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Magic: the GAFering |OT2|


I'm running a homebrew BUG flash/instant-based deck, with Shamblesharks, Wolfir Avengers, a Yeva and lots of instant-speed removal, with some AEtherlings and Wolfir Silverhearts as finishers. I think Far//Away is one of the better split cards, since it does a two-for-one all by itself. It's somewhat expensive to fuse, though, but for early game creatures I can always use Abrupt Decay and Putrefy.

It's a lot more fun than the previous Gwub deck I had, since it's a lot more focused, is more Simic, and looks like it stands a chance at my FNM. I might post the decklist after seeing how it does in its first event and make the some tweaks based on what I see throughout the FNM.


Boros Humans for me

if I had the money for the dual lands i'd run R/W/G Humans, but yeah, dat ain't happening (Stupid Shock Lands)
Just finished my first Lorwyn draft; lost the first match 2-1. As I usually do when I first draft a format, I just prioritized efficient creatures and look for synergies within them, since I need to play a few matches to figure out how the format "works." I first-picked a Plover Knights out of a weak pack, then took an Imperious Perfect and went deep into green with some white as a secondary color. I wasn't terribly happy at the end; the deck felt playable, but not like it was doing anything particularly well:


I don't know the format at all, so I wasn't sure if I needed to push the top end or bottom end. In the end, I feel like I built it wrong - it needed fewer value-bears and more mid-rangy cards.

The match was disappointing, mostly because of game one. We both mulliganed to 6; I kept with 2 lands, a Wolf-Skull Shaman, an Elvish Warrier, and some other stuff. I dropped the Shaman first, hoping that I would either draw lands and cast spells, or mise a few free creatures. Nothing doing - he was playing Black/Red Goblins, removed the Shaman, made his land drops and killed me. I never saw a land until drawing a Windbrisk Heights turn 8.

I won the second game without much effort; he had an aggressive start, but I contained him pretty quickly, outclassed all his creatures, and beat him down with Oakgnarl Warrior and some tricks with Nath's Elite. Game three was a long grindy affair. I didn't realize Goblins had so many graveyard recursion and card advantage tricks in this format! I was able to make favorable block after favorable block, but his card advantage eventually whittled me down.

Time for lunch. I'll be back for more later...

EDIT: Why didn't I have more Elves? They weren't there. More specifically, there were a bunch of inefficient Elves, but I couldn't find enough cards that wanted me to have Elves to make it worth picking/playing a bunch of inefficient Elves.


Just came back from buying my box and pulled a Voice of Resurgence. Next thing I know, I got like 4 different people with binders all in my face trying to trade for it lol.
Did another Lorwyn draft. This one was much better; in terms of the draft anyway. When Mad Auntie was passed to me P1P3, I jumped into Goblins and that was definitely the place to be.

Match one was intense. My opponent was playing GB Elves. In games one and two, he had a Lys Alana Huntmaster on turn 3 thanks to a mana dork, and in each game I had to come up with removal for it just to stay alive. Both of those games saw him generate a huge board advantage early; in game one I overcame it, and in game two I couldn't. But both games took forever, and I made him take every second necessary to kill me. We started game three with him at 5 minutes and me at 7.

I beat down mercilessly game 3, taking him to zero life with 5 seconds left on his clock and 2:15 on mine. I could have had more time, but when I got ahead on board I wanted to craft a board state to where I won for real rather than just time him out.

Match two was against UB Faeries. Game one saw him stall the game early, but he wasted his removal and counterspells against my fodder creatures, and he didn't have an answer for Boggart Mob once he got online. Game two I kept with 2 swamps on the draw, and didn't see any lands until it was too late.

Game three he mulliganed to five. I'm on the play. I drop a turn one Mudbutton Clanger, he follows up with an Oona's Blackguard. I have a Pack's Disdain, but opt not to kill it, since I have a hand full of gas and I can kill whatever he follows it up with. I want to build my board and press my advantage while I can. His next play is a 1/1 rogue, which comes in with a counter and is a 2/2 flier.

I disdain that creature and attack in - and then realize that I had a Goblin and an Elemental - not two Goblins. That mistake cost me the game; we race for a while, but I can't keep up with losing a card each turn - he eventually establishes enough of a board to hold me off and I have to concede. I'm still mad at myself for that - it was a stupid mistake that I wouldn't have made if I had just put a little more thought into it.

