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Mafia/Werewolf Recruitment Thread | Go on the Internet and Tell Lies.


Hope I didn't miss any this time:

  1. Karu
  2. Ty4on
  3. Cabot
  4. Sorian
  5. Hyperactivity
  6. CrimsonFist
  7. ScraftyDevil
  8. Swamped
  9. squidyj
  10. Xamtheking
  11. roytheone
  12. Kawl_USC
  13. Trigger
  14. Sawneeks
  15. Coppanuva
  16. CornBro
  17. Blargonaut
  18. Lord of Castamere
  20. CzarTim
  21. Palmer_v1
  22. Lone Prodigy
  23. Kalor
  24. Terrabyte20xx
Only 7 6 left!

I could also run this at 27 players (and will need minimum 1 replacement)
yeah, sorry, I'll only really be available from the 11th

I can defo be a replacement, but you'll probably get enough ppl before then who want to get going ASAP


yeah, sorry, I'll only really be available from the 11th

I can defo be a replacement, but you'll probably get enough ppl before then who want to get going ASAP
We'll see how it goes. Unfortunately I need to start ASAP so I don't get in the way of season 5.
You will be a replacement at the very least


I assume this is a wild west setup seeing how many people you're looking for in this game.

If 3-5 people don't die every night I'll be disappointed.


Well then...

Sign me up!


It's a Money in the Bank Ladder Match.

Let's do this.

If this is Splinter's crazy game then it's a Money in the Bank Ladder match without Ladders, only tables and the ring is on fire.

Slowly? Also man I hope d1 is at least partially in Sunday. If it's not I won't really be able to, might have to switch to backup role. Sign up slower folks!

We're still missing a couple of star players before this becomes a true Title Match. :p


If this is Splinter's crazy game then it's a Money in the Bank Ladder match without Ladders, only tables and the ring is on fire.

The briefcase is on fire too.

The winner gets set on fire.


Edit: Also, assuming cabot actually knows and was telling the truth, I'm disappointed in all of you for not knowing who the mystery star is.


The briefcase is on fire too.

The winner gets set on fire.


Edit: Also, assuming cabot actually knows and was telling the truth, I'm disappointed in all of you for not knowing who the mystery star is.

I would never lie to you, babe.
Pronoun (he/she/they/preferred not to disclose): he
Play style preference (crazy / normal / any): normal
Self-assessed activity level (high / medium / low / fluctuating): medium
Timezone / location: EDT


Ooooo can I take the newbie? Can I? Can I? He surely doesn't want to wait for season 5 right?

I'll let the overseers (and Dusk) decide that one.

But not until they understand this game.


NX suffered from inactivity, let it be known


NX day 1 is legendary for all of its activity.

Really, all of NX was legendary but man, that day 1!

Oh man, that finale!

Oh man, the fact that bringing it up is like ripping a band-aid off of Cabot's sensitive areas!



  1. Karu
  2. Ty4on
  3. Cabot
  4. Sorian
  5. Hyperactivity
  6. CrimsonFist
  7. ScraftyDevil
  8. Swamped
  9. squidyj
  10. Xamtheking
  11. roytheone
  12. Kawl_USC
  13. Trigger
  14. Sawneeks
  15. Coppanuva
  16. CornBro
  17. Blargonaut
  18. Lord of Castamere
  20. CzarTim
  21. Palmer_v1
  22. Lone Prodigy
  23. Kalor
  24. Terrabyte20xx
  25. ultron87
  26. zippedpinhead
  27. -
  28. --
  29. ---
  30. ----
  31. NeverForever
That's 27 by my count

Nothing stops this train
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