Oh Modern Masters, you are a cruel mistress...
Holy crap, Modern Masters
really hates me today. My second draft was Domain, with Kodama's Reach, Search for Tomorrow, and cards to abuse my mana colors - specifically, two Skyreach Manta and one Etched Oracle, plus Drag Down, Tribal Flames, and the usual green beefy creatures to back it all up.
Match one goes to game three; I mulligan to six with two lands and a landcycler, but never see a fourth land or ramp spell until it's way too late. I accept that the domain deck does this sometimes; you're taking on the risk of some really shitty draws in exchange for raw power. But it was frustrating.
Match two everything goes according to plan. Almost too good, in fact. I draw perfectly in both games and my opponent just folds.
Match three goes to game three. I keep with four lands, one of each basic, and three spells. By turn 10 I haven't drawn anything but lands.
*sigh* C'est la vie. I just wish Modern Masters wasn't so damn expensive on Magic Online, because I'm sorely addicted.