Do you work for Microsoft?
The answer to this question could decide the outcome of this game.
Do you work for Microsoft?
The answer to this question could decide the outcome of this game.
O wow this explains the licking and everything
O wow this explains the licking and everything
Well, we could say the same thing about Blarg as well, yesterday, anyway. Apart from the being an ass part.
Everyone is so fixated on you. I wonder what that means.
Wow, what a mess. We've got like 7 candidates today, if I'm counting correctly.
We're throwing like everyone out there it seems. I guess I'll just go through the list. I haven't made much of a read post in a while, so I'm due.
LMQ - I said it before, I think he's just stubborn. Aggressive, went after batsnacks pretty hard. He also had that weird roleclaim. Other than that he's just opinionated about stuff. Blarg wants him dead for whatever reason.
Sorian - It appears like Sorian is getting heat simply because he talks so much. I went back through his posts and I don't see anything overly suspicious or contradictory in what he is saying. However, he was in Blarg's list of "the three" and also has claimed a PR, which I'm not sure how much I believe. Although someone confirmed he did lick them, IIRC.
Timeaisis - Obviously, this guy is as town as they come. Seriously, though. I made it clear I was going to vote either Salva or Blarg earlier today until the game played out. Before that, I had a vote for Sorian based on him being involved in the Ouro death fiasco. I'm now seen suspicious because of my apparent coasting, which is understandable.
Cabbeh - Claimed miller. His NX has been put in jeopardy many times over and instead of defending himself he's been continuing to play pro-town. He accepts he's probably going to have to be removed at some point, but continues to try to move the game forward. I think Cabbeh is town.
Roy - I don't have a very good read on Roy, and am not sure why some of you are voting him. He doesn't talk too much, I guess?
Darryl - The only reason people are voting for Darryl is because he's being an ass. He really hasn't done anything suspicious.
squidyj - I think this was just for a prod? I don't see anything weird about squidy.
Blargonaut - NF, but recruitable by town. I still don't get the mechanics of this. How does he get recruited? I'm confused after his gambit reveal. He made up the lightning rod for some asinine reason, which confused everyone to hell and then decided to play the Blarg vs Salva game, killing off one of our town in the process. I think he's lying about something, but I don't know if that means he's scum or not.
But, as promised, I'm voting for no removal today because, as enumerated above, I don't think we have anything substantial about anyone at the present moment and we've already killed a town for today.
VOTE: No removal
What I have to say about you is you post too much...
Here's a few for now. I was mostly caught up yesterday but all you fucking Europeans decided to add a few pages to the madness.
cabbeh - I believe his miller claim. He didn't have any heat on him when he did it, so it wasn't like it was in some defense, but it could still be a mafia ploy. We have to kill him eventually, but I see no reason to do it today.
Karkador - Karkador, Karkador, Karkador. I know he's a really good player, but I can't for the life of me understand his stunt. He's been playing with a far different strategy than he has in the past, and it bothers me. Certainly, it could be experimentation, but I don't get it. If he's town, we don't really gain much from lynching him. If he's NoFun, he loses a lot from us lynching him. So what is he? I have no fucking clue but it stinks.
LaunchpadMcPostsALot - *deep breath* I actually align with LMQ more than anyone else in this game right now. He went hard on Kark for good reason, and went hard on bats, too. Reading the game, I was almost positive bats was scum as well, and I found myself agreeing with LMQ more than anyone else. Bats flipped town, obviously, but I still think LMQ made good sense, apart from being aggressive. Seems very town to me.
Blargonaut - Apart from the typical Blargness, he defended bats pretty good before LP bettyed. I have no idea what the hell his goal was because he voted like 300 times, but it seems to me like he's being pro-town in the most Blarg-y way possible.
Fireblend - I can't put my finger on it but Fireblend seems like he's trying to blend in an awful lot here.
Sorian - brb reading the next 100 Sorian posts. Seriously, though. I've played with Sorian enough in the past (or have I) to identify his playstyle and this is pretty much it. Nothing that leads me to believe he's scum. He likes to use his vote to suss things out.
tl;dr Kark and Fireblend stink. Blarg is Blarg. Sorian is Sorian. LMQ is Darryl.
time can we please get some reads on everybody asap. launch & kark & sorian no spam, don't interrupt this game-changing solstice
No clue. I lean town but who knows.
I'll stop you before you guys go down a bad path: if you think me flipping scum confirms Darryl as scum or vice versa you're going to lose the game.
Honestly, I don't get your guys logic at all. Just kill me already. Reason isn't working.
I'll stop you before you guys go down a bad path: if you think me flipping scum confirms Darryl as scum or vice versa you're going to lose the game.
Honestly, I don't get your guys logic at all. Just kill me already. Reason isn't working.
