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Magic: the GAFering |OT2|

There was a list at the Australian GP that went 8-0.....
then went 0-6 on Day 2, lol

Guess I'll replace it with Titan's Strength... bleh

At least that lets Gristlebrand kill on his first turn with only one Fury of the Horde and no Soul Spikes. Scry kinda helps a tiny bit too.


That's so adorably naive.

Surgical Extraction wasn't even a card at the time. Also, even if it was- this is the basic sequence in response to any interference.

"Extraction on Vengevine"

"In response I'll Discard Vengevine Vengevine, getting Basking Rootwalla. I'll pitch Basking Rootwalla, playing Basking Rootwalla, and getting Basking Rootwalla, I'll pitch Basking Rootwalla, playing Basking Rootwalla, getting my Vengevines back and get a Vengevine."
I don't follow vintage or legacy too much, but what about Extirpate? Too expensive? I typically prefer extraction because it's great against combo on turn one in Modern, but Extirpate seems like a solid replacement to stop responses.


And black leyline.

But I wasn't really active playing legacy during that time. All I know is U/G vengevine survival won an american GP before it got the banhammer.


There was a list at the Australian GP that went 8-0.....
then went 0-6 on Day 2, lol

Kiki-pod syndrome!

Still one of my favorite decks of all time. Might re-buy it now that the pieces are cheaper, I got like $650ish for it when I sold....


I wonder why certain decks always perform amazingly on day one but poorly on day 2, or vice versa.

I guess it'd make sense for it to be because certain archtypes (like combo) naturally prey on the rogueish decks you'll see day 1. Day 2, combo is punished by properly prepared players who know the meta better. That makes a ton of sense for manaless dredge and RG tron, as they both tend to run as "handle this or lose."

But kikipod?

Deck is super easy to beat with all sorts of rogue strategies, and it has a pretty damn good matchup against jund (both pre and post board). In fact, its popularity before BBE was banned was almost entirely due to this fact.

I like to attribute it to the fact that it's completely exhausting to play.


I don't follow vintage or legacy too much, but what about Extirpate? Too expensive? I typically prefer extraction because it's great against combo on turn one in Modern, but Extirpate seems like a solid replacement to stop responses.

The point was that this wasn't a combo deck that won only via Survival. Survival was just a way for the deck to actually win in one turn, but even if you run relatively narrow answers for survival, you'd still get steamrolled by the maindeck. Extirpate also did remove Vengevine, but still allowed you to chain Rootwallas and go for the retainer-Iona combo. No hate was actually universal. If you used something like Krosan Grip, you'd just get steamrolled by mass creatures.
The only decks that did really good against Survivine variants were pure combo decks that just didn't care about creatures (and this is why Survival played retainer-Iona). Keep in mind that survival now would have a lot more good cards, from DRS, to Green Sun's Zenith, and Thalia etc...

Basically, GW Survival without survival is already a top deck (Maverick). With Survival, that deck get a 1G enchantment that say "you win if you untap" on top of an already top deck. We now got Rest in Peace, but Survival is still far on the "too good" lists, with absurd cards like Bargain, Alexandria, Academy and Mind's Desire being actually safer for unban (Alexandria, Academy and Bargain won't be unbanned because of the Reserved list actually, this is just an hypotetical).

