"And then Bryan whispered to me ... 'You will not win an Emmy as long as I draw breath'. I didn't know it at the time, but I thought he was joking because I thought he was in another comedic role."wonder if AMC will ever get another era like this
"The first time I met Bryan Cranston, he was standing in his underwear. We were doing a photo shoot for a little-known network called AMC, and he was in a rubber chemistry apron, tighty whities and desert boots, while I was in an impeccably tailored 1960s suit, with slicked-back hair and a cigarette dangling from my mouth. Our shows hadnt premiered yet. We were simply two actors, in costume and out of context. He was friendly, funny, gregarious, humble and lovely. - Jon Hamm
"And then Bryan whispered to me ... 'You will not win an Emmy as long as I draw breath'. I didn't know it at the time, but I thought he was joking because I thought he was in another comedic role."
"And then Bryan whispered to me ... 'You will not win an Emmy as long as I draw breath'. I didn't know it at the time, but I thought he was joking because I thought he was in another comedic role."
"And then Bryan whispered to me ... 'You will not win an Emmy as long as I draw breath'. I didn't know it at the time, but I thought he was joking because I thought he was in another comedic role."
"And then Bryan whispered to me ... 'You will not win an Emmy as long as I draw breath'. I didn't know it at the time, but I thought he was joking because I thought he was in another comedic role."
Ha ha. I really should just post all of those content roundups somewhere at some point. That would require digging them all up, though.Is this your blog Cornballer?![]()
- 11 Questions Interview: Mad Mens Kevin Rahm on death, milk, and disappointmentMad Men is ruthlessly practical in its narratives, which introduce and dispose of characters with all the caprice of real life, and painstaking in its tracing of the fragility of relationships. Colleagues are a collection of snipes and second-guesses with occasional moments of creative telepathy. Family are less a source of fellow-feeling than an ongoing diplomatic negotiation between nations that will never reach an accord. But this show understands the lifesaving qualities of nuance. Rare is the divorce so permanent that you cant occasionally share an understanding silence down the phone line; rare is a character whos universally misunderstood. Even romantic relationships feature moments of brutal honesty. It might not be pleasant to be known, when the moment comes (Pete Campbell certainly regrets his candor when he snaps at a happy Peggy Olson, I dont like you like this), but Mad Men isnt much concerned with being pleasant.
In 11 Questions, The A.V. Club asks interesting people 11 interesting questionsand then asks them to suggest one for our next interviewee.
A veteran of stage and screen, Kevin Rahm plays Mad Mens Ted Chaough, one of the simultaneously most levelheaded and most conflicted partners at Sterling Cooper & Partners. Rahm has also popped up recently in Nightcrawler and on both Madam Secretary and Bates Motel, and was a regular on Desperate Housewives for five years.
I wish the most recent season would show up on Netflix so I can binge over the next couple days. I'm having trouble remembering what happened at the end of last season.
Hell yeah. I hope it's a dope box set.I will miss this so much.
Can't wait for the complete blu ray set though.
wonder if AMC will ever get another era like this
Yes, it looks like it on the schedule.AMC is going to be marathonning the show that day right? I don't fully remember where everything stands so I need to watch it again.
Preach.I hope Betty has a good send off. Ever since S4 she's been in the show so little and not really developed in any meaningful way so I hope she has something good in the end. Though given she's in few episodes I doubt it.
Best ending to any episode is season five's ending with Don walking away from Megan to the tune of "You Only Live Twice".
Yes or yes.
Probably. Definitely one of the best.Best ending to any episode is season five's ending with Don walking away from Megan to the tune of "You Only Live Twice".
Yes or yes.
wonder if AMC will ever get another era like this
Is this the end guys?
Best ending to any episode is season five's ending with Don walking away from Megan to the tune of "You Only Live Twice".
Yes or yes.
Yes.Best ending to any episode is season five's ending with Don walking away from Megan to the tune of "You Only Live Twice".
Yes or yes.
Only Mad Men? Definitely yes. Crawl Space is probably my favourite ever from any TV show though.
I hope Betty has a good send off.
Honorable mention to "I'm getting my men." from Battlestar Galactica.
Haven't seen Battlestar Galactica, but the only other one I can think of off the top of my head that comes close to the two I listed is Jacob's Ladder from Rectify. Mad Men has a ton of great closing scenes though, maybe more than any other show.
given how hellbent AMC seems to be on destroying all the good will they've pent up from Breaking Bad and Mad Men, I doubt it.
I can't see how Betty has a "good" ending. The way she's been written so far is being an impetuous child, and I don't see that changing for her.
Betty is going to become a successful Republican politician.
Whether that makes her truly happy, well...
Betty is going to become a successful Republican politician.
Whether that makes her truly happy, well...
I dunno, I could see Betty getting the "good" ending - for Betty. Not altogether great for US, but good for her.
what would be, in your opinion, a good ending for her? Just curious.
She gets to be the happiest little housecat as Henry secures some sort of prominent seat in state government.
Basically, a much more easily satisfied, less ambitious Claire from House of Cards.