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Magic: the GAFering |OT2|


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I think you can tell a lot about the kind of player people are by their favorite card picks. For example, I know WanderingWind is a fan of zombies, and a lot of you hate it when other people have fun.


Neo Member
Quick combo-breaker to the favorites discussion:

I'm making a Riku EDH deck, and I was wondering what some of the most fun red, green, or blue cards are. Combos of all of them, two or three color kinds are welcome, and more towards red/green than control blue are preferable. I just want to play crazy stuff and keep everyone wondering whats gonna happen. I'm running an Unexpected Results for sure.
Not sure how that could be possible given his protection from coloured spells. I supposed you could use a creature with a fling effect like that stoutarm guy.

You sacrifice the creature as part of the spell's cost, so you're never actually targeting Emrakul.

EDIT: Or what ultron said.














Neo Member
You sacrifice the creature as part of the spell's cost, so you're never actually targeting Emrakul.

EDIT: Or what ultron said.

The sacrifice part on Fling doesn't target so protection doesn't matter, right?

Not sure how that could be possible given his protection from coloured spells. I supposed you could use a creature with a fling effect like that stoutarm guy.

I could have sworn there was a combo to turn everything into uncolored artifacts, including that spell. I might be wrong.

dat ass


The sacrifice part on Fling doesn't target so protection doesn't matter, right?
Correct. Sacrificing Emrakul will be part of the casting cost for fling so you cannot prevent the sacrifice from happening. I had someone try to shock a goblin of mine in response to me using it for a goblin grenade once. He wasn't very happy when the judge made his decision.
I could have sworn there was a combo to turn everything into uncolored artifacts, including that spell. I might be wrong.

I don't think it's possible to make an instant into an artifact. Wouldn't it have to exist on the battlefield in some manner to be considered an artifact, which is nigh impossible with any printed card?

(Though I'd love to be proved wrong.)


I don't think it's possible to make an instant into an artifact. Wouldn't it have to exist on the battlefield in some manner to be considered an artifact, which is nigh impossible with any printed card?

(Though I'd love to be proved wrong.)
While I don't think any exist currently, they went through that while tribal spell phase so I wouldn't be surprised if artifact spells came up in some future block


Make sure you have all the Wall of Omens and Wall of Blossoms so you keep drawing walls. And Wall of Roots so you can ramp into the big walls.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I wasn't playing limited at the time but wasn't there some kind of effective wall build in Rise of the Eldrazi limited?

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician


Devour 2 is nuts on this guy, especially if you can bounce him and re-cast him a few turns later. Especially especially wiiiiiith


Many of my favorite cards are what I call "discovery" cards, where you discover new awesome interactions for them almost every time you stick them in a new deck. Doubling Season is the most straightforward of these, but also probably the most powerful.

Enchantment - Aura

Best art on any Magic card ever. No question.


Can't think of a lot of good instants, so I'll go with this one because it represents what I love most about Zendikar block: how much they suceeded as making land matter. I absolutly love Landfall, its one of my favorite mechanics they've ever done, and this card is a great example of a good card that, in the Zendikar environment, has a chance to be incredibly powerful.

Another discovery card. Every time I play it I discover something new that I want to have five (or six) of.

Same vein as Rite of Replication. Run this in my Sen Triplets EDH deck and that moment when I look at it in my hand and say "Ahaha, I should imprint Lodestone Golem on this" is one of my favorite things in magic.

This card has some of the best flavor I've ever seen them do. A cursed dagger that unleashes the demon bound to it when it tastes blood is incredible.

Fun card. Great flavor. Copying things is fun.

Its a toss up between her and Karn but I've had more fun actually playing Tamiyo. Second ability is nicely versatile, especially in EDH, and if I've got enough control to keep her alive, well, her ultimate is insane.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Put it this way: I can't think, off the top of my head, of any instants I really have fond memories of. Except perhaps Archive Trap for its relation to one very specific story.
Creature: Solemn Simulacrum. A body, a rampant growth, and a card when it died? Sweet combo. Gave ramp to any colour that wanted it, let you splash colours without fear of getting mana screwed without using green, provided a great chump blocker that you still benefited from having die. And when combined with the best equipment ever made, he turns into a real card draw engine.

