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Magic: the GAFering |OT2|


If it wasn't for the in game advertising I wouldn't be playing actual physical magic again I don't mind it lol

the expansion is 4.99 on PSN is that a sale price?
This is what they posted on Facebook:

Magic 2014—Duels of the Planeswalkers and the Expansion are both 50% off today! For additional "50% off" sale dates (depending on platform) see below:

- Sony PSN (North America): November 26–December 3
- Sony PSN (Europe): November 29–December 2
- Sony PSN (Japan): November 28–December 3
- Sony PSN (Asia): November 28–December 4
- iPad: November 28–December 2
- XBLA: November 29 only
- Android (Amazon App Store): November 28–December 3
- Android (Google Play): November 28–December 2
- PC (Steam): November 27–December 3


Hopefully Magic 2014 hits the Steam sale with a 75% off in a daily/flash so I can pick up the Expansion Pack for cheaper.

I live 15-20 minutes from them now. :p Haven't yet taken advantage.

I'm jealous, that's gotta be real convenient.

I've never heard of Potomac but just looked them up. Seems like a good deal on KMC sleeves! I've just been buying Ultra Pro Pro-Mattes (and liking them) but I wouldn't mind "upgrading" to KMC brand.

I've always been kinda lazy with replacing old sleeves, but I try to buy in bulk like this when I do. I've heard decent things about Ultra Pro's these compared to the old shitty ones, but I've used KMC's exclusively for years now.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Ultra Pro's are the only sleeve I use.

Used to have some dragonshields that were nice, too, but I detest having a bunch of crap all over the back of my sleeves. Solid red or solid blue for me...that's it.


Dragonshields are really the best way to go if you care about your cards lol. Maybe it's just me but KMCs have let me down in the past. The corners get bent quicker making it harder to shuffle.


Dragonshields are really the best way to go if you care about your cards lol. Maybe it's just me but KMCs have let me down in the past. The corners get bent quicker making it harder to shuffle.
I use Ultra Pro Matte precisely because they're easy to replace.


Sealed mode sucks, the AI is a topdecking cheating motherfucker, but it's still not a waste of $5 or whatever if you just want to try out some decks you don't have access to and play with archetypes that aren't valid at FNMs anymore.

Wow really? I felt kind of bad stomping on it in sealed with Randy.dec. What were you playing? (I was using B/W Weenie.)

e: I was bored, here's my full decklist.

8x Plains
8x Swamp
3x Terramorphic Expanse

2x Suntail Hawk (offensive player of the year)
2x Tormented Soul (MVP)
2x Griffin Sentinel
1x War Priest of Thune
1x Black Knight (suboptimal, in retrospect, I blame nostalgia)
1x Charging Griffin
1x Bloodhunter Rat
1x Gravedigger
1x Serra Angel
1x Aegis Angel

1x Honor the Pure
3x Mark of the Vampire (6th man of the year)
1x Spirit Mantle

2x Murder
1x Public Execution
Dragonshields are really the best way to go if you care about your cards lol. Maybe it's just me but KMCs have let me down in the past. The corners get bent quicker making it harder to shuffle.

I specifically use dragon shields as well. I can't imagine using any other sleeve and I've quite a lot


Magic 2014's sealed mode.



Forgotten in his cell
Has anyone here ever tried making a Stuffy Doll/Boros Reckoner Modern deck? It seems like to could be super explosive. Just them, Volcano Hellion, and lots and lots of burn.


Has anyone here ever tried making a Stuffy Doll/Boros Reckoner Modern deck? It seems like to could be super explosive. Just them, Volcano Hellion, and lots and lots of burn.
I have a deck like that but I used Seething Song to accelerate, and used Mogg Maniac before Reckoner was even a thought. Fun deck, but with the Hellion, you have to find a way to stay ahead life total wise. Otherwise it's a super dead card.
What's up with the sudden interest in my Reflecting Pool's on deckbox?
I got two request for them just yesterday. Seemed interesting.
Should I hang on to them or trade them off? IMO, they seem pretty cool but I don't see them used in any Modern list I've looked at.

Also, I did some trades yesterday.

I traded off a play set of Desecration Demon, 2x Venser's Journal, 1x Coat of Arms
and in return I got
3x Living End, 1x Sword of Body and Mind, 1x Blightsteel Colossus, 1x Underworld Cerberus, 1x Reaper of the Wilds, 1x Fleecemane Lion.
As an example, there's a monored control deck you play against in the campaign mode that uses Earthquakes and land destruction to beat you and usually has an empty board. I was playing the Innistrad block-centric White Weenie deck against it and had the bright idea to cast a Fiend Hunter to stash one of my Thraben Valiants so that I'd have something a little beefier than a 1/1 spirit token to swing with after a board wipe but when I cast it the game didn't even bother to ask me if I'd like to exile one of my own creatures, so it was just wasted mana. -_-

I do appreciate the opportunity to play with cards I would otherwise never want to, though. In sealed deck mode I built something around Tormented Souls and dumb buffing auras that I call RandyBuehler.dec.