That's all I have time for today - looking forward to doing more Lorwyn drafts tomorrow! I like this a lot more than the Shadowmoor drafts they brought back a couple of weeks ago.


Did a midnight draft and went 4-0 with $50 4 color removal madness. Got Voice of Resurgence, Aurelia's Fury, and Abrupt Decay as my rares then followed it up with a few beaters and a ton of removal. Had a couple close games but was able to pull it off. Opted for Gatecrash for my prize packs since Dragon's Maze has some pretty terrible value outside of the 2 obvious mythics.

Actually got the store owner to run the draft the way it's supposed to be ran. Kind of doubting it'll last though since he seemed to have a lot of DGM boxes that he'll want to move.

Just came back from buying my box and pulled a Voice of Resurgence. Next thing I know, I got like 4 different people with binders all in my face trying to trade for it lol.

Damn, I wish people around here wanted him. Especially at $35 that he's at now.

The Adder

I'll be trying my best not to suggest any expensive cards, but let me see...

Note: Cards marked with a * are the better cards but come from Innistrad, which means they're going to rotate out of Standard in about six months.

I'm not entirely sure about the spells, but I think the deck's okay, and doesn't use any rares you didn't have. Here's my individual card breakdown:
  • The deck needs 24 or more lands so it can cast Stolen Identity properly, which is why I added a fourth guildgate
  • Four Stolen Identities can clog up your hand in the early game, so I removed one. With three you're still likely to see a copy by the time you're able to pay six mana, anyway
  • Doorkeeper is a decent defensive card that comes down really early and can help you mill if you need to; it also loves being cloned as well
  • Lyev Skyknight is an awesome evasive creature that works great with Stolen Identity, since it lets you detain stuff continously, and is unique in that it can detain more than just creatures, so you can completely nullify a planeswalker (amazing against control) or weaken some artifacts with it.
  • Soulsworn Spirit/Invisible Stalker are prime Stolen Identity encode targets since they'll always get through, and the Spirit detains stuff as you clone it, stopping their strongest creature dead in its tracks for as long as you want to; the Stalker, on the other hand, doesn't hit as hard but comes down earlier and has hexproof, making it nigh-impossible to kill
  • Ascended Lawmage is a bit on the expensive side (mana-wise), but it's hexproof, so it's a lot harder to kill and is therefore a greatcypher carrier
  • Mizzium Skin is a better card for protecting your creatures than Dispel/Negate, and the added toughness and overload ability can come in handy every now and then
  • Hands of Binding is a strong and cheap cypher card that also bogs down your opponent's assault, buying you time until you can get your Stolen Identities online
  • A second Azorius Keyrune will prove very useful in getting to six mana faster (since Prophetic Prism didn't accelerate), and can double as an attacker that dodges sweepers, has evasion and can carry cypher cards in a pinch

I hope you find this suggestions useful. I really like your deck... actually, I think I might build something similar and bring it to my local FNM this friday! I love the deck's concept and how it lends itself well to synergistic card choices.

EDIT: I also removed most of the non-creature counters, since you're ery likely to find the current standard chock-full of creatures. If you'd like, you could replace the Cancel/Dissipates for Essence Scatter, even. If you had some money for rares or slightly more expensive cards, you could get your hands on some Azorius Charms and Moorland Haunts (a rare from Innistrad), which are both pretty cheap and could help your deck somewhat.

Here's an example sideboard as well:

Thanks for the advice. Took a lot of it, modified some of it. Could only get my hands on one Lyev Skynight and one Ascended Lawmage. Subbed in 3 Skymark Rocs, Jelenn Sphinx, and one Hussar Patrol for the missing ones. Also subbed out one Hands of Binding for a Rewind.


Thanks for the advice. Took a lot of it, modified some of it. Could only get my hands on one Lyev Skynight and one Ascended Lawmage. Subbed in 3 Skymark Rocs, Jelenn Sphinx, and one Hussar Patrol for the missing ones. Also subbed out one Hands of Binding for a Rewind.

I'd say you'd be better off without the Rewind. Nowadays it costs too much mana, and your deck doesn't have that many plays with the four nama it gets back. Really, Hands of Binding is just that good (if a bit weak against removal-heavy decks).

