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MAG |OT| 256-Player Battles, Lots of Teamwork, Not So Much Auto-Aim


New skill trees are very very nice. The game hits higher than 30fps many times on the new maps. Just man, those knives are out of control.

What's the opinions on the new weapons so far SVER guys? I'm only level 20 so I can't play with anything new.


weekend_warrior said:
I hate the new skill tree. It's confusing, it's disorganized, it forces you to spend points on skills you don't want way too often. With the old tree I could plan out a path for a respec, I could pick abilitys and equipment that complimented each other. This one feels completely un-thought out. Theres just no reason to force people into perks they don't want. If a perk is so weak that the only way someone would pick it is if they have to, improve it.

That was the first thing I noticed when I checked it out for all of 5 min before I could no longer connect.

Also, these 4 hour blocks suck! what about us night owls?!?!?!? I work afternoons and stay up at night and wake to go to work! so if anything I might have 1 hour a day if im lucky. but then also if im lucky to stay connected. god I hate this beta!
J-Rzez said:
New skill trees are very very nice. The game hits higher than 30fps many times on the new maps. Just man, those knives are out of control.

What's the opinions on the new weapons so far SVER guys? I'm only level 20 so I can't play with anything new.

I do take back some of my "MAG Hate" whine and apologize to Click for coming off as a dick...but...
You guys see what I mean right? The sponge effect + Knife + Commando slide is all good in an Arena based shooter (K/D Ratio whores, no respawn, short rounds) but for a team shooter it doesnt "fit". Top it off Knife = insta bleed out, so work your butt of in a hail of bullets and then "SLICE" 10-20 sec downtime...

Picture this, assualting a bunker, you and 2-3 guys behind cover, normal large scale tactic right?...But in MAG a ninja traveling subsonic can..
A. Slice, Slice, Slice in .3 seconds rounding that cover
or the worse.....
B. Sliiiiiiiiiiiicccccceeeeeee Muti-kill 3 one push of R3

But I hear rumors of knife fixes, and under it all MAG is an amazing game.

What I do hear, and dont like, is training all Sprint-Accelerate-Top Speed perks basically now makes you a cheetah!! Were seriously crossing into a realm of super soldier warfare, almost an UT type vibe, will we get
+Jump one day, Cloaking Armor??


Yes, the 4 hour blocks do suck.

Also I noticed that the streams and puddle of waters ripple and make watery + splashing sound now when hit by bullets. Are those in the current game ?


Pkm said:
I do take back some of my "MAG Hate" whine and apologize to Click for coming off as a dick...but...
You guys see what I mean right? The sponge effect + Knife + Commando slide is all good in an Arena based shooter (K/D Ratio whores, no respawn, short rounds) but for a team shooter it doesnt "fit". Top it off Knife = insta bleed out, so work your butt of in a hail of bullets and then "SLICE" 10-20 sec downtime...

Picture this, assualting a bunker, you and 2-3 guys behind cover, normal large scale tactic right?...But in MAG a ninja traveling subsonic can..
A. Slice, Slice, Slice in .3 seconds rounding that cover
or the worse.....
B. Sliiiiiiiiiiiicccccceeeeeee Muti-kill 3 one push of R3

But I hear rumors of knife fixes, and under it all MAG is an amazing game.

What I do hear, and dont like, is training all Sprint-Accelerate-Top Speed perks basically now makes you a cheetah!! Were seriously crossing into a realm of super soldier warfare, almost an UT type vibe, will we get
+Jump one day, Cloaking Armor??

I agree with your knife comments. Knife has become a really annoying to me. Also knife with lag is terrible.

I love the game but recently most of my deaths has been from a knife. It hasn't been that way earlier. I hope the new patch has some fixes to it.


I'd much rather the old SOCOM circle dance of death than this knifing crap. I mean it's totally out of control right now, and the beta feels even worse with it. I don't like that it feels like Halo, where you shoot-shoot-shoot-melee cqc. Or in stupid CoD where you speed boost and lunge knife someone. I'd be happy if you can only knife from behind. I mean, these guns are obsolete in this game due to this. Worse are the Raven guys with the SMGs, Black suits, and knife specs. Their SMG is seemingly OP, taking out people with ARs/LMGs/Snipers at range with ease. Or they just run in the darkness of everything nearly in the game and knife away.

This is probably SVERs greatest weakness, wearing multicolor look at me, I don't blend in with shit, clothes. I mean, they couldn't get a camo-hoodie or ski vest, anything?

