3-4 discussion below, but first:
GG AirBrian... game really turned on that fumble, I think... you have my condolences on using the St. Louis D... but the Rams are an interesting team to defend against. So many good options... I think things just started to get away and forced you to reach, making more turnovers.... otherwise it would've been a real nailbiter.
EDIT: I also can't believe how open my back got on that TD at the end of the 2nd...
And now, onto the rules:
I play a lot of 3-4 these days, and I'm fine with not crashing -- I don't do it a ton to start with, although when I have, I haven't found myself getting amazing pressure.
The question is, how do you enforce this?
My huge concern is that there are unquestionably playaction passes on offense that let a nose tackle through. If the computer's controlling the NT it's not a big deal because even if it's 3rd and 80, he'll tackle the back. But if I'm controlling him, I might not... and that was an issue particularly in my first game against Ramirez (same thing happened in our second game and I saw the same effect, although I played the run, in my just-finished game against AirBrian). I think it sucks, but at the same time, it seems to happen mainly against those rollout plays that generate absurd amounts of time for the QB if you're not bringing extra help from the outside.
So how do you compensate for the game's brokenness? Do I not play NT? Do I play NT but tackle the RB every time like the CPU would? Or do I play the way I've always been playing and if the line opens up these huge holes for me to run through, then get called a cheeser at the end of the game? IMO, there's some accountability on the offense not to run plays that just don't work. There's a reason I rarely throw hooks.
I'm willing to change things up if that's necessary, but the whole situation sort of sucks, and I'd like to see a little more testing done on just how broken the crash really is. Because if it is the problem it seems to be, anytime I get pressure from a standard 3-4 D, I think that's going to come under question...