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Madden 2005 is more realistic than ESPN 2005




They didnt even get the 9 right....


No good can come of this thread. Besides, everyone knows ESPN blows away Madden visually. It's always been that way. Now if we're talking gameplay, that's when the fun begins.


Gameplay wise both the people at ESPN (the tv), Game Informer, and IGN all said ESPN is more realistic while Madden feels arcadey


First tragedy, then farce.
EGM says Madden is more realistic game..

they also say Madden looks better, so I disregarded their review.. but just to be fair, not everyone is on the ESPN boat.. however, IGN and gamespot have been pimping ESPN as the better game for a couple of years now and that has done them a whole lot of good.


Lukas said:
Gameplay wise both the people at ESPN (the tv), Game Informer, and IGN all said ESPN is more realistic while Madden feels arcadey

Hey, you're preaching to the choir here. My interest in Madden ranks right behind my interest for the ultra-competitive Fertilizer industry. All I'm saying is that all you'll hear in response to that pic (which is pretty funny btw) is the "gameplay is king" mantra from our resident Maddenites.


First tragedy, then farce.
bob_arctor said:
is the "gameplay is king" mantra from our resident Maddenites.

they are too busy trying to figure out how to catch the ball in NCAA right now.

Edit: whats really great is that this is one of the better Madden shots I have seen this year.


EGM are morons, they said Madden looks better than ESPN...enough said

I wouldnt be suprised if EA told EGM they will pull their ads if ESPN got the higher score


They didnt get the colors right either....

this just shows you EA doesnt care and is all about the $

Sega on the other hand is all about the little things, and even went out of their way and put in normal mapping and tripple pass rendering for the Xbox version, and at 20 dollars too
not many people are going to argue that ESPN looks better overall. what egm was saying is that madden ANIMATES better (looks better in motion). you can make an argument for that whether you guys want to agree or not.

the jury is still out on which game will be better/more realistic. but if you're basing the realism on 2 things that you WONT EVEN SEE WHILE YOU'RE ACTUALLY PLAYING (the players face and the correct color/shape of the # on his jersey) then you might as well say NBA Live 2005 will be the most realistic basketball game ever created because Tmacs shoes are modeled to perfection.


First tragedy, then farce.

Sorry, my PS skills leave alot to be desired.

While we are pointing out little graphical bullshit, I would like to point out that ESPN has the chin straps sticking up, while in Madden they do not.


LOL madden does NOT animate better in any shape way or form, look at the movies for each and see for yourself

ESPN is leagues beyond Madden in animation


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Leave Tmac out of this Fmt! :(


"Animation-wise, ESPN NFL 2K5 is unbelievable. The new tacking animations are stunningly realistic, with everything from last-ditch leg tackles to huge hits delivered with wicked speed, all looking absolutely amazing. Even little details, like the way safeties jump up to snag an interception, or the way Philip Rivers delivers a sidearm pass...it all looks wonderful." - Gamespot
It's the Bengals.....who the hell's gonna notice anyway?

But......why do both games have them in black pants, yet Bengal Boy there has white pants on? And the Madden shot has the black on the bottom of the sleeves while from this shot, it appears that the ESPN one does not. As for actual player graphics, I think they both look pretty good.


First tragedy, then farce.
ESPN doesnt have the bottom of the sleeve at all. Looks alot like an O-line jersey to me actually.. as far as the color of the pants, the bengals have several new uniforms, I believe there are white and black pants, but Im not sure.
lukas, come to grips with OPINION! do you know that some people truly liked the matrix videogame? it's called an opinion dude. i doubt you've played madden 2005, but let me tell you the graphics are fantastic. i wouldn't say overall they beat out ESPN, but there are things madden does better in the graphics department. so relax dude, buy ESPN, don't buy madden, and enjoy it


First tragedy, then farce.
So far you have brought T-macs shoes and Enter the Matrix into this thread... Im not sure what to make of it, I just think its amusing you keep using examples out of left field.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
FMT,Lukas is what you call a troll.
i use examples out of left field to illustrate a point. you can't argue with someones opinion. if someone says "Madden 1993 has better graphics than espn 2k5!" then ok, that is just bullshit. but when someone says "i think madden 2005 is better looking than espn 2k5" then let it be dude, why argue?

you want an example from these games? how about the animation where the ESPN guys run like they have a stick up their ass? oh wait, thats every running animation in the game. ace!


lol EA whores must love paying 50 dollars every year for a roster update and a hotdog stand, f*ckin morons


I returned NCAA 2004 because they didn't model Jim Tressell correctly.