You literally just said me and Darryl are both "our guys".lol
Who has said anything even remotely similar to that?
You literally just said me and Darryl are both "our guys".
if you think me flipping scum confirms Darryl as scum or vice versa you're going to lose the game.
I thought that was your implication. If not, then carry on.
I probably won't be back before the end of the day so I want to pose a question.
When launchpad acts upset about people being jerks and asses, do you feel that he is being genuine?
When he collapsed earlier in the day phase and voted himself and said he wanted out. do you feel he was sincere?
if you answer "no", or "I don't know" to either of those questions you need to lynch launchpad. Examine his posts, examine the mood fluctuations and the tonal inconsistencies and ask yourself if you feel like he's really giving up or just playing dead, ask yourself if he's really such a sensitive soul that he's legitimately upset about people being a little bit dickish (or imagined dickish).
Forget the roleclaim, forget the votes, forget everything else but the question of whether or not his emotional output is genuine in this thread.
Good night, and good luck.
LaunchpadMcQ - This one is gonna bury me. On paper, this is a terrific mafia performance. mostly leading the way, being heavily involved in nailing two town PRs in D1, hammering the vote on Fireblend in D2 (which can be read as bold in both town and mafia contexts) and while attracting reasonable suspicion from players throughout the game is still here. It can also be read as a damn disasterous town play as well. I'm really starting to think we should've voted Launch in D2 and this mess would be a little more certain, but that's then, here we are now.
This may seem like a silly question, but does your PM explain why you're in line for an NX?
I don't know if anyone has given this some thought since Day 2, but any thoughts on what the other two mafia abilities could be? It doesn't seem like we've seen the effects of them yet.
I'm going to wager that at least one of them was intended to thwart Kark's or Burb's role, like an alignment changer or someone who produces false activity. In any case, one of them is probably useless now.
I'll vote on Time or Launch today. I would like thoughts from this post from everyone.
OK, I have given this a bit of thought and throwing my suspicious list out there. As I said earlier, we are in a bad situation where no one has been cleared, so there's at least a little bit of suspicion on everyone. I'm going through the list starting from most suspicious to least, excluding myself because I am town and I obviously know this.
Timeaisis - Time's behaviour has changed drastically today. This is probably due to the fact that he's under the kosh from Sorian, Launch and I. I didn't like how he underhanded some dirt towards Sorian and I, it's muddying the already dirty waters and the way he went about it seemed really weak. It was more of a 'well these guys aren't in the spotlight but they're valid targets' point. It's a valid observation, I just felt the way he threw it out in a one liner was suspect.
I'm not particularly satisfied with his answer to my chase on him. You can't accuse me of coasting and then upon further questioning you regress the point and say it means something else. Coasting implies getting by with minimal fuss, the fact is there have been more convincing targets than I through the day phases and I've tried to contribute as much as possible.
The most frustrating aspect of this is that there's still a pretty reasonable chance Timeaisis is town, and that's why this is situation is fucked. My most suspicious target, and I can't say with any real certainty that he'll flip scum. I only have some limited evidence and gut feelings.
My point with linking Darryl and Time wasn't super major, just something to think about that they haven't really interacted with another since Time came into the game. It as much hints at Time's lack of focus previously as much as they are in cahoots and avoiding direct contact within the game.
It was more a thinking out loud post at 4am.
LaunchpadMcQ - This one is gonna bury me. On paper, this is a terrific mafia performance. mostly leading the way, being heavily involved in nailing two town PRs in D1, hammering the vote on Fireblend in D2 (which can be read as bold in both town and mafia contexts) and while attracting reasonable suspicion from players throughout the game is still here. . I'm really starting to think we should've voted Launch in D2 and this mess would be a little more certain, but that's then, here we are now.
I've made my points clear to Launch a couple of times regarding his inconsistent responses that can verge on absolute tunnelling or extremely negative emotional responses. They still lurk. Also, when squidy flipped townie, A post he made on D2 deadline day suddenly came to my mind:
After pretty much shoeing it in for most of his time here, this was a real squidy post. The problem was my suspicion was high on him, so I felt this was him trying to cover his ass after we called him on not bothering, and left it.
He flipped town, now I feel I can take this post with a little more seriousness. The thing is I did actually follow squidy here, I am with his point. I was ready to vote Launch on D3, but Blarg was so utterly useless, coupled with me not being sold on his ordinary claim, I had to go for him. I regret that decision massively.
There's also the role claim and PM gaff, which is still on my mind as a messy slip up which seems out of character.
The moral of this post is evidence wise there's some but it's not absolute, and I'm fucking reaching to gut feels again (and again) and I just feel something is very off with Launch, I have for a while and I would seriously consider a vote for him today or D4. Time's flip will determine how nervous I feel about it.
