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[Mafia] NX Launch Night |OT| Back of the Line!


Okay you guys are talking heaps and tons here with lot of stuff happening, so I won’t comment on absolutely everything, just some stuff. I was going to talk lot more about Karkador, but we have a new player in the field Cabbeh who claims to be a miller.

Case Cabbeh:

So Cabbeh is claiming Miller. Some stuff Cabbeh said during his post (like the notes about how he referenced his role early-on) makes me kind of think that Cabbe might be legit here. But at the same time, Miller is the best possible role-claim they could make at this point. Miller is one of the rarer roles of Mafia, I’m not even sure if GAFia even has had any Millers before (someone who knows more about this should clarify maybe). With a miller-claim Cabbeh could easily make himself a player who town trusts even if cop-seer would check him. Look, it’s already working:

@cabbeh - claiming miller asap is generally a good thing to do. You're confirmed town to me for now.

Guys stop! We don't lynch the uncced miller d1!

We don't scum read people for giving solid advice and voting with reasonable explanations!


Look Bats, we Scum-read players who are claiming themselves the most useful PR for scum to claim from out of the whole game. It’s not exactly rocket science. I will give that Bats has some legitimate points about Cabbeh, but it doesn't do enough to help with my unease.

That said, I’m not completely comfortable with lynching Cabbeh. The notes of him referencing to his earlier posts are noteworthy, and I kind of would think a claim like this would be made only after some votes. Cabbeh didn’t have any real pressure on him when he made his claim, which kind of makes him look bit more like town.

It could be a way to make the seer effectively waste a night in him though. With just 15 players, Cop is even more valuable than ever now to the town.

Moving on…

Case Batsnacks:

Reading through last ten pages or soh as made me feel more concerned about Batsnacks than before to add to the points I mentioned earlier about him. Stuff to mention:

1. He keeps accusing people of things that he actually has made before himself.

Batsnack was basically saying that Sorian’s claim about one of the three in KarkLauchBats is a scum was reaching yet he had earlier said that one of the five silent people (most of whom even had a good reason for their silence!) is mafia.

2. He keeps telling us vocally about his townyness and contributions to the game with no real backing to it.

Sorry, but this is so weird. Lot of Batsys messages in the last ten pages have been him telling us about his towny deeds and towny behaviour and his contributions to the game, which rubs me the wrong way.


What is this unflipped associations stuff? I'm the towniest town who ever towned. I'm being reasonable, transparent, pushing the thread forward...

No, you are not. What you have been doing is latched into easy-target Karkador, and I haven’t seen you really pushing the thread going at all.

Is that what you think it is? And I practically started the Kark wagon, yo!

No to this again. People started to look at Karkador more after Launch posted his detailed post about why he thinks Karkador’s actions were questionable. Only one who really responded to your vote was Sorian.

I think "snuck in on an easy vote" is a stretch, I was pretty vocal about Kark and pushed him as hard as anyone else.

It was an easy vote, since there was time between Launch’s vote and yours it probable you saw it. Also in your vote you really didn’t say much, half of that post was you hoping Sorian would join the bandwagon too. After that your ”push” limited to two short-ish posts with other basically just saying ”I think lynching Kark is good.” That’s not a push.

It’s odd Bats is going to this angle, posting multiple posts reminding us about his deeds. It’s in heavy contrast with…

3. He has posted fillery fluff

Seriously, he has some fluffy fillery posts in there for no real apparent reason.

I wanna hear a joke I'll tell you one if you tell me one.

That wasn't funny I rescind my offer! No joke for you.

30 days plus shipping plus 15% restocking fee.

Mind you, it’s not like the majority of his posts are fluffy, but I think it’s weird for Batsy to say that he is towniest towner pushing the game forward, when this is not the case. Also I saw it weird that Batsy basically said that Blarg was towny because he got towny-vibes from him, but at that point most of the interaction between the two was through this fillery exhanges.

When I’m at it, Blarg, don’t post too much filler either, it clutters the thread and makes it much more unreadable.

4. So what does the points above me say about anything?

Right now I feel like the points above me push my thoughts about Batsys alignment to the Scum side. If Batsy is experienced player, then experienced member of town should have no real reason to remind us multiple times about his contributions to the game and townyness. There is absolutely no real point to it, I think, since it doesn’t really add anything to the table for the town to look at, especially since the posts are contradictiory with reality.

However, a scum wants to make himself look like a useful player who is worth keeping in the game, so posts like that make more sense. Batsnacks the scum would want to create an illusion of a contibutive, well-meaning player. Getting that contributive, towny feel to other people is ideal for a scum from the beginning, since that would make them suspect scum less in the future of the game. Obviously this has some-what failed, since lot of people have mentioned that Bats is suspicious to some level.

