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MAG |OT| 256-Player Battles, Lots of Teamwork, Not So Much Auto-Aim


Just got the game today and i'm really enjoying it! I've been looking for team/objective based mp game on consoles for a while now and MAG really seems to fill that need very nicely.

Two things i don't really like; instakill knife infestation has reached this game too.. so sad. Totally ruins any immersion when there are dudes running around, slaughtering a ton of people with a knife :<
Also i kinda have problems seeing where the enemies are, even when i'm looking at from iron sight view. Maybe the problem is partly my color blindness, but this is a first fps where i have this problem. Something about graphics of this game messes me up...


DAS: broken description- repair gun does not damage enemy , i have it maxed all the way "this skill increases the amount of damage the repair kit does to enemy soldiers, vehicles, and objective assets" I was so looking forward to running around behind people and shocking them to death. :(

Also please color code enemy on radar and pov, and also color objectives based on who has it or who's getting it.

Darkkn said:
Just got the game today and i'm really enjoying it! I've been looking for team/objective based mp game on consoles for a while now and MAG really seems to fill that need very nicely.

Also i kinda have problems seeing where the enemies are, even when i'm looking at from iron sight view. Maybe the problem is partly my color blindness, but this is a first fps where i have this problem. Something about graphics of this game messes me up...

Welcome to MAG! :) You get used to the color, turn up the gamma a bit, and make sure you have the upgraded sights.
- knife ninjas suck. I mean, it's fun to dance around the enemies but I've seen enemy players doing nothing but kamikaze into your team with a knife. Wouldn't be so bad if they weren't able to kill 4 guys with 2 slashes (and 90% of the time you can't be revived). Of course this happens when actually facing the enemy.
Also, I don't care if it's lag but even with the old knife range I never saw people knifed away from e.g. bottom of ramp while the victim was standing on the top 5m away.

- I actually don't see the point of the heavy armor anymore. If you have all speed upgrades (and maybe stuff like full health), the light+ and the medium+ armor are far better choices than the heavy armor. Even if you like to be a damage sponge (and you still will often die fast), you are too slow compared to the others and this is major disadvantage during battle (also see: knifes) and even just for getting from point A to point B.
I only use it for long range sniping.

- I noticed I actually like to use shotguns in this game, I never used them before but now I bought almost all weapons in the beta. I also suck less with them at close range as many other weapons though I suck overall after not playing MAG for a long time (thanks Click for letting me play with your Clan members anyway :lol )

- Escalation map starting points can affect the match outcome. In the forest map D has two ladders on the backside leading to the top. These are very accessible for only one team and it results in controlling the top and then you can easily shoot everything downstairs with not much resistance as they try to capture D.
- In the desert map I always started in the non-vegetation zone with the rocks and there are almost perfect sniping positions. You are safe from enemy flank fire and you can more or less alone guard one entrance of D and you only have to turn around to snipe B (+ you can already kill them on some paths shortly after at their spawn).
Though the fastest enemies are hard to hit in both cases and you often need two shots...
Bonus: I still want you to bring back XMB screenshots, the new maps looks quite nice and it would be easier to explain things with pictures :/

- currently I only use the new weapons (SVER). The sniper is ok but I don't think it's better than the old top tier in any way. The new AR is nice because of the large magazine, this gives you a more fair chance against LMGs if you are both shoot from the hip. I think I like the LMG/MMG the best of the new weapons, but mostly because I just like its sound and the high damage of each bullet. Also you now have enough ammunition for each weapon which is very nice.

- lots of glitches/bugs in the menu of the beta. This I actually don't understand as it happens for things that didn't change. e.g. if you click on community your friendlist doesn't load, you first have to click to the Clan page and back for it to load. You also get stuck in some screens (though often only temporary).

- I miss music in the beta client :p
Played more of the beta.

I still haven't been killed an enormous amount of times by knifers, but the times it does happen it's absolute bizarre. Like 30 feet away. And trying to use it myself it's so inconsistent. Missing from 2 feet away multiple times.

<3 the shotgun. They finally brought back the pre-nerfing shotgun, and it's perfect. A very consistent 1 shot/ 2 shot weapon within 10 feet, and able to punch out weakened opponents from about 20. FANTASTIC.

At this moment the new game mode is dumb. I figured out how it works. Makes no difference who captures A/B/C, all that matters is capturing D first when it unlocks. So the whole game you're just rushing D, with a few stragglers capturing the outposts when needed. And the whole thing about joining forces to overtake D doesn't work either because your just shooting anything that's not a blue dot. Game mode needs some serious work.

the AR's are back to pre-nerfs uselessness now. The LMG's shoot as accurately, do more damage, and have bigger clips.


weekend_warrior said:
Played more of the beta.

I still haven't been killed an enormous amount of times by knifers, but the times it does happen it's absolute bizarre. Like 30 feet away. And trying to use it myself it's so inconsistent. Missing from 2 feet away multiple times.

<3 the shotgun. They finally brought back the pre-nerfing shotgun, and it's perfect. A very consistent 1 shot/ 2 shot weapon within 10 feet, and able to punch out weakened opponents from about 20. FANTASTIC.

