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Madden 2005 Football 101--Defensive Training?

Is there a defensive football 101 included? I've done the complete offensive training (Weak I, Strong I, Split Backs, Shotgun, Singleback) but I can't figure out how to play on the defensive side. I checked the manual but nothing was listed.


Football 101 Defensive Training doesn't exist. I found this odd since they touted the defensive aspect this year. I was hoping there'd be something, anything, but Football 101 is exactly the same as last year.
Drek: It would be helpful to have Madden describe defensive formations just like he does offensive formations, show key positions' normal coverage patterns, how to anticipate certain offensive tactics, etc. then have you run a defensive play and hold the O to a certain yardage amount to earn tokens. There are defensive minigames in mini-camp, but there are no full team-on-team situations where you play D.


Slo said:
1) I play as the Vikings and the Colts.
2) I can't stop the run.
Well, if you're going to use the Vikes and Colts, you need to play a REAL smart D. :)

When I use defensively weak teams I tend to favor a lot of good zone coverage. In order to do this right you need to really keep an eye on the formation the opposing team is sending out, which it gives you when you're selecting your play. I'm a big fan of the Nickle zone 9-Velcro as one example of a good zone D. In 3rd and long I like to space the DL out, maybe the LBs too, and play a DT or DE, closing off my side.

If you really want to make sure and stop the run with the Vikes or Colts you need to play a good DL. They both have difference makers on the DL, especially the Vikes. With the Vikes I'd probably focus on using Williams, you should be able to make some real big plays with him. As the Colts, whomever their #2 DT is, which I'd guess is Triplett. He should be right next to Freeney, so you playing as the DT will let you compliment Freeney really well.

Now when you're playing as a DL trying to stop the run, its best to shift your LBs and DLs around however you need to compliment your position. Me personally, I'm good enough on the line to pretty much dominate my side. Because of that I either shift my DL over to the opposite side and move my DE back, playing on him, or I shift the LBs over if I want to stay on the DT, which I prefer. That way your LBs can handle the opposite side from you with dominance and you just need to cap off your own end, no problem if you're using either Tripplet or Williams, since you'll have either Freeney or Kenechi Udeze to help you out, so two great athletes on one side should be enough to kill any RB.

Madden '05 Defense is pretty different in the subtleties compared to last year's. You're a lot better off playing smart zone coverages if your CBs aren't elite level players, and zones still are worthwhile even if they are, since Zones give more turnoves. Zones tend to bend but not break, with high turnover frequency while man/man is more likely to prevent the completion or decent run, but don't give nearly as many turnovers. Obviously this depends heavily on your personell, and if you're a team with only two good LBs and a talented nickle, you might want to run a lot of Nickle formation, in which case zones will be your best bet, especially man/zones.

Finally, Hit Stick is awesome. Its a lot more useful than a good way to lay out big hits and maybe cause fumbles. If you're directly next to a guy, or if he's just a little bit ahead, hit stick can often get a good reach out tackle. Its also the best way to make sure very few RBs pick up "fall forward" yardage on you, a Madden specialty, just be careful when using it on elite tackle breakers (Holmes, Portis, Lewis, Tomlinson).

Overall I enjoy defense a lot more in '05, it has more depth and challenge than '04, though I still dominate anything short of all-madden or very skilled players. ;P


Ok, that highlights my biggest problem. I'm not very good at controlling defensive players, and I can't count on myself to 'dominate' the position I'm playing like you mention. I consider the guy I'm controlling on the field to be the weakest link in the defense (unless I'm using him to stop a money play or something), so I try to stay out of the way of the rest of the defenders. I don't want to screw 'em up. If I suspect a pass play I let my secondary and linebackers handle coverage while I rush the passer. If I think a run is coming I let my front 7 do their thing and I'll play mop up with my safety.

I guess I need to practice more. :(
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