Enchantment: Astral Slide. Remember the days when combat damage went on the stack? And then some dick would cycle a card, temporarily exile his god forsaken lifelinking Exalted Angel (not to mention any number of his other blockers to keep them alive, while lightning rifting your face) and then they came back at the end of turn. Or Wrath of God only affecting one side of the board because everything else got slid out? Or losing all your blockers/attackers while your opponent always had a full hand because cycling with an Astral Slide is broken as shit? Yeah. This card is awesome.

Instant: Lightning Bolt. Sometimes, you just want a card that does the job without being anything fancy. And sometimes, you want something cheap. Sometimes powerful. Sometimes you want to do it on your opponents turn. Lightning Bolt is every one of those things, and more. The premier burn spell, great for creatures, for that last bit of reach, and just reeking of raw power. 1 mana for 3 damage is a bargain price that you don't see very often. (but somehow Delver of Secrets exists and blue can do what red can't. Nonsense I say!)

Sorcery: Stone Rain/Molten Rain. Reds answer to every problem: blow shit up until the opponent can't hurt you. Combined with reds fantastic ability to burn the board and clear out threats, being able to wreak havoc on the opponents mana base is just glorious. Combined with a Bird of Paradise/Skirk Prospector/any 1 mana accelerator, turn 2 Land D just ruins people's day. If you can land 2 in a row, the opponent will often be out of the game. Bring back 3 mana land destruction!

Artifact: Mirari. Fork for every single spell you cast, its like any non creature based deck's dream come true. You mean that I have essentially 20 burn spells AND 20 draw spells AND 20 counterspells AND...well, you get the point. Its just amazing the amount of shenanigans this card allowed.

Equipment: Skullclamp. No questions asked. This thing gave you more draw capability than any control deck could dream of in tribal decks like elves, zombies, goblins, etc, and any creature based deck would love to have it kicking around. Add a sac mechanism (like in ravager affinity) and you were laughing all the way to the bottom of your deck. Amazing. Only downside? Was banned in pretty much every format within 2 months of release.

Land: Cabal Coffers. Doubling your mana for 2 in mono black made drain life and other X type spells devastating. Being able to drop black's big baddies on turn 4 or 5 instead of 7 or 8 was awesome. It was like dark ritual on steroids.

Planeswalker: Having only come back to the game in Innistrad, I missed the introduction of these guys and really haven't seen any of the ridiculous JTMS shenanigans and such. But in terms of the guys I have seen, I love Liliana of the Veil. A repeatable edict and discard is just heavenly. She's a little weak in the loyalty department and you really don't want to edict her right away, but in a pinch she can buy you that little bit extra. And once you get the upper hand, she really starts to shine.


Quick combo-breaker to the favorites discussion:

I'm making a Riku EDH deck, and I was wondering what some of the most fun red, green, or blue cards are. Combos of all of them, two or three color kinds are welcome, and more towards red/green than control blue are preferable. I just want to play crazy stuff and keep everyone wondering whats gonna happen. I'm running an Unexpected Results for sure.

Let's see... all my recommendations will be based on the way I build EDH decks (moderate powered, somewhat fair and fun effects, and mostly built for multiplayer EDH rather than duels), and they're quite a few... anyway, here we go!

Experiment Kraj: Does crazy things on his own, and if you have a small +1/+1 counter subtheme, it becomes even better.

The Morphling family (Torchling, Thornling): They're really versatile, but nowadays they aren't powerful enough to make everyone on the table instantly hate on you. Thornling gets to dodge most global sweepers unlike the other two, but is owned by targeted spells.

Alchemist's Refuge: This might get you hated on a bit, but not nearly as much as playing a Vedalken Orery. Yeva, Nature's Herald is another nice way to get sneaky without being completely unfair, if you decide to play mostly creatures.

Cytoshape: Fun shenanigans, even if it only transforms a single creature, and only for a turn.

Spitting Image: A copy spell which can be recast as long as you've got lands in hand to pitch. It's fair but still powerful.

Wild Ricochet: Versatile "Surprise!" card. Remember you can always give the spells with positive effects to a third player in order to make some friends.

Temporal Mastery: Really powerful miracle, but can't be recurred, so players are less likely to gang up on you just in case you start recurring it like with other extra turn effects.

Vesuvan Doppleganger: Repeatable, affordable copy effect.

Djinn of Wishes: Sort of like a miniature, three-use Unexpected Results.

