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Mad Men - Season 7, Part 2 - The End of an Era - AMC Sundays

Don stops at a diner to get some dinner. He's sweaty and not feeling well. As he steps up to greet the waitress he stumbles slightly, and the waitress says "geez mister, you have a bloody nose! Here let me get you a napkin." Don puts his hand to his nose and checks for blood. Just as he does he collapses. Several customers kneel down to check on him to see if he's ok. They roll him over on his back. "Mister, mister! Can you hear me?" Don's eyes are open and bloodshot, staring upward at the ceiling. He sees a fly buzzing along the tubing of fluorescent lamps. The noise in the diner grows faint, and you can just hear Don's slow, hollow breathing and the buzz of the fly. Don smiles and whispers "there you are..." The screen goes black. Don died of an undiagnosed STD. I don't know which one, whatever might cause a nosebleed.


Unconfirmed Member
What do you guys make of this scene at the very beginning of the second to last episode? His guilt?

That was actually a flashforward to Glenn in the future. He deserts, then grows up to look exactly like John Hamm because he's not weird looking at all right now.
It ends like this


Ugh I'm torn. Rush home to catch the first running of the finale, or give it time and watch the encore. Please tell me they aren't running a new episode of TURN WASHINGTON'S SPIES directly afterward


bitch I'm taking calls.
Don is finally caught. He turns in some of the former clients he served and many of his colleagues and coworkers in order to achieve a commuted sentence. He finally gets out of prison in the 1980s, confused entirely by the new generation of advertising.


It's weird that the finale is scheduled for 77 minutes, an odd choice for running time. I guess AMC is allowing Weiner however long he wanted, with commercial breaks and such. Likely it's a full 60 minutes and 17 minutes of commercials, based on previous running times.
It's weird that the finale is scheduled for 77 minutes, an odd choice for running time. I guess AMC is allowing Weiner however long he wanted, with commercial breaks and such.
We see this a fair bit for cable shows these days, though mostly on FX. Not really any reason to cut them off at an arbitrary time if you're just going to re-air the episode a few times after the premiere.


Ugh I'm torn. Rush home to catch the first running of the finale, or give it time and watch the encore. Please tell me they aren't running a new episode of TURN WASHINGTON'S SPIES directly afterward

Is that show any good? It looks decent from the commercials, but I've never taken the dive.


We see this a fair bit for cable shows these days, though mostly on FX. Not really any reason to cut them off at an arbitrary time if you're just going to re-air the episode a few times after the premiere.

Ah, that's true. With Sons of Anarchy's wildly fluctuating running times I guess it would have been very common on FX. And since they're airing it six times in a row I guess it doesn't quite matter!

Ugh I'm torn. Rush home to catch the first running of the finale, or give it time and watch the encore. Please tell me they aren't running a new episode of TURN WASHINGTON'S SPIES directly afterward

TURN airs on Mondays, so it's well clear of Mad Men!
Got my drink in hand. All ready to go.

Cheers, Mad Men GAF. It's been a pleasure experiencing the show with all of you.

thanks for all your work in this thread, you've posted tons of shit in it and I read almost all of it.

Hope we all enjoy it. It's a show but you invest a bit of your life over a span of a couple years and it's sad! Ah well.
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