They got added as "extra" stuff for people who are wholly flavor vs wholly mechanical in how they appreciate cards.Where did Melvin and Vorthos come into play? Can't say I'm familiar with those, were they added in an update?
...I'm so sorry.
They got added as "extra" stuff for people who are wholly flavor vs wholly mechanical in how they appreciate cards.Where did Melvin and Vorthos come into play? Can't say I'm familiar with those, were they added in an update?
...I'm so sorry.
Yup, the way I've always understood it is that Vorthos and Melvin are more about appreciation while TSJ are more about enjoyment. I've definitely had huge surges in my appreciative level in the last couple years, to the point where I almost get more out of the game from that angle.
omfg at your tag.Fun? What is fun? Fun is crushing your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their playgroup.
Fun is watching somebody play right into your hands then crushing them and their hopes in one swift motion. Fun is playing a Sphinx's Revelation and to hear them sigh and mutter about the cost of standard these days. Fun is saying "swing for lethal." Fun is getting a playset of a card that counters a play that lost you a game. Fun is sideboarding in a way that catches your opponent off guard and seeing that surprise in their eyes when you play a card they didn't know you have. Fun is winning, fair and square.
In case anybody is confused I am a spike.
omfg at your tag.
But in your hearts of hearts you're a zombie-loving Timmy.
Fun is going up against a player who is better than me, thinking a lot during the match, and learning something from it.
I feel like that's what being a spike is about. Not the result, but the game itself.
Some spikes are obsessed with winning, some are obsessed with making a name, etc.Fun is going up against a player who is better than me, thinking a lot during the match, and learning something from it.
I feel like that's what being a spike is about. Not the result, but the game itself.
Some spikes are obsessed with winning, some are obsessed with making a name, etc.
Nooooot true, lol.yeah, but the common ground is enjoying an atmosphere where everyone is on a similar level of play, has access to all the cards, etc.
People who bring their pimped out standard decks to casual FNMs with high school kids, they're Chads in my mind, not spikes. They don't enjoy the game for the interaction, if they enjoy the game at all -- they just want to shoot fish in a barrel.
Nooooot true, lol.
Fun is finding that obscure line that wins you the game. Fun is salvaging a draft gone off the rails and 3-0ing anyway. Fun is opening a bad sealed pool and still winning the majority of your matches. Fun is bettering myself at the game.
It's taken me almost a year to figure it out, but I'm pretty sure at this point I have more "fun" playing Draft than any other format.
People who bring their pimped out standard decks to casual FNMs with high school kids, they're Chads in my mind, not spikes. They don't enjoy the game for the interaction, if they enjoy the game at all -- they just want to shoot fish in a barrel.
I dno, I played it at a friend's house last weekend. Shit was amazing, everyone died super fast and captain falcon was really overpowered.
Warlock punch did 666 damage.
No. Double sided cards weren't bad. They worked out much better than i anticipated.
Those abilities were trash.
Terrible. Double faced cards were fantastic. Banding was always garbage.
No amount of sense will override my irrational hatred of the double faced cards. I've been a supporter of every dumb thing they've ever done - even the fractional mana in Unhinged was a cool idea (though not the way they executed it,) but the double faced cards were a bridge too far for me.
They were the cleverest way of forcing people to sleeve up. The flavor was good. The mechanic was not hard to understand. It actually played well across multiple mechanical variations. It was actually really popular as far as I've seen. Honestly, it was a home run.
Hahaha fuck you blue.
EDIT: It's not actually a very good card. But cards that hate on blue always seem to elicit some of the more amusing reactions from the community.
I actually don't think this is a bad card at all. Five mana makes it a 4/4 uncounterable prot blue haste beater. We can and have done much worse in the past.
Hydra is a nice and balanced card for Green decks to punish control with. I'm shocked it doesn't have Hexproof.
Maybe they're learning their lesson?Hydra is a nice and balanced card for Green decks to punish control with. I'm shocked it doesn't have Hexproof.