At this moment the new game mode is dumb. I figured out how it works. Makes no difference who captures A/B/C, all that matters is capturing D first when it unlocks. So the whole game you're just rushing D, with a few stragglers capturing the outposts when needed. And the whole thing about joining forces to overtake D doesn't work either because your just shooting anything that's not a blue dot. Game mode needs some serious work.

the AR's are back to pre-nerfs uselessness now. The LMG's shoot as accurately, do more damage, and have bigger clips.

what game are you playing? 2nd Tier AR is still a laser, just hold down the trigger by the head. New AR is also good, fires SLIGHTLY slower but bigger clip. LMGs are slower still so facing off against a good AR guy that's 20 ft or greater distance, AR will win. Then again none of this matters because its easier to sprint up and knife the guy.

And if one team is always capturing a/b/c, they'll always be inching their points on D even if a group keeps camping it and taking it over so the a/b/c unlocks again. One game I played today probably had players with your mentality and we lost the game even though we'd capture D as soon as it unlocked, too bad no squads from our team ever unlocked 2 letters from a/b/c. So yes, actually it's all about capturing 2 of a/b/c. If they only color coded captures and enemies, this game mode would probably be right up there with domination as some of the most fun to be had in a online FPS.

and knifing... one escalation game me and click held down A forever just by guarding the entrances with knives lol, ridiculous.


I understand why people are complaining so much about the knife in beta. I have all knife upgrades and all running upgrades. It is kind of unfair how fast people can run now and it sucks that the upgraded beta knife is 1-hit kill anywhere on the body. Obviously you can't suck and can't run in a straight line towards someone. However, if you're fast enough and good enough, knife upgrades + running upgrades + light armor = insane fun (or frustration if you die to it).

The knife being very overpowered is really a combination of problems. 2+ months ago, a Zipper dev. said that the Sensor Jammer is broken. It's not supposed to be able to hide you when you run, if someone on the other team has a Motion Sensor. The MS is supposed to pick up everyone that's running, regardless if they have a SJ or not. This is the primary reason why the knife has been overpowered since patch 1.06 and now, even more so in the beta.

The other reasons why the knife is so OP'd in the beta are more obvious: run speed and the fact that the beta knife can 1-hit kill anyone regardless of where it hits the body. I remember hearing Scott Rudi say in one of the podcasts, the knife is supposed to do 2x damage from behind (1-hit kill), 1.5x damage from the sides, and I believe regular damage from the front. This is to prevent the knife from being OP'd. He even said that they didn't want knife-whores to zigzag and bum rush people from the front, getting easy 1-hit kills.

With Extended Reach, the knife will sometimes register as a back hit when someone slashes from the front. And now, for some reason, they decided to make a fully-upgraded knife always kill people in 1 hit anywhere on the body. Zipper thought it'd be a good idea to buff the knife but it obviously wasn't a good idea.

It's difficult to balance the knife. That's why they have a beta: to see if their decision to change the knife was bad or good. All I know is, if Zipper wants to keep all of those knife upgrades, they MUST nerf / fix the Sensor Jammer. They should also remove 1-hit kill from the front of the body.

SolidusDave said:
- I noticed I actually like to use shotguns in this game, I never used them before but now I bought almost all weapons in the beta. I also suck less with them at close range as many other weapons though I suck overall after not playing MAG for a long time (thanks Click for letting me play with your Clan members anyway :lol )

ALL weapons are extremely deadly in the beta, including the shotgun (which was OP'd in 1.06 and nerfed in 1.07). I really enjoy the beta because people die much faster. Like I've said, every weapon shoots extremely accurate... if it's upgraded. There is no more random bullet spread and no more ridiculous recoil. This actually balances every faction's weapons. With almost all of SVER's weapons being nerfed to shit in the regular game, I totally welcome this change. It plays a lot like the original MAG beta, which was extremely fun. If you have good aim, whatever you aim at, usually dies.

BTW, Solidus sniped the shit out of a lot of members of Dark Flock (Raven's best clan) in 1 Escalation game. They weren't that clan's best members, but it was still impressive, lol. :D

You don't have to thank me for that party invite. You only played with me, icechai, and the worst player we have (the only reason he got in is because he's RL friends with the leader of the clan). I'll try to get you into another game with us sometime (if we have room), so you can witness first-hand what we really do to the opposition when our better / best players are on.


weekend_warrior said:
At this moment the new game mode is dumb. I figured out how it works. Makes no difference who captures A/B/C, all that matters is capturing D first when it unlocks. So the whole game you're just rushing D, with a few stragglers capturing the outposts when needed. And the whole thing about joining forces to overtake D doesn't work either because your just shooting anything that's not a blue dot. Game mode needs some serious work.

the AR's are back to pre-nerfs uselessness now. The LMG's shoot as accurately, do more damage, and have bigger clips.

Escalation is dumb and confusing AT FIRST, but once you realize how the game mode works and if Zipper allows us to see who's capturing which letter, it is actually a really fun game mode.

Like icechai said, A, B, and C are the most important letters / objectives to hold and capture. Without capturing 2 letters at once, your team cannot win because your bar will never go up.

