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MAG |OT| 256-Player Battles, Lots of Teamwork, Not So Much Auto-Aim

Sadly I won't be able to download/try the game till tomorrow.
I will say tho, as some one who bought it a launch, played it to 60, traded it in, and rebought it last week...
The gunplay/knives are still horrible.

Zipper needs to figure out if there making a large scale team FPS or an arena/twitch style FPS.

As it stands now, guns having random deviation yet doing terrible damage is disgusting, this just boost up the population of players now who are basically peppering each other up until there in commmando range then seeing who can hit R3 first. Add in the still present lag and it makes gunplay cheesy.

No Tk's on knives, extended reach and speed have made CQC battles spamming of the R3 by numerous soldiers in the area.

To top it off....muti-kill knives..really? People see this as a cool option watching a guy insta kill 3-4 guys with one swing?


I've had enough of the Three Amigo's here on screen. Lmao.

Zipper needs a new background pic for these updates/patches, etc.
X-Frame said:
I've had enough of the Three Amigo's here on screen. Lmao.

Zipper needs a new background pic for these updates/patches, etc.
If you exit and restart the Beta you won't have to redownload what you've done already, and it should get the rest of the download.

One extremely slow MB left...

Edit: Seems to be stuck again.

Edit 2: Finally! Installing...


TelemachusD said:
If you exit and restart the Beta you won't have to redownload what you've done already, and it should get the rest of the download.

One extremely slow MB left...

Edit: Seems to be stuck again.

Edit 2: Finally! Installing...

I hope you're right, because mine has been froze with .5mb to go now for 10 minutes and i'm going to have to back out. You know what, this happened each time with the larger MAG files when updating.


I'm in and playing. Love the new skill tree and I like the weapons economy system too. Seems much more streamlined yet expansive with way more options in how to upgrade yourself.

There's a couple for increased movement and running speed and I basically fly down the map.


X-Frame said:
I'm in and playing. Love the new skill tree and I like the weapons economy system too. Seems much more streamlined yet expansive with way more options in how to upgrade yourself.

There's a couple for increased movement and running speed and I basically fly down the map.

Hot damn the new weapons and trees are in? :D

EDIT: 3 restarts, still stuck at 907.12/907.62mb. I'm not going to redownload this shit if something's messed up.


Holy hell .. I don't know if anyone here has played since they updated 1.07 (I never did since I was on vacation) but I completely and utterly hate whatever they did to the controls. The sensitivity for strafing to aiming is absolutely horrendous.

Jeremy, if you read this - what happened? Why did Zipper change this? What was the problem before? I can't hit anything and no trial and error with the Player Rotation value seems to help.

There's huge acceleration when you aim and hold the sticks to a side. I feel like a Killzone 2 control whiner but I can't help it.


Wow, this 907 MB download and install is going sooo slow for me.
Finally got into the beta with not much time to play...

Pkm said:
Sadly I won't be able to download/try the game till tomorrow.
I will say tho, as some one who bought it a launch, played it to 60, traded it in, and rebought it last week...
The gunplay/knives are still horrible.

Zipper needs to figure out if there making a large scale team FPS or an arena/twitch style FPS.

As it stands now, guns having random deviation yet doing terrible damage is disgusting, this just boost up the population of players now who are basically peppering each other up until there in commmando range then seeing who can hit R3 first. Add in the still present lag and it makes gunplay cheesy.

No Tk's on knives, extended reach and speed have made CQC battles spamming of the R3 by numerous soldiers in the area.

To top it off....muti-kill knives..really? People see this as a cool option watching a guy insta kill 3-4 guys with one swing?

Thank you for your brilliant critique of MAG on what is supposed to be a good day for the game. Couldn't have picked a better timing. Really.

After reading all that bullshit, all I gotta say is, you don't know how to play the game. I know it's common to say something like Learn2Play, but it's actually true in your case.

There are obviously problems still plaguing MAG. I'm one of the game's biggest critics, but the game isn't nearly as bad as some people (like you) make it out to be. If the "gunplay/knives" and overall gameplay was so bad, how can players like me and my clan do crazy things like this multiple times everyday/night?



Good. Got the beta DL'd, installed, just in time for 11. Got to glance at the trees and about 1/4 or the armory before being dc'd from the servers. :(

Just my luck.

Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to get into a game actually. The DL process needs to be looked at here, I'm not saying it's Zipper's fault, but Sony needs to take a hard look at it. Speeds are totally unacceptable anymore.

I must say though, it is cool that MAG is turning a little bit more into a MMOFPS as time goes on. This "beta", commonly referred to a PTR in other MMO's is great. Going to have to check out the total armory tomorrow and check out the new mode. There's even a "minimum level to use said weapon" like a MMO auction house. Seriously, Das, I hope you guys work on a follow up to this game. Doesn't have to be MAG2, could be something totally new, more fleshed out, and deeper MMO roots (more gear, weapons, accessories, skill trees).