Even though I'm much higher, it counted me from who knows when, and set my premade up as level 21, so I'm at the short end of the testing stick in there. I'd like to test out the new weapons, but that's not going to happen as it's taking far too long to level.

Someone said there was a fix in the works for the wrong character copy, if so Das, when is this happening so I don't level up to where it's automatically places me then, causing me to kick the first kitten I see. Unless, our work will carry over.

I'd love to see the comparison of stats for the new weapons if someone has them unlocked to the old current in game weapons.

And yes, Low-Level sniping like I was trying now, sucks even harder for some reason. Oh, it's people moving super fast while still eating sniper rounds, the ones that hit. Except now they have enough time to sprint to you and knife you. Sniping is still in bad shape.
Yeah, the knives seem way too powerful. If I'm at 120 health, a single slash to the front should never kill me. I often use my knife defensively since I carry the SMG a lot; guys will run at you as you're shooting them close range, and I'll knife when they get close. Sometimes it'll show up as an SMG kill and sometimes as knife, but usually they go down instead of me. But in this beta it seems their single knife always kills me.


I'm still put off by what Zipper did with the controls in 1.07.

I don't think I'm going to have the patience to adjust to the game now.


I finally got to play the beta today because they finally fixed the servers.
Here's what I thought of it...

I really like the new skill tree (with new skills) and the new purchasing system. You can truly customize your character now to specific playstyles of your choosing, via the new skill tree... more so than in any FPS I can remember playing. The Supply Depot is awesome because you don't have to get certain guns and attachments that you don't want or need, just to obtain a weapon you do want. I'm glad they separated skills and weapons into 2 different categories. However, like someone said, some of the level restrictions are ridiculous and the "price" for many items need to be adjusted.

I've only played 2 of the 3 Escalation maps and IMO, they're really well-made. Isla de Magma is a crazy map. The only gripe I have with it, is the fact that it definitely favors Raven because it's extremely difficult to see them with so many shadows and grass everywhere.

Like SolidusDave said, there really needs to be a way to see which faction is taking over which letter. Green flashing signifies Valor, blue Raven, orange SVER. As it is now, there's no way to tell who has control of which letter. You think your PMC is taking control of a letter, only find out they're not. There needs to be changes made, since we're now having 3 factions fight for control of letters, not just 2, so the flashing red and blue doesn't cut it anymore.

The basic strategy is to send 2 squads to each letter (16p per letter) and control them for as long as possible. If your team can't manage 2 letters, then at least 1 letter needs to be controlled. Otherwise, your team will never win. It is also very important to have your team camp D, but IMO, the letters should always be the priority. You can always mount a simultaneous, full-on assault on D after your team has taken control of 2 letters.

The only major complaint I have with the beta is the fact that every weapon is dead accurate again, just like it was before all the nerfings started happening. Once you've upgraded your weapons and skills in them, they're like laser beams... even the LMGs. In a way, this is a good thing, because all of the unnecessary random bullet spread is much worse to have than laser beam guns. I would rather have overly accurate guns than random bullet spread.

It just sucks that the LMG will once again be the super overpowered weapon it was for such a long time and the weapon 90% of players use. Why is it so hard for Zipper to balance the LMG and leave the other weapons' accuracy and stability alone?

There was 1 more issue I had with the beta. Grenades and explosives kill way too easily / fast. Even with 3 levels of Explosive Resistance and 120 health, I'm still getting killed often with 1 grenade or explosive. I'm not sure if explosives were buffed for the beta, or if Explosive Resistance was nerfed, but constantly dying from grenades and explosives is not my idea of fun. However, the new grenade indicator and smoke trail of the grenade are cool additions...

All in all, this overhaul of MAG is looking real good. Once Zipper makes the proper adjustments to the skill tree and supply depot, tone down LMGs' accuracy and stability, and give us a way to see whose taking which objective, this beta will be a great blueprint for the new MAG. I'm glad Scott Rudi and the MAG Live team listened to most of the suggestions I've made over 3 months ago.

Edited for grammar and spelling.


Does anyone else retail mag keep crashing, because it’s starting to get fucking annoying, i just spent 28 mins in a bunker getting the 30 kill i need for the ribbon and mother fucking game just crashed!!!


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Found the new tree system to be hit and miss. I really like it almost totally, because it feels more open, but...

Level 57 for the Signal Jamming thingy? :( I'll miss that little beauty, as I'm still like 10 levels away from that.