This is how Escalation should be played: 2 squads go to whatever letter is their default FRAGO, usually on sides of their spawn. Don't go towards the furthest one, which is usually straight ahead of the spawn. Capture and hold these letters until D opens up. If a faction has D heavily camped, do not leave the letter you're at. Simply camp it until D opens up, again and again. Your team will turtle your way to victory this way.

If the other PMC(s) don't know what they're doing or if they just suck, capture 2 letters then send everyone on your team to D and try to hold it for as long as possible. You can hold D indefinitely, constantly increasing your bar, so it's generally a good idea to have everyone at D if it belongs to your faction (it'll be a solid blue box). Because we have no way to tell which faction is holding which letter, watch the color of the box at D to determine whether or not you and your team should stay at A, B, or C. If it starts out as a solid blue box, that means your faction has control of it and you should probably rush to D to defend and hold it. If it starts off as a solid red box, one of the opposing PMC has control of it. Watch the bar to see which PMC has control of it.

Defending / attacking D can also be somewhat confusing at first. But once you figure out how it works, it's not that bad. Each PMC will be coming from their side. Whichever PMC has control of D, you and your team should focus fire on that side first, so they can't get their backup into D and so either your team or the other PMC that doesn't have control of D can secure it, opening up A, B, and C again. I believe all 3 maps' objective D has 3 entrances / choke points. Once you're inside D, simply defend those choke points with lots of grenades and lots of gunfire. Good players will try to flank your team, so always be on the lookout for those people. Snipers also love to snipe into D, picking off n00bs that stand around still, so watchout for them too.

icechai said:
what game are you playing? 2nd Tier AR is still a laser, just hold down the trigger by the head. New AR is also good, fires SLIGHTLY slower but bigger clip. LMGs are slower still so facing off against a good AR guy that's 20 ft or greater distance, AR will win. Then again none of this matters because its easier to sprint up and knife the guy.

And if one team is always capturing a/b/c, they'll always be inching their points on D even if a group keeps camping it and taking it over so the a/b/c unlocks again. One game I played today probably had players with your mentality and we lost the game even though we'd capture D as soon as it unlocked, too bad no squads from our team ever unlocked 2 letters from a/b/c. So yes, actually it's all about capturing 2 of a/b/c. If they only color coded captures and enemies, this game mode would probably be right up there with domination as some of the most fun to be had in a online FPS.

and knifing... one escalation game me and click held down A forever just by guarding the entrances with knives lol, ridiculous.

I love the AG-94 in the regular game and even more in the beta. It's the only good gun SVER has in the regular game because every other gun has been nerfed so much. The beta AG-94 is a laser beam of death, lol. But I'm sure the SCAR-LW and ATAC2000 are just as deadly.

That game where we held the letter for roughly 5 minutes by ourselves was fun. They'd run in and we'd shoot and knife the crap out of them. They had no idea what was going on. :lol

The game we played against Dark Flock was even crazier (for me). I held one of the letters by myself against a whole squad of them, allowing D to open up. Our team then held D for a long time but we eventually barely lost to Raven because they had such a large lead on us from the start of the match. Still, it was fun knowing that I contributed a lot to our team catching up and almost beating Raven. If we had 1 more minute, we would've won.

Escalation can be complete chaos when playing with and against retards. However, it can also be extremely fun and intense when playing with and against good players that know what they're doing. I've already had lots of "nail biter" games that came down to the wire. One game, we came back and won with no time left on the clock. I think if your team is holding D and they're behind, the game gives you as much time as needed to win, as long as your team can keep holding D. BTW, the bar keeps going up, even if an opposing faction is in the process of securing it (flashing red and blue).
Click said:
Like icechai said, A, B, and C are the most important letters / objectives to hold and capture. Without capturing 2 letters at once, your team cannot win because your bar will never go up.

There's no way that's true. All 3 games I played last night begin with my team capturing A/B, and yet before we could blink Sver had a huge lead on us because they were camping D the whole time. Eventually we started rushing D and saying to hell with the outposts, and we came back to win 2 of those matches. Now maybe you get a points boost for capturing A/B/C, or maybe the bar would fill faster for the team the does capture them. All I know is that most games we hardly ever capture the outposts but still win because our whole team rushes D.


weekend_warrior said:
There's no way that's true. All 3 games I played last night begin with my team capturing A/B, and yet before we could blink Sver had a huge lead on us because they were camping D the whole time. Eventually we started rushing D and saying to hell with the outposts, and we came back to win 2 of those matches. Now maybe you get a points boost for capturing A/B/C, or maybe the bar would fill faster for the team the does capture them. All I know is that most games we hardly ever capture the outposts but still win because our whole team rushes D.

You must be confused. The bar only goes up if your team has control of D. And D can only be controlled by whichever team unlocks 2 letters simultaneously. You cannot control D by merely camping there and taking it back from an opposing PMC. However, I have seen the bar inch up very, very slightly without having to unlock 2 letters at the same time, but it's not nearly enough to win a game.