And a "vehicle" skill tree now? Awesome lol. Didn't get to check more than 2 trees out thoroughly since i knew the servers were coming down.

Be prepared for an in depth Sniping analysis Das. :p


I got to 99% and 97% tonight. Both times the system locked up. Should I hope 3rd time is a charm, or do something differently (or give up)?


theBishop said:
I got to 99% and 97% tonight. Both times the system locked up. Should I hope 3rd time is a charm, or do something differently (or give up)?

Just try it again tomorrow. Servers are down now anyways. It took me multiple attempts to get it finished.
Click said:
Wow, this 907 MB download and install is going sooo slow for me.
Finally got into the beta with not much time to play...

Thank you for your brilliant critique of MAG on what is supposed to be a good day for the game. Couldn't have picked a better timing. Really.

After reading all that bullshit, all I gotta say is, you don't know how to play the game. I know it's common to say something like Learn2Play, but it's actually true in your case.

There are obviously problems still plaguing MAG. I'm one of the game's biggest critics, but the game isn't nearly as bad as some people (like you) make it out to be. If the "gunplay/knives" and overall gameplay was so bad, how can players like me and my clan do crazy things like this multiple times everyday/night?

Look man, all I know is I bought the game when it came out and played as SVER, even packed an LMG unknowing it was gods hand. I played up to the first deviation patch which really didnt do much, so instead of playing every day with a population that was 98% packing LMG's and on a PMC that was unbeatable 99% of the time I traded it in cause it was stale and the action was repetitive. "Turn corner, face 5 guys with LMG's, see guys a mile away, snipe with my LMG..rinse repeat, win game and yawn"

And yeah, news of the "changes" and beta sparked an intrest, Im thinking "hmmm its been awhile, lets go se how MAG is! It must be refined now!"
Yeah, it sure is...
Looking through the wiki the game seems to have been a steady stream of patches continuously tweaking weapons...5-6 weapon addressing patches later and the official forums are still nothing but a bitchfest about weapons. To top it off after my introduction into MAGs new system of "shoot a little bit..stab! WIN!" I went to the official forums, low and behold a slew of knife threads.

Its a nice thought and idea, but its poorly executed because Zipper cant figure out if there building a large scale shooter thats team based or a large scale shooter with arena shooter qualities.
So yeah, a beta, for a released game..a never ending stream of patches..clearly visable screw ups in map balance..and a forum/community that is on constant bitch/whine mode because the game is trying to implament to many forms of a shooter into one.

I salute you, you and your clan are experts at overcoming these obstacles.
I cant do it and not question it and shrug it off. You have a much thicker skin and tolerance for it, you adapt much better then I do and will be even more unstopable come next year when MAG hopefully can come to a conclusion on how it works.
Excellent idea, amazingly impressive scale, will most likely develop eventually into a sequel that is refined enough to consider "final" product.

But god willing maybe this Beta will be the tipping point? Eliminate cookie cutter builds? Finally acheive an equality in PMC's? Figure out if the gameplay is Arena based or Tactical?
Love the game, just dont like being subjective to playing it with no clear vision on how its to be played or what kind of shooter it is. I really want to love MAG, it truely is a great game...Sometimes it shines in an epic BFBC2/SOCOM type shine...sometime it makes me sick in a CoD type arena twitch style..

In the end all I really want is a boost in weapon damage and a knife that isnt a face to face weapon. The bullet sponge-esque enemies far to often take advantage of the commando like knife...far to much CoD'ish for me. I left MW2 because of Marathon+Commando ninjas..now they are in MAG, sad really.


Holy shit, do you ever stop whining and babbling about nothing?
I honestly have no clue what you're crying about...

You played MAG when it first released and hated it. That's fine. This game isn't for everybody. I don't understand why you're badmouthing MAG so much, especially because you're basing your opinion of the game on what you read on the Wiki pages (I didn't even know MAG had a Wiki page)? Because looking at your stats, it shows that you hardly even played MAG this month, only having played 12 games total.

WTF do you even mean by saying Zipper can't figure out if MAG is a "large scale shooter that's team-based or a large scale shooter with arena shooter qualities?" It IS a "large-scale shooter that's team-based." It IS an "arena shooter" too, depending on the game mode, your playstyle, your weapon(s) of choice, and your skill level. MAG can also feel very tactical. The game can be played in whatever way you want to play it.

As for your "main" complaint; about the weapons not doing enough damage and extended reach of the knife... I usually kill people just fine, if there isn't too much lag. People usually die within 1-2 seconds of me shooting at them. Some foreign players take more bullets to kill. But all in all, they all die rather fast.