But I really like the Shotgun, especially when defending D on the Volcano level.
I don't see how anyone can like the new skill tree. In the engineering tree you have to buy all 3 levels of increased mine deploy before you unlock Improved Repairing. Mines aren't even available until level 62 now. So you're forcing people to waste skill points on something they'll have absolutely no use for 90% of the game. And every skill tree is like that. I have to upgrade my medical kit before I can unlock increased resupply rate. What do those 2 even have to do with each other? You have to buy half the CQC weapon perks before the knife perks unlock? Why? If the knife perks are OP'ed then decrease their effectiveness, don't hide them at the back of the tree. You have to unlock increased rifle reload speed before the rocket launcher perks open. Again, for what reason? I don't see how this improves the old tree when it forces so many perks down your throat. I also don't like the 3 tiered system for electronics like the motion sensor. I'd rather they added a weaker version in the supply depot for something like 400c.


This knife goes lives, I'm trading this game in. This is stupid, why even bother having guns in the game anymore as people just blitz around with the run speed, knife damage, and frequency. Maybe the snipers can have throwing knives while everyone else just runs around with knives.

And yes, sniping still blows in this. I get jack shit for points, despite getting more kills and supporting the team. Now it's even worse with the commando knife guys with their run speed. I see someone shoot them once, they don't die, twice, still alive, and then I'm knifed.
I don't mind the knife. I'm of the philosophy of "If you can't beat em, join em". I was a heavy armor/ LMG whore in the beginning, moved to ARs when they nerfed the LMGs and quit playing when they nerfed everything. With the 1.07 patch it seems the accuracy and usability of the weapons is back, but their stopping power when trying to kill a light armor commando is laughable, and the OPed knife owns all right now, so that's what I use.

Zipper will fix the knife, or try to. They already took out the extended range, hopefully they'll make the knife an equipable item, like the pistol, and that should solve most of the problems. Of course after that people will move on to the next OPed weapon, be it ARs, snipers, grenades. So goes the life of an online shooter.

Adapt to what works, avoid what doesn't.


But the guns are useless now. Everyone's running around with fast builds knifing everyone. There's a serious problem when I hit someone with two solid hits from a sniper rifle and by then they're on top of me and knife me.

Possible fixes for this:

- If you're running and you get hit with a sniper rifle, you get slowed down, or lose your sprint. There has to be some sort of "CC" here.

- Amp up the damage of sniper rifles.

- Remove frontal knifing. Make it available from behind only.

The range of the knife is still too large. It's damage is absurd. Throw in the "increased damage" and "frequency" when put with run speed increases, it's CoD Commando Knife/Care Package builds and we all know how that put the nail in the coffin with serious CoD play. It's just completely out of control right now. I'd rather the circle dance of death in the old SOCOM days to this crap.

I mean, how are guns useless in a shooter?

Now, I didn't get to try out the new weapons yet to see if there's some difference as I'm vet-4 and not high enough level to try them out, which all gear should be unlocked in a "PTR" setting for a shooter for BALANCING purposes. Who knows how strong or suck they are if you can't test them out?

Zipper is taking this type of shooter much more serious than anyone else before, and that's awesome. There's just a few things they can learn from other "MMO's". This PTR is awesome, it's something that most games need to adopt.

I'm still waiting for them to do a full-fledged FPSMMO. Obviously, if they want to adapt "per-month" pay to play they're going to have to have a lot more content in the form of game modes and especially gear. More upgrades to gear from your cash earned, possibly professions to further tweak/customize your gear, etc. But they're moving in the right direction so far.

EDIT: Also, unlimited respecs would be nice to test out more builds at this point.

These are pretty drastic changes to the game, and I wonder if they launch this, that it maybe one of the few times to reset people to level 1 again. Let everyone keep their stats, their ribbons/medals, but get everyone back to square one since it feels like a new game right now.

ALSO, I hope they don't charge much if they're planning on making people pay for this new mode. They need to include the prior pack and this one for $10, and if you bought the old pack, this new pack should be $5 tops.
I don't agree that the guns are useless, in fact I think they're the most balanced they've ever been. That's for 1.07, can't speak for the beta, haven't played it much. The problem is the knives, and the "commando" builds in general are far too good. In my eyes it has as much to with the seemingly high bullet "spongeness" of the light armor and the high-range, high-speed of the knife in laggy CQC situations.

I'm still really confused about the whole beta. When is it supposed to be integrated into the full game, will it cost money, what's happens to people who don't buy it, etc.