Trust me, you cannot win an Escalation game by camping D the entire battle, unless your team is able to camp D AND capture 2 letters simultaneously. If you could win the game by only camping D, there'd be no point in having letters A, B, and C. Zipper would've made everyone go straight to the objective in the middle of the map and have a massive battle there every game... kind of like king of the hill. Escalation is a mixture between Sabotage and a king of the hill type of a game mode.


So Das-J, I have a question outside of what this new mode and such is going to cost us.

Since there's some sweeping changes here to the trees and weapons, it's going to be like MAG 1.5. What's the plan when the patch comes out and changes everything? I'm usually against this, but I think it'd be a warranted reset for people. Let the stats, ribbons, trophies, rank all stay the same, but are you guys kicking around the idea of starting everyone off at level 1 again since it seems fitting for these changes?

Can you give us a heads up so we can hit that "Vet" button again (will be my 5th level heh) if you guys do plan on doing such?

Once again though, I have to say I really like the changes outside of the Knives, which really needs to be addressed, or knives + run speed. I'm getting killed from 10' out by knives now since they're running so fast, that I think it's a latency thing, as sometimes I'll kill those no good Raven/Valor cheeps who love to use that build in comparison to what I've seen my teammates do.

The new maps are spectacular, and the mode is honestly what I expected from MAG at launch with the 3 pmc's warring it out in epic scale. Hats off to the map design, which Zipper still holds the title for best in the scene with since the SOCOM PS2 era.
Regarding Veteran status, I'd like Zipper to implement 2 changes:

1) While in game, show a number or render the amount of stars equal to the player's Veteran level. For example, if the player reached level 60 in Raven and Valor and vetted to SVER, he would get "2*" or "**" designation.

2) While checking out the players in your squad by pressing "SELECT", the Veteran status does not appear under the player's level badge, so you can't know who's a Veteran and who's not until you see his character in person. I'd like this to be changed.


Law of the West
The next beta client should contain tuning for both Running and Knife skills, but please continue to post feedback on the various skills.

To answer your question J-Rzez, I doubt we'll kick everyone's character back to lvl 1 as that would be too much of a shock, but all of your skills should be reset to adhere to the new system.

Also - You do get a small amount of points for capturing sub-objectives (A, B, C) but holding D is what ultimately gives you the most points and puts you in a position to win.

@ Lagspike - I'm not sure what plans we have for a repackaging at this point, but that would certainly be a great way to get new players up to speed with the ever evolving MAG universe!


Das-J said:
The next beta client should contain tuning for both Running and Knife skills, but please continue to post feedback on the various skills.

To answer your question J-Rzez, I doubt we'll kick everyone's character back to lvl 1 as that would be too much of a shock, but all of your skills should be reset to adhere to the new system.

Excellent on the tuning for those.

It maybe a shock to some, but I honestly think the majority of the more hardcore players (basically all those who play it) wouldn't mind it one bit, as it would help the game feel totally fresh all over again, with everyone on equal footing. Plus those just getting into it due to this revamp and word of mouth would probably appreciate not being at a deficit. But yeah, whatever you guys feel is best though. I love a good carrot on a stick though. :p
J-Rzez said:
Excellent on the tuning for those.

It maybe a shock to some, but I honestly think the majority of the more hardcore players (basically all those who play it) wouldn't mind it one bit, as it would help the game feel totally fresh all over again, with everyone on equal footing. Plus those just getting into it due to this revamp and word of mouth would probably appreciate not being at a deficit. But yeah, whatever you guys feel is best though. I love a good carrot on a stick though. :p

With Directive and Happy Hour XP boost, you can launch a character in an insanely short time to a very high level. I don't want my stars taken away from me, I've done my SVER without any bonus and I'm very proud of my achievement because of that. :lol


J-Rzez said:
Excellent on the tuning for those.

It maybe a shock to some, but I honestly think the majority of the more hardcore players (basically all those who play it) wouldn't mind it one bit, as it would help the game feel totally fresh all over again, with everyone on equal footing. Plus those just getting into it due to this revamp and word of mouth would probably appreciate not being at a deficit. But yeah, whatever you guys feel is best though. I love a good carrot on a stick though. :p

The "hardcore" players might not mind too much (as long as they get to keep their vet. count), but the casuals certainly will. You can't just reset people's levels out of nowhere, even though it'd be cool IMO to do so. The casuals / n00bs took forever to reach the levels they are now. If you reset them back, they might decide to just quit the game.

Lagspike_exe said:
I don't want my stars taken away from me, I've done my SVER without any bonus and I'm very proud of my achievement because of that. :lol

I've done it 3 times for SVER and 1 time each for Valor and Raven... not to mention my 2 level 60 alts in each faction right now. :lol


Yeah, it may piss off a few super-casuals I guess. But I question how many "casuals" are left playing this game at this point? To me it seems like the casuals dried up, looking at the GAF clan who don't play anymore, so it may not be hurting as many people as perhaps thought.