EDIT: for those who'd argue about my "safer than survival" list, there was a discussion some times ago on the source (Basically the biggest forum about legacy) about possible unbans, and a lot of lists with banned cards were tested. The hypotetical Channel list was hilarious actually, sporting a near 40% T1 win with counter spell backup, which utilized absurdly niche cards like Lich's Mirror as a Draw 7 + add 20 mana to your mana pool card or Cancellor of the Tangle. Bargain was good, but only a slight improvement on AdN lists, and more vulnerable to hate (Pithing needle, Revoker). Academy made for some really good affinity lists, but still folded to any kind of hate (basically affinity that consistently played T3 Chalice for any X, plus resistors everywhere), and some slightly more consistent MUD lists, but suffered a lot the absence of jewerly. Alexandria was incredibly good if chained, but too wonky in a lot of situations (having to force, having to mull, being on the play), basically consistency issues, a boring card overall, just increasing coinflip importance. Desire is often considered bad by storm players (i'm not) and only good in a wishboard, with Spiral being the better build-around-me card.
Workshop was found absurdly broken to no one's surprise, same for Bazaar that made something actually better than vintage dredge (4XLED + 4XBazaar LOL). Hermit was also found too good (untap into win), same as Channel and fastbond (but what a funny deck was turboland with 4xfastbonds). I had some hope for Mana Vault to play some more MUD, but it was broken to no end in storm lists, working as a 3 mana ritual for 0 (battery use). Dragon is pretty bland, but lead to intentional draw and basically sucks for logistics. Vise is bad (some funny stasis lists were made, but the deck was boring to death to play against), like Earthcraft (a worse Painterstone), Twist (well this was decent in Nice Fit) and Tax (this was when tax was still banned). No list was actually tested for frantic Search, and arguments were proposed in favor of Windfall, but ultimately the card wasn't tested because even if it wasn't bad, it would still be boring and just be played in storm. Recruiter was argued to be relatively safe in power-level, but a logistic nightmare.


Fell asleep during deck construction of a Swiss draft last night, woke up this morning. I remember drafting 1 Sphinx and 3 omenspeakers too, damn.
The only thing that kept this from being another 3-0 draft was freaking Elspeth. And even after my opponent resolved Elspeth in M3G3, I still managed to kill it, stall the game, and give myself 10+ draw steps to find the lethal Aqueous Form (or even a second Agent of Horizons would have been enough) I needed. Alas, the army of chump blockers my opponent got off of Elspeth was enough to give him enough draw steps to outlast me, and his draws were just better than mine down the final stretch. So yeah; Elspeth is insane, and I got a 2-1 instead of a 3-0. C'est la vie.

Regardless, this deck turned out to be fantastic. Prophet of Kruphix is just ridiculous. And Agent of Horizons is basically a bomb in UG.



I don't think I've ever felt more at a loss in a game of limited Magic than when my opponent had an unanswered Prophet of Kruphix on the table.

It wasn't like the feeling of total powerlessness of being manascrewed. It was like I could do plenty of stuff, but everything I could do was going to end badly for me. If I attack my dudes get ambushed and killed. If I don't he just plays another guy end step and gets even further ahead. And he's free to attack on his turn since everything has vigilance.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I still have the Microprose MTG game on my computer. I don't remember there being any kind of story mode, I just remember making decks with a ton of moxes and shit.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I was just talking to a buddy yesterday about how I would kill for a spiritual successor to Shandalar where you were running around the various planes in the same sort of pretty replayable deck buildy sort of way trying to achieve some objective. The game was so great.

You should try Etherlords 2. While not magic, it's a pretty good facsimile and is structured similarly to Shandalar.


Of course my amazing near mono-blue draft deck runs up against the one with 3 mistcutter hydras. Should have been an easy 3-0 but not much I can do when the guy gets 2/3 of them in the first few turns of both games.


Of course my amazing near mono-blue draft deck runs up against the one with 3 mistcutter hydras. Should have been an easy 3-0 but not much I can do when the guy gets 2/3 of them in the first few turns of both games.

I know what you mean. At the pre-released, 3 outta my 4 opponents had a copy of mistcutter vs my U deck. Took over the game each time.


Of course my amazing near mono-blue draft deck runs up against the one with 3 mistcutter hydras. Should have been an easy 3-0 but not much I can do when the guy gets 2/3 of them in the first few turns of both games.

oh my god

I'm sorry, I know how much that sucks, but you have to realize how goddamn hilarious it is.

"Holy shit, is blue really this open? Man, I'm gonna 3-0 this easily!"
"Alright, he's got a mistcutter, I can handle that, I'll just race it... Ivy elemental isn't good..."
"Two? Huh. Alright, I can still.... Wait, what's he tapping out for.... ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?"
Have you guys decided to go with a deck type for this new Standard or are you still testing the waters?

Pre-Theros I bought into the GW Archangel deck as well as the JUNK variant. I'm very happy with my choice for the new standard.

I also have an idea for a JUND deck I'd like to get going. For that though I would need to buy some Theros cards.
Have you guys decided to go with a deck type for this new Standard or are you still testing the waters?

Pre-Theros I bought into the GW Archangel deck as well as the JUNK variant. I'm very happy with my choice for the new standard.