Sphinx of Uthuun: Fact or Fiction on a hefty body. Play in a politically-correct way and you're likely to end up drawing five cards with it most of the time.

Erhnam Djinn: Great for when you want to team up against someone else who's running forests.

Capricious Efreet / Charmbreaker Devils / Moldgraf Monstrosity: Effects at random!

Research // Development: Seems like a fun split car you'd be able to run. I guess it depends on how your playgroup handles the Research side.

Signal the Clans: While I'd hate doing the usual "find three funcionally identical cards to ensure I get what I want", and am against playing tutors in the format, you can always search for things at random and see in what direction you're pushed by whatever you get.

Conjured Currency / Risky Move: Chaotic, but won't get player hating on you as much as stuff like Scrambleverse, Warp World or Chaos Grip.

Curse of Stalked Prey: A miniature bullseye you can paint on anyone. Be careful, though, because they probably won't be happy about it.

Hypersonic Dragon: More flash!

Commandeer: Not a fun card by any stretch, but can be useful as a trump card for when you have to get serious.

Terastodon: You have to be careful with what you blow up with it to avoid earning too many enemies, but it's a great card to have around (even better when cloned with Riku's ability).

Magus of the Vineyard: Acceleration for everone!

Exotic Orchard / Forbidden Orchard: Add colored mana. The Forbidden one is great for earning friends while fixing your mana!

Bloom Tender: Nice acceleration.

Plaxmanta: Versatile combat trick.

Varchild's War-Riders / Hunted creatures from the original Ravnica: Interesting political cards.

Simic Guildmage: Even if you don't use that many +1/+1 counters, the aura swapping ability can be useful, and quite surprising.

Oran Rief, the Vastwood / Novijen, Heart of Progress: Nice utility lands.

Zameck Guildmage: A Novijen that can be activated more than once, and can be used to draw cards as well.

Plaxcaster Frogling: You can protect your stuff or surprise opponents by sharing the counters with them to either protect them or prevent them from targeting their ownn stuff.

Trade Secrets / Echo Chamber: Very political cards which can be used to devastating effect in the right circumstances.

Pulse of the Grid: Repeatable card drawing which you're likely to get back most of the time.

Heartwood Storyteller: A great card if your deck's more creature than spell-based.

Hope that helps!

Ninja edit: all soulbond creatures can be useful as well, because you can pair them with an opponent's creatures to give them a hand. The best would probably be Wolfir Silverheart and Tandem Lookout and the other guy that grants haste.


CREATURE: Thalia, Guardian of Thraben


Love the character design, and as a Glowrider+ she's a solid card as well.

INSTANT: Tragic Slip


Can't help but imagine a comical death sequence, complete with Yakety Sax, whenever I play this card.

SORCERY: Sign in Blood


I love this card. It's efficient, versatile and flavorful.

ENCHANTMENT: Dark Tutelage


Sure, Bob and Phyrexian Arena are usually better, but this has all the variance of Dark Confidant (which I like) and the resilience of an enchantment. Also, I like the art better than that of the other two.

AURA: Unstable Mutation


Great tempo card and great flavor. Way back during the Rath cycle times when I first played, I had a blue tempo deck that abused this and Spindrift Drake and other cheap flyers to swing hard and fast. Fun times.

ARTIFACT: Master Transmuter


Artifact-specific version of Elvish Piper that can also effectively flicker itself and other stuff. Great art to boot.

EQUIPMENT: Quietus Spike


PLANESWALKER: Gideon Jura / Tezzeret the Seeker


I like these two equally and for similar reasons. Unlike most planeswalers, which have a positive ability, a negative ability an 'ultimate' ability, these guys are more like toolboxes. Their ultimates are fairly weak (relatively speaking), but all of their abilities are useful and fun to mess around with. I'd give the edge to Gideon though, just because flavor-wise, he's more interesting.
PTQ event tomorrow at one of my LGSs! The event is modern and this is what I'm taking...

Lands (20)
4 Arid Mesa
2 Blackcleave Cliffs
2 Blood Crypt
6 Mountain
2 Sacred Foundry
4 Scalding Tarn

Creatures (12)
4 Goblin Guide
4 Hellspark Elemental
4 Vexing Devil

Spells (28)
4 Boros Charm
4 Bump in the Night
4 Lava Spike
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Rift Blot
4 Searing Blaze
4 Skullcrack

Sideboard (15)
3 Ash Zealot
3 Molten Rain
4 Rakdos Charm
3 Torpor Orb
2 Volcanic Fallout

PTQ event tomorrow at one of my LGSs! The event is modern and this is what I'm taking...