I personally think the knife in the beta is great, even if it's a 1-hit kill from the front (when fully upgraded). Without Extended Reach, it's pretty balanced IMO. If you don't upgrade it at all, it takes 2-3 hits to kill someone (unless from behind).

The 1.06 and 1.07 knife got ridiculous though. It's fun when I'm killing 4 people in 1 swipe, but it's not fun when I'm on the receiving end of a 5m knife. It's so much worse when playing against laggers. When you play against laggers (foreign region players), bullets and knives sometime seem to bend around corners.

commish said:
Thx for fixing the game, bro.

No problem. :lol


If it's latency, whatever, I'm still getting killed from 5-10yards out after hitting them with 2 shots from a sniper rilfe. When my teammates are blasting someone with a shotgun at 10 yards, and they still get knifed, there's problems. That's not fun, that's broken. Up the power in the snipers then. It's bad enough now with people flying all around now thanks to new talents. But getting multi-kills from a single swipe, especially now? No thanks. Even the bullshit knife in CoD doesn't do that, it hits one person. Medal of Honor is better balanced with it's knife.

For a game with such a lack of auto-aim with guns to have such a bullshit radius and power on the knife is a travesty. And hey, if a piece of armor stops my .50 cal round, it can stop a knife too.

Now, Click, Tele, other at higher levels, how are the new AR and MMG?


SolidusDave said:
not necessarily, ballistic vests do not work well against knifes. You need anti-knife/anti-stab armor ^^

While that's true, most vests worth a damn are puncture resistant. Plus, any vest that stops a .50cal has titanium/treated steel plates (ceramics aren't reliable, and spent after a hit). Thus, they can stop a knife. :p

Not even Pinnacle armor's vest stopped a .50cal, and that was one of the most impressive vests out there. I have experience in these vests, as per my job. :p
J-Rzez said:
Any vest that stops a .50cal has titanium/treated steel plates (ceramics aren't reliable, and spent after a hit). Thus, they can stop a knife. :p

Not even Pinnacle armor's vest stopped a .50cal, and that was one of the most impressive vests out there. I have experience in these vests, as per my job. :p

Actually I didn't even know there are vests against .50cal :eek:


SolidusDave said:
Actually I didn't even know there are vests against .50cal :eek:

Pinnacle "had" a vest, their dragon armor, when combined with a special titanium plate ate a .50 in test videos, it was incredible lol! But since it went into "negotiations/lawsuits" against the federal gov, for reasons I won't get into as it's long, they've went "black out".

Problem with that vest though, if a .50 hit anywhere outside that plate, you were basically dead. But hey, any chance is better than none! :D

Some people claim the standard issue interceptor with treated plates can too, but who knows.


Just got into the beta and wow lots of changes. Loving the skill tree and additional level cap as well as the buying options. Game feels faster overall. But why is my level 57 valor guy from The game being registered as level 30 in the beta?
J-Rzez said:
Pinnacle "had" a vest, their dragon armor, when combined with a special titanium plate ate a .50 in test videos, it was incredible lol! But since it went into "negotiations/lawsuits" against the federal gov, for reasons I won't get into as it's long, they've went "black out".

Problem with that vest though, if a .50 hit anywhere outside that plate, you were basically dead. But hey, any chance is better than none! :D

Some people claim the standard issue interceptor with treated plates can too, but who knows.

How did people fair from the impact of the bullet? That seems like it might be enough to kill them right there. (Obviously depending on velocity)


Some other observations. Just had my first game of escalation. It is totally bad ass. Gorgeous to boot. The GUI In the game has been greatly improved. And actual gameplay in the older maps is fat but wow seems like almost 60 fps in escalation mode. I'm finally beginning to understand what a great platform zipper has in the shape of mag. They could have all sorts of maps for this game. Water based, space based, fighting in a city. Amazing.

Now how the hell do I get the game to recognize the correct level for my character :lol


I LOVE EVERYTHING. (especially the new grenade indicator and skill tree)

Also, I still get sick when playing domination due to all the screen jitter and motion blur, or whatever the heck that is.


TheExecutive said:
How did people fair from the impact of the bullet? That seems like it might be enough to kill them right there. (Obviously depending on velocity)

Enough force to at least knock them clear off their feet. Pending on the hit, it could break ribs and such. They never tested it on a human unlike some of their other gear heh.


This is some rambo shit right here :lol fighting in jungles and deserts. Completely changes then dynamic of then game. Didn't buy intervention but will def buy this. Price it right zipper!

