I went to a local GPT for DC today, playing Punishing Jund.
Round 1: Punishing Jund
We sit down and both pull out a
Source playmat. Chatting about it and about getting the new playmat that they're making (that gets around the copyright on the pictures), we discover that we are also playing the Punishing Jund mirror match. I win a quick game 1, but dont have much going on in the other two and lose the match.
Round 2: Grixis Delver
The judge comes up to me before the round starts and tells me that I wrote down 14 cards in my sideboard but indicated 15. I forgot to write down the Scavenging Ooze in there, so I start with a game loss. Fantastic. Since I choose to play, I start off with a Thoughtseize and see him on Grixis Delver, then look at my hand of burn for his Bob and Wastelands for his lands, and I smile. Game "2" wasn't even close. Game 3 my lands are kinda sketchy, and he starts beating down with a flipped Delver. Here I try my hardest to punt and lose the match when I have 2 wasteland, a DRS, and a Badlands in play by Wastelanding his Fetchland, somehow thinking that I could play the Bloodbraid in my hand if I just had lands in graveyards. Despite myself I won the match.
Round 3: UB Tezzeret
I win the die and start off with a DRS, and he starts with an Urborg into Nihil Spellbomb, so I knew immediately what he was on. I disrupt a bit and land a goyf and bob, and on his turn 3 he drops an Ensnaring Bridge using 3 lands. Therefore, with the DRS, a dual land, and 2 Wastelands in play, I play another Wasteland and destroy all his lands, then use my dual + drs to Abrupt Decay his Bridge, leaving his board empty and me with Game 1. Game 2 went similarly, with me Wasting a bunch of lands. He dropped Sword of the Meek and Transmuted up Thopter Foundry, no lands untapped, then my Bob flipped a Maelstrom Pulse and that was that.
Round 4: 12-Post
My main plan of Wasteland + discard ate up everything he tried to do. I won in 2, it really wasn't fair.
Round 5: Affinity
This was the last round of swiss and I'm 3-1, so we draw and both make top 8.
Quarfinals: Omnitell
We didn't get decklists for the top 8, but we all knew what the others were on. I was destroyed in Game 1, it wasn't close. Game 2 he put Leyline of Sanctity in play on turn 0 after mulling, but he didn't have much else going on, so I was able to kill him quickly. Game 3 he did the same, so I Golgari Charmed it on my turn 2, then disrupted him into nothing and won the match.
Semifinals: Belcher
I was 6th seed, he was 1st or 2nd and very happily went first. I kept a decent hand, but knew it didn't matter. He went the Charbelcher route, using his entire hand...and hit his Taiga on card 10. I dropped to 2, fetching a dual and going to 1 and dropping a DRS into Liliana and somehow stealing the game away from him. We realized afterwards that I would have died if he hadn't used the Manamorphose in his hand (which he didn't need to use). Game 2 he was on the play and it went how it actually should.
Game 3 I'm on the play and mull to 3. Every hand before that was awful against Belcher, having no disruption (I boarded in 2 Duress to compliment my 4 Thoughtseize) or lands to cast it (my 4-cards was Duress, Thoughtseize, Wasteland, and a 4th, tempting but no go). My 3 cards was Wasteland, Badlands, and Lightning Bolt. At this point I know I'm fucked and resign to the loss. I play my Badlands, then he shits out 14 goblin tokens turn 1. I say that I need a fetchland and my out (we've played this before and he knows about my 1-of Engineered Plague in the board), and then draw my Golgari Charm, play Wasteland and pass, then drop to 6. I untap and draw a Fetchland, cracking it as fast as I can for a Bayou and wiping his board, much to his dismay. I've only got a Lightning Bolt in hand and am at 5, so we play draw-go for two turns (me getting lands) before he Empties again for 4 tokens. I Bolt one EOT, going to 2, and draw a Bloodbraid Elf. I spin the wheel and out comes a Deathrite Shaman and pass. He has nothing in hand, and I draw another DRS. Now that I've got 2 blockers I start to attack with BBE, gain 2 life with his dead Tinder Wall, and start draining him with both deathrites. I drop a Goyf and get him to 10, which is lethal on this last combat. He chumps with 2 tokens (leaving him with 1), and then draws the Burning Wish that he needed the turn before (to get Goblin War Strike from his born, hit me for 3 and then swing for lethal). I win the impossible match and move to the finals.
Finals: 12-Post (different guy)
He was in 1st going to the top 8 so I'm on the draw to start, but game 1 my disruption does it's job. Game 2 he doesn't draw well after I Thoughtseize away a Show & Tell and I quickly finish it up after a second Bob and a Goyf join in.
So I won. Yay. But I'm not going to Grand Prix DC (working that weekend with no way to get out of it) so I gave the byes to the guy I beat in the finals (so on paper he won the GPT). I had a blast and it was nice to do well with it after my mediocre finish with it at a gpt last week.