Maybe try to make room for Lightning Helix. My first instinct is to cut Lava Spike for it, but I don't know how that would affect the mana curve. Searing Blaze would be my next pick to replace if you wanted to keep Lava Spike.
Maybe try to make room for Lightning Helix. My first instinct is to cut Lava Spike for it, but I don't know how that would affect the mana curve. Searing Blaze would be my next pick to replace if you wanted to keep Lava Spike.

That's what my friend was suggesting. It seems like a good idea for fighting off various aggro decks. I would probably cut something from the sideboard, and move the Searing Blazes there.
PTQ event tomorrow at one of my LGSs! The event is modern and this is what I'm taking...


Burn isn't in nearly as good of a place in the meta as it was before the BBE ban, but it still has a shot at getting you there. Just know that your matchup against UWR is very, very difficult, so plan accordingly. My opinions follow...

I'm notoriously against Vexing Devil as a card. It never does what you want. You also either need Deathrite Shaman or Grim Lavamancer as some burn-on-a-stick. I've run both in Modern Burn and I honestly think Deathrite is better; I would replace Vexing Devil with Deathrite Shaman. I would bet that you'll find in the long run that Shaman does more damage per game than Devil.

Hellspark isn't my favorite thing either. He's so slow and inefficient. I gave up on him long ago. If you've got them, I would put Lightning Helix in the main instead. You're going to be bolting yourself fairly often to get your mana online; Helix takes some of that pain away.

Speaking of mana - if you have any Gemstone Mine or City of Brass, it might be worth considering dropping one or two of those in for a couple of your Mountains. You need guaranteed access to all three colors so that every one of your topdecks is a live draw.

Searing Blaze is fantastic when it works, and dead when it doesn't. I believe the optimal strategy is to have some in the main and some in the side (I split them up 2/2). You could go down to 2 Molten Rain and 3 Rakdos Charm to find room in the side. The 2 open MD slots could either go to Shard Volley or Magma Jet, both of which I've found to perform much better than they look.

On your sideboard: I would take out the Ash Zealots. The body is mostly irrelevant, and the UWR decks will just Helix it out of the way before they snap it back. There's a really strong case to be made for running 3x Shrine of Burning Rage in the side; with so much incidental lifegain going on in the format right now, the inevitability of Shrine against UWR seems to be strong. Alternately, 3x Flames of the Blood Hand may be correct. You will play against UWR more than once, and you will have to deal with more Lightning Helix than you hope for, and probably see more than one Timely Reinforcements as well. Skullcrack in response is nice, but you may find yourself wanting more of those effects.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Vexing Devil is terribad, that's an easy cut. Even moreso in Modern where there is plenty of 1 mana removal that deals with him.
Thanks for the feedback, Zorro. My main concerns were Blood Moon and Leyline of Sanctity, and built my deck according, hence all the creatures. I honestly thought I could just outrace UWR, but I've only tested a few matches against it, and I'm not entirely sure it was an optimal build.

Ugh, I never feel like I've done enough playtesting.

Is Magma Jet really that good? I know so many people swear by it, but almost every time I've used it, I never need to scry anything to the bottom, and it seems like I paid more mana for less damage.

Otherwise, I agree with a lot of the suggestions so far.
Thanks for the feedback, Zorro. My main concerns were Blood Moon and Leyline of Sanctity, and built my deck according, hence all the creatures. I honestly thought I could just outrace UWR, but I've only tested a few matches against it, and I'm not entirely sure it was an optimal build.

Ugh, I never feel like I've done enough playtesting.

Is Magma Jet really that good? I know so many people swear by it, but almost every time I've used it, I never need to scry anything to the bottom, and it seems like I paid more mana for less damage.

Otherwise, I agree with a lot of the suggestions so far.

Very few decks run Leyline of Sanctity. The thing about Leyline is that it requires you to dedicate 4 sideboard slots to it, and if it's your plan, you have to mulligan aggressively to find it. The only deck that I would be worried about running Leyline is Eggs, and that matchup is rough for you anyway. If we were still in the heyday of Bogle.dec, I would say that you could run 2-3 Leave No Trace or Keening Apparition in your sideboard since you're already splashing white and those would hit more than just one deck, but I don't think that killing enchantments is going to be relevant enough to dedicate slots to it.