If you go into the options there is a complex targeting option, (I don't remember the exact term) that will allow you to target your own stuff. I always enable that, and I enable having to press a button to move between phases, (I don't care for the clock.)


If you go into the options there is a complex targeting option, (I don't remember the exact term) that will allow you to target your own stuff. I always enable that, and I enable having to press a button to move between phases, (I don't care for the clock.)
Yeah, turning all the advanced options on is pretty critical.

I think probably my favorite thing in 2014 is the last puzzle in the expansion. It is a Storm thing and is pretty awesome.
Played Commander for the first time last night.
I have two decks, Power Hungry and Eternal Bargain.

Eternal Bargain has some insane life gain. And Power Hungry allows Prossh to deal some insane damage.

My friend that I invited over to play enjoyed it all so much (it was our first Commander game) he ordered all five Commander 2013 decks online!

He says he's going to make an uber deck out of all of them. Cherry pick the best cards from each if he's able to.

It seems like I'm going to need some help buffing up my Power Hungry deck.


If you go into the options there is a complex targeting option, (I don't remember the exact term) that will allow you to target your own stuff. I always enable that, and I enable having to press a button to move between phases, (I don't care for the clock.)

You just made Magic 2014 a lot better you should get some sweet Wizzos kickbacks imo.
Played Commander for the first time last night.
I have two decks, Power Hungry and Eternal Bargain.

Eternal Bargain has some insane life gain. And Power Hungry allows Prossh to deal some insane damage.

My friend that I invited over to play enjoyed it all so much (it was our first Commander game) he ordered all five Commander 2013 decks online!

He says he's going to make an uber deck out of all of them. Cherry pick the best cards from each if he's able to.

It seems like I'm going to need some help buffing up my Power Hungry deck.

Well in Power Hungry just run Food Chain, cause you know I heard infinite dudes and infinite mana is kind of good.
Played Commander for the first time last night.
I have two decks, Power Hungry and Eternal Bargain.

Eternal Bargain has some insane life gain. And Power Hungry allows Prossh to deal some insane damage.

My friend that I invited over to play enjoyed it all so much (it was our first Commander game) he ordered all five Commander 2013 decks online!

He says he's going to make an uber deck out of all of them. Cherry pick the best cards from each if he's able to.

It seems like I'm going to need some help buffing up my Power Hungry deck.

Unfortunately, I don't think that's really the best way to make a better commander deck. Obviously having a larger pool helps, but it would probably be wiser to have an overall strategy for the deck and find cards that would help synergize the deck even more so.

All 5 commander decks have some pretty good cards so it's not like it's a waste.
Unfortunately, I don't think that's really the best way to make a better commander deck. Obviously having a larger pool helps, but it would probably be wiser to have an overall strategy for the deck and find cards that would help synergize the deck even more so.

All 5 commander decks have some pretty good cards so it's not like it's a waste.

I agree, I don't really see why he felt the need to get all five. He likes to collect the cards though.

Any more suggestions for my Power Hungry deck?
Here are some that I've read about or thought of on my own:

Army of the Damned
Avenger of Zendikar
Awakening Zone
Blood Artist
Copperline Gorge
Doubling Season
Dragon Broodmother
Grave Pact
Gruul Turf
Kresh the Bloodbraided
Parallel Lives
Phyrexian Arena
Rakdos's Carnarium
Rootbound Crag
Skull Clamp
Woodland Cemetery

And maybe for some fun artifacts:
Akroma's Memorial
Elbrus the Binding Blade

The lands are obvious, but the others I'll have to look at the deck and see what I really want to replace. Maybe others could help me with ideas?
Sac the Kobolds for mana. That's pretty cool.