Skymark Rocs could be an interesting tempo card, as continously bouncing your opponent's creatures could buy you quite a bit of time. The Sphinx and Patrol should be some cheaper creatures, though, since you'll need them against the horde of aggro decks that are in the format.

Since you don't have the other Skyknights and Lawmages, I'd say you could use some of the following:
  • Fencing Ace: As another user has said, it's amazing with Cypher, and will keep two creatures locked down forever with Hands of Binding; it's dies to just about anything, though, and 2/2 creatures will stop it dead in its tracks
  • Frostburn Weird: Even though it might be a bit blue-intensive, so you should probably playtest it a bit
  • Nibilis of the Urn: Taps down a potential blocker every turn, and it has flying as well, but it's somewhat small
  • Spectral Rider (Innistrad uncommon): This spirit's intimidate and good size-to-cost ratio could prove useful if your local FNM doesn't have lots of white decks
  • Syndic of Tithes: An Orzhov card and somewhat underwhelming, yeah, but you can get extort triggers out of cypher copies, meaning repeatable lifegain and a way to get added value out of your late-game draws
  • Artic Aven: Essentialy a 3/2 flier in your deck, and the lifelink could come in handy for winning damage races; it's definitely one of the better cards in this list
  • Latch Seeker (Avacyn Restored uncommon): It's particularily fragile, but the three unblockable power for three mana is a good deal
  • Drogskol Captain (Dark Ascension uncommon): It could be particularily good if you end up running enough spirits in your deck, but is pretty weak otherwise
  • Dungeon Geists (Dark Ascension bulk rare): It could be particularily helpful in your deck, providing a decent-sized body with evasion while keeping a creature tapped down forever
  • Blind Obedience: Keeping creatures tapped down when they enter the battlefield means they won't be blocking on the turn they come down; this'd be a great cards to play if you end up deciding to use small and easily blockable cards such as Fencing Ace, since it'll let them get through the first time so you can get some Hands of Binding triggers; it's a Gatecrash rare that might be somewhat expensive, though (I'm not sure of its current price)
Another set release, and once again I find myself drawing up another casual EDH list. For Gatecrash it was Borborgymos, (affectionately known as Booby Gigas at my LGS), this time, it's for Ms. Teysa. I think I know what draws me to casual EDH. When I build decks, I have a tendency to throw a lot of 1-ofs in my decks for various reasons. This can be bad deckbuilding in most traditional 60-card lists, but in EDH it's encouraged. I also don't have to care nearly as much about mana curve, and my groups are casual enough that I don't have to be super competitive.

My EDH Decks so far...

Ashling, The Pilgrim (My goto deck, named Ashling, The Pilgrim vs. the World)
Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund
Krenko, Mob Boss
Bruna, Light of Alabaster (might become a Bant Enchantress deck, pending review)
Borborgymos Enraged
Scrion of the Ur Dragon*
Maelstrom Wanderer*
Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts*

* = WIP


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I was joking about the mono green. I'm brewing a bant deck that will absolutely be awesome. My BUG deck is still winning games at the store, which is good enough for me.


I was joking about the mono green. I'm brewing a bant deck that will absolutely be awesome. My BUG deck is still winning games at the store, which is good enough for me.

BUG ftw. I have yet to put together my BUG aggro deck, still need 2 more Breeding Pools for it and I refuse to trade down or pay for them outright. I was looking at BUG tempo, but it doesn't appear as successful a deck - although I'm sure people are brewing different versions with DGM out (same with aggro).

Really, I just want an excuse to play Mr. Frowny Face.


Neo Member
Whats the best way to make a Jund deck form scratch? I pulled Runic Thar and Master of Cruelties, as well as the Blood Witch, and I figured BRG sounds fun to play, but I'm not the best at deck making. Any starting spots or tips?


BUG ftw. I have yet to put together my BUG aggro deck, still need 2 more Breeding Pools for it and I refuse to trade down or pay for them outright. I was looking at BUG tempo, but it doesn't appear as successful a deck - although I'm sure people are brewing different versions with DGM out (same with aggro).

Really, I just want an excuse to play Mr. Frowny Face.

Mr. Frowny Face? What's that?