In other words, it's probably best to focus not on winning the games where your opponent lands Leyline of Sanctity, but to play tight and win all of the games where your opponent doesn't.

And nobody should be bringing in Blood Moon against you. You already run mountains! Yes, it would turn off your white/black splash, but that's not good enough. Not only does it "feel" like the wrong play, it almost certainly is. If you're worried about it against a particular opponent, pop the Bumps and Boros Charms on turns 1 and 2, saving the red stuff for later. If he wastes his turn on Blood Moon, he just timewalked himself.

Magma Jet is controversial. I don't like it as a 4-of, because it brings down the damage-to-card ratio too much. But I always love seeing one of them. Untap, cast it on my upkeep, and make sure that my next draw is what I want.

If you can jam more test games against UWR, try to do so. You have to plan for them gaining 6-9 life naturally throughout the course of the game, and they won't be dumb enough to punch themselves in the face with their lands. With a couple of cracked fetches, you're going to have to deal 24-27 to win (Magma Jet shines here in the long games).

That's why I suggested the Shrine of Burning Rage. If it doesn't get hit with Spell Pierce or Spell Snare, they probably won't have removal for it in game two (it's a better T3 play, as they'll likely want to jam their countermagic into your early plays). Just don't ever, ever, ever miss the triggers to put counters on it! The trigger rules are more relaxed, but you should stay vigilant. Put a marker on top of your library to remind you to tick it up before you draw for the turn. I'll be honest - I haven't tested with this as much as I should have, but it's shown promise in some early testing, and it's probably not on the radar of your UWR opponent.

Also, how good are your dice rolling skills? Try to make sure you win the roll as much as possible. ;)


Just got back from a Gatecrash draft. Opened Obzedat in pack 1 and somehow got tons of other Orzhov cards passed to me (including a Deathpact Angel that made it through 4 other people). It was actually my first time drafting Gatecrash (though I've done tons of sealed).

This was my final deck:

2x Grisly Spectacle
2x Gutter Skulk
1x Syndicate Enforcer
1x Undercity Informer
1x Killing Glare

2x Smite
1x Angelic Edict
1x Court Street Denizen
1x Dutiful Thrull
1x Syndic of the Tithes
1x Basilica Guards

1x Knight of Obligation
1x Obzedat
1x Deathpact Angel
1x Orzhov Charm
1x One-Thousand Lashes
2x Kingpin's Pet
1x Cartel Aristocrat
1x Beckon Apparition

1x Orzhov Guilgate
9x Swamp
7x Plains

And the rest of my pool:
1x Shielded Passage
1x Dutiful Thrull
1x Murder Investigation

2x Death's Approach
2x Corpse Blockade
1x Dying Wish
1x Contaminated Ground
1x Devour Flesh
1x Undercity Plague

1x Purge the Profane
1x Coerced Confession

1x Millennial Gargoyle
1x Towering Thunderfist
1x Sage's Row Denizen
1x Stomping Ground (this was a value pick from pack 3, already had a solid pool by then)
1x Structural Collapse
1x Primal Visitation

I was thoroughly surprised to get so many on-guild picks. It seemed just about everyone was running Boros, Gruul or three-colors with those guilds as the base.


Orzhov = best guild in the set under normal draft conditions.

People think Boros is the best, and it kinda is in a vacuum, but too many people end up fighting for it.


>tfw you play agianst an over 300$ deck in mtgo's "just for fun" section

Just got back from a Gatecrash draft. Opened Obzedat in pack 1 and somehow got tons of other Orzhov cards passed to me (including a Deathpact Angel that made it through 4 other people). It was actually my first time drafting Gatecrash (though I've done tons of sealed).

This was my final deck:

I was thoroughly surprised to get so many on-guild picks. It seemed just about everyone was running Boros, Gruul or three-colors with those guilds as the base.

Damn, you even got boatloads of removal. How'd you do?

I agree with Kirblar btw, I basically avoid Red like the plague in drafts lately because it seems like 90% of the players are going Boros or Boruul. Groros? It's one of the reasons I've been preferring draft to Sealed lately. In drafts, only 90% of my opponent's decks are red...
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