I also have an idea for a JUND deck I'd like to get going. For that though I would need to buy some Theros cards.

Testing the waters myself. I want to build mono-Red, but I get the feeling both RDW and the various Big Red strategies are going to see a lot of hate in the boards in the coming weeks while the various control and midrange strategies rise to the top.

R/G Beatdown is one of my favorite archetypes, but it's calling for way too many $20 cards right now that I just can't afford, and leery about investing in. If Temple of Abandon is still $5 by the time my next check rolls around, I'll probably bite the bullet and nab a playset.


Have you guys decided to go with a deck type for this new Standard or are you still testing the waters?

Pre-Theros I bought into the GW Archangel deck as well as the JUNK variant. I'm very happy with my choice for the new standard.

I also have an idea for a JUND deck I'd like to get going. For that though I would need to buy some Theros cards.

I did enough trading before the rotation to basically have U/W control finished.

In 24 hours, we will know a lot more about Standard, with the end of day 1 of PT Theros. Doubt that there is a new Caw Blade hiding in the wings, but there might be some tech in an established deck to push it to the top of the meta.
In 24 hours, we will know a lot more about Standard, with the end of day 1 of PT Theros. Doubt that there is a new Caw Blade hiding in the wings, but there might be some tech in an established deck to push it to the top of the meta.

R/G Beatdown is one of my favorite archetypes, but it's calling for way too many $20 cards right now that I just can't afford, and leery about investing in.

I have a little deck that I was working on involving Kalonian Hydra but haven't picked a play set up yet. I hope that the mono-green doesn't push that card up further, but it very well might.


I'm running a uWR midrange kind of thing with Reckoners and Dragons and burn. It's fun and actually ends games unlike the control decks I play mostly. Haven't gotten to play against many real decks, but we will get there.

I'll eventually go back to Esper I'm sure.
My god, pricing out a Modern Jund deck.

Dark Confidant for example, I know he is powerful... my daughter looked at him and didn't think he was anything special and couldn't believe that he costs over $70 a card. Seemingly for a 2/1 wizard with a bad haircut.

I may go ahead and get some Liliana of the Veils before she goes up in price any more. I almost hate buying cards a few at a time because the return on investment is so stretched out. Ah well.

I just watched a play set of the Lorwyn Thoughtseize go for $117.50... which is "valued" at $50 per card. Thankfully due to the reprinting that is a card coming down in price. I believe you can get the Theros version for about $17.50 per card and may drop in price.


Liliana probably won't see a Standard reprint anytime soon - I think MM3 (like 4 years out or so) is the next time we'll see her.


Played a Thursday night paper draft at a comic book store I don't typically play at. 14 players, 2 pods. Went 4-0 with a boros heroic deck, only a few uncommons and the rest commons. Had my opponents rattled. Used my winnings to buy the game Smash Up and an Anger of God. Handed my entire draft pulls, sleeved deck, extra sleeves and deck box to a new player and walked out with a huge smile on my face. Good times.
Went 2-1 in my draft pod at FNM tonight. Ended up with a sweet UB aggressive tempo deck, but lost in game three, during extra time, on turn 5, to a RW monster deck. Just didn't draw the right cards in game three. I was curving Vaporkins into Harpies all night, but that last game I just never found anything meaningful.

I've gotta say, I'm really liking Theros so far.


So one of the player at PT Theros got DQ'd in round one.


The infraction was technically for "cheating," but that makes it sound a lot worse than it really was. The lesson here folks? Always call a judge. It's never going to be better for you to not call the judge.


At least it was a PT regular and not just some random who traveled around the world to get DQd in the first round of their first PT. That'd be shitty lol.


Ouch. That's rough but so easily avoidable that he has no one to blame but himself. Anytime you're thinking "I'll just fix it myself without telling anyone" it is going to probably end badly for you.

I'd figure at that level everyone would just do the thing where you count your opening hand out onto the table facedown before you pick it up to make sure you have the right number.

What happened?

sorry, i'm blocked from that website at work

He drew an 8 card opening hand almost certainly by accident, realized it, and instead of calling a judge he just decided he wouldn't draw his first card.


At least it was a PT regular and not just some random who traveled around the world to get DQd in the first round of their first PT. That'd be shitty lol.