What I am trying to say is, show, don’t tell. Show me that you are actually pushing the game forward, show me that you are actually a good contributive towner. Don’t just say it to me like it’s a fact, because that is scummy especially in day 1.

Vote: batsnacks

5. Other things about Bats.

Before moving on to other things, few things about Bats still.

Also, if we were to lynch batsnacks today and he flips town, I'd be open to revisiting the Kark-as-scum discussion.

It kinda escaped me, but how does the alignment of Bats relate to Kark? I do agree that one of the three is possibly a scum, but I want to hear more of your insight in this.

Also is it just me, but Bats seems to be really sure that there is four members of Mafia? In his second post about people he doesn’t remember, he mentions it again with not really thinking about three mafia members, which seems more likely to me, to be honest. I could make a hypothesis that he knows the amount of scums because he is one of them, but that is too much of a leap to make.

One more case to go through..

Case Karkador:

Not really that much has happened in Karkador side of things. I agree that Kark’s actions do not fit into the profile of the minion really. It does not completely shut down the idea of a minion though, especially if Cabbeh really is the Miller, which too is kind of a rare role at least in the games I have played later on.

In general I still feel really unsure about Karkador. As I mentioned before, his actions don’t fit the profile of a scum or a towner well at all. If he is a scum, it’s ridiculously unnecessary gamble, that could potentially kill one third of the mafia off, one fourth in the best case. But if he is a towner, he is drawing a huge aim on his head and potentially giving mafia a chance to make their list of potential power roles even smaller, even though Ourobolos made a fair point that mafia might not really be able to figure out if Kark is talking the truth or not.

So here are my thoughts on this. I don't claim Kark to be The Best Mafia Player Ever™, but I think he's smart enough to realize that his play doesn't make any sense. So that leads to the question, "Why on earth would he do this?" And I think it's just what happened. Who is capitalizing on an easy target, one that does something so incredibly stupid as to put a giant target on their back that says AIM HERE?

Aggressive play styles aren't a problem. In many cases they are perfectly fine and necessary. Tunneling without considering other options is a problem though.

There is a good point in this post, however. Kark might have been trying to look at who people are quickly latching on to a easy target he drew on himself. One of those people was Bats, so it kind of fits my idea that Bats is a scum.


I was going to post reads on all players today, but then I saw +10 new pages after I had time to open up the computer, so that was gone with that. If possible, I’ll post those tomorrow, provided that I’m not greeted with +20 new pages.


I mean I can cite examples of highly skilled mafia players on other sites leading threads and dominating games. I had one game where a guy claimed miller d1 as mafia, went on to lynch all of his team mates, and rode that insane town cred to a victory. You only have my word but that is -not- me.

I'm not a big fan of anecdotal evidence, but regardless, if you recognize it's possible, why should we stop calling anyone out on what we deem worth discussing just because of their activity levels? Seems like adding a huge blind spot to our scope.


I mean I can cite examples of highly skilled mafia players on other sites leading threads and dominating games. I had one game where a guy claimed miller d1 as mafia, went on to lynch all of his team mates, and rode that insane town cred to a victory. You only have my word but that is -not- me.

You only said this a few posts back:

Scum can -not- just as easily act as "leaders." At least I can't, and I know for a fact most people I have played with can't. And It's d1 what else can I do? Other than push what I believe is good for town. Seriously? You're falling into confirmation bias at this point.

I feel slightly bad for the fact you did defend me, but you're looking pretty run here, chummer.


Maybe it's too broad a generalization because there are people that as mafia push agendas very aggressively. I just don't know why you'd want to lynch someone d1 who is pushing things forward. In my experience you keep those people around because at least they are being active and doing what town needs to do to win, if they are town. Maybe they are really good and faking it but you still don't just assume that without really good reasons (that you won't get d1).

The thing with this is: I don't actually think you push things that much foward. I think both sorian and launch are really leading this game currently, not you. You are supporting them, true, but you keep implying you are some kind of unmissable player for us, and in my mind, you aren't. I think sorian and launch are more valuable and I trust then more than you.


:/ really guys? This is my town A game I don't know what I could have done different.

If you want my TL:DR version of the post at the top of this page, I don't think you are pushing the game forward or are doing really towny things at all. What you are doing here is that you keep telling us you are doing that.

Telling us something won't make it reality.


The thing with this is: I don't actually think you push things that much foward. I think both sorian and launch are really leading this game currently, not you. You are supporting them, true, but you keep implying you are some kind of unmissable player for us, and in my mind, you aren't. I think sorian and launch are more valuable and I trust then more than you.