But I understand why people wouldn't want to lose their level if they were casual. I'm just being greedy thinking about it to myself who would enjoy it being reboot and seeing everyone actually playing their hearts out to try to win to get that xp bonus again. Of course, people should keep their stats, ribbons, trophies, and vet status though.
I can't see why you would want all the stats to reset. If you're looking for a challenge just vet again.

supermackem said:
I cant install the beta, i keep getting this _UL_LAUNCHER_NP_AUTH_FAIL any help?.

Do you have the retail version of MAG? You need it to play the beta.
weekend_warrior said:
I can't see why you would want all the stats to reset. If you're looking for a challenge just vet again.

Do you have the retail version of MAG? You need it to play the beta.

hahah i do but it would help if i didnt have uncharted 2 in the machine wouldnt it????.:lol cheers what a dumb ass.


weekend_warrior said:
I can't see why you would want all the stats to reset. If you're looking for a challenge just vet again.

Not all the stats, vet rank, ribbons, medals, etc, just your level. Kinda like how in MMOs when an expansion launches. Everyone's at square one basically once the game starts, which is end game. Yes, old gear helps you level faster, but the fact is at end game where it actually starts, everyone's at basically gear reset. I don't know, that's just me. It's not for my personal challenge, it'd just be cool seeing everyone working hardcore again to win games. Now many people just go prone in the corners of the maps, some just don't pay attention. It'd be cool seeing everyone playing super hard for the rat race again.


I've to begin to fight a battle for a better UI in select mode, frago mode or target mode or tacticla map or whatever u want to call it.

First, the voice chat is good but there are loads of people non english-speaking or simply ashamed to speak in a not-so-good english.
Second, u are NOT forced to play as squad or platoon leader, or OIC, even better u can be kicked out if u are not good or leave ur role when u want.

With this 2 points up i think that the tactical UI is waaay simple i dare to say almost useless.

Why as platoon leader i cannot dictate with the TM(tactical map) the bunkers i want to be destroyed first?
The bunkers aren't even numberd so if i've to say what i want with the chat, hoping that the people will understand, i've to begin to say the far left one and the close right relative to the bridge on the right side of the big ship to the south-west(hyperbole :p) , the 3/4 of the people will ignore it, "verba volant scripta manent".

As squad leader i can put ONE arrow in the TM or select a target, cool, but what if i want to split my squad in 2 o 3 groups? Give the SL more freedom.

It's the same thing from a defensive point of view, too few options; if i want 2 guys to defend the position on the AA i've to say it with the chat, no one cares.
For the people looking for exp, give some exp just for going and staying there if the SL feel it's a priority to defend that target.

With a game of such magnitudine, to have so few and simple options, tactically, is a shame.
Give leaders deepness,alternatives, tools.
Give troops exp, medals and ribbons.

Last thing, why there isn't a exp bonus for victories?

Sorry for my grammar.
Sorc3r3r said:
I've to begin to fight a battle for a better UI in select mode, frago mode or target mode or tacticla map or whatever u want to call it.

First, the voice chat is good but there are loads of people non english-speaking or simply ashamed to speak in a not-so-good english.
Second, u are NOT forced to play as squad or platoon leader, or OIC, even better u can be kicked out if u are not good or leave ur role when u want.

With this 2 points up i think that the tactical UI is waaay simple i dare to say almost useless.

Why as platoon leader i cannot dictate with the TM(tactical map) the bunkers i want to be destroyed first?
The bunkers aren't even numberd so if i've to say what i want with the chat, hoping that the people will understand, i've to begin to say the far left one and the close right relative to the bridge on the right side of the big ship to the south-west(hyperbole :p) , the 3/4 of the people will ignore it, "verba volant scripta manent".

As squad leader i can put ONE arrow in the TM or select a target, cool, but what if i want to split my squad in 2 o 3 groups? Give the SL more freedom.

It's the same thing from a defensive point of view, too few options; if i want 2 guys to defend the position on the AA i've to say it with the chat, no one cares.
For the people looking for exp, give some exp just for going and staying there if the SL feel it's a priority to defend that target.

With a game of such magnitudine, to have so few and simple options, tactically, is a shame.
Give leaders deepness,alternatives, tools.
Give troops exp, medals and ribbons.

Last thing, why there isn't a exp bonus for victories?

Sorry for my grammar.

Those are great ideas. I'd love it if the leader options were deeper. It'd be nice if you could broadcast a written message to your squad/platoon. I've given up on using mics since most people don't pay any attention and it using one just turns into me swearing a lot and yelling at my teamates for being stupid. There should also be a system for rating for leaders so the cream of the crop has a chance to rise to the top. Too many people leave the frago on 'defend vehicle' in AQC game.

There is a bonus for winning matches. Usually about 80-100xp for a DOM game.


Sorc3r3r said:
I've to begin to fight a battle for a better UI in select mode, frago mode or target mode or tacticla map or whatever u want to call it.

What do you mean? Not sure what you're talking about here...

Sorc3r3r said:
First, the voice chat is good but there are loads of people non english-speaking or simply ashamed to speak in a not-so-good english.
Second, u are NOT forced to play as squad or platoon leader, or OIC, even better u can be kicked out if u are not good or leave ur role when u want.