I won't have it happen again.

That said, I'll probably play both (Madden through a rental) to see how everything stacks up this year. Even though Madden...looks like crap.
bob_arctor said:
All I'm saying is that all you'll hear in response to that pic (which is pretty funny btw) is the "gameplay is king" mantra from our resident Maddenites.

No matter what you hear from Maddenites, about gameplay between the two, you can translate it to, "OMG it's not Madden!!!1" ESPN/2Kx has been better since the days of the Dreamcast. A horde of hardcore sheep that refuse to try anything else that dismiss ESPN regardless of how good it is, and uninformed casual gamers are keeping the Madden franchise steam rolling.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Tre said:
Matrix and FMT are what you call EA whores. :p

Hey,I have a copy of espn on pre-order :p


how the f*ck do millions of people plop down another 50 dollars for Madden right after they just blew 50 on NCAA


Lukas said:
how the f*ck do millions of people plop down another 50 dollars for Madden right after they just blew 50 on NCAA

... So, your question is how can millions of people come up with the unbelievable sum of $100?


Honestly, I never really understood the obsession with mimicking real life in sports games... especially football. Everybody is looking for these lifelike stats for the gaming equivalent football star, but you only play 5 minute quarters??? With shortened quarters developers are forced to "fudge" the stats by including things like a ridiculous amount of dropped passes to keep scores and stats down.

If real life football was accurately mimicked in gaming football... it would be boring as hell to play.


SyNapSe said:
... So, your question is how can millions of people come up with the unbelievable sum of $100?

actually my question is how can people buy 1 rehash right after the other from the same genre and same company....


Apparently there are a lot of people who don't find them to be crappy rehashes. The reason they purchase Madden is because you can then take your NCAA teams and import into the Pro level.

Almost like a Role Playing thing.. It's Progression.

I don't do this, but my friend lives and dies for it.


jedimike said:
Honestly, I never really understood the obsession with mimicking real life in sports games... especially football. Everybody is looking for these lifelike stats for the gaming equivalent football star, but you only play 5 minute quarters??? With shortened quarters developers are forced to "fudge" the stats by including things like a ridiculous amount of dropped passes to keep scores and stats down.

If real life football was accurately mimicked in gaming football... it would be boring as hell to play.


keep the cat in the bag

my guess is it's all about what would make the game fun while getting gamers to feel that it's "realistic" enough...
lukas i'm pretty convinced you're retarded. humor me and tell me how ESPN 2005 is so different from ESPN 2004. because you know what? it's not much different. infact, lets go over whats changed in both games:

* Maximum tackle
* Improved graphics
* Improved franchise
* Improved AI
* Defensive hot routing

* Hit stick
* Improved graphics
* Improved franchise
* Improved AI
* Defensive hot routing

seriously, what changes SO MUCH about espn from year to year that you dont call it a rehash? it's running on the SAME GAMEPLAY SYSTEM AS NFL2k for dreamcast! the graphics are better, but you can TELL an NFL 2k game when you see it. so honestly let me know why madden is a rehash, and espn isn't.


FrenchMovieTheme said:
lukas i'm pretty convinced you're retarded. humor me and tell me how ESPN 2005 is so different from ESPN 2004. because you know what? it's not much different. infact, lets go over whats changed in both games:

* Maximum tackle
* Improved graphics
* Improved franchise
* Improved AI
* Defensive hot routing

* Hit stick
* Improved graphics
* Improved franchise
* Improved AI
* Defensive hot routing

seriously, what changes SO MUCH about espn from year to year that you dont call it a rehash? it's running on the SAME GAMEPLAY SYSTEM AS NFL2k for dreamcast! the graphics are better, but you can TELL an NFL 2k game when you see it. so honestly let me know why madden is a rehash, and espn isn't.

ESPN 2005 is using normal mapping and tripple pass rendering and its 20 dollars and not 50 like Madden plus its online setup is better


Neither franchise changes all that much on a year-to-year basis, and their base gameplay is all referrent of the same topic...so eh. A $30 difference and better graphics is a damn good incentive, though.


It's funny, both EA and ESPN seemed to get the uniform pant colors wrong :) White VS the black in both games, although i'm sure they will were the white with the black pants.

Matching the picture:



Sad but true :(



Matlock said:
Neither franchise changes all that much on a year-to-year basis, and their base gameplay is all referrent of the same topic...so eh. A $30 difference and better graphics is a damn good incentive, though.

as is the fact you could buy it tomorrow...