Darryl - I feel Darryl is town. He did not go for the 2 PRs, he voted on Fireblend pretty comfortably sitting in the middle of the list, and I think his tirade on Launch is not unfounded. There is always doubt creeping into my mind, and he's above the others in my list because of this. I'm always struggling to read players who don't post lots, but my instinct says town, squidy seemed pretty sure he was town (and he was exposed to more of him through the mission in Archer, knowing he was cop) and his role claim does make sense because the flavour seems to fit.
I think my feeling is if you guys want to take Darryl down today, it's going to be without my vote.
roytheone - I believe roy is telling the truth about his claim because frankly a lot of what he has said over the course of this game has been in line my thoughts, He's also offered some useful insight at a couple of points throughout the game. His playstyle is reserved, but potent and we are very similar. There is one glaring difference in our opinions which is Launch, who he seems assured is town. If Launch dies before the end of the game and flips mafia, I will have to re-visit roy and his allegiance to Launch. Currently though, I don't have enough reason to suspect him for a vote today.
Sorian - Sorian licked me so his claim checks out mostly to me. I also believe he is in fact a neutral as opposed to a scum. I think my role is anti town enough that having a Mafia member that can cause confusion with the licks AND kill seems OP. I also believe it would be very fucking odd if he were Mafia and both he and Fireblend visited Ouro on N1.
Lone_Prodigy - I don't believe a Mafia would have a day one-shot kill power AND normal Mafia abilties. Nothing LP has done since has came off to me as scummy. I feel he could've contributed a bit more overall, but that's about as much negativity as I'm willing to give on him.
The situation means we'll never know for sure until he flips or the game ends, though he's my safest town bet at the moment,
I'll vote on Time or Launch today. I would like thoughts from this post from everyone.
Also, any particular reason why Darryl wouldn't reveal he was licked?
I know there wasnt too much time between roy's claim and sorian mentioning he doesn't care if he (person he licked) speaks up, but darryl was definitely active before the claim.
What's the thinking for not revealing?
If he's mafia, he could have been waiting to confer with his partner to see how he could spin that information or in case there was anything damning in revealing it outright.
Also, any particular reason why Darryl wouldn't reveal he was licked?
I know there wasnt too much time between roy's claim and sorian mentioning he doesn't care if he (person he licked) speaks up, but darryl was definitely active before the claim.
What's the thinking for not revealing?
I can guarantee you that I didn't even see I was licked until Roy just told me. Why lick me? And why would you lick me and then try to get me evicted. You are a neutral. Killing me goes against your claimed win condition.
I do not believe you are neutral.
Eh, not very convincing.
Why do you believe Darryl's role checks out? It's the low-hanging fruit joke that we've been making since Day 1. I'm not saying that all of Tim's roles raise the bar on flavor, but that one is kind of lazy.
Two thoughts on Darryl:
1. Divorced Dad was scum. Why can't Confused Grandma? Wants to get these undeserving kids out of the line, and who would refuse a grandma? If we learned anything from Fire, it's easiest to role claim with half a truth.
2. He went after Launch. Now the way Launch has played it'd be remiss to not suspect him, but it's an easy cover for his traditionally aggressive play style. Blarg went hard after him and he was ordinary.
And I'm Stoner Dude. I've been hanging out with cool kids in line while riding a solid 8 and sharing my brownies.
The flavor in this game is very silly and using it to guess someones alignment will make you look even sillier.
Lmao I buy that flavor
You buy that one but not Darryl's?
"Riding a solid 8" - that's a piece of language I would not expect to hear, so I can only guess it's Tim's
But I'll humor it, how does Becky fit into this?
Shit I'm not sure about Time yet. All I've got is a gut feel. I don't think he's done anything to warrant this yet.
He's "fine" with lynching me. Just fine. Because I'm such an agreeable, easy target that doesn't paint a big "scum" label on his back once I flip town. No reasoning, just that's who the hunch is. I'm the big fat hunch.Allright, I have time now to answer any questions about my actions/role than any of you may have.
About the lynching: I am fine with lynching Darryl or Time, those two are my scum suspects, everyone else is town in my eyes. Lynching Darryl will be worse for me, because if he flips mafia I am kind of screwed, and proving that I really am a tracker by tracking sorian could be fucked with by the remaining mafia member in all kind of ways. However, I realize that this is a team game, and only taking into account what is best for me isn't the best way to play, especially this close to the end of the game. So if you guys decide to go with lynching darryl and testing my claim again, I am fine with that.
