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[Mafia] NX Launch Night |OT| Back of the Line!

oh sorry, I'm supposed to be a distraction, not a contributor, right? fiiiinnneee


smile!.13/15 :)




*wakes up*

Let's see how the NX thread is doing!

*skimps the most recent posts and sees that apparently Batsnacks has role claimed while I was asleep*


Is this going to keep happening? Whenever I return after not being able to keep up with the thread for a couple of hours, there seem to be a new role claim of somebody. At this rate, everybody has role claimed before the end of day 3!


*wakes up*

Let's see how the NX thread is doing!

*skimps the most recent posts and sees that apparently Batsnacks has role claimed while I was asleep*


Is this going to keep happening? Whenever I return after not being able to keep up with the thread for a couple of hours, there seem to be a new role claim of somebody. At this rate, everybody has role claimed before the end of day 3!

He's actually had a little breakdown moment so take it how you will if you want to believe the role claim. I'm going to bed but happy reading!


So much for what I've been saying about Blarg up until know. Take a breath man.

At this point he is just mocking everyone who won't read seriously. I think snax is an idiot and largely I don't understand anything he's saying but he's real convenient to vote for and I'm in the mood for hard choices.


You have to do whatever you can't NOT do, and I think it's easier to let snacks pass a little longer. The game started to agree all too quick once we settled on him. Lynch the new guy is easy enough?


I'm intentionally playing like this because I want to subvert the tropes about myself

Even though I've been playing the exact same way and haven't changed a thing, it's apparently working

I don't even who I'm talking about anymore because I'm typing these sentences here to setup my own future role claim to guarantee that it's perceived as true due to references about myself that I myself have placed

Even though my references are totally flying over people's heads, they'll all believe me once I refer back to them in the format of a long post with interspersed pictures and formal grammar and spelling presented in a casual tone

Well I was about to draw a set of secretive teeth to finally and conclusively prove my role claim, but you've beaten me to it.

How about a crazy straw?

A game of snakes and ladders?


I've no idea what bat is doing, it's truly a horrifying sight to behold. I saw the claim last night and it was the thing that sent me to bed.

Is there logic to Salva's view of believing my role claim but still wanting to kill me ASAP.

Is that a legit reaction to Miller?


So, it seems two main things have happened while I was asleep: Batsnacks had a mental breakdown and role claimed jailor, and Blarg has turned his typical Blarg craziness™ up a notch.
I will be short about the second one: Do I find it weird Blarg ups his craziness right after people called him out on the fact he was less crazy in this game? Yes. Do I think we should focus on that today, while we have bigger fish like Kark and Bat to focus on? No. So, on to the main event:

The tale of Batsnacks.

Hey guys its instant majority lynch... a quick wagon could be... DANGEROUS?

VOTE: Darryl

Here he jumps on the Darryl mini band wagon, while it was pretty clear Launch and was more jokingly voting for Darryl than seriously considering lynching him. He claims to have gotten some reads from the mini bandwagon, but I doubt they have a lot of value, they are mostly people going: "wait, no, this vote wasn't meant to create a bandwagon!". I understand that you need to do some random shit to get people talking day 1, so I see this as inoffensive.

Hey, at least we won't lose a PR! And I know Sorian will join me because he said he would go ham on people that claim. :)

VOTE: Karkador

Also jumps head first onto the Karkador train, but again he makes sure to not be the the instigator of that train. Now, what follows is the big Kark/Launch/Sorian debate, and while he does participate now and then, pushing for a Kark lynch, he also makes sure that he ISN'T the main attackers of Kark, he leaves that honor to Launch. Almost like he is afraid that after Kark flips town, they will go after the person that was most actively after Kark, so this way he will have lynched a townie (Kark) and the suspicion will go to Launch, not him. A mafia member will probably try to push an existing bandwagon, just like Bats here, not create one of his own. Suspicious.

List of people I don't remember:
2. TheGoddamn [m]
3. roytheone [m]
13. Lone_Prodigy [m]
15. RetroMG [m]

15 player game, probably 4 mafia, getting closer.

These lists are stupid. 3 of the 4 people on those lists gave real life reasons why they haven't participated yet, and I directly responded to his earlier list, but apparently he missed that post? Also, Fire gets removed from the list because he said "something" after Bats posted his first list, but apparently he can't remember what Fire said exactly? The rules for this list just seem to be incredibly arbitrarily.

