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Mad Men - Season 7, Part 2 - The End of an Era - AMC Sundays


Since we probably won't get to see Robert The Great again:


Don getting arrested is the finale I bet, showed it an episode early just to troll.

You think so? I don't know, I think the dream at the beginning of the most recent episode was less about foreshadowing Don's arrest (though I could be full of shit on this issue) and it was more about showing the audience that Don still thinks about what he did stealing that man's life, which is why he gave his car to that kid at the end.

Don probably feels like that car was the vestige of his stolen life which is why he gave it to that kid and looked more relaxed than he's been in a long time at least in my opinion. I do wonder though how would Don even be caught at this point?

Someone from the VFW maybe, I mean there are several people now who know Don's secret but none of them have been pushed to the point of wanting to destroy his life, so its hard to imagine what would change suddenly.

For what it's worth I think of the whole Don/Dick thing not in terms of the plot i.e. will Don be caught or not but more in terms of his character and what it means to change and be yourself and whether he can find contentment in his life, and I think him giving up his car and everything else he's lost this season were all steps towards that, even if he didn't realize it at first.


I think my favorite comedic line is "The doctor said he'll never golf again"

That whole episode is one of the funniest


Hell of a birthday present for me.

The first show to introduce me to "great television" I remember renting the first season of Mad Men and Dexter at the same time, deciding to watch Mad Men first and just being sucked in immediately and sending Dexter back without ever watching an episode (in hindsight, I should'a kept it that way)

After that, the floodgates opened and my younger brother and I started watching The Sopranos, The Wire, Breaking Bad, Deadwood, Rome, The Shield all one after another. So much fun.

Super sad and hyped that this is ending tonight.


Don goes to a church and greets everyone that has impacted his life while flashing back to him dying in the jungle next to Polly.


Don rides in a black Lincoln sitting next to Peggy leaving DC, she asks him what he is thinking. He responds "Tomorrow."


I've always wanted an episode that explored how Don's life would have played out had he remained Dick Whitman (and not switching the dogtags). Maybe we'll see that tonight.

Either way, I think most of us are expecting something experimental á la Roger's LSD trip.
How long we got? I'm in Australia and have to wait for it to pop up on Foxtel Go.

It's gonna show on Foxtel around 3:30pm Eastern time.

So yeah, gonna have to avoid this thread for a couple of hours after GoT shows.

vomit gifs on standby.

last wild prediction.

"I'm Donna Draper."


Don is shot saving Ginsberg from a mental institution, stumbles back to the Time Life building where he collapses and dies with a smile in his old office.
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