Won my game day with GW Aggro and then won a Modern weekly with Hatebears right after.

Thinking of taking a break from standard now though since the deck has barely changed over the last 4+ months and the format really doesn't feel very exciting except for a couple new decks seeing play (UW Ephara mostly). Glad that Modern is picking up though so I can play in regular eternal tournaments without traveling.
Got a question for you guys who pay attention to your sleeves: what do you think is the best sleeves for both cleanliness and protection? I've noticed that Dragonshields get dirty very quickly even if they're only played with spotless hands on a spotless, freshly cleaned playmat.
Just traded for my 3rd one today. I'm kind of accepting that the last one will have to come at a higher price but it still makes me feel uneasy trading for such an expensive card that ha to be reprinted again.