I went for BUG because Simic and Golgari are my second and third favorite guilds (after Izzet), and I don't particularily hate Dimir either. My build trades powerful creatures I could be playing for lots of versatility trough flash creatures and instant-speed spells, and I'm hoping it can at least do moderately well. Here's my decklist written from memory (hence no basic land count) with a placeholder sideboard I've come up with today:

Lands (25)
3 Breeding Pool
3 Hinterland Harbor
2 Overgrown Tomb
2 Watery Grave
(plus some Forests, Islands and Swamps)

Creatures (18)
4 Arbor Elf
3 Shambleshark
1 Skylasher
1 Snapcaster Mage
3 Wolfir Avenger
1 Yeva, Nature's Herald
2 Wolfir Silverheart
3 Aetherling

Spells (17)
3 Farseek
3 Spell Rupture
2 Abrupt Decay
3 Putrefy
1 Liliana of the Veil
3 Far/Away
1 Plasm Capture
1 Gaze of Granite

2 Pithing Needle
1 Deathrite Shaman
3 Duress
1 Knight of Infamy
1 Abrupt Decay
2 Golgari Charm
2 Crypt Incursion
3 Vampire Nighthawk


Mr. Frowny Face? What's that?

I went for BUG because Simic and Golgari are my second and third favorite guilds (after Izzet), and I don't particularily hate Dimir either. My build trades powerful creatures I could be playing for lots of versatility trough flash creatures and instant-speed spells, and I'm hoping it can at least do moderately well. Here's my decklist written from memory (hence no basic land count) with a placeholder sideboard I've come up with today:

Duskmantle Seer. I love him so.


Whats the best way to make a Jund deck form scratch? I pulled Runic Thar and Master of Cruelties, as well as the Blood Witch, and I figured BRG sounds fun to play, but I'm not the best at deck making. Any starting spots or tips?

Let me see...
  • Arbor Elf and Farseek are a must, since you probably want to cast all your bomby spells as fast as possible
  • You'll have access to lost of removal such as Putrefy, Abrupt Decay, Pillar of Flame, Searing Spear, Gaze of Granite and Tragic Slip
  • If you wanted, you could go for some Burning-Tree Emissaries and Flinthoof Boars, but that'd be more all-out aggro than a midrange bomb-playing deck
  • You could play some Signal the Clans to fetch whichever creatures you need the most; this works great if you don't have the money to buy playsets of everything, but be careful that it doesn't let you play like a toolbox deck unless you have lots of redundant effects across creatures
  • Wolfir Silverheart is an underappreciated card (mostly since it's a lot weaker against removal compared to Thragtusk and Vorapede), but it's still a blowout when it lands and red-based decks have one hell of a time trying to get around an 8/8 and another creature that's at least a 5/5
  • Kessig Wolf Run could be a really viable tool for your deck, since your plan is to collect lots of mana to cast your fatties
  • Stuff such as Dreg Reaver and Strangleroot Geist are great on ofense and still not completely useless when you need to play defensively; another aggressive card you should consider playing is good old Rancor
  • Savageborn Hydra asks your opponents to answer it fast or die almost immediately; it's also a good mana sink and loves getting trample from Wolf Run or Rancor)
  • Exava (the Rakdos champion) could also be an interesting addition to this deck, and she has some synergy with Lotleth Troll and Savageborn Hydra
  • Lotleth Troll might not be that powerful if you don't build your deck around it, but it has extremely cheap regeneration (remember, the new Wrath lets you regenerate it!) and has trample by default
  • You could also go for an odball mill-reanimation theme with Entering (from Breaking/Entering) as well as stuff such as Grisly Salvage, Lotleth Troll and Drown in Filth
  • You also have some general utility cards such as Acidic Slime

All in all, I think you could build an interesting deck in jund colors.

Duskmantle Seer. I love him so.

I don't like him too much personally (mostly since he doesn't fit my current deck), but he is a decent card. You've got to be careful about playing him when you're up against aggro decks that pack burn, though, since you'd be burning yourself every now and then while potentially giving them more burn spells to fling at you.


Know whats fun? A cube game where it ends on turn 15 and there are a total of 5 lands in play and in the graveyards. As I died, I calculated that my deck was 15 lands and 3 spells. My opponent had an Elf and 3 lands, so of course he won.


