That card is just terrible design and the proof that modern MTG design is getting shittier and shittier.
Our player want to interact, so we removed land destruction and nerfed counterspells. Ok dude, but now you removed a way to possibly interact with your opponent, via mana denial and spell removal. IT WAS UNFUN! Ok.
You know what's fun? Attacking with creatures. Big creatures. But big creatures can be removed, and we don't want that (didn't we want our player to interact and as such you nerfed ld and counters? ok dude), so we print creatures with hexproof that our opponent can't remove, and in some case he can't even block.
At the end of this downward spiral sit TNN, where the game is decided by who start first, and draw more TNN, unless you're playing combo, and in any case you're forced to play blue because blue has TNN AND the best answers to combo.
That card is just a shitty design. A card that just completely avoid every single kind of interaction by design can't be a good thing for this game really. We want our games to be more interactive nor less. Else i'd play solitaire.