It's not my intention to imply I am an unmissable leader who is responsible for all things good in the thread. I do think I have contributed though and I do think there is enough information available to know I am objectively a bad lynch.


If you want my TL:DR version of the post at the top of this page, I don't think you are pushing the game forward or are doing really towny things at all. What you are doing here is that you keep telling us you are doing that.

Telling us something won't make it reality.

Defending myself to so many people has me repeating stuff a lot but if you focus on my non-defense oriented stuff I really think most of it is important and good.


It was one baby bandwagon (Darryl) and vote pressuring is a highly legitimate town strategy. And that was within 30 minutes of the game starting.

vote pressuring within 30 minutes of a game starting is a legitimate annoyance, too.

If he had a vote on him, why add to it so early?
The sad bit is, I don't think we've discussed a single real mafia today. I'm hopeful about Kark, but otherwise, I just don't see anything conclusive.


vote pressuring within 30 minutes of a game starting is a legitimate annoyance, too.

If he had a vote on him, why add to it so early?
We disagree. I always vote pressure early and I wanted to stress the instant majority lynch in case anyone missed it. Voting Darryl was my way of doing this. It was not difficult for Darryl to get me to unvote him, he said at least one thing that has me leaning town on him now.


cabbeh [m] - I know I originally called bullshit on your miller claim but it was nothing more than a passing fancy, I did distrust you on it and I figured I'd just air my distrust right away and see if any cracks would appear, none did so kudos so making me a believer. You role claimed it at the only time that made sense and if you are to be believed then you will be an ally to town for awhile. We will have to kill you though before we get to end game, make no mistake. Verdict: Miller

TheGoddamn [m] - Hope things start going well man, if you can't play then don't worry about it, we'll catch you next time :D Verdict: Null

roytheone [m] - Roy is playing that slow game. He pops in from time to time, agrees or disagrees on a few points and then disappears, like the wind. This is classic scum play but the things he has said have been very insightful. If you are scum, I'm not going to get you on a cold guess, I'm going to need to build a case from dead bodies and patterns. Verdict: Waiting to see if cashing that check from El Topo will help town.

Darryl [-] - I wish Darryl-senpai would notice me but Blarg is his new favorite uguu~~~ ;_; But seriously, I'm reading Darryl has town currently. He's giving me shit again for talking too much which is still fine, I know I dilute the post pool but deep down he is appreciating the information I drag into the light. Verdict: Town probably maybe

Sorian [m] -
It's not my job to judge myself, that is your job.

batsnacks [m] - Since batsnacks is earliest on the list, he gets padded a bit while I talk about our main day 1 storyline. Kark sets "trap", Launch jumps in full thrust, batsnacks follows shortly behind while inviting me to get in on some of that lovin' too. I refuse and then I'm handed some shaky logic from batsy about why what Kark did is a bad play all around and it's either a definite mafia player we need to kill or a townie we need to policy lynch. All is well and good, I agree kind of, we move on. People are still talking about other ideas, mostly the growing vote for Launch and bat doesn't really add too much because Kark is looking good. Suddenly, a wild Miller appears and batsy is front and center again telling us why that Miller vote is dumb, what "normal" mafia play is like etc. etc. Here's the pattern and here's the thing I don't like. He keeps trying to appeal to the fact that town is always going to act like town and scum is always going to act like scum. In the world he is presenting to us, he makes it sound like scum would never ever be upfront and leading the charges and whatever because that would draw attention to them because that is what town does......except no, being like town is what scum likes to do. I feel you are drawing attention away from this because it's your plan, it's what you are doing. I still content that there is 1 scum in this love triangle which again, you tried to dissuade with bad logic and again that bad logic was only serving to help you. I smell something and now we've played around with Kark for a bit, I feel more comfortable going for what I believe. Verdict: If it smells, kill it.

Fireblend [m] - I don't have a lot to say on Fire but if him and Bats or scum then he is starting that bussing process early. Fire has been the little voice urging me on a few times in this thread. I'm inclined to trust him on nothing more than gut feeling right now but there always comes a time where I have to question the voices in my head. Verdict: Keep offering insight

Karkador [m] - I still think I read what you were trying to do correctly and that's why I wanted to attempt to lynch you today. batsnacks has drawn enough of my attention that I think it is fair to go down that road first now and you seem to agree. If I'm wrong about you then no big loss but if I'm right, you will be the perfect lynch candidate on a day where we don't have much to go on. Verdict: Still deciding who should go first, cabbeh or Kark

Burbeting [m] - Quiet but when you are here, YOU. ARE. HERE. You might even have a big post waiting once I get out of this one. You keep up with the thread when you can and add your thoughts in a clear and concise manner. I have no read on you yet because your first post was more summary than thoughts but I expect you to pick up as more happens. Verdict: Wait and see approach