Observations: After a fat pack and two booster boxes I got two, count them two shocklands. I was over halfway through the first booster box before we got one. I was starting to question whether or not they even printed them in this run. I have a friend who didn't even get one in his box. That seems off to me.

Good thing I ordered my set of Skylashers, since I pulled 4 more... lol... I did OK with my pulls though. A few Advent of the Wurm, a couple Plasm Capture, Ral, Voice of Reason. I was sad not to get the Bloodkeeper, but you can't get all of them.

All in all I'm relatively happy with the pulls. I'm just surprised by the relative lack of shocklands given the amount of packs I opened.


Observations: After a fat pack and two booster boxes I got two, count them two shocklands. I was over halfway through the first booster box before we got one. I was starting to question whether or not they even printed them in this run. I have a friend who didn't even get one in his box. That seems off to me.

Good thing I ordered my set of Skylashers, since I pulled 4 more... lol... I did OK with my pulls though. A few Advent of the Wurm, a couple Plasm Capture, Ral, Voice of Reason. I was sad not to get the Bloodkeeper, but you can't get all of them.

All in all I'm relatively happy with the pulls. I'm just surprised by the relative lack of shocklands given the amount of packs I opened.
Shocks should average out to 1.6 per box. (I figured out the trick they used that made their math work.)


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Yea I had a coworker open a box over lunch and he only got 1 shock. He did get 7 mythics in the box (including 2 ral zaraks) so he was happy.
Shocks should average out to 1.6 per box. (I figured out the trick they used that made their math work.)

Sounds about right, I went to my lgs today. The shop owner always opens a case for the store to sell the singles. I asked how many shocks he pulled and he said he got 5 in the case.

There wasn't much in this set that I wanted so I didn't get a box, just a fat pack. Pulled a Ral Zarek so that's something at least. The rest of the fat pack was jank, and no shocks.


Just got back from a ridiculous DGR draft. I'm not sure how I got passed so much removal, but I took first undefeated. Here was my deck:

2 Ubul Sar Gatekeeper
1 Sunspire Gatekeeper
1 Maze Sentinel
1 Kraul Warrior
1 Bascilica Screecher
1 Golgari Longlegs
1 Stonefare Crocodile
1 Seller of Songbirds
1 Sewer Shambler

1 Ready & Willing
1 Drown in Filth
2 Fatal Fumes
1 Down & Dirty
1 One Thousand Lashes
2 Devour Flesh
1 Grisly Spectacle
1 Stab Wound
2 Grisly Salvage
1 Security Blockade

2 Orzhov Guildgate
1 Simic Guildate
1 Dimir Guildgate
1 Golgari Guildgate
4 Swamp
4 Forest
4 Plains

1 Mutant's Prey
1 Phytoburst
1 Lyev Decree
1 Blast of Genius
1 Sacred Foundry
1 Voidwalk
1 Death's Approach
1 Bioshift
1 Executioner's Swing
1 Common Bond
1 Batterhorn
1 Survey the Wreckage
1 Rites of Reaping
1 Martial Law

Drafting this set is tons of fun. I'm really interested in giving the defender deck a shot one of these days.
So...this deck looks like a pile of garbage. But it's one of the most consistent Modern turn 4 combo decks I've tried. This is obviously just goldfishing; Hidden Strings isn't on MTGO, so I haven't tried building it there yet. But the deck is...crazy (once you figure out what it's trying to do - it might take a few iterations to start doing things right).


Think High Tide. You're trying to enchant your lands to make them tap for excess mana, then use cheap untap effects to generate a critical mass of mana.

A typical game should look like this:

Turns 1-3: Enchant one land repeatedly.

Turn 4: Start generating mana. You need to find an X-draw spell or, preferably, a Gifts Ungiven. Gifts piles always include Past in Flames and some number of untap effects, and often include an X-draw spell or an Enter the Infinite if you're confident in your mana production. Generate obscene amounts of mana by prioritizing auras which will net positive mana over the number of untaps you have remaining in your deck. Finish the game with a massive Blue Sun's Zenith pointed at your opponent and make them draw through the end of their deck.

No guarantee the deck ends up actually being good. But if you're looking for something for Modern FNM once DGM release stuff is over, give it a shot. If nothing else, you're sure to confuse your opponent.


