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Madden Season 10 Official Thread: I want you back for good!


intangibles, motherfucker
So im searching through FMt's website with all the league awards and such, and i found this.



Played a game with Striker just now, I was the Cards. Man Fitz and Boldin are INSANE, but that DL and OL are pretty horrible. Also... ROD HOOD! 2 Ints, 2 TDs, 159 return yards. I so wish the Giants would have signed him.


SickBoy said:
Demon, I'm around if you're available for our game... you hold Rorschach's future in your hands.
Just take the automatic win. He's not gonna try since he wants the pats so bad...

The sooner we get this done, the sooner we get to pick new teams.


Hey, he almost beat FMT's Ravens in a close game, and I'll have you know that Truelize wants the Chargers, so even if he picks 2nd he'll get the Pats! A win won't 'hurt' DJ in any way.

p.s: sickboy, he said he'd be around tomorrow..I forget what time though, and I know your hours can be weird.


(Never mind the fact his one win comes against the Giants)

In his earlier post he said he was totally booked for tomorrow...

Anyhow, I'm still around tonight... just away for about 10 minutes if he pops around...


Wellington said:
Played a game with Striker just now, I was the Cards. Man Fitz and Boldin are INSANE, but that DL and OL are pretty horrible. Also... ROD HOOD! 2 Ints, 2 TDs, 159 return yards. I so wish the Giants would have signed him.
Trust me, he always doesn't play that way. Although he was probably my most consistent corner all year. Antrel Rolle got burnt the most.

That's the thing with Arizona. Great WR's, but horrific pass protection.


Why are people so hot for the patriots now? I picked like 20th at the beginning of the season and even then no one wanted them lol.


Jube3 said:
Why are people so hot for the patriots now? I picked like 20th at the beginning of the season and even then no one wanted them lol.

Nobody wanted the Patriots because most of the vets had too much pride and machismo to take the #1 team. Now that the realities of getting your ass kicked for 17 weeks with the Dolphins or the Falcons (and feeling like you have absolutely no chance of winning before the game even starts) have sunk in, people are more willing to swallow their pride.


Slo said:
Nobody wanted the Patriots because most of the vets had too much pride and machismo to take the #1 team. Now that the realities of getting your ass kicked for 17 weeks with the Dolphins or the Falcons (and feeling like you have absolutely no chance of winning before the game even starts) have sunk in, people are more willing to swallow their pride.
Or everyone wanted to use their favorite team first, and if we're all going to use different teams we might as well use the best team?


Wellington said:
Or everyone wanted to use their favorite team first, and if we're all going to use different teams we might as well use the best team?

Maybe. But there were a ton of favorite team conflicts and still nobody bit.


AirBrian said:
Striker and AZ, I'll be around today after ~1 PM CDT.

Hopefully you and Striker can play, that's a meaningful game. Greg's been on Halo constantly for the last few days, I don't know if he even wants to play his games, and he said he might not be back next season. ...Cue him coming into this thread and yelling at me for saying that :lol


Well, that really sucked. I lost 38-14 but it could have easily been 78-14. Ando's passing game is unstoppable. I was lining up in Quarter against 2-1-2 and he was still completing passes at will. And I think his FB must have averaged 8 yards a carry.

GG Ando. Thanks for not running up the score.


Damn, that sucks. And to add insult to injury, since it uses division records as the 2nd tiebreaker, if Slo hadn't lost 2 games to Coldblooded he might have lived on. Bob had 4 division wins and Slo had 3. So yeah, CB, your season wasn't totally pointless.


Slo said:
Figure the Bears will be blown out by then?
Why do you hate freedom?

Fifty said:
Hopefully you and Striker can play, that's a meaningful game. Greg's been on Halo constantly for the last few days, I don't know if he even wants to play his games, and he said he might not be back next season. ...Cue him coming into this thread and yelling at me for saying that :lol
Yeah, I still have an outside shot at the playoffs, so I really want to get this game in today. I know Lonestar has the tie-breaker over me if I win both remaining games and he wins his last game, right?