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I payed $39 last year for ps2 espn and was screwed over by shitty ass online servers and a horrible running game.

I have some bitterness towards them and Konex.

I admit ESPN looks great this year,but till we all play espn and madden for ourselves this year,this thread is nothing more than us going on pics,vids and other peoples opinions like FMT said.

Reviews are not always right...recent example Ncaa 2005.
FrenchMovieTheme said:
lukas i'm pretty convinced you're retarded. humor me and tell me how ESPN 2005 is so different from ESPN 2004. because you know what? it's not much different. infact, lets go over whats changed in both games:

* Maximum tackle
* Improved graphics
* Improved franchise
* Improved AI
* Defensive hot routing

* Hit stick
* Improved graphics
* Improved franchise
* Improved AI
* Defensive hot routing

seriously, what changes SO MUCH about espn from year to year that you dont call it a rehash? it's running on the SAME GAMEPLAY SYSTEM AS NFL2k for dreamcast! the graphics are better, but you can TELL an NFL 2k game when you see it. so honestly let me know why madden is a rehash, and espn isn't.

THey both are. It's impossible to have a solid sports title without building upon already established engines and features year after year, and adding new ones when possible. ESPN is just the better rehash. ESPN brings something drastically new every year or two, and continues to build upon these great features. Last year it was leagues, and this year they look to be even more amazing. Really, VC has owned EA in a lot of areas such as online gaming, while EA just sits there. EA better have something up their sleeve for Madden online play, because their PS2/Live NCAA implementations look weak sauce. Would also be nice if they actually made the user feel like they have some control over the outcome of a defensive play, rather than just picking a play and hope for the best.


Junior Ace
It's too bad this forum doesn't represent the gaming public. ESPN would be just behind ICO and Rez for best selling game of this generation.
Matrix said:
I payed $39 last year for ps2 espn and was screwed over by shitty ass online servers and a horrible running game.

*cough* NCAA *cough*

I have some bitterness towards them and Konex.

Who doesn't have bitterness towards Konex?

I admit ESPN looks great this year,but till we all play espn and madden for ourselves this year,this thread is nothing more than us going on pics,vids and other peoples opinions like FMT said.

No, I'm also basing my arguement on the fact that if the tackling in the running game wasn't a problem last year... There would be no contest. From all reports this seems to be fixed this year. 2K5 could be the greatest football title ever due to that one fix. The graphics, vastly improved online implementation etc are icing on the cake. 2K5 > Madden.

Reviews are not always right...recent example Ncaa 2005.

Yeah, go EA money hats!


Junior Ace
FrenchMovieTheme said:
lukas i'm pretty convinced you're retarded. humor me and tell me how ESPN 2005 is so different from ESPN 2004. because you know what? it's not much different. infact, lets go over whats changed in both games:

* Maximum tackle
* Improved graphics
* Improved franchise
* Improved AI
* Defensive hot routing

* Hit stick
* Improved graphics
* Improved franchise
* Improved AI
* Defensive hot routing

seriously, what changes SO MUCH about espn from year to year that you dont call it a rehash? it's running on the SAME GAMEPLAY SYSTEM AS NFL2k for dreamcast! the graphics are better, but you can TELL an NFL 2k game when you see it. so honestly let me know why madden is a rehash, and espn isn't.

You left out all the running 'moves' being mapped to the right stick (ESPN). That's probably what I'm looking forward to messing around with most.


First tragedy, then farce.
FMT, you have to put a bullet for the V.I.P. on ESPN. That is going to be fucking awesome.

Gameplay tweaks in these games have allways been just that, tweaks. Both games do a lot more right than they do wrong, so it makes no sense to start from scratch (something Fever and Gameday should do).. which is why the actual gameplay doesnt change a whole hell of alot, but to a really hardcore football fan the slight changes effect how you play the game alot... a casual football fan or a casual gamer might not even notice the changes, but someone like us will.

The new maximum tackle and run stopping might not seem like alot to some people, but its going to change the gameplay alot. Madden has similar changes.

The most notable changes that people pay attention to are shit like First Person Football, the crib, celebrity challenges, setting hotdog prices in madden, getting the trading cards in Madden. Those are the things that people allways talk about before the game releases that year, and almost allways, its stuff that I really dont care much about. I am only really intrested in things that affect the gameplay somehow..

which is why the V.I.P system will own you.


Bog said:
You left out all the running 'moves' being mapped to the right stick (ESPN). That's probably what I'm looking forward to messing around with most.

Meaning.. Forward = Juke, Right = Hurdle, etc. ???
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