SalvaPot [m] - Speaking of linked accusations, here's a Bold Prediction™ I sense 1 scum between Salva or Blarg. I don't know which way I'm leaning on it yet. They've both fingered each other in passing (phrasing) and I can see merit to both sides of it. Salva has played expert level hiding in the shadows since this game has started which is where my distrust comes from on him. Verdict: Another day

Ourobolus [m] - Ouro and I are on the same page currently and he was vocal about it first. I have no reason not to trust him currently. Verdict: Town

LaunchpadMcQ [m] - No hard feelings m8? I enjoyed your tunnel game on Kark and I know I'm giving you a hard time but the way you handled it reads as town to me. You fell in on a mistake but you eventually backed down when it stopped making sense after holding on to it for awhile. I know you might still end up voting for Kark today and that is 100% a-ok because you might be right but you've started seeing the other views which I don't think you were doing before. I do now honestly believe that you and Kark are barking up the wrong tree on each other but let's see how day 1 ends. My opinion could change pretty easily on the love triangle. Verdict: Town

Lone_Prodigy [m] - I'm partial to assuming you are scum, sorry :p But I did say I wouldn't come into this game with past knowledge so that is a garbage read. You remained quiet for awhile which was having me worried because I do think you were watching the thread over the weekend but you came in today like you said you would and you made well reasoned points like you were expected to. You are also staying engaged as things occur. I have no reason to distrust you at this time. Verdict: Wait and see

Blargonaut [m] - See my Bold Prediction™ under Salva. Blarg is worrying me because this isn't normal Blarg posting. This is a Blarg that wants to live and not get policy lynched because of mass confusion. It's just Blarg enough to be Blarg but not Blarg enough that you can't read the posts. Honestly, I'm reading this as either Blarg has attained a new form because he wants to stick around in games longer or he had to tone it back because he is finally a bad guy. Verdict:Another day

RetroMG [m] - Retro came in here, dropped some truth and then left again. Once I see how this whole batsnacks thing shakes out then I'll have a better read on Retro, or he could just post more. Both would help. Verdict: Town leaning null


Defending myself to so many people has me repeating stuff a lot but if you focus on my non-defense oriented stuff I really think most of it is important and good.

But the problem here isn't really the repeating, it's that your defence is telling us you are towny, when you are not showing any proof about that. You say you are pushing the game forward, but how exactly are you doing that? In my posts above I go though this in bit more detail. Right now you are just trying to create an illusion about a contributive player without any real merit behind it.

It's not my intention to imply I am an unmissable leader who is responsible for all things good in the thread. I do think I have contributed though and I do think there is enough information available to know I am objectively a bad lynch.

Emphasis mine. Again, you are telling Roy you are contributive and that there is enough information, but that's again just your words about it. I'll re-consider your case if you actually deliver something concrete to your claims, because now you are just doing again and again the same things I suspect you from in the first place.


And sorry Sorian, university started today so I don't have really time to look at the thread but at very precise times right now :(. When things clear up bit more, I do hope I can start to post fore frequently!


But the problem here isn't really the repeating, it's that your defence is telling us you are towny, when you are not showing any proof about that. You say you are pushing the game forward, but how exactly are you doing that? In my posts above I go though this in bit more detail. Right now you are just trying to create an illusion about a contributive player without any real merit behind it.

Emphasis mine. Again, you are telling Roy you are contributive and that there is enough information, but that's again just your words about it. I'll re-consider your case if you actually deliver something concrete to your claims, because now you are just doing again and again the same things I suspect you from in the first place.

You do realize I've posted over 100 times in this thread? I'm not going to just summarize everything I've contributed. And if you're going to lynch me because I won't, it won't be because of mistakes I made!

I don't mind starting somewhere specific though, here is something I was excited at the time to contribute:

Like maybe you can tell me the scum motivation in posting that? Or if you have more specific problems with my posts other that "I just don't think you're contributing" we could talk about those?


Awaiting my amazing Sorian cliff notes post for batsnacks. Still not convinced, but I'm open to hearing things out.

Do you want more on batsnacks or any specific questions? I didn't cite specific posts because I'm a tad lazy but I can start doing that if you feel it is necessary. I'm not actually interested in persuading you completely because I don't know that I'm 100% right and I don't actually think you are making a bad decision.

And sorry Sorian, university started today so I don't have really time to look at the thread but at very precise times right now :(. When things clear up bit more, I do hope I can start to post fore frequently!

