Maybe Thundermaw Hellkite will be standard legal again. 
Maybe Thundermaw Hellkite will be standard legal again.![]()
Venser. He's dead.
Koth. He might be dead.
That's about the deathtoll right now when it comes to modern planeswalkers, no? I'm not counting all the deaths in the Invasion storyline.
Venser. He's dead.
Koth. He might be dead.
That's about the deathtoll right now when it comes to modern planeswalkers, no? I'm not counting all the deaths in the Invasion storyline.
Teferi's dead too![]()
Bolas was an old one, no? Karn, too? That's a good question though.Well, Teferi isn't a Bradywalker
Are any of the old Planeswalkers still alive? Freyalise is the only one I don't remember getting killed
Cryptic Command, even the terrible textless foil version, is now over 50 dollars.
Modern Masters so helpful
Bolas was an old one, no? Karn, too? That's a good question though.
I remember convos with you guys about how the limited run would just drive prices higher. Looks like those were right.
Was Bolas ever acknowledged as a walker before Alara block though? I put him in the Bradywalker pantheon because of that. I guess Karn, who was "killed" in the Time Spiral block (obviously just imprisoned), is an old school walker. No wonder he actually has god like powers (like resetting the game) that the newer walkers don't have.
I bet Kitchen Finks would be a 30 dollar card if it wasn't in MM (it was over 15 before the reprint, its now 4-5 dollars). Ravager would probably be super expensive as well if not for the reprint. Its more to do with the fact that Magic came the closest to dying it's ever been in the Lorwyn era that makes Cryptic super expensive I think.
To be fair, Cryptic Command seemed to spike after Deathrite Shaman's banning was announced:Cryptic Command, even the terrible textless foil version, is now over 50 dollars.
Modern Masters so helpful
For how much? That thing's skyrocketing.I just sold my (terrible textless foil) Cryptic Command. I had won it in a tournament, and it couldn't go in my cube because of the textless-ness and that confusing people, so bye bye to it.
I can imagine situations where you play textless Cryptics against newer players and they are so totally blown out they don't believe you when you tell them what the cards does lol
Remand is going to be in the next Duel Deck. That's good to see.
They put all the cards up on Gatherer early, presumably by mistake:["Duel Decks: Jace vs. Vraska"]
Going to be interesting to see if it's 1 or 2 copies of Remand in the Jace deck.
Art on the Duel Deck version of Jace, AOT is offensively bad. Worse than M14 anime Jace.
I saw one of those for the first time at my LGS last FNM. I did a double take; it was clearly a Jace 1.0, but I hadn't seen that art before. It kinda blew my mind that it even existed.
New frame Future Sight finally!
Both of those were meh too.They're reprinting Remand. That's $17 for a notable staple that people were clamoring for a reprint of just this morning.
They're reprinting J:AoT. There's a $20 Standard Mythic and second most expensive card in RtR, featured in a prominent standard archetype.
How are you guys not impressed? If this is meh, what was Heroes v. Monsters or Sorin v. Tibalt to you?
Both of those were meh too.
What wasn't meh: Izzet v Golgari.
There is zero reason to be including Ray of Command in a Modern Duel deck. I get that casuals love Harmonize, and thus it keeps getting in. But Ray is so blatantly dumb when it's an effect blue just doesn't see anymore.
Thinking hard about doing a partial cash-out at GP Richmond. Feels like this might be the last opportunity before any potential big reprint announcements. I imagine it wouldn't be hard to move playsets of modern staples on that Friday. Might even put together a couple eternal decks on mtgo since they'd get a lot more use than my paper versions and especially more than random playsets sitting in a binder.
How'd you end up making the transition? Just ebaying cards or did you go to a LGS/vendor? I'm hoping to just sell playsets of some higher value cards near what they'd go for on ebay then just vendoring the leftovers.
How'd you end up making the transition? Just ebaying cards or did you go to a LGS/vendor? I'm hoping to just sell playsets of some higher value cards near what they'd go for on ebay then just vendoring the leftovers.