How is it the game's fault people can't / don't want to speak English? MAG is an international online game. Not everybody will be speaking English. It sucks when non English-speaking players blabber about something in their language, but that's what the Block and Kick functions are for.

You are sometimes 'forced' to be a leader at the start of games, but you have the choice to give up your leadership position in-game. So technically, you aren't forced to be a leader. Not sure why you're complaining about this.

People get kicked for multiple reasons. If you're in the same squad with a clan, they may want to make room for members that are getting on or might get on. They might not want you to take up a spot and lose the game for them if you're a shitty player (not saying you are). That's just how certain clans and elitists are. That's how I am. If a player isn't helping the team out and are going 2-19, feeding the other team kills, I'm gonna put a vote on them. It's nothing personal, I just want to win.

Sorc3r3r said:
With this 2 points up i think that the tactical UI is waaay simple i dare to say almost useless.

The complaints you made above has nothing to do with the CNI screen (I'm guessing you meant the CNI) or "tactical UI" as you call it. I don't understand how you can say the CNI is too simple or "almost useless." The CNI screen is awesome if you know how to use it properly. If anything, people say the CNI is too complicated, not too simple... although I'd say it's nearly perfect.

The only thing that bothers me is the fact that you still can't FRAGO something, then immediately FRAGO another objective or use a leadership ability. You have to back out of the CNI, wait 3-5 seconds, then do what you want to do. It's extremely frustrating and should have been fixed a long time ago. Oh, and it'd be nice if the CNI screen had a color indicator of where your platoon started off. Sometimes it can be a bit confusing, especially in Domination, when you leave your quadrant and have to find where your platoon is.

If you're talking about the D-pad's "tactical UI," you're right, most people don't even use it because the CNI is so much better and more precise. Only certain OICs use it if they don't want to mess around with the CNI screen.

The crappiest and most useless feature of the UI are the "call for backup," "I need a medic," "I need ammo" feature. It's pointless and nobody uses it. When you need a medic and actually need to use this feature (laying on the ground bleeding out), you can't even call it in. What's the point of having your in-game character say he needs ammo? There is no resupply class in MAG, unlike BF:BC2, so this is useless too. Zipper should have made this feature much better, but as of now, it's just taking up precious space on the Dual Shock. It needs a complete overhaul or just ditch the feature all together and replace it with something that's actually useful.

Sorc3r3r said:
Why as platoon leader i cannot dictate with the TM(tactical map) the bunkers i want to be destroyed first?
The bunkers aren't even numberd so if i've to say what i want with the chat, hoping that the people will understand, i've to begin to say the far left one and the close right relative to the bridge on the right side of the big ship to the south-west(hyperbole :p) , the 3/4 of the people will ignore it, "verba volant scripta manent".

As squad leader i can put ONE arrow in the TM or select a target, cool, but what if i want to split my squad in 2 o 3 groups? Give the SL more freedom.

I agree that the platoon leader should be allowed to do more about the flow of combat. I've been asking Zipper to give PLs the ability to set the default FRAGO for the entire platoon, while the squad leaders set the secondary FRAGOs.

The bunkers don't have to be numbered. With a good squad leader that's constantly FRAGO'ing objectives, you don't even have to say anything in squad chat, unless you've been jammed. It just sucks that most SLs are incompetent, lazy, and/or don't understand what objectives are the most important to attack or defend. Most SLs I see (even in good clans) do not know how to do their job correctly. They usually either don't FRAGO anything or just leave the FRAGO set at 1 objective the entire game.

Generally, it's not wise to split your squad up into too many groups. It's an advanced strategy that only good players / clans should use and only in certain circumstances. The SL has tons of "freedom." It's called voice chat. If you want to split people up, tell them to do it and specify which members you want to attack / defend which objective. What you're asking is way too difficult for Zipper to implement and would be too confusing for 90% of the players / SLs out there to even use.

Oh, here's a little secret... gamers don't usually listen to other gamers' commands, especially randoms. There are times when people do listen to the SL / PL / OIC and when that happens and your team is successful as a result, it feels awesome to be the one to lead them to victory. But most of the time, blue dots won't give two shit what they're told to do... if they even understand what you're saying. That's why MAG should be played with clans. Because your clanmates are more likely to follow your instructions and requests than random blue dots.

Sorc3r3r said:
It's the same thing from a defensive point of view, too few options; if i want 2 guys to defend the position on the AA i've to say it with the chat, no one cares.
For the people looking for exp, give some exp just for going and staying there if the SL feel it's a priority to defend that target.

Umm... people do get extra XP for killing, reviving, healing, defusing, and plating around FRAGO areas. Not sure what you're talking about again...

Sorc3r3r said:
With a game of such magnitudine, to have so few and simple options, tactically, is a shame.
Give leaders deepness,alternatives, tools.
Give troops exp, medals and ribbons.

Last thing, why there isn't a exp bonus for victories?

Again, I'm not sure what you're complaining about. I get tons of XP, medals, and ribbons ALL THE TIME. And you do get a bonus when you win games. Zipper should give another bonus to teams that steamroll their way to victory though.