Like I expected, you had another big post waiting for me and you explained what I wanted to about bats in a different and possibly better manner than I could have. I still don't buy the minion thing honestly but you have good reason to mention it.
batsnacks [m] - Since batsnacks is earliest on the list, he gets padded a bit while I talk about our main day 1 storyline. Kark sets "trap", Launch jumps in full thrust, batsnacks follows shortly behind while inviting me to get in on some of that lovin' too. I refuse and then I'm handed some shaky logic from batsy about why what Kark did is a bad play all around and it's either a definite mafia player we need to kill or a townie we need to policy lynch. All is well and good, I agree kind of, we move on. People are still talking about other ideas, mostly the growing vote for Launch and bat doesn't really add too much because Kark is looking good. Suddenly, a wild Miller appears and batsy is front and center again telling us why that Miller vote is dumb, what "normal" mafia play is like etc. etc. Here's the pattern and here's the thing I don't like. He keeps trying to appeal to the fact that town is always going to act like town and scum is always going to act like scum. In the world he is presenting to us, he makes it sound like scum would never ever be upfront and leading the charges and whatever because that would draw attention to them because that is what town does......except no, being like town is what scum likes to do. I feel you are drawing attention away from this because it's your plan, it's what you are doing. I still content that there is 1 scum in this love triangle which again, you tried to dissuade with bad logic and again that bad logic was only serving to help you. I smell something and now we've played around with Kark for a bit, I feel more comfortable going for what I believe. Verdict: If it smells, kill it.

I appreciate the condensed version, but it looks like I was up to date on everything already. However, I don't think I can convince you not to vote for batsnacks; I have nothing solid for or against him. It just looks as tenuous as the shit I have on Kark.

May whichever vote win, and hopefully it's a mafia lynch.


We ain't lynching me and that's final! I will burn this thread to the ground with my infinite tenacity before I get lynched d1 in my first game here! HEAR THIS!


Like maybe you can tell me the scum motivation in posting that?

These two scenarios are completely hypothetical, I am not saying either are the case here, I am just saying that they are possibilities that aren't a stretch at all and answer the quoted question.

1) Millers automatically cause confusion for the town while being town-aligned. Lynching them is always something town has to weigh heavily on because it kills one of their numbers but it disperses confusion which helps to see scum better. Scum could advise that killing a member of town is wrong and will make you feel bad about doing it. The upside for them is that the miller gets to stay in the game causing that confusion and it is a player that they never have to worry about night killing because why bother? Killing it would just provide needed info to town.

2) "The Long Shot Play" cabbeh drank his ovaltine this morning and grew 36 pound brass balls of steel and, as scum, said "fuck it, let's get dirty" and claimed miller from the start so that a cop investigating him would feel useless. Now we have a Miller that we are worried about and are on the fence of lynching so a mafia teammate comes along hoping to "help guide the town" by letting us know that killing a miller is bad news since they are basically confirmed town from the start.


We ain't lynching me and that's final! I will burn this thread to the ground with my infinite tenacity before I get lynched d1 in my first game here! HEAR THIS!

Idk man, only 3 votes to go to shut this party down. You seem like a weasel and I know I like to get as much discussion time as possible but I don't know if I'm going to lift my thumb off of you, if I do, I might not be able to catch you again.

Get angrier m8

You need to get squidy level to get people to believe you.

I'm not ready for a weird squidy play yet. That shit is tiring and makes no sense.


These two scenarios are completely hypothetical, I am not saying either are the case here, I am just saying that they are possibilities that aren't a stretch at all and answer the quoted question.

1) Millers automatically cause confusion for the town while being town-aligned. Lynching them is always something town has to weigh heavily on because it kills one of their numbers but it disperses confusion which helps to see scum better. Scum could advise that killing a member of town is wrong and will make you feel bad about doing it. The upside for them is that the miller gets to stay in the game causing that confusion and it is a player that they never have to worry about night killing because why bother? Killing it would just provide needed info to town.

2) "The Long Shot Play" cabbeh drank his ovaltine this morning and grew 36 pound brass balls of steel and, as scum, said "fuck it, let's get dirty" and claimed miller from the start so that a cop investigating him would feel useless. Now we have a Miller that we are worried about and are on the fence of lynching so a mafia teammate comes along hoping to "help guide the town" by letting us know that killing a miller is bad news since they are basically confirmed town from the start.
Yeah that's reasonable enough. I still think what I said about cabbeh was reasonable too though. Hey, it convinced you not to vote him!


Thanks for linking that, that's more what I was hoping for!

However, I did note a bit your posts about Cabbeh:

I will give that Bats has some legitimate points about Cabbeh, but it doesn't do enough to help with my unease.