Then he got more and more attacked by people like Ourob, and this is the way he defends himself:

Well you know what I say? If it LOOKS like a townie and it's being reasonable, transparent, and pushing the thread forward like a townie then it's probably a townie!
This makes no sense. A mafia member will try to look like a townie too.

Guys stop! We don't lynch the uncced miller d1!

We don't scum read people for giving solid advice and voting with reasonable explanations!


He is VERY focused on us not lynching Cabbeh. I actually agree with not lynching Cabbeh today, but I do see the value it would have. Bat on the other hand just seems dead set on keeping him, no matter what, and completely unwilling to consider the arguments of the other side. This seems to me like he realized he was already part of two bandwagons, so he wanted to avoid the attention that jumping on a third one would bring. And this whole Miller situation was pretty safe for him to do that. There are good town arguments to make both for lynching Cabbeh and keeping him, so if he was lynched and flipped town, that wouldn't necessarily put a lot off suspicion on any side of the argument, and he even could try to get some "town points" by going "I told you so!".

Is that what you think it is? And I practically started the Kark wagon, yo!

No you didn't, Kark himself readied it, and Launch started it. You just immediately jumped on, that is different.

This is my first game on neogaf so when speaking of experience I only have games on other forums. In most of my games on other forums, a huge majority of people can not lead the thread as mafia.

Again he tries to tell us how Mafia plays these kind of games, based on his experience on other forums. That's useless, this isn't one of those earlier games on another forum, it is a completely different game with different players. Meta gaming like this is dangerous.

It's not my intention to imply I am an unmissable leader who is responsible for all things good in the thread. I do think I have contributed though and I do think there is enough information available to know I am objectively a bad lynch.

Well, if that isn't your intention, you are doing a bad job, because your main defense is: I am a good player that is active, I am valuable to Town so I am Town for certain! Well, there are plenty of good, active players in this game that don't behave as weird and scummy as you have, so I don't think losing you is as big of a Town setback as you think.

I have come to the conclusion that my detractors are not interested in neither logic nor reason and there is NOTHING MORE THAT I COULD HAVE DONE TO PERSUADE THEM OTHERWISE!

I have given an OUTSTANDING effort toward this game and my fellow townies in it!

I'm the jailor. You had all the tools to make this claim unnecessary, but you didn't use them! FOR SHAME!

Rather than let myself be instant majority by Europeans a few hours from now, I have decided to claim!

So afraid of us Europeans majority lynching him, he role claims Jailer. Just Jailer, no fluff, no role name, nothing, just Jailer. Even when people call out this and ask for him to expand his claim with his name and fluff, he ignores that. If you role claim to save yourself from being lynched, WHY WOULD YOU NOT JUST GO ALL OUT? What does hiding your fluff and name get you if the claim is real? Nothing. The only reason to hide your fluff is if you are afraid that your made up claim fails because the fluff makes no sense. It is the only reason I can think of right now. Super suspicious.

IF I'M A JAILOR I JAIL PEOPLE. The person I jail can verify they were jailed! What are you doing?

This is his main defense: If I am a Jailor, it will be easy to check! NO IT WOULD NOT BE EASY TO CHECK, THAT'S BULLSHIT. The people that are jailed will not get noted of this fact, so the only way to check it is to either:

A) if we have a watcher, watch his target and see if there is indeed an action done against the target by Bat (still wouldn't prove he is a jailer though, just that he is a PR, also, this will require our watcher to out himself)

B) Let him target a PR, and if that person is unable to do his action, it proves Bats claim. (This would require the target PR to out himself so that Bats knows who to target)

C) If we have a tracker, we track him to see if he targets somebody (Again, does not prove he is indeed the jailor, just that he is a PR, also would require our tracker to out himself).

D) If we have someone with night kill ability, he targets the same target as Bats, and if target survives we know Bats speaks the truth. (This is by far the most stupid option of them all, and they are all pretty stupid).

So yeah, I don't see the easy option you say there is to check your PR, they all require another PR to out himself, which would be very, VERY bad for town.

So, taken this all into account, I am extremely suspect of Batsnacks right now. While Kark has done some weird shit today, Batsnacks has done EVEN MORE weird shit. I am not going to change my vote yet, because I want to avoid an early lynch and give everybody (including Bat himself) time to post their final thoughts. Still, you can see this as me kind of "soft voting" for Batsnacks.