The following tie-breakers are applied:
Head-to-head record
Best division record (if same division)
Best record among common opponents
Best conference record (if same conference)
dammittmatt still has a shot at the playoffs depending on who finishes 9-7 and how many people. if lonestar doesn't lose again there will be no tiebreaker, he'll be 10-6

p.s. and if DJ Demon beats sickboy then rors is in the playoffs.


LukeSmith said:
r0rs I bet I can punt and get scored on more than you in Season 2!
You can die trying, friend.
p.s. and if DJ Demon beats sickboy then rors is in the playoffs.
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Zep was my only hope. Eff you, zep!

It sucks being team #7 in the AFC. Worse pick. :[


Lonestar, post here or PM me when you know when you can play your final game. As long as its not 10-11 eastern it should be ok for me.


Slo said:
Well, that really sucked. I lost 38-14 but it could have easily been 78-14. Ando's passing game is unstoppable. I was lining up in Quarter against 2-1-2 and he was still completing passes at will. And I think his FB must have averaged 8 yards a carry.

GG Ando. Thanks for not running up the score.

Yea the FB dive up the middle against the quarter was eating up yards. Shit I hate Travis Henry with a passion. 5 carries for 7 yards and a touchdown with a long of 6. I swear to fucking GOD EA nerfed him or something. Henry up the middle against quarter out of I formation = 2 guys nail him in the backfield for a loss. All season long. I actually don't like throwing the ball in Madden, I've been atop or top 3 in rushing more than a couple times in GAF leagues and 08 has been a frustrating change of pace. GG, you run the ball damn well with Peterson. I just used the shade feature on him every play for when you'd pass :lol


FrenchMovieTheme said:
lol why are you laughing at DJ demon? he played pretty well against me yesterday and i wasn't doggin it either (trying to stay sharp for the playoffs!)
What team was he using and was this a league game? He's got tunnel vision for dem pats.



Come back Playmaker Stick! Madden 2004!

EA is trying to get a feel of how many people use the vision cone in Madden. They are considering removing it from the game completely for 09 in order to free up the right analog stick for another use.

EA has released a revised roster update #4 which originally came out on October 23rd, the details of which you can find here. It seems likely that the motivation to do so came from having a few players with the incorrect race, such as the newly added Koren Robinson. This gave them the opportunity to make a handful of other changes that occurred too late to get them in before, such as moving Ronnie Brown to the IR and replacing him with the recently signed Samkon Gado.


I love the vision cone... think it's the best addition to a football game in forever. I started the season using it but when I realized no one else was and that it made absolutely no difference in the passes I stopped. It's only worth keeping in if they are going to have it make a difference in the passes. Maybe have a "vision cone mode" in the settings that way if you play with it off, all the passes don't suck.


sableholic said:
LT+RT then you can direct the wrs

Whoa, that's huge. I can't believe I didn't know that. I feel like such a moron for missing it all this time. I don't think I've seen anyone else do it though. Thanks for the big tip. If this was a Sharkwaters league we would have known how to do it.

tried it in practice mode. it won't be that easy to execute..holding two buttons and then moving the right stick while avoiding pressure and pressing the correct button to pass to the reciever is no easy task.
Fifty said:
Whoa, that's huge. I can't believe I didn't know that. I feel like such a moron for missing it all this time. I don't think I've seen anyone else do it though. Thanks for the big tip. If this was a Sharkwaters league we would have known how to do it.

tried it in practice mode. it won't be that easy to execute..holding two buttons and then moving the right stick while avoiding pressure and pressing the correct button to pass to the reciever is no easy task.

Yep its certainly no easy task. Thats why I dont use it, but I have used it offline. Takes some getting used to. Some reason I thought everyone knew about it and just didnt use it like me.

Andokuky said:
Does this work the same even if you have changed the control layout?

No idea sorry.


Livewire, are you really going to take the team that's beating your Redskins today? That'd be like marrying the woman who killed your family. Not cool! The Redskins are a good team in Madden. Lead Portis to victory!
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