RDW will be the deck to beat for the first month of this new standard. The deck is so fast and so resilient against the rest of the stuff that is slower
Pretty much all forms of midrange have been stomping pure RDW to death in testing -- especially thanks to Sylvan Caryatid.
The more resilient forms of rakdos with the Tyamet/Phoenix 'engine', though, have been doing alright against midrange and still beating every control list built before Anger of the Gods was spoiled. I wouldn't be surprised if a deck like that became the deck to beat -- hell, even just an aggro deck ending its curve in stormbreath while keeping room for the phoenix/chandra package -- at least until better control players than me learn to deal with it properly.
Unless testing with Anger of the Gods really turns things around, I am not going to be playing control immediately post-rotation. A midrange list -- one running VoR and smiter to deal with the many people trying to run control -- is probably the way to go.
Which midrange list, I still have no clue. Probably naya, but I hate playing it.
EDIT: someone mentioned W/G Archangel of Thune on the previous page, and I realized that deck lost almost nothing and gained quite a bit. I'm working on an almost-mono-white version that runs Brave the Elements now, for shits and giggles. I wanna see how this works out.
Stop trying to make Phoenix happen. It's not going to happen.
is it just me or is it pretty much idiotic to pick a color other than white or black at the prerelease
"you can use your rare in your deck" is an awful, awful, awful policy for a balanced format. You can either get a pretty much vanilla 4/5 for 4, a 4/5 for 5 that'll occasionally let you swing for 10 while risking your lands, a vanilla 6/6 that wins you the game when you hit 8 mana (assuming your opponent has no removal), or...
8+ power, probably 10 on average, split across multiple creatures, all evasive, with a minor drawback that won't be a big deal until you've already won
Serra Angel that's also a swingy game-winning enchantment
re: standard:
It's funny how red has the best cards in pretty much every archtype imaginable.
fwd: fwd: fwd: fwd: fwd: fwd: re: standard:
red has two good 1-drops (firedrinker satyr, rakdos cackler) and one workable 1-drop (foundry-street denizen). Also one meh 1-drop that'll get played if people are desperate enough (legion loyalist.)
RDW is very hard to stop. That sweeper that exiles? It was a necessary printing to keep control viable. You cannot 1-for-1 decks like this with spot removal, because chandra's phoenix, chandra herself, and arguably Burger King will eat you alive.
you can't sit with the rest of the plastics anymore ;.;
What is Burger King and why are we calling it that?
Sorry. If you're building a RDW with Phoenix you're building the wrong deck. That's a limited card only.
I guess. But it's not helpful to players not as familiar with cards, right? I mean, I saw the spoiler and I had to google it to find it.
MtG nerds sure love to be inclusive. Jund. Junk. Mirror. Grixis Control. RDW. Timmy. Woobrew.
We're dense with the jargon o'er here.
Murder kinda sounds like burger.
Not that crazy a leap.
I'm really bad at picking up internet sarcasm, which I'm pretty certain this is, but for other readers: Phoenix was a 4-of alongside goblin guide and lightning bolt during Zendikar/SoM standard.
It was a ~$5-6 rare because it was one of the best creatures in the best standard RDW in recent history.
I'm really bad at picking up internet sarcasm, which I'm pretty certain this is, but for other readers: Phoenix was a 4-of alongside goblin guide and lightning bolt during Zendikar/SoM standard.
It was a ~$5-6 rare because it was one of the best creatures in the best standard RDW in recent history.
No arguable about it. It was a Standard with Lightning Bolt, Burst Lightning, Searing Blaze, Staggershock, Arc Trail, & Galvanic Blast. All those spells helped make Phoenix playable, but with the quality of burn only marginally improving, I don't know if Phoenix fits in this standard yet or not.
And Shivan Dragon was once an awesome card. Things change. Metas shift.
Reckoner > Phoenix everyday all day in every situation that doesn't involve chumping a beefy flier, in which case you're probably losing anyway.
Haha awesomeHis face/mask thing has a similar shape to the King.