I thought apps were sparse on all windows devices?
The big ones are almost all there, it's a bunch of smaller apps and games that don't exist, however that's partially because of the way MS handled apps. That's all changing going forward and with the ability to easily port apps between all Windows devices you can put an app like Spotify on Win 8.1 and with almost a click of a button have it on windows phone, windows tablets and xbox one. This will help the app store in a big way, but it'll still be behind Google and Apple.
To be honest though I don't use a lot of apps, mainly use my phone for texting, listening to podcasts and surfing the web... I pretty much don't play games on my phone except for a few tower defense freebies.
Though I will say the new DVR and OneGuide controls coming to Smartglass for xbox one are really nice, thankfully that's on all 3 phones/tablets and MS ain't locking all that down on just their devices anymore.