I'm not trying to sound like a dick, but you should play more and be more perceptive about things before you complain about what you think is wrong with MAG. You only have 56 leadership points and have only been squad leader 4 times, 0 times as PL or OIC. That's not nearly enough experience to complain about the leadership system, the CNI, or "tactical UI."

If you are able to, vet. over to SVER someday and if we have room, I'll invite you to our group so we can show you how MAG is really supposed to be played. Maybe then you'll realize that this game is very "deep" and that your complaints are mostly invalid.


Zipper implemented the extra character slots into today. $1/month for each character slot, lol...

Oh, and they added lots of XP bonuses to game modes that don't get played that often. Acquisition and Interdiction now gives 100% XP bonus and Domination gives people a 50% bonus. Sabotage and Suppression gets no bonuses.

It's odd however, that Directives didn't get a boost in XP bonus (it only gives +10% XP). People won't even bother with Directives anymore...


You get 10% for Directives, but i dont think its going to make a difference. :lol

The 30 bunker kills ribbon does that include kills with the rockets ?


Click said:
What do you mean? Not sure what you're talking about here...

How is it the game's fault people can't / don't want to speak English? MAG is an international online game. Not everybody will be speaking English. It sucks when non English-speaking players blabber about something in their language, but that's what the Block and Kick functions are for.

If u intend a game to be cooperative u must have in ur vision the fact that in europe the english speaking are a minorance, if u want a communication between squad members u need a way that is beyond the language.

You are sometimes 'forced' to be a leader at the start of games, but you have the choice to give up your leadership position in-game. So technically, you aren't forced to be a leader. Not sure why you're complaining about this.

No complain at all. U choose to be leader so, in my vision if a choose to be leader i know what and when to do something, it a good thing to have this opportunity and a great desing choise.

People get kicked for multiple reasons. If you're in the same squad with a clan, they may want to make room for members that are getting on or might get on. They might not want you to take up a spot and lose the game for them if you're a shitty player (not saying you are). That's just how certain clans and elitists are. That's how I am. If a player isn't helping the team out and are going 2-19, feeding the other team kills, I'm gonna put a vote on them. It's nothing personal, I just want to win.

I want to win too.
And i would like to manage to win even with a bunch of PUG.

The complaints you made above has nothing to do with the CNI screen (I'm guessing you meant the CNI) or "tactical UI" as you call it. I don't understand how you can say the CNI is too simple or "almost useless." The CNI screen is awesome if you know how to use it properly. If anything, people say the CNI is too complicated, not too simple... although I'd say it's nearly perfect.

The only thing that bothers me is the fact that you still can't FRAGO something, then immediately FRAGO another objective or use a leadership ability. You have to back out of the CNI, wait 3-5 seconds, then do what you want to do. It's extremely frustrating and should have been fixed a long time ago. Oh, and it'd be nice if the CNI screen had a color indicator of where your platoon started off. Sometimes it can be a bit confusing, especially in Domination, when you leave your quadrant and have to find where your platoon is.

If you're talking about the D-pad's "tactical UI," you're right, most people don't even use it because the CNI is so much better and more precise. Only certain OICs use it if they don't want to mess around with the CNI screen.

The crappiest and most useless feature of the UI are the "call for backup," "I need a medic," "I need ammo" feature. It's pointless and nobody uses it. When you need a medic and actually need to use this feature (laying on the ground bleeding out), you can't even call it in. What's the point of having your in-game character say he needs ammo? There is no resupply class in MAG, unlike BF:BC2, so this is useless too. Zipper should have made this feature much better, but as of now, it's just taking up precious space on the Dual Shock. It needs a complete overhaul or just ditch the feature all together and replace it with something that's actually useful.

Really people think that the CNI, the one i call TM, is complicated? -__-
I mean if u are a troopie u do not even need to look at it, just follow the damn frago.
It's for leader's and to me the tools that zipper had given to the leaders are too few.
BTW i read that u have some compliant too...

As for the d-pad menu, i do not even want to start a discussion.

I agree that the platoon leader should be allowed to do more about the flow of combat. I've been asking Zipper to give PLs the ability to set the default FRAGO for the entire platoon, while the squad leaders set the secondary FRAGOs.

The bunkers don't have to be numbered. With a good squad leader that's constantly FRAGO'ing objectives, you don't even have to say anything in squad chat, unless you've been jammed. It just sucks that most SLs are incompetent, lazy, and/or don't understand what objectives are the most important to attack or defend. Most SLs I see (even in good clans) do not know how to do their job correctly. They usually either don't FRAGO anything or just leave the FRAGO set at 1 objective the entire game.

Generally, it's not wise to split your squad up into too many groups. It's an advanced strategy that only good players / clans should use and only in certain circumstances. The SL has tons of "freedom." It's called voice chat. If you want to split people up, tell them to do it and specify which members you want to attack / defend which objective. What you're asking is way too difficult for Zipper to implement and would be too confusing for 90% of the players / SLs out there to even use.