One thing i def don't like is that you have to unlock every skill in the previous category. It should be set to two points like before or one point or maybe we should be able to directly unlock skills that arent connected to the previous category or aren't an expansion. Knives for example are stuck in the close quarter zone, a skil set I never use cause I'm a machine gunner. Now to get to knives I have to waste a whole lot of points. Also the whole respec thing is lame, if I respec I have to set my load outs again as well. Instead of that it would be nice if zipper gave us the option to turn a skill on or off and use that point elsewhere.

Anybody know if deleting my valor guy will allow the beta to copy the correct level character back?
fixuis said:
Just got into the beta and wow lots of changes. Loving the skill tree and additional level cap as well as the buying options. Game feels faster overall. But why is my level 57 valor guy from The game being registered as level 30 in the beta?

Happened to almost everybody. I think the beta is running on a back up servers, and for some reason the character you get is what ever you were pre 1.07 patch.


I like the new sniper rifle, especially that you can put a silencer on it. Still usually takes at least 2 shots center mass to drop someone that isn't wounded already, but it's pretty accurate, fires quickly enough for another bolt action. Doesn't have athletic tape all over it either. I have to try out that new MMG. I saw someone with it and that thing seems to hit like a truck. Fires slow as hell, sounds awesome.


J-Rzez said:
Now, Click, Tele, other at higher levels, how are the new AR and MMG?

More beta impressions...

The new SVER AR is really cool. It's got a 45 round mag. and a shiton of bullets. It's obviously not as fast-firing or accurate as the AG-94, but for mid to close range killing, it performs quite well.

The MMG is decent. It does a lot of damage but shoots extremely slow. If someone's really accurate with a fast-firing AR, you will most likely lose the firefight. Picture firing a stationary turret but being mobile with it. I still prefer the upgraded first tier LMGs. Because they're now more overpowered than ever.

SVER Domination got nerfed. They changed it so it's much easier to sweep the bunkers and push everyone back to the letters. Some of the objective areas are also changed. I believe H or G was changed so that the console is on the bottom floor, instead of having to go up steps to a 2nd floor where defenders can camp the top floor and shoot the attackers.

At least the damage bar is changed back to normal. However, one bad platoon can still lose the game for the team. Today, I saw Raven do something I've done before as OIC. Flood one quadrant with two or more platoons. They had 4 APCs at SVER A and B. Unless the other platoons send people to help them out, it would be nearly impossible to win as defenders. I'm sure if/when Clan Deploy gets implemented, the smart clans will use this strategy to win games.

Persona7 said:
I LOVE EVERYTHING. (especially the new grenade indicator and skill tree)

Also, I still get sick when playing domination due to all the screen jitter and motion blur, or whatever the heck that is.

The extreme amount of "special effects" gets really annoying in Domination. At one point in the Dom. game I described, the entire screen shook violently when 4 or more letters were being controlled by the other team. The controller was shaking non-stop too for roughly 20 seconds. Very unnecessary and overdone. Feels like they're trying to be like GG (KZ 2/3) in how much effects they've put into MAG beta.


So my imported character to the beta was My old 51 lvl raven trooper but when I checked The skills tree i only had like 26 skill points. Is this normal or a bug? Shouldn't i have 51 points?
tokewitch said:
So my imported character to the beta was My old 51 lvl raven trooper but when I checked The skills tree i only had like 26 skill points. Is this normal or a bug? Shouldn't i have 51 points?
I had 55 skill points to distribute yesterday when I logged on with my level 55 character. It's either a bug or a hidden new feature.
tokewitch said:
Ok maybe the points will show up later...
Did you read weekend_warrior's comment? Maybe you're having the same issue.
fixuis said:
[...] why is my level 57 valor guy from The game being registered as level 30 in the beta?
weekend_warrior said:
Happened to almost everybody. I think the beta is running on a back up servers, and for some reason the character you get is what ever you were pre 1.07 patch.


archnemesis said:
Did you read weekend_warrior's comment? Maybe you're having the same issue.

I was also missing levels. I had allready changed to Sver in real game but I got my old 51 lvl raven dude in the beta. So yeah character is pre 1.07. I will try to respec again later maybe the skill points will get ok.


I just picked this game up and it's awesome. I really wish I had jumped in when it was new. I rolled SVER and have been having a blast for the last few hours. Seems like way more people have mics than the CoD players, or maybe it's just the extreme lack of shit talking bastards. Is the expansion worth getting or should I play for a while and then give it a go?