And yes, that post is at least somewhat contributive to the complete scenario, even though it has some faults (I could go to argue about your points in Cabbeh post in more detail, but that's not really the point of this conversation). But look, as you said, you have posted 100 posts or so. Lot of them are like one or two sentences long, which I will not call contributive to the game, and like roy mentioned, lot of the time you have been just riding off other people. I will say that you have had two contributive posts to the game so far. The one above about Cabbeh and this one:


But even still, this post was done lot after your initial vote for Kark, after people started to call you of bandwagoning, so you needed to figure out other stuff to make yourself look as scummy as you did with that latching on an easy target that is target.

Also, I would say that you would also answer to the stuff Sorian brought up about you, because it's lot very legit points and not helping your case at all.


I appreciate the condensed version, but it looks like I was up to date on everything already. However, I don't think I can convince you not to vote for batsnacks; I have nothing solid for or against him. It just looks as tenuous as the shit I have on Kark.

May whichever vote win, and hopefully it's a mafia lynch.

I know I've been giving Bat shit but I agree with you; the accusations against him are anything but concrete. Still, in a Kark vs. Bat scenario, I lean towards voting Bat because of how much I disagree with what he's been saying. Playing the "experienced player" card, dealing in absolutes when talking about how scum or town behave, lashing out when questioned about his Kark vote, etc is just jarring to me. He's toned it down a lot, specially with this post:

It's not my intention to imply I am an unmissable leader who is responsible for all things good in the thread. I do think I have contributed though and I do think there is enough information available to know I am objectively a bad lynch.

But I feel like it's too little too late. I don't feel super confident that we're lynching mafia for sure, but he has been saying just the right things to tick me off.


We ain't lynching me and that's final! I will burn this thread to the ground with my infinite tenacity before I get lynched d1 in my first game here! HEAR THIS!

Oh look, martyrism and aggressive behaviour when accused and voted. Something that lot of scum have been doing in the games I have played in the past.


Yeah that's reasonable enough. I still think what I said about cabbeh was reasonable too though. Hey, it convinced you not to vote him!

It did and that might be your fatal mistake. At the end of the day, I prefer shooting for who i suspect is mafia on day 1 instead of trying to run damage control. I catered to a hunch I have on Kark for a bit and then I contemplated the Miller scenario because I had never played with one before but your advice on it was solid. Offering solid advice on an issue that favors both teams isn't really going to make me suspect you less though.
I know I've been giving Bat shit but I agree with you; the accusations against him are anything but concrete. Still, in a Kark vs. Bat scenario, I lean towards voting Bat because of how much I disagree with what he's been saying. Playing the "experienced player" card, dealing in absolutes when talking about how scum or town behave, lashing out when questioned about his Kark vote, etc is just jarring to me.

Kark did nearly everything here, with a few twists - playing the "inexperienced player" card, dealing in absolutes about how GAF town always fucks things up, lashing out when they called him on his play.


roytheone [m] - Roy is playing that slow game. He pops in from time to time, agrees or disagrees on a few points and then disappears, like the wind. This is classic scum play but the things he has said have been very insightful. If you are scum, I'm not going to get you on a cold guess, I'm going to need to build a case from dead bodies and patterns. Verdict: Waiting to see if cashing that check from He who will not be named will help town.

Trust me, I myself am well aware of this fact. The thing is that with pesky real life things like university, work and sleeping that kind of thing can be hard to avoid. Take today for example, things went insane right when I had to go to work (with no internet access). After getting back, I now had about 2.5 hours to follow the thread on mobile (with about 45 minutes spend on catching up and typing a post on mobile), but now I have to leave again because it is 1 am and I need to go to bed. When I wake up, a lot of you guys will be asleep so there is little else I can do then give my opinion on what happened when I was asleep and that is kinda it, the thread is very slow during those times unfortunate.

That hurts, Roy :(

Own, I am sorry, I think you are a very valuable townie.....I just think sorian and launch are better ;)


Thanks for linking that, that's more what I was hoping for!

However, I did note a bit your posts about Cabbeh:

And yes, that post is at least somewhat contributive to the complete scenario, even though it has some faults (I could go to argue about your points in Cabbeh post in more detail, but that's not really the point of this conversation). But look, as you said, you have posted 100 posts or so. Lot of them are like one or two sentences long, which I will not call contributive to the game, and like roy mentioned, lot of the time you have been just riding off other people. I will say that you have had two contributive posts to the game so far. The one above about Cabbeh and this one:


But even still, this post was done lot after your initial vote for Kark, after people started to call you of bandwagoning, so you needed to figure out other stuff to make yourself look as scummy as you did with that latching on an easy target that is target.

Also, I would say that you would also answer to the stuff Sorian brought up about you, because it's lot very legit points and not helping your case at all.