Yeah and keep sacking Prossh and replaying him you get infinite Kobolds and infinite mana in this loop. The only caveat is that the mana must be used for creature spells, but with all the tutors in black you should be able to set up a concordant crossroads, craterhoof behemoth finish relatively easily. Concordant is only necessary in a group game, hoof will likely be fine in single player, providing they don't have spot removal when you swing.
Main Deck
4 Mutavault
19 Swamp
3 Temple of Deceit
4 Pack Rat
4 Nightveil Specter
4 Desecration Demon
1 Erebos, God of the Dead
4 Gray Merchant of Asphodel
2 Devour Flesh
1 Doom Blade
4 Hero's Downfall
4 Thoughtseize
2 Ultimate Price
4 Underworld Connections
3 Dark Betrayal
1 Doom Blade
3 Duress
1 Erebos, God of the Dead
3 Lifebane Zombie
3 Pharika's Cure
1 Shrivel

Went 2-2 at a 16 man tourney today with this deck. Had the tiebreaker against the winner (there were no undefeated players) and lost to a weenie deck 1-2 when I misjudged a golden mulligan opportunity. Not missing the whip at all so far...


The first deck you unlock in the Magic 2014 expansion is an exalted deck. :(

Despite having bad card selection, the enchantment one from the base game is heck of fun though. Kor Spiritdancer almost makes me forget that this card used to be good when it was green and in Urza's Saga. (Even though I dislike equipment, I would have liked to have been able to use that Kor deck from the Zendikar levels.)
All of the mono-blue at tournaments! Yeesh.
Has this become the mono-blue set or what?

Personally I'm looking forward to Born of the Gods in February. I'm hoping for some answers to pick up my Green / White deck.

Ajani being GW could help. Maybe even a multicolored devotion trick.

We'll see.


All of the mono-blue at tournaments! Yeesh.
Has this become the mono-blue set or what?

Personally I'm looking forward to Born of the Gods in February. I'm hoping for some answers to pick up my Green / White deck.

Ajani being GW could help. Maybe even a multicolored devotion trick.

We'll see.
The manabase has completely screwed over the gold cards right now.
Pro Tour Born of the Gods
February 21-23, 2014

Pro Tour Born of the Gods Location
Valencia, Spain

Pro Tour Born of the Gods Formats Swiss:
Modern Constructed

Born of the Gods / Theros / Theros Draft

Top 8:
Modern Constructed



Next 3 are apparently the allied ones from RTR. Izzet/Golgari in set 3.
I really hope it doesn't turn out that they are holding two duals for the last set. I understand not wanting to use 5 rare slots in a small set for lands, but it is just frustrating to get randomly hosed for three more months because of a color pair you happen to like.


I really hope it doesn't turn out that they are holding two duals for the last set. I understand not wanting to use 5 rare slots in a small set for lands, but it is just frustrating to get randomly hosed for three more months because of a color pair you happen to like.

Yep. I agree. Live by the sword die by the sword. Publish them all please.
who here stopped playing? I havent played in 2 weeks and feels good men.

It's not uncommon for me to take a week or two off here and there. When I really started getting into Magic, I told myself it would never be a grind for me - I would never play unless I wanted to. I've had bad habits with other competitive games in the past where I would play them even when I wasn't having fun because I felt compelled to maintain rank or get better or whatever - Call of Duty for example was an incredibly negative force in my life for years. I've learned how to balance my life a lot better since then, and I've long sense learned to ignore the little gremlin telling me that I need to draft more. :)


All of the mono-blue at tournaments! Yeesh.
Has this become the mono-blue set or what?

Ethan Fleischer was rocking a huge blue mana symbol pin during those extended video previews of Theros Wizzos posted on their YouTube channel.


That guy makes Ben Stein look like Mark Rosewater.


who here stopped playing? I havent played in 2 weeks and feels good men.

I still play about twice a week and I fiend to play if I don't play at all within a week lol. Drafting is still fun for me (though I went 0-3 for the first time in a long time D: ), and I try to get in FNM. You got only 2 or so people playing T1 decks and everyone just brews their own thing so it's pretty fun.

Giving my Umericah control a break and gonna try out white weenies this Friday. God of Heliod still isn't a thing huh?
who here stopped playing? I havent played in 2 weeks and feels good men.

I pretty much did. My Selesnya deck wasn't paired well with mono black which unfortunately took a large chunk of my local meta. I'll probably play a little bit more but I'm really looking forward to the next set. It doesn't help that I never fell in love with Theros. Neither the flavor or the mechanics.

That and I've fallen in love with Modern and Commander recently.


It's so rare that I ever play constructed. The vast majority of the games I play are limited, whether they be with sealed product or a cube. Really, the only time I play constructed is Game Day and the occasional game of modern that I get suckered into.
I realized that I have a near mint Remand.
I can't believe it costs so much for a uncommon. It is valued higher than even Inquisition of Kozilek.
I was shocked to find out that Force of Will is uncommon, but it's also a lot more expensive.

EDIT: Ah, I see it's a blue staple in Modern.

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