I don't even know what this means. But I guess I'm scummy to roy because I'm voting for him or something. Great reasoning, roy.About timeaisis and Darryl: Like I said, I think those two are scum together. If I look at how they behaved today, they seem to be searching for a lynch candidate they can focus attention on instead of themselves. Time took me and Cabot, and Darryl took Sorian and Launch. Also, at the same time, Time seems to ready himself a bit to bus Darryl if none of their other lynch candidates get any traction. That makes me think Time has some kind of power that they want to be able to use tonight, maybe to implicate me for tomorrow, so if one of them has to go, they rather want it to be Darryl. And because of that:
VOTE: timeaisis
You were pretty solid on my claim, now you're pointing at me subtly?
Come at me full steam ahead or shut it sunshine
VOTE: Timeaisis
Cabot is just voting for me said he was coasting earlier today. Notice I never threw a vote his way, I just pointed out he hasn't really had to defend himself since D1.Timeaisis - Time's behaviour has changed drastically today. This is probably due to the fact that he's under the kosh from Sorian, Launch and I. I didn't like how he underhanded some dirt towards Sorian and I, it's muddying the already dirty waters and the way he went about it seemed really weak. It was more of a 'well these guys aren't in the spotlight but they're valid targets' point. It's a valid observation, I just felt the way he threw it out in a one liner was suspect.
I'm not particularly satisfied with his answer to my chase on him. You can't accuse me of coasting and then upon further questioning you regress the point and say it means something else. Coasting implies getting by with minimal fuss, the fact is there have been more convincing targets than I through the day phases and I've tried to contribute as much as possible.
Yes, it is very reasonable I am town. Once you realize the evidence for me is non-existent it's easy to see.The most frustrating aspect of this is that there's still a pretty reasonable chance Timeaisis is town, and that's why this is situation is fucked. My most suspicious target, and I can't say with any real certainty that he'll flip scum. I only have some limited evidence and gut feelings.
My point with linking Darryl and Time wasn't super major, just something to think about that they haven't really interacted with another since Time came into the game. It as much hints at Time's lack of focus previously as much as they are in cahoots and avoiding direct contact within the game.
It was more a thinking out loud post at 4am.
Let's lynch time because he thinks roy is scummy.I don't want to turbo Time, but saying Roy is a better lynch candidate than Darryl smells pretty scummy. I'm pretty set on voting for him.
Say we lynch Time or Darryl today.
If Roy is town he dies tonight. We lynch Time or Darryl tomorrow.
If he survives we lynch him tomorrow.
Unless someone else is scum I think this seems foolproof.
Not saying why, just voting me. I'm such an easy target no one even questions it now. Awesome.Roy is the town tracker, Darryl is a one shot night bullet proof (with no third parties or neutral killers this can only be a town role) and the real scum is laughing at us playing this back and forth.
VOTE: Timeaisis
He said:Finally, we have cabbeh and Sorian flying under the radar. No one has calling them out right now.
And then I calmly explain it was just an observation, and now he's full bore I'm the scum. OK then.You were pretty solid on my claim, now you're pointing at me subtly?
Come at me full steam ahead or shut it sunshine
VOTE: Timeaisis
I don't really see this as defending anyone since we obviously saw he used a command named Becky that handed out a pot brownie. Our resident T Swift already posted the joke back on day 1:
So yeah, I have no issue with the brownie and Becky part of it, Tim took a good joke and made it great, the rest of the flavor is what I was interested in.
So if we take everything that we've seen at face value, we have the following:
cabot: claims Miller role; probable town based on when he claimed
Timeaisis: claims ordinary kid
roytheone: Has soft claimed a PR
Darryl: no claim, I believe?
Sorian: claims neutral survivor
LaunchpadMcQ: claims sleep walker (effectively claiming ordinary now without a watcher)
Lone_Prodigy: day vig'd someone day 1, claims one shot, probable town based on power and probable truth to it being a one shot based on strength of ability
After Salva went out, Squidy's only two targets were cabot and Launch. cabot seemed to be based on nothing more than Squidy was trying to re-evaluate the situation after the Salva guess came up bad and Launch was squidy's real strong hunch. From that, all we can do is try to guess at the mafia motive, I can see two motives. Mafia kills squidy which makes us think that Launch is the killer and he wanted to silence his biggest detractor and because he was on the wrong track and with few accusations out there, we can't read much else from his death. The Launch angle is too obvious to me, scum wants us to continue with the vote from yesterday to waste another day on Launch. I "protected" roy in discussions yesterday because of his soft claim as a PR but I'm not seeing obvious results from night actions and I've been skeptical that there was even anymore PRs left so today is the day I want answers from you roy. My hunch is that the scum is somewhere within Time, roy, and/or Darryl and out of the 3, you are the only one who I've let skate by without questioning.
VOTE: roytheone
What have you been doing each night?