Damn, that post became waaaaaay bigger than I originally planned :)


So, a jailer for anyone that hasn't seen this role is a town power role that jails 1 person per night. Jailed people are roleblocked and can't take damage. It's a really strong role. Sort of like a medic with a roleblock. I think the flavor text for me role was "too cool for school kid" or something. I give someone a cigarette at night and they're so busy looking cool they can't take damage or perform night actions. I can't jail myself cause cigarettes are bad.

A jailer can verify their identity pretty easily. The person that is jailed is notified that they are jailed, so they can post about it. I have a feeling I'll be gone before my identity can be proven in this way though, because mafia will probably be very interested in getting rid of me now that I'm outed.


So, a jailer for anyone that hasn't seen this role is a town power role that jails 1 person per night. Jailed people are roleblocked and can't take damage. It's a really strong role. Sort of like a medic with a roleblock. I think the flavor text for me role was "too cool for school kid" or something. I give someone a cigarette at night and they're so busy looking cool they can't take damage or perform night actions. I can't jail myself cause cigarettes are bad.

A jailer can verify their identity pretty easily. The person that is jailed is notified that they are jailed, so they can post about it. I have a feeling I'll be gone before my identity can be proven in this way though, because mafia will probably be very interested in getting rid of me now that I'm outed.

Áre you 100 % sure of this? This was part of your role PM?


So, a jailer for anyone that hasn't seen this role is a town power role that jails 1 person per night. Jailed people are roleblocked and can't take damage. It's a really strong role. Sort of like a medic with a roleblock. I think the flavor text for me role was "too cool for school kid" or something. I give someone a cigarette at night and they're so busy looking cool they can't take damage or perform night actions. I can't jail myself cause cigarettes are bad.

A jailer can verify their identity pretty easily. The person that is jailed is notified that they are jailed, so they can post about it. I have a feeling I'll be gone before my identity can be proven in this way though, because mafia will probably be very interested in getting rid of me now that I'm outed.

have you burned the receipts or something? There's a PM that you could actually confirm the name and ability, just no direct quoting.


Eh, well bat has set up a scenario where we'll know for sure whether hes lying or not within a night phase. Be it death by mafia, or confirmed act.

Things that could happen:

1. He chooses a NFA player, who denies the confirmation. It's obvious we have to choose a target for him, someone we trust.
1.1 Trusted person says confirmation isn't there, lynch bat, flips either confirming or contradicting person. We've another lynch target if it's the latter.
2. He dies, confirming his role.
3. Crazy, but possible other role blocker could affect situation, but that theory could be raised upon a lynch where bat flips jailer and no one confirms.

Testing his claim seems a decent option for me.


Why didn't you add that immediately to your original role claim? It could only have helped you with persuading people, why keep that for yourself for so long?
I didn't think it was necessary and mafia knowing I can verify pretty much guarantees my death. Like I would have rather certain details to be kept secret. I thought the jailer claim would be enough at face value.


I didn't think it was necessary and mafia knowing I can verify pretty much guarantees my death. Like I would have rather certain details to be kept secret. I thought the jailer claim would be enough at face value.

Did you not listen to what I and Ouro said? you've got to be as close to meticulous as possible.



Sorries I guess but it's very bizarre to me that a town would lynch anyone that even says the word jailer.

I think the whole lesson for this is even if you're experienced in other mafia communities, it can mean very little in a completely different mafia community.

Heed them words, son.


Eh, well bat has set up a scenario where we'll know for sure whether hes lying or not within a night phase. Be it death by mafia, or confirmed act.

Things that could happen:

1. He chooses a NFA player, who denies the confirmation. It's obvious we have to choose a target for him, someone we trust.
1.1 Trusted person says confirmation isn't there, lynch bat, flips either confirming or contradicting person. We've another lynch target if it's the latter.
2. He dies, confirming his role.
3. Crazy, but possible other role blocker could affect situation, but that theory could be raised upon a lynch where bat flips jailer and no one confirms.

Testing his claim seems a decent option for me.

I still have a iffy feeling about Bat his role claim, but I don't see much harm in letting him survive today to test his role claim.


I still have a iffy feeling about Bat his role claim, but I don't see much harm in letting him survive today to test his role claim.

I'm very iffy on it, but the parameters he's set ensures a swift resolution in my opinion.

Only thing that enters my mind is he's NFA with some useful night power that he's trying to get to use before he burns. I'll need to think on that theory.


I think the whole lesson for this is even if you're experienced in other mafia communities, it can mean very little in a completely different mafia community.