Seventy5 said:
I just picked this game up and it's awesome. I really wish I had jumped in when it was new. I rolled SVER and have been having a blast for the last few hours. Seems like way more people have mics than the CoD players, or maybe it's just the extreme lack of shit talking bastards. Is the expansion worth getting or should I play for a while and then give it a go?

There haven't been many players on interdiction expansion so I would not recommend getting it now. Maybe you should wait for escalation expansion if they would bundle the interdiction with it it would be more worth it.


I love the teamwork in this game and the fact that it's not all about KDR and having 12 people going solo against 12 other people in a Sabotage or Domination match. I think this is the perfect cure to my CoD fatigue. Probably still gonna pick up Black Ops for Zombies 2.0, but this will probably be my shooter of choice for online competitive. Great game.


New maps are noticeably better-looking, but I think that's just cleaner textures and colour use (lots of white) and more pronounced sky bloom. There's a bunch of minor audio/visual tweaks throughout, like the camera jolt when you inject and the exaggerated motion when you resupply that make it feel smoother overall. I'll probably regret saying that when I see what they've done with airstrikes and mortars.

Did ejected brass always have sound effects? If so, I never noticed it until now.

Love the elevation of the new Alaska map, and how well it's set up for sniper fights along the ridges and through the trees.


they added more animations to guns and med kits stuff (like when you select them) but it actually makes it feel clunkier than the regular game (where its a lot faster looking to switch). Either that or you have to unlock the perk to switch faster...

It is a bit broken though when you have all the players start off shooting each other, then instead of shooting and aiming they just run zigzagging to knife other people. This is the winning strategy for MAG Beta, trust me :p I attribute this to a) super knife damage 1 hit kill perk from all angles and b) less bullet damage? It really feels like it takes more bullets to kill someone, so its easier to just run around them with a knife. Doesn't really feel like a shooter now, although if they changed guns for bows and changed knives to swords, it would make a lot more sense, as people are basically just playing medevil MAG on these new gorgeous maps anyways. Even without the knife perk often I'd wait at an objective and knife everyone coming through the door around the corner. Getting a bit ridiculous. /knife rant end


Yes, the knife is WAY OVERPOWERED now. That's all people are doing, specifically raven, of course. Running around with their OP SMG, and the increased movement speed crap with the knife freq and dmg talents. It's ruining this game.

I have 2nd thoughts on that new Sniper rifle. After going back to the M version of the starter, I like that one more. I'm not sure why in the world you can't put the variable zoom scope on it though. There should be at least another adjustable scope for it that varies between 4x and (8x-10x) like how the glorious SR-25 had available for it in SOCOM.

Das, I'd say if possible, to include that scope I described. Also, perhaps to help make it a choice, add in "Match" ammo for sniper rifles. They really need some help here.

Love the new maps though. It's crazy when specifically the new Desert map when it hits ~60fps. Zipper is still the king of MP Map design.

Are you guys going to release an Ultimate Edition version? With the 2nd DLC pack coming soon, and with all the huge updates the game received, especially after the current beta content gets into the retail code, it may be wise to release a freshly patched version on BluRay (maybe even PSN?), with both DLC packs and maybe a voucher for a one month of extra character storage. Really, MAG is going to be a vastly different (and better) experience when this beta testing gets done than it was during launch back in January, and the additional sales will also boost player numbers in modes that don't get much play time, like Acquisition and Interdiction. Also, consider adding a code which would level up a new character to level 8 after finishing the tutorial, include all the bonus armor that was given with preorders, and maybe even do a hybrid BluRay, where you would include video tutorials on leadership, command structure and other more complicated aspects of MAG. This would eliminate the need to add another section under "Extras", but would still provide the necessary education most newcomers don't have. Oh, and slap a Move compatible sticker on the new box art and another one that says "SOCOM4 beta invitation". ;)

* * *

Zipline Episode 18 is now live.


Click said:
The extreme amount of "special effects" gets really annoying in Domination. At one point in the Dom. game I described, the entire screen shook violently when 4 or more letters were being controlled by the other team. The controller was shaking non-stop too for roughly 20 seconds. Very unnecessary and overdone. Feels like they're trying to be like GG (KZ 2/3) in how much effects they've put into MAG beta.
Exactly, once the action starts picking up it never stops. This is exactly why I never play domination(I was forced yesterday because all the other modes were locked) and opt for other game modes instead, all the effects running non-stop give me motion sickness.
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