Yeah. Really surprised though, he should know better than to try that. Also, Lansdell tweeted this after, which is good to know.

#mtg Rules Tip: If you draw 8 cards in your opening hand and call a judge before the game actually starts, it's not even a game loss



He drew 8 at the start of the game, then realized this and didn't draw on his first turn to "correct" it. Didn't work out so well.
What happened?

sorry, i'm blocked from that website at work

He drew 8 cards to start the game. Rather than call a judge (who would have just warned him and made him take a mulligan), he kept and then didn't draw for his first turn. When his opponent called the judge, he was DQd; he deliberately obscured a rules violation to gain an advantage, so there was no option but to DQ him for cheating.


On a more positive note, I forgot how much I loved watching Maro talk about magic. His excitement is contagious to the point of making me want to go draft Theros right now lol.
He drew 8 cards to start the game. Rather than call a judge (who would have just warned him and made him take a mulligan), he kept and then didn't draw for his first turn. When his opponent called the judge, he was DQd; he deliberately obscured a rules violation to gain an advantage, so there was no option but to DQ him for cheating.


you'd think if you were going to go that route (i.e. cheat so as not to draw attention) he would have pretended to draw or something.

hard to feel bad for someone doing that
Have you guys decided to go with a deck type for this new Standard or are you still testing the waters?

Pre-Theros I bought into the GW Archangel deck as well as the JUNK variant. I'm very happy with my choice for the new standard.

I also have an idea for a JUND deck I'd like to get going. For that though I would need to buy some Theros cards.

I've been testing the waters so far, I'm happy with where my RDW deck is at for playing at tournaments right now but I'm trying to develop a couple of other decks that are a bit more creative in terms of deck building. The first one I want to play with is UB big blue or something, trying to piece together a list with Frostburn Weirds, Thassa, Ashiok, Jace AoT, Nightveil Specters, Duskmantle Seers, Master of Waves and an Aetherling. Trying to figure out the other spells though.

The other deck I've been musing is a very strange deck but I'd really like to make it work...basically seeing that a lot of decks don't have a lot of ways to deal with enchantment removal and having a lot of enchantments to choose from, I want to make a deck that synergizes with Ajani's Chosen (though also capable without relying on Chosen). The only non-enchantment spell I have in my list right now is Voice of Resurgence, for obvious reasons...I wanted to Christmas land out a Voice with Gift of Immortality and Ajani's Chosen for tons of tokens. At this point I've taken out the Gift of Immortality because I felt that other cards would be more effective. No idea if this will work but other cards I'm including are Mana Bloom, Pacifism, Boon Satyr, Nylea/Bow, Heliod/Spear, Into the Wilds, Celestial Archon, Pacifism, Soul Tithe, maybe Sphere of Safety and Primeval Bounty. Very much an experimental deck but if I could make it work I think it would be a lot of fun to use.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Slow player just got called by a judge on stream.

Wish I could've seen that.

I suck so very bad at drafting. The best deck I put together out of 3 last night was a U/R durdle deck that I got lucky on draws. My luck at constructed has been much, much, much better. I have a pretty killer W/B deck that I'm happy with. Mono-red just feels like it's going to be actually long-term viable for the time being. The tap lands have slowed down everything so much and everything is so expensive that by time some of these decks get online, you're winning the game.

I say that about RDW types every rotation though.

But this time is different.


I almost pulled e trigger on Master of Waves last night when it was less than 8 bucks, when the rumors started to hit. Then I remember how I still have 10 NivMagus Elementals from he last time their was a "hot tip"

Kicking myself this morning. Only copies for cheap are ones you know will never ship now :(

Also, there are gods on both sides of the battlefield in this constructed match, lol


I almost pulled e trigger on Master of Waves last night when it was less than 8 bucks, when the rumors started to hit. Then I remember how I still have 10 NivMagus Elementals from he last time their was a "hit tip"

Kicking myself this morning. Only copies for cheap are ones you know will never ship now :(

Even though this one obviously would have paid off, I just don't feel as good about that card as I would about a Jace AoT or Chandra. Like I'd want to trade off the Master of Waves as quickly as possible whereas a Jace obviously won't be revisiting $10 for the remainder of it's time in standard.
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