I think DRS-based UWBG decks (Deathblade, Shardless) are just awful right now. If I thought they were well positioned/good in the current top meta, I'd be playing one.Just curious what are some legacy decks that you don't consider viable?
I think DRS-based UWBG decks (Deathblade, Shardless) are just awful right now. If I thought they were well positioned/good in the current top meta, I'd be playing one.Just curious what are some legacy decks that you don't consider viable?
I think DRS-based UWBG decks (Deathblade, Shardless) are just awful right now. If I thought they were well positioned/good in the current top meta, I'd be playing one.
Took the Jund deck to play our weekly commander game. It actually was pretty decent, with inconsistent mana/slow mana being it's only real issue. That deck just spits out tokens of different shapes and sizes like mad, and gets easy 1-hit kills with the commander. Super fun to play
anyone selling commons in bulk? like enough to start a deck. I'm looking to switch to magic.
Just had an opponent do altars reap with a young pyromancer out, that's an interaction I never thought of.
I don't think that works- isn't the sacrifice part of the cost?
I don't think that works- isn't the sacrifice part of the cost?
I don't think that works- isn't the sacrifice part of the cost?
Essentially- that people get "locked into" a certain deck and can't actually switch to something good.
The idea that "any" deck in Legacy is viable is a big fat lie.
Is that deck considered the most powerful out of the five?
the prossh deck?
i don't know, it really seems to make games
drag on
I've seen 3 of the 5 command decks being played now. I'd say the Jund deck HAS to be the best based on it's commanders and synergy.
Deathbringer Thoctar is an absolute house in that deck.
The Grixis deck is a really a terrible, terrible deck. Requires a TON of card changes to even make it playable. All the commanders don't really fit the strategy of the deck besides the zombie that draws cards. It really doesn't have enough control elements to make any of it work.
Copying cruel ultimatum is definitely fun, but that's about it.
it's a wonderful deck in that you can sell the baleful strix and true-name nemesis for $30, then dig through the dollar bin for synergistic jank rares
I want two Commander decks for use at home and I think I'll get the Mind Sieze and the Jund deck. If I get a third I am not sure which.
Wow, very glad I got my set of Absents from SCG for $32. (Had $8 credit left over from a tax refund.)
People still play a lot of bad decks.People are still playing reanimator?
People are still playing reanimator?
The nearest MtG shop to me is now in another country. Two hours via train.
Nope. The closest you're going to get is burn and things like Vampire Hexmage, Despise and Bramblecrush.Drafted G/W. It was probably the weakest color combination I've drafted yet. Green is just not interactive at all.
Lost to an Elspeth and it got me thinking, have there been a card that just kills PW? I don't mean rares like Hero's Downfall or Dreadbore that targets multiple things, but something uncommon to common that target specific spells like Ray of Revelation, Naturalize, Doomblade, etc.
Drafted G/W. It was probably the weakest color combination I've drafted yet. Green is just not interactive at all.
Lost to an Elspeth and it got me thinking, have there been a card that just kills PW? I don't mean rares like Hero's Downfall or Dreadbore that targets multiple things, but something uncommon to common that target specific spells like Ray of Revelation, Naturalize, Doomblade, etc.
They generally don't want to put the word Planeswalker on uncommons and especially not commons because random "just bought my first few packs" Joe would see that word and almost certainly not have a Planeswalker and be like "what the heck is that?" On a rare it is more okay because those can more freely be complicated and mysterious.
Also that. It'd do effectively nothing in Limited but could be quite warping to Constructed.
I think a really expensive uncommon PW removal would make sense for limited play. The cost would be too high and its target too narrow to be viable for constructed, and it would only hit PW's, which currently doesn't have an answer (in limited) asides from Hero's Downfall, so it would be limited to exactly that, limited play lol. Every other card type at least have multiple ways to deal with it but PWs only has 1 in the current rotation. I just don't like the idea of 1 card type completely taking over a format.
They absolutely are, for game balance. But player enjoyment is a legitimate issue as well and people LOVE pulling shocklands. Easy way to draw people in and get excited. I mean, guildgates make a ton of sense for draft but are super boring.Lands at rare always feel like a wasted slot to me unless they do something unique
I think a really expensive uncommon PW removal would make sense for limited play. The cost would be too high and its target too narrow to be viable for constructed, and it would only hit PW's, which currently doesn't have an answer (in limited) asides from Hero's Downfall, so it would be limited to exactly that, limited play lol. Every other card type at least have multiple ways to deal with it but PWs only has 1 in the current rotation. I just don't like the idea of 1 card type completely taking over a format.