I am back! And now my finger hurts from swiping down! Thanks for that! And typing this on mobile takes so long that there will probably be a new page for me to read after posting this. Also, I do not have access to my notes on mobile, so this will be a quick and dirty post right from my brain.
-cabbah claims miller, a kind of handicap role.
I like cabbeh, I had him as town in my list. I also believe his role claim. A mafia member will fake role claim miller if he is afraid to be targeted by the cop, and I don't think the cop had cabbeh in his sight. There are way better targets like kark, batsnacks, Darryl and salvapot to target instead of cabbeh. If he was Mafia he would be Putting himself in the spotlight for no reason.
-let our cop check if he returns NFA.
Why? What would that achieve? He returns NFA, now what, we still don't know if he is a miller or mafia. Would be a waste of a cop action IMO.
-cabbeh is secretly a hunter that wants to get lynched to do.......yeah, what exactly?
I do not buy this one bit. Why the hell would he do this on day one when we were still discussing who to Lynch? No, just no.
- should we lynch cabbeh?
This is an hard one. I still believe he is town, but he will be viewed as suspicious from here on out. That makes him less useful if he is town, but if he is Mafia he now has a spotlight on him and can't do much either. But i still think he is town, and a very good one too. I am open to Lynch him for info, but would rather wait until we have a day with less good lynch candidates like kark and bat, which I both suspect of being scum, than to now lynch somebody I still see as town.
My current Lynch preference:
Man, typing a big post on mobile sucks shit.