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Magic: the GAFering |OT2|


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Reprint Stifle so Modern can Pact of Negation + Stifle.

Ghetto Force.


force of will is bad in attrition matches. it's specifically to battle against the unfair decks.

it does what it's supposed to do, but it's not quite what you guys are claiming it to be
Being able to go Caryatid, Jace, Force whatever you do next would not be a good look for standard.


There's some big tournament for legacy and vintage next week in Philly. An acquaintance asked to borrow a legacy deck. There's no way I'd lend him based purely on the fact he still has cards of mine after lending them to him over a year ago unless I go to the tournament as well.

Problem is he's going with a person that did me pretty dirty. I'll probably just stay home but it sounds very appealing (the tournament)

I really want to go but there's no chance I could get any friends to commit another weekend to magic just 2 weeks before the GP. Also it falls on the same day as a big event a new LGS is having to meet the requirements for MTG prize support.
I really want to go but there's no chance I could get any friends to commit another weekend to magic just 2 weeks before the GP. Also it falls on the same day as a big event a new LGS is having to meet the requirements for MTG prize support.

ahh, so you're aware of the event as well

idk. i just found out about it today. actually seems more appealing than the GP, money-wise. i guess if you wanted another way to get on the PT


Anybody in here looking to trade legacy stuff for standard stuff? I have some standard cards I'm not going to use and I wouldn't mind making the transition toward building an eternal deck. Figured I'd check here before going to local shops and seeing if people are in.

1 Master of Waves
2 Erebos
2 Heliod
2 Hero's Downfall
3 Jace Architect
3 Chandra Pyromaster
1 Nythkos
1 Polukronous
2 Fleecemane Lion

Other stuff I can't remember right now, but those are the highlights
Anybody in here looking to trade legacy stuff for standard stuff? I have some standard cards I'm not going to use and I wouldn't mind making the transition toward building an eternal deck. Figured I'd check here before going to local shops and seeing if people are in.

1 Master of Waves
2 Erebos
2 Heliod
2 Hero's Downfall
3 Jace Architect
3 Chandra Pyromaster
1 Nythkos
1 Polukronous
2 Fleecemane Lion

Other stuff I can't remember right now, but those are the highlights

while I personally have no desire to acquire standard cards again, I think you're making a great decision.

my legacy cards just keep going up


while I personally have no desire to acquire standard cards again, I think you're making a great decision.

my legacy cards just keep going up

Yeah, as the format gets more expensive, I realized I should start buying in asap.

I need one more Underground Sea and one more Force of Will for my playsets. I gotta start getting Stifles and fetchlands at some point.
Yeah, as the format gets more expensive, I realized I should start buying in asap.

I need one more Underground Sea and one more Force of Will for my playsets. I gotta start getting Stifles and fetchlands at some point.


god i wish i had underground seas :(

i just traded a 5th stifle for a 2nd misdirection, straight up last week.

those polluted deltas are crazy
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";87174472]Man I don't even have blue mana in my deck with Pact of Negation. I just use it to protect the turn 2-3 kill combo.

reanimated Griselbrand + Fury of the Horde + Soul Spikes[/QUOTE]

...wait, you cast pact of negation having 0 blue mana in your deck? Why even bother? You lose on upkeep


because you win before that turn ever happens

if it doesn't work, you enter scoop-phase

/fingers in ears


Yup, it's why playing Hive Mind combo was so much fun. I'd drop one into play and then spam Pacts, and the opponent dies first since they shouldn't be able to pay for them all.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Remember guys, when casting pacts with Hive, make sure your opponent doesn't have a mana engine :)


Remember guys, when casting pacts, make sure your opponent doesn't have a mana engine :)

Yup. Two pacts almost always does it, but one not so much after a while, particularly after drs was printed and people could more easily pay for them.
Urgh, I knew I should have preordered a Commander deck before the prices shot up post deck lists.

