After attempting to make the BUG deck work, I gave up. Why? Because you need lifegain to beat Mono-Red. (Your midrange matchups are actually fantastic and if Mono-R gets pushed out I'll snap run it.) And Sphinx's Revelation isn't enough of it. And Verdict is blue in entire top 12 of scg Cleveland
That meant running an Armadillo Cloak deck was the best way to attack the metagame. Doesn't surprise me at all that this happened in response.
So this is a weird one.
Oh you mean banned in standard? Is it that game breaking in standard though? It feels like thoughtsieze. A good card in legacy but not that amazing in standard. Then again I haven't really played since gate crash's release. I don't think it's as good as snap caster and that wasn't banned.Cards 1-5 aren't legal.
Oh you mean banned in standard? Is it that game breaking in standard though? It feels like thoughtsieze. A good card in legacy but not that amazing in standard. Then again I haven't really played since gate crash's release. I don't think it's as good as snap caster and that wasn't banned.
This card gives me a bad feelingSo this is a weird one.
Well, I've been getting my ass kicked repeatedly in Theros draft online. I'd like to blame it all on variance (I've mulliganed to four three times so far tonight, while simultaneously having three games end with me having made all 12 of my first 12 land drops), but it's not just that. My decks just haven't been competitive (which has, in part, contributed to the mulligans).
A couple of thoughts (based on what doesn't work in my experience):
- Reactive decks are terrible. You need to be proactive. I thought Voyage's End and Griptide were going to be top-tier cards, but often they're just not good enough. Blue decks tend to have a hard time finding threats early enough to protect with those cards.
- The Ordeals are uncommon bombs, even the "bad" ones. You will lose far too many games to these, so consequently, cheap removal is also a very high pick.
- Curve is ridiculously important, and you need to keep it low. Based on the number of crappy mulligans I've had to make tonight, I'm convinced you don't want any more than one 6 drop, and probably not any more than 2-3 five drops unless you're ramping. You need to be hitting drops every turn. Consequently, mulligans really, really suck, but at the same time they're very important - hands that do nothing until turn 4 are probably not keepable, for example.
- I don't know if I would call the format "fast," but it definitely punishes durdling. Hard.
- And I hate to say it, but winning the die roll seems to be very important. :/
It's a very weird format so far. It's by far the most difficult format for me to get a hold of since DII, and that was the first format I ever drafted.
I played a blue red control last night and the 1/4 tritons were pretty essential in preventing me of dying to weenies. Even then, the format is full of combat tricks so you are not always safe behind wall type creatures ,but still they are a must for any control type deck. Like any weenies, they will run out of gas and by then your creatures should be fat and have flying
And bounce is premium believe me. Not that powerful against weenie decks ,but still essential in this format.
I love how you can combine heroic in control strategies too. Green based ramping seems like the best plan in the format. Fatties are so easy to find that you can and should just force ramping highly.
When does the normal pricing begin on theros limited in MTGO?
Ah ok, I was confused because it's still pre-release pricing today, but I guess us europeans need to wait longer
Oh you mean banned in standard? Is it that game breaking in standard though? It feels like thoughtsieze. A good card in legacy but not that amazing in standard. Then again I haven't really played since gate crash's release. I don't think it's as good as snap caster and that wasn't banned.
SCG announcements- they are sticking with Legacy for another year on Sundays (and doing it every time instead of mixing in other formats), they are going to run Team Limited events as separate stand alone 5K events, and they will be holding State Championship events twice a year
SCG announcements- they are sticking with Legacy for another year on Sundays (and doing it every time instead of mixing in other formats), they are going to run Team Limited events as separate stand alone 5K events, and they will be holding State Championship events twice a year
standard control mirrors are on par with watching sealed decks on the SCG stream
sealed way more exciting
I don't think that second assertation is true.naw
sealed way more exciting
I do like the standard environment, though. Worcester had what, four control decks in the top 8? And Cleveland had 0-1, with both top 8 lists having a healthy mix of aggro and midrange as well?
I'm not worried about the standard meta right now. Unflinching Courage attempts to keep RDW in check, control keeps Unflinching Courage in check pretty insanely well, etc.
I don't think that second assertation is true.
They have problems with heavy spot removal. They have about 5 billion ways of dealing with Verdict. (I do not like the card in Standard right now.)You don't think G/W/x aggro lists running Unflinching Courage are going to have trouble with verdict, spot removal, last gasp for voice, etc?
SCG announcements- they are sticking with Legacy for another year on Sundays (and doing it every time instead of mixing in other formats), they are going to run Team Limited events as separate stand alone 5K events, and they will be holding State Championship events twice a year
So this is a weird one.
Instant speed too.Second ability just feels wrong to me. EDH started as a kitchen table format, with the commander tax as a rule outside of the rules of magic. Just feels dirty having wizards start to bend format rules.
I just won a stormbreath dragon on Ebay for $8. The guy is charging $9 shipping which is fucking ridiculous, but im still coming out way ahead. Lets see if they send the card.
So this is a weird one.
SCG announcements- they are sticking with Legacy for another year on Sundays (and doing it every time instead of mixing in other formats), they are going to run Team Limited events as separate stand alone 5K events, and they will be holding State Championship events twice a year
EDH is a love/hate thing. I personally can't stand the format, despite trying to like it.I love the artwork.
I've never played Commander so I hope to pick up one of these packs and get into it. Should be easier and perhaps cheaper than actually building a deck from scratch. I hope these pre-con Commander decks are decently good.
I love the artwork.
I've never played Commander so I hope to pick up one of these packs and get into it. Should be easier and perhaps cheaper than actually building a deck from scratch. I hope these pre-con Commander decks are decently good.
If they're anything like the last Commander decks they'll be worth it
If they're anything like the last Commander decks they'll be worth it
I just can't get into the singleton deck building in commander (that and the 100 card decks). I need consistency damnit.
He means Modern. From what I understand, DRS isn't going to get banned in standard because its not really format altering there. I don't know if DRS is actually format altering in Modern, but from what I can tell, it appears in a lot of decks (but then again, from what I can tell. Legacy and Modern decks are just giant piles of the best cards).