That other post you quoted was actually after I unvoted Kark and was beginning to believe he could be a power role. I thought this because he kept saying "no-lynch is optimal" like he had more information than he should. Then he went from trying to lynch feel good Blarg (who I think is town), to trying to lynch uncced miller cabbeh (even telling cabbeh to vote himself), and trying to lynch me when all of that failed.

And I revoted him.


Burbeting said:
It kinda escaped me, but how does the alignment of Bats relate to Kark? I do agree that one of the three is possibly a scum, but I want to hear more of your insight in this.
Kark/Launchpad/batsnacks were are intricately linked early on, with the two of them questioning Kark's claim. I just said that if batsnacks flips town, I'd revisit the Kark situation in a new light.


It did and that might be your fatal mistake. At the end of the day, I prefer shooting for who i suspect is mafia on day 1 instead of trying to run damage control. I catered to a hunch I have on Kark for a bit and then I contemplated the Miller scenario because I had never played with one before but your advice on it was solid. Offering solid advice on an issue that favors both teams isn't really going to make me suspect you less though.

I think I can say that the advice I offered benefits town way more than mafia... and I think that's why you unvoted cabbeh.


Kark did nearly everything here, with a few twists - playing the "inexperienced player" card, dealing in absolutes about how GAF town always fucks things up, lashing out when they called him on his play.

Eh. I'm willing to admit since I've been way more active today than yesterday and most of the stuff I've found annoying about Bat has been in response to my posts, Bat sticks out to me more. I'll grant you I was expecting the day to end with a Kark lynch before we started engaging with Bat though, and I expect that conversation to continue onto day 2. I don't plan to forget on what he did today and I maintain my early points about it diminishing the value of the conversation, though now I think it might have drawn some interesting stuff to light.


Kark/Launchpad/batsnacks were are intricately linked early on, with the two of them questioning Kark's claim. I just said that if batsnacks flips town, I'd revisit the Kark situation in a new light.

You have all the time in the world to revisit everything you need to before mistakes are made. I have done the best I can to respond to every issue you had with my play (I've done the same for a lot of people). It is better to revisit now.


That other post you quoted was actually after I unvoted Kark and was beginning to believe he could be a power role. I thought this because he kept saying "no-lynch is optimal" like he had more information than he should. Then he went from trying to lynch feel good Blarg (who I think is town), to trying to lynch uncced miller cabbeh (even telling cabbeh to vote himself), and trying to lynch me when all of that failed.

And I revoted him.

Talking about feel good Blarg, actually. Do you want to tell us why exactly are you looking Blarg as town? Right now your reasoning has been somewhat close to things like this:

And he picks on Blarg of all people and I like Blarg because he feels good. Townies are more likely to feel good than mafia. That's just science.

You do realise the biggest thing Scum wants to do is to feel like town to other towners? You has problems with Kark again because he voted Blarg because.... science? This is related to the stuff Sorian posted about you in his reads too. You seem to be having a case of blind trust on people who act like town in your eyes.


Trust me, I myself am well aware of this fact. The thing is that with pesky real life things like university, work and sleeping that kind of thing can be hard to avoid. Take today for example, things went insane right when I had to go to work (with no internet access). After getting back, I now had about 2.5 hours to follow the thread on mobile (with about 45 minutes spend on catching up and typing a post on mobile), but now I have to leave again because it is 1 am and I need to go to bed. When I wake up, a lot of you guys will be asleep so there is little else I can do then give my opinion on what happened when I was asleep and that is kinda it, the thread is very slow during those times unfortunate.

Don't worry, I'm aware, that's why i can't nad you on a cold guess. That's how you have to post and that's fine.

I think I can say that the advice I offered benefits town way more than mafia... and I think that's why you unvoted cabbeh.

Nah, I was still waiting to see if any cracks were showing on that Miller claim. Also waiting to see how long it would take for Kark to hunt scum instead of being afraid to lynch day 1. You contributed but you weren't the deciding factor.

Yeah but I'm right



And Launch, I totally get your reasoning for Kark, I really do. Right now I don't think you are scummy. You made a lot of good points and I don't want to lose that thread - I just think this is a better target for now.


You have all the time in the world to revisit everything you need to before mistakes are made. I have done the best I can to respond to every issue you had with my play (I've done the same for a lot of people). It is better to revisit now.

I've gone over it several times and made my points several times. I don't think your answers are satisfactory. Just a lot of posturing about why the way you post is town-like, when that's really not a sufficient reason. Scum wants to post like town to hide.


Alright, bat I'll do your defense for you. I don't think you're mafia, and I've selected some more contributive efforts from earlier before my claim.