Hopefully they'll fall back somewhat once stocks are replenished. Not even sure which to go with, since this will be my first time trying Commander. I love fatty creatures, but then again some of the spell interactions blue usually provides are awesome.


Urgh, I knew I should have preordered a Commander deck before the prices shot up post deck lists.

Hopefully they'll fall back somewhat once stocks are replenished. Not even sure which to go with, since this will be my first time trying Commander. I love fatty creatures, but then again some of the spell interactions blue usually provides are awesome.

Remember that they should all be at big box stores at original price as well.


Your local store will probably have them at MSRP too unless they're scumbags. I plan on picking up one at mine just to have a deck to play the 40K people and others who aren't invested enough in magic to buy into legacy and have no interest in draft.
...wait, you cast pact of negation having 0 blue mana in your deck? Why even bother? You lose on upkeep

Because I can draw half my deck once Griselbrand is out on the field and cast a bunch of shit that kills my opponent for free. If my opponent breaks the combo I'm fucked. But the turn Griselbrand is out I win. I'd be really surprised if my opponent had enough mana to cast two counterspells by the time I can bring griselbrand out of the graveyard unless they're also running pacts.

That's why I sacrificed the rare turn 1 combo from the glass cannon deck for more control cards like thoughtseize.
Maybe. But they had to have held it out of Modern Masters for a reason. Maybe they're holding it for MM2, or maybe we're going to see the power of the Theros underworld and black will get some respect from R&D for once.

I know this isn't the same, but didn't it get reprinted for one of the new Commander decks? Maybe it's a hint...

god i wish i had underground seas :(

i just traded a 5th stifle for a 2nd misdirection, straight up last week.

those polluted deltas are crazy

I saw some for... I think $65 on eBay recently.

Your local store will probably have them at MSRP too unless they're scumbags. I plan on picking up one at mine just to have a deck to play the 40K people and others who aren't invested enough in magic to buy into legacy and have no interest in draft.

I have no interest in draft to be honest... not at this point anyway. It seems like that is what my LGS plays most of the time. I want to play constructed as much as I can so I'm annoyed whenever I cannot.

During a recent FNM, enough people wanted to play draft even though it was scheduled as Standard they switched the format. Left the four? of us that played constructed screwed on the points that night.

I'm building a Modern deck right now, which will probably get even less play considering Modern doesn't get played much in my town.
A LGS owner told me that it's a funny format. It comes and goes in waves. People will get excited to play their old cards, play some Modern, get completely smeared by a tournament level deck and then decide not to play Modern again.


I'll grab at least the Grixis and Esper ones. Just because those are the color I typically play. And by that I mean the colors that aren't Green.
Out of the new Commander decks, I definitely want the Grixis one. I think I can make a fun political deck out of that one. The Naya one looks like a blast as well.


Ok, want to go to FNM for the first time this week since I"m on vacation. Nervous though. Don't think i know the rules well enough.
I see that there is a Modern Grand Prix this weekend. I wish I had the money to finish buying the cards I need for my Modern deck before they almost inevitably go up in price.
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";87205381]Because I can draw half my deck once Griselbrand is out on the field and cast a bunch of shit that kills my opponent for free. If my opponent breaks the combo I'm fucked. But the turn Griselbrand is out I win. I'd be really surprised if my opponent had enough mana to cast two counterspells by the time I can bring griselbrand out of the graveyard unless they're also running pacts.

That's why I sacrificed the rare turn 1 combo from the glass cannon deck for more control cards like thoughtseize.[/QUOTE]

I see. I interpreted your comment as using Pact as a way to stop THIER turn 2 or 3 combo, which makes no sense.
A play set of Master of Waves about to go for $40 on eBay. If I were interested in the deck I'd buy it, but I am just not at all. His price is dropping anyway, I think... downward trend for now. Perhaps he'll pick back up once more Standard tournaments happen.


Question for those turned off by standard:

Why? Is it because its expensive? Card values too volatile to justify investment? No fun? Too restricted?


Misdirection was in M13. (I think as part of a full cycle.) It got pulled because of the Delver decks showing up.