Ok. Here we are.
As i stated in my 2 opening point u choose to be leader, if i want to split my group u must give me a way to do it, i do not care if u think that's is an advanced tactics, i want the possibilty to do it, then i will decide if do it or not.
Then it will be my squad to judge me as leader and if i suck they can kick me; if i get consufed they can kick me.
If u want to frag just frag but if u want to lead u need some other skills, let the good leader express themselves.
Then the voice chat again, last time on this, there are loads of languages out there, u HAVE TO, in my vision of the game, give some other way to let the player comunicate each other, even more for the main objectives of a match, i do not care if a team mate is not coming to res me or is not fixing the bridge or is not going to take the APC who cares.

Oh, here's a little secret... gamers don't usually listen to other gamers' commands, especially randoms. There are times when people do listen to the SL / PL / OIC and when that happens and your team is successful as a result, it feels awesome to be the one to lead them to victory. But most of the time, blue dots won't give two shit what they're told to do... if they even understand what you're saying. That's why MAG should be played with clans. Because your clanmates are more likely to follow your instructions and requests than random blue dots.

Umm... people do get extra XP for killing, reviving, healing, defusing, and plating around FRAGO areas. Not sure what you're talking about again...

Yeah they are gaining xp, but not for just patroling an area.
Should be like fixing things a little gain over time for just staying there.

I think people acting like that are a MAG minority, and its' my opinion they could be "forced" to play the right way by giving more xp for accomplished fragos.

Again, I'm not sure what you're complaining about. I get tons of XP, medals, and ribbons ALL THE TIME. And you do get a bonus when you win games. Zipper should give another bonus to teams that steamroll their way to victory though.

I'm not trying to sound like a dick, but you should play more and be more perceptive about things before you complain about what you think is wrong with MAG. You only have 56 leadership points and have only been squad leader 4 times, 0 times as PL or OIC. That's not nearly enough experience to complain about the leadership system, the CNI, or "tactical UI."

If you are able to, vet. over to SVER someday and if we have room, I'll invite you to our group so we can show you how MAG is really supposed to be played. Maybe then you'll realize that this game is very "deep" and that your complaints are mostly invalid

U are assuming that Vayuh is my only Pg right? :)
And, btw ,it doesn't take a long play time to realize that the whole UI is lacking, and that way more option could be implemented to make the game more enjoyable, more straight to play for the people.

I love MAG and after Warhawk it's my new playground and i want it to become better and better, my points about the whole UI are just my ideas to have a better game to play.

And i can understand the difficulties Zipper have had developing such a concept for 1st on consoles.

Again sorry for my grammar.

Woah i have made a real disaster on quoting really sorry Click.


aka andydumi
Das-J said:
Beta patch goes live in the next couple of hours - Your feedback, as always, is appreciated! :D

Make patches go through the regular XMB system rather than after boot. That way the PSN+ auto patcher can patch the game.

Otherwise no feedback, never got a chance to hop into beta, barely dipped my feet into regular.


Das-J said:
Beta patch goes live in the next couple of hours - Your feedback, as always, is appreciated! :D

Oh, I'll be letting you know about the knife guys for sure. :D

So I take it everything will be down until 7est as per normal? It's not staying up the whole time with this update?


Any switch of the time table in program? I wasn't able to log in a single hour on the Beta so far. I have this effin Move controller home and can't wait to test it, but first access is way too early, second one is too late ;___;
33 MB beta client update 1.02 is up.
no ingame update apparently

I can't play it though as the servers are not available for my region for another 2 hours or so.


If the knife and run speed got nerfed the patch notes should read: "Knife damage, frequency, along with run speed decreased dramatically. Sorry Raven cheeps, no more abusing it, go play CoD instead".

Also, I wish there was a parking brake that the gunner on a vehicle can use so people can't come and ninja your truck while you have it in a strategic location. I'm sitting the truck in a great spot owning Raven, and blocking them from stealing the truck and blowing them up when they get them. Sure enough, some fucking retard comes in and takes the truck on a joy ride throughout the map. They weren't an engineer to take it to repair shit either.

I hope these people realize you can get a tax break for being legally retarded at least.



I'm still getting knifed from 10' out. And people are still knifing 2-3 people at once.

There's only one way to fix this. Remove knives from the game, make side arms infinite ammo so you can still kill. Period. Or, make knives context sensitive, such as an icon pop up when on top of someone.
J-Rzez said:

I'm still getting knifed from 10' out. And people are still knifing 2-3 people at once.

There's only one way to fix this. Remove knives from the game, make side arms infinite ammo so you can still kill. Period. Or, make knives context sensitive, such as an icon pop up when on top of someone.

I'd be happy if they required the knife be equiped by hitting R2 before you can use it. You'd see people depend on it a lot less, fewer people buying the knife perks, and the problems would diminish.

Seems like the patch added some power to most of the guns. Did anyone else find the AR's a bit more inaccurate? The "battle rifle" in particular with its "high accuracy" still laughable bad.

Other then that I didn't notice any changes to the game. Maybe the grenade toned down a bit.


Yeah, I didn't notice any changes either... specifically to the knives and run speed crap. It's seriously ruining the game.

I also like how Raven's SMG kills people faster than ARs and LMGs. I have to kill one with it and pick it up if I'm lucky enough at this point.
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