Not useless. Check out these Sick Reads™ I have from our Darryl plays:

launchpadmcq - Excited to post with promises of activity. Aggressive and responding to things quickly.

sorian - Post written pre-game that "randomly" sheeps launchpadmcq. Says he will be quick to jump off Darryl wagon before Darryl even posts; creating outs for later.

cabbeh - Comments on aggression -- is passive.

burbeting - Claims to understand two effectively reasonless votes for Darryl but claims not to understand mine.

Offers some reads, small but still something useful in the early days.

I was wondering what the people who already voted Darryl would do.

Nah I'm not criticizing wagoning I like living dangerously. I would argue that it wasn't even a proper wagon until I joined.

Aggressive and forcing reactions. Again, a bit aggressive which I see as town personally. It takes a special kind of Mafia to go around actively seeking these actions.

Maybe Ourobolus he seemed disconnected from the thread.

Maybe burbeting he has posted a lot about me without saying anything about my alignment. There's a pattern where he points out something I'm doing and then sort of lets it go by saying he doesn't understand.

I think townies focus more on things they think are alignment indicative.

Offers views on other players, again keeping things open. A usually pro-town trait.

Hey, at least we won't lose a PR! And I know Sorian will join me because he said he would go ham on people that claim. :)

VOTE: Karkador

Eh, this one is iffy but his later posts point to wanting to lynch Kark because his behaviour isn't benefitting town all that much, which is a fair view.

Dude no blue is ever going to just claim VT at the first sign of pressure for like almost no reason. He is either mafia or he is town and just got mafia significantly closer to our blues.

blues are PRs right? seems a decent thought contribution.

I think this is good and I also think lynching Kark is good. Most of the mafia games I've played have been regular plurality lynch so I'm used to voting quick and not having to worry about cutting the day short.

This seems to be a case of his experience with other games. I'd like to say up front that I advise against this in most cases, unless a clear majority agree.

I will 100% openly vote to lynch Kark and in fact already have!

If you are willing to take (from your alleged point of view) a 100% chance town kill in lieu of an approximate ~74% chance of town kill (on a random) then you are not town!

Town does not kill 100% town (self) in the stead of 74% town (random guy)!

Town does not role claim when doing so will only help mafia find our power roles!

I found mafia and Kark is mafia!

Understandable track of thought.

Can someone who has played with Kark before confirm whether he should know that no lynching and self voting hurt town? Especially self voting in response to people not supporting no lynching. That's like hurting town in response to town being unwilling to hurt itself. That's a lot of hurt!

But maybe he's just trolling for Reasons™.

Continuing that thought.

Once we do lynch mafia seeing who they pressured d1, if anyone, is a valuable tool. Mafia doesn't usually bus d1 and some players have tendencies like ignoring their scumbuddies in thread so seeing who people accuse d1 is really important. If everyone just holds hands all day and waits for night we will never have that info.

Seems like solid info taken from experience.

If you get voted out and you're town, it is only you that's to blame. How do you expect to create an environment where mafia can't hide behind mistakes by making arguably the two biggest mistakes possible d1?

Again, raising good, valid points.

People I don't remember:
2. TheGoddamn [m]
3. roytheone [m]
7. Fireblend [m]
13. Lone_Prodigy [m]
15. RetroMG [m]

There is mafia in this list.

Again I query the naming of this list because its dishonest, but it shows where he's aiming his crosshairs at least, and all but roy were legit (though valid reasons were given)

I want him gone because I think he could be mafia, because I think he's hurting town, and if he is town at least we get rid of a townie that's hurting town. :)

Again, valid points.

I think we're indeed getting lost here. Bats has done some questionable things but I definitely would say that seems more of a downside to his aggressive, forward nature.

Scum things? He's been pretty defensive when called out, I think he's too eager on more than one occasion, and I'm the guy thats doing his fucking grunt defense work here partly because he showed solid logic with regards to me and I thought I'd look to see if it was there before people really suspected him. He's also kinda contradicted himself on the defense.

Summary? I think as a D1 lynch, he's not a poor choice, though I still stick with my attitude of maybe giving him another day to see how he fares. I see more pro-town positives than scum and I'd be willing to leave him for D2.


Kark/Launchpad/batsnacks were are intricately linked early on, with the two of them questioning Kark's claim. I just said that if batsnacks flips town, I'd revisit the Kark situation in a new light.

Fair enough. If we go by the assumption that one of the three might be scum, then town-aligned Bats would push Karkador's chances of being a scum to theoretical 50/50.

It's now 2.15am so I will close the computer at least. Have to wake up at 8.30am, yay. Will check the thread before going to sleep on mobile though.
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