Late to the party, but I cant even.

I actually think of the 4 free counterspells made in Masques Block, it would probably be fine to reprint the other 3. Daze, Foil, and Thwart all have tempo hits of various degrees attached to them that I think would make it safe. Daze is the only one that is questionable, but it probably would be fine if it was inserted into Standard today.
Question for those turned off by standard:

Why? Is it because its expensive? Card values too volatile to justify investment? No fun? Too restricted?

I'm not a huge fan of Standard, but it's a good bi-product of my two favorite types, block constructed and current-block drafts. So if I can throw a standard deck together from the gravy of my play, that just gets me more Magic.

I'm trying my hand at EDH this fall when I get my set of the Commander decks. I actually have more interest in Legacy than Modern because of the ban list drama that happens in the latter.

Standard is expensive unless you're really good at making fairly quick judgments about whether a card is good for the format or not. I've missed out on quite a few cards when they were cheap in the last year or I've been screwed out of my favorite colors by $30-40 pricetags for single cards I need a playset of for the decks I want to play (RavJace and Voice, I'm looking at you).
Question for those turned off by standard:

Why? Is it because its expensive? Card values too volatile to justify investment? No fun? Too restricted?

The upkeep is ridiculous. Most people think legacy is expensive, but really, it's not. Once you have a good deck, you're pretty much set for life. There might be 1 or 2 cards per set that are really good enough to be legacy staples.

Also, your cards don't lose all their value after they rotate. Sure, some of the better cards will be modern viable, but the majority of them won't be.

Standard is good if you want to be able to find a competitive tournament on a regular basis.


I'll usually throw together a standard deck or two for game day, and then just take it apart immediately afterward. Around here limited is far more popular than constructed (which I'm fine with, because I love limited). When it comes to constructed, the more casual players stick to EDH, which I'm not a fan of, and those that go 60-card typically stick to modern or 'vintage' casual.


Question for those turned off by standard:

Why? Is it because its expensive? Card values too volatile to justify investment? No fun? Too restricted?

For me, I mostly don't play it because I'm lazy. I played it consistently for years (when I wasn't judging) when I was in high school and during winters/summers in college, but it was using a shared card pool my team kept. Now I live over an hour away and can't borrow from that pool anymore, so I dont keep up with it. Conversely, I spent those years building a collection with which I can play Legacy/proxy vintage/Modern (after I invested in a few things), so I've focused on those recently. I also kinda slowed down to mostly just prereleases for a few years after I stopped judging (I suddenly had Friday nights free during college, I made good use of that), so I've been slowly ramping back into tournament magic with formats that I'm more familiar with before fully jumping into Type 2 again.
Are you going? I can maybe help.

I am not, but thank you. I am still trying to build a Modern deck and I am assuming that prices will creep up after this tournament.
I need some lands (not the fetches), play sets of Dark Confidant and 'Goyf, as well as a sideboard. So I am almost there. I did read of a Junk deck list that cut the Tarmogoyf and instead uses Voice of Resurgence, which is a play set that I do have.

Question for those turned off by standard:

Why? Is it because its expensive? Card values too volatile to justify investment? No fun? Too restricted?

I like standard, but I am annoyed at the expense. On top of that, as already mentioned, the cards will inevitably drop in value post-rotation.


Dear lord! I love a lot of the indivudal cards in the set but Theros has to be the least fun I've had playing limited Magic in years. Its just so fucking hard to interact with your opponent in any meaningful way with Bestow, 1000 combat tricks and the removal being all super shitty. I really don't want this format to be around for a whole year. I just want the good cards for cheap for my Cubes and then for it to go away so I can like playing standard booster draft again :(


Question for those turned off by standard:

Why? Is it because its expensive? Card values too volatile to justify investment? No fun? Too restricted?

The constant thousands I spend on cards every season. I don't want to keep paying this much for cards that mostly aren't good in any other format besides the Standard vacuum.
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