Deadbridge Chant is apparently showing up in Jund/Junk alongside Sire of Insanity to enable some dirty, dirty schenanigans.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Flores is doing pretty good with a bant list that I sort of cobbled together yesterday. I really like Aetherling. 7 mana really isn't great, but it's also pretty consistently easy to get to in bant. Wish I had a couple more of those things, but I'm going to have to wait on the price drops on those

EDIT: And he lost. lol
So I've thrown away way too many tickets on Lorwyn drafts this weekend, trying to figure out what this format was about (and yes, hoping to mise a Thoughtseize or Clique; no such luck for me). I'm curious what other people who drafted the format when it was active think of it, because my opinion is very mixed.

I never made it to the finals of any of my drafts, so take my opinion with a grain of salt: I would never confess to being "good" at this. At first, I really liked the format - there seemed to be a lot of interesting things to explore. But by the end I just found the entire thing lacking something. When kirblar said "tribal synergies," he wasn't kidding. The format feels like Wizards built a series of engine-combo decks and shuffled them together, and everybody is trying to draft combo against each other. Maybe I'm just flat-out wrong, but it feels like the right way to draft the format is to know what the synergies are, pick up the pieces as you see them, and hope you see the other pieces. It's beautiful when it works, but incredibly frustrating when you end up with half of your synergies and nothing comes together (probably because someone else is trying to do the same thing and ended up with half of your stuff).

In many ways, it reminds me of Return to Ravnica and Gatecrash - in that there are a pile of pre-built decks in the format. Except, in RTR/GTC, you didn't have to draft full-on synergies to win games. You could try to make it happen and get rewarded for it if you did, but you weren't left with a pile of cards that were mostly do-nothings on their own. Take Selesnya - you could absolutely draft a full-on populate engine deck that was capable of generating insane armies and swarming your opponent. But if the draft didn't give that to you, you would still end up with a midrange deck and some combat tricks that was capable of winning. The same is true for any of the other guilds in RTR/GTC - there were powerful synergies that you could leverage, but they weren't game-winning on their own, or backbreaking if you only managed to assemble half during the draft.

If I were to summarize my experience, I would say that Lorwyn feels like an experiment, and Return to Ravnica/Gatecrash feel like an evolution of that formula. I think I would have enjoyed Lorwyn if I had played with it when it was the active format, and I did enjoy the drafts I did this weekend, but I'm not interesting in spending any more time with it.
I took 3rd place at the sealed tournament at my lgs today. Played a heavily aggro RWB deck went 3-1. I kind of like the launch party card it looks nice.



Is it just me or did boros get mega screwed in DGM. There are like 2 decent boros cards in the set
Boros was the best guild by a mile in GTC. (Almost all of their rares are constructed playable, compared to much lower %s for the other guilds.) As such, they didn't leave the DGM team much room to push them further.


Boros was the best guild by a mile in GTC. (Almost all of their rares are constructed playable, compared to much lower %s for the other guilds.) As such, they didn't leave the DGM team much room to push them further.
I mean, they couldnt give us a good fuse card, or any decent burn, or anything?

I get what you are saying but there is literally no motivation for me to even open packs at this stage.


I mean, they couldnt give us a good fuse card, or any decent burn, or anything?

I get what you are saying but there is literally no motivation for me to even open packs at this stage.
Their mythic and common are very good. I completely agree with the decision to cut Lightning Helix, btw - its just stupidly good w/ Snapcaster.

Also, the Boros Fuse card is actually incredible. It's just a pure utility card, not a beatdown one.


apparently this well known dealer Eli Kassis was hit during SCG in new Jersey. Some thieves took a collection worth around 75k of magic cards from his trunk.

Now one could argue that it is quiet stupid to leave something that valuable in a car, but everything looks like it was a targeted hit. He made an agreement with another dealer to trade a whole bunch of cards at the event which didnt work out or something.

Still quiet bad losing such an amount of cards, The binders that were stolen were filled with a large number of miscut dual lands (about 30), 30 beta duals and several pieces of power, and just about every legacy staple in Japanese foil. There were also two boxes stolen with a large assortment of foil Japanese cards and about 100 revised duals, mostly blue ones.


apparently this well known dealer Eli Kassis was hit during SCG in new Jersey