I am proud to announce your #AllNew #Shiny #Flashy #Sparkly #CRABTASTIC new structure for Season 5 - designed to ensure your ultimate mafia experience.
Let's talk about the major change, which is going to take place immediately. We're changing how you become a game runner. Here it is, in a few simple steps:
How to become a main season game runner
1. Design your game *first*. This doesn't mean have an absolute ironcast finished final version. It does mean that before you apply, you need a Google doc which lists the initial number of planned players, the roles, and their role PMs - i.e., in a state where the game *could* conceivably be run, or very close to it.
2. PM one of Retro, myself, Scrafty or yeeny (Outer Gafia admins). We will give you a private discussion board on Outer Gafia with the working title of your game. The board's title will be visible to all (to build HYPE), but everything else can only be seen by you and your reviewers. You will be assigned two reviewers, unless you are a reviewer yourself, in which case you are only assigned one other reviewer. DON'T apply with a link to the Google doc in your PM, because Retro/myself/yeeny/Scrafty might want to play your game and can't if they have that information - we only need the title. DO please have a Google doc already done so that you can set up your board as quickly as possible.
3. Post a link to your Google doc in your board. The reviewers will then go over every aspect of the game. This doesn’t just mean reading it and saying “that’s fine”/”that’s not fine, change it”, it also means asking questions like “why did you design this in this way?”, so that you reflect on the design further - this is an important part of the learning process.
4. If *all* reviewers assigned to that game are satisfied, and *actively* give consent, then the game can be entered for the vote for the season. Your game will be marked as "Approved by x and y".
5. Your reviewers will also fill in with your game-running if need be.
Easy peasey! This is not a huge change on the status quo. Here's the differences to what we do now:
a) you need to have a more concrete concept of your game. What's bad: having a cool theme and then rushing to fill in the blanks. What's good: having a cool theme with well-integrated mechanics.
b) your games get reviewed! That means your players get a better experience and you learn how to be a better game designer, which is actually really good fun.
c) There's much less stress with an extra pair of helping hands, so game running should become more accessible.
Okay, second bit, how to become a reviewer and what reviewers do.
How to become a reviewer
1. Essentially just PM me saying you want to be one for the next season. Two criteria: firstly, you have run a main season game before (experience is vital), and secondly, you are aware and acknowledge that you may have to miss 2 main seasons. As a bonus, remember that as a reviewer you can run games yourself in the season you are reviewing, and only need consent from one other reviewer.
2. Reviewers pick a set of games they want to review so that all that season's reviewers have a fair share, but so that there will be some games unreviewed by some reviewers so that if those games are run next season, reviewers will be able to play. Obviously, the fair share is partially an honour system.
Thankfully, this has been sorted for this season. We have four reviewers: myself, Retro, Ouro, and Palmer! I will also be reviewing *every* game personally, just to test the system and make sure it all works. The other three will each review a slightly different batch (with overlap, so you may have three reviewers this season).
This stuff will take effect shortly.
Firstly, the deadline for SEASON 5 GAME APPLICATIONS IS NOW SUNDAY 10TH JANUARY; SEASON 5 SIGNUPS OPEN ON THE 25TH JANUARY, and SEASON 5 GAMES BEGIN 8TH FEBRUARY. I apologise for the short window on main game applications; it will be wider for future seasons, but in fairness many people already have drafted S5 games, so it shouldn't be hard for those who already have plans in place, and you can definitely still whip something up if you have a spare Saturday in time. Even if you've already asked us if you can run a game for S5, please resubmit with the PM requesting me/Retro/yeeny just so I can keep track for admin purposes.
Secondly, currently planned mid-season games are being moved to a subboard rather than each being an individual main board, and they will become invisible to everyone *except* the runner. Second, there will be a moratorium on mid-season game board requests for a bit, because the mods want community feedback on how mid-seasons are going to work. Thirdly, IMPORTANTLY, we want to remove clutter, so if you're not using a mid-season board, we want to prune it. If you still want to keep your planning board for your game, please PM us to tell us so before SUNDAY 10TH JANUARY, or you won't have a board. ;_;
Thirdly, as above, we want input on how mid-season games work. We are contemplating two models. The first is a "Wild, Wild, West" model. In this, mid-season games require no review or approval. To run a mid-season game, you simply post the details and a sign-up list. Optionally, someone running a mid-season game *may* (not compulsory) ask for feedback from people on an unofficial basis, and can advertise the game on that basis (e.g., try my cool game, Crab reviewed it). Games are run when they can fill a sign-up list, people can be on multiple sign-up lists at any given time (though not participate in multiple games).
The second is a "Mini-season" model. In this, mid-season games require consent of *one* reviewer, although the review will not be as detailed. To run a mid-season game, you must have the consent of an approved reviewer; once you do, you can post the details sign-up list. People can still be in sign-up lists. The name of the person who gave approval must be noted on your details and sign-up list.
Why have the reviewers asked for your input? There are two opinions: the first is that mid-season games are a unique opportunity to try out new things, because very few new players join for the mid-season games, and we trust returning players to have the judgement to discern for themselves whether they want to try an experimental game or not. The goal would be to foster innovation and give a sandbox for game-runners.
The second is that it's still important for mid-season games to be relatively balanced, and that self-selection probably isn't enough to ensure players get fun games. Because ultimately we want people to be able to participate in at least reasonably balanced games even if it sacrifices experimentality, we should keep an element of review. The goal would be to encourage balance and create a more structured environment for game-runners.
Your choice, folks.