You just need to have good, steady aim combined with extremely fast target acquisition to kill lots of people really fast. I play as SVER and we've got the crappiest weapons, yet I can still beast with most guns we've got, even after all of the nerfs to our weapons.

The extended reach on the knife will be taken out once the new skill tree gets implemented. I do agree that the game should have never had this skill.
MAG beta is up via search in the PAL stores.

edit: the small store download was fast, the small 1.01 update was fast, the large ingame update is suuuuuper slow :(
Looks like the beta's right working right now. Keep getting error messages while checking out the changes, game froze twice and when I finally just tried to deploy only about 30 people where in.

Also, anybodys character level change? I was level 57 in the retail game but got dropped to level 35 in the beta, it also wasn't showing the right number of kills. It was basically what I was before I did the 1.07 patch a week ago.

I've got no impressions yet, besides changing the cost limit in the loadout screen from 3400c to 34c. Seemed really unnecessary.


Game/Beta/PTR is unplayable at this point. More rampant disconnects than ever before. Dc'd numerous times when just trying to put talent points in my spec, then in the armory, then in game. Armory won't save load outs when you adjust armor.

Looks like this beta is suffering from the same bugs and giving the same errors in the same situations as the old beta issues.


Click have you tried the move controls, is like wii fps were you have a dead zone that you can move the crosshair freely around before the screen turns?


Does everyone have a Sony Move already, they're not for sale until mid next-month? How is everyone here trying them out? Not everyone here can be in the media, can they? :lol


weekend_warrior said:
Looks like the beta's right working right now. Keep getting error messages while checking out the changes, game froze twice and when I finally just tried to deploy only about 30 people where in.

Also, anybodys character level change? I was level 57 in the retail game but got dropped to level 35 in the beta, it also wasn't showing the right number of kills. It was basically what I was before I did the 1.07 patch a week ago.

I've got no impressions yet, besides changing the cost limit in the loadout screen from 3400c to 34c. Seemed really unnecessary.

Like J-Rzez said, the beta is practically unplayable right now. You can't stay connected to the beta servers at all. The Supply Depot (where you buy your weapons, gear, armor) constantly gets stuck when you're trying to buy and sell things.

Your character level is different because it takes the character you had a few weeks ago and copies it to the beta server, so it's your old character, not your current one. I believe Das said it'll get patched to the most recent beta client soon, with a more recent character...

I hope they fix this beta asap. Woke up just to play it and now I can't. So annoyed.

XPE said:
Click have you tried the move controls, is like wii fps were you have a dead zone that you can move the crosshair freely around before the screen turns?

I don't have the Move nor am I planning on getting it.
I'm interested in trying it out and reading about how well it works for a FPS though.


J-Rzez said:
Does everyone have a Sony Move already, they're not for sale until mid next-month? How is everyone here trying them out? Not everyone here can be in the media, can they? :lol

The press has had them for a while now, so some one might know.
Click said:
Like J-Rzez said, the beta is practically unplayable right now. You can't stay connected to the beta servers at all. The Supply Depot (where you buy your weapons, gear, armor) constantly gets stuck when you're trying to buy and sell things.

But you guys are talking about the US beta, right? Isn't it supposed to be only playable for EU for like another hour or so at the moment? Though in the last beta you could not connect at all if it wasn't available in your timezone/region.

edit: the 908 MB ingame update took over 2 hours now... (and now there is not much time left for the EU beta access today).
for reference, 2GB Shank took 40 minutes for me.
edit2: I spoke too soon, it now sits there at 99% but keeps loading something (flashing green light) :(


supermackem said:
Its a monthly charge per slot though seems very strange.

actually its not, just do $1 to vet another character instead of using your present char in your preferred faction lol i'd imagine you could do that in 1 month


I already have alts in Raven and Valor, so I don't need this dumb subscription service.

Zipper is trying really hard to make MAG into a MMOFPS, lol.
Too bad they don't have the team size to accomplish this goal.


Click said:
I already have alts in Raven and Valor, so I don't need this dumb subscription service.

Zipper is trying really hard to make MAG into a MMOFPS, lol.
Too bad they don't have the team size to accomplish this goal.

The way I look at it, they're gaining experience from this, and I'd bet their next game like this is a full blown MMOFPS.


aka andydumi
J-Rzez said:
The way I look at it, they're gaining experience from this, and I'd bet their next game like this is a full blown MMOFPS.

Right. Adding a social hub/network/layer pre battles should not be too hard.


A subscription? I expected this to be one of the free features :(

So, which other features are gonna be in the DLC and which are in the next free patch?


