was going to rock/suck. Reviews not going the way I expected? Well, no worries. We know they get it wrong all the time. Like that one game that totes sucked but got great reviews or that other game that ruled that got panned because reviewers were babby gamers that aren't good at vidya.

In a perfect world, people would wait for a clear consensus to form and actually read review text before reacting to the perceived competence of reviewers. Actually playing the game themselves would also be a nice bonus. But alas, that's not the world we live in.
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