Heed them words, son.
It's hard to heed them words. I don't know how you guys play so I just go with what I know till I figure it out. i will remember for the future that town will lynch the jailer if he doesn't specify his flavor text in his claim. :p


It's hard to heed them words. I don't know how you guys play so I just go with what I know till I figure it out. i will remember for the future that town will lynch the jailer if he doesn't specify his flavor text in his claim. :p

there's always ONUW in the sign up thread, thats just concentrated bouts of experience with GAFia players!
So, a jailer for anyone that hasn't seen this role is a town power role that jails 1 person per night. Jailed people are roleblocked and can't take damage. It's a really strong role. Sort of like a medic with a roleblock. I think the flavor text for me role was "too cool for school kid" or something. I give someone a cigarette at night and they're so busy looking cool they can't take damage or perform night actions. I can't jail myself cause cigarettes are bad.

A jailer can verify their identity pretty easily. The person that is jailed is notified that they are jailed, so they can post about it. I have a feeling I'll be gone before my identity can be proven in this way though, because mafia will probably be very interested in getting rid of me now that I'm outed.

Well, I say give batsnacks a chance, he seems cool

Jail me tonight and I'll tell everyone if the notification thing actually happens

Let's lynch Launch or Kark instead


Well, I say give batsnacks a chance, he seems cool

Jail me tonight and I'll tell everyone if the notification thing actually happens

Let's lynch Launch or Kark instead

Are you sure you want me to announce who I'm going to jail? I think my chances of saving someone go down if I do that. I mean maybe mafia has an extra kp that won't get used on me I can block.


Launch is weird. He did that with Kark too. Flippity floppity.

Thats just how he plays. He seems to give his opinion on something as soon as it happens, and often he later starts to think about it and then he may reconsider. I actually don't mind it that much.
Do you always appear when I rub your lamp


I can't believe there are people still entertaining the idea of keeping batsnacks around. The sad bit is, I think they're mostly town. I'm pretty convinced the scum are hiding in the margins on this one, keeping away from it and later using that as evidence that they didn't vote.


My natural reaction to a claim on D1 is to be a bit more cautious, because of the lack of information.

I will say that bat's claim has been super weak, and I wouldn't object to a lynch. I've highlighted there could be some useful stuff from his 'test', but yeah it's absolutely not a convincing claim today.

I would like to see some more opinions on it though.

VOTE: Lone_Prodigy

DING DING DING! You've been chosen, opinionate.

You posted not long before his claim, go!
My natural reaction to a claim on D1 is to be a bit more cautious, because of the lack of information.

I will say that bat's claim has been super weak, and I wouldn't object to a lynch. I've highlighted there could be some useful stuff from his 'test', but yeah it's absolutely not a convincing claim today.

I would like to see some more opinions on it though.

VOTE: Lone_Prodigy

DING DING DING! You've been chosen, opinionate.

You posted not long before his claim, go!

LP is actually one of the players I have my eye on at the moment, but we're not going to get him this phase. Still, I'd like to see what he has to say for himself.


8 votes needed for a majority.


We really need votes from Lone_prodigy and fireblend, Votes gives us the most information to go on during day 2, so not voting is not an option. I will give the goddamn a pass for now because he seems to have some real life troubles.


I can't believe there are people still entertaining the idea of keeping batsnacks around. The sad bit is, I think they're mostly town. I'm pretty convinced the scum are hiding in the margins on this one, keeping away from it and later using that as evidence that they didn't vote.

The way I see it, Kark and Batsnacks both behaved super weird in my book. Kark however has role claimed ordinary kid, while Bats claimed what is probably our most valuable PR outside of the potential role alignment cop. Also, there is a way to test Bats his claim without using our potential cop, there isn't for Kark. So that's why I am currently inclined to lynch kark, and check Bats his alignment through Cabbeh his test.
The way I see it, Kark and Batsnacks both behaved super weird in my book. Kark however has role claimed ordinary kid, while Bats claimed what is probably our most valuable PR outside of the potential role alignment cop. Also, there is a way to test Bats his claim without using our potential cop, there isn't for Kark. So that's why I am currently inclined to lynch kark, and check Bats his alignment through Cabbeh his test.

This is a good point, but in my experience meltdown = scum.

However, I just want to point out that batsnacks and Karkador being mafia are not mutually exclusive. The only person I'm more inclined to trust after this day phase, if batsnacks does actually flip mafia, is Ouro because he's been going after this guy for some time. The batsnacks voting on Kark could have been straight bandwagoning to buy some cred.
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