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
are people still playing mag or what? I played a ton before (tigerheli hooooo), stopped but was thinking of re-buying as I want an FPS to play.


Just picked this up today. I wouldn't mind playing with some GAFers. My tag is KiKals. Whats the best way to play with you all?
Ok, I got to spend a little time with the beta finally. First impressions- not positive.

I hate the new skill tree. It's confusing, it's disorganized, it forces you to spend points on skills you don't want way too often. With the old tree I could plan out a path for a respec, I could pick abilitys and equipment that complimented each other. This one feels completely un-thought out. Theres just no reason to force people into perks they don't want. If a perk is so weak that the only way someone would pick it is if they have to, improve it.

I do like the new weapon depot, it's nice being able to buy the shotgun without needing to buy the SMG. Although it could be much better. The high (and sometimes extremely high) rank requirements are bizarre. Rank 62 to use claymore? Rank requirements for better Armour? It's going to destroy the n00bs and likely off-put them from the game. Even weirder are the prices for somethings. 7000 points for a new gun, but 10,000 points for a blue hat? Really? People are going to spend 10,000 points on a fucking HAT!?

Changing the loadout credit max from 3400c to 34c is unnecessary and confusing.

Luckily it's a beta and Zipper is pretty good at listening to what people want.

The new game mode was a bit confusing. They should chnage the HUD to let you know which faction is taking which point.

If this is some "pay for a new improved MAG", then at this point I'm passing. As I'm sure a lot of people are. Very happy with current MAG thank you.
weekend_warrior said:
The new game mode was a bit confusing. They should chnage the HUD to let you know which faction is taking which point.

I just played a match on each map and yeah, I never know which fraction was holding the objectives.

But then I saw that you don't seem to progress the score bar by just getting D unlocked. Once D is unlocked by any team, each team has the same chance to get to D and hold it to score.
Maybe I just got it wrong, because that would mean a fraction camping only D would probably win.

The spawn doesn't change as well. From the description I had the impression that the D unlocking team would need to defend D but actually they are just running to it like everyone else (and it's one point so actually all three teams fight each other at the same time).

I tested all of the weapons but I don't have enough experience to compare them without stats.
btw. I want stats for every weapon and info which equipment is for which weapon class in the Supply screen. Players should not buy blind.

The desert map is quite funny, I think because of less vegetation etc. the map runs at a much higher framerate than the other two :lol The map is also sniper heaven.

I miss the stealth skill and I have to agree that I had to spend a lot of points on things I didn't want, maybe even more than in last skill tree. Though the separation of equipment/weapons from skills is really good.
Also, messed up a bit at first and was seemingly walking faster than running :lol
quite some new interesting skills though (e.g. vehicle stuff)

also they took away my motion sensor because it's now a level 65 item :(


12 deaths, 10 of them via knives. Something needs to be done here with that. When did these bullet sponges with uber-knives come about? It's bullshit, and ruining the game.
Yeah the new knifes actually seem to make the situation worse. (and I actually like the knife)

I think knifes should be an instant kill from behind (well, and maybe you need to target the torso/head), but otherwise should only have the same damage as one bullet of the AR or something.


SolidusDave said:
Yeah the new knifes actually seem to make the situation worse. (and I actually like the knife)

I think knifes should be an instant kill from behind (well, and maybe you need to target the torso/head), but otherwise should only have the same damage as one bullet of the AR or something.

OMFG.... they're out of control right now. Unbelievable. They actually make me NOT want to play this game anymore. The range and damage, I saw a teammate kill 3 people at once even.
J-Rzez said:
12 deaths, 10 of them via knives. Something needs to be done here with that. When did these bullet sponges with uber-knives come about? It's bullshit, and ruining the game.

I got the opposite impression from the one domination match I played. Using the 400c armor like a normally do, I was just dropping like a fucking brick. Couldn't take any damage. Moving up to the 1000c seemed to help quite a bit, so that might be a positive change they've made. Would make it easier to kill the kamikaze knifers.

Also an insane amount of lag, but I attribute that to the beta using using back-up servers.

SolidusDave said:
But then I saw that you don't seem to progress the score bar by just getting D unlocked. Once D is unlocked by any team, each team has the same chance to get to D and hold it to score.
Maybe I just got it wrong, because that would mean a fraction camping only D would probably win.

I think it works this way:

A team has to control 2 out of 3 of the A/B/C points, when they do point D unlocks and that team scores (advances the bar) as long as they hold D. If one of the other 2 factions gets control of D then the A/B/C points will unlock again.


I played one round with the default equipments. Not much comments yet since I haven't tried my usual loadout.

Are you guys playing the new game modes ? All the factions were 0 when I entered the queue.

I like the weapon + skill tree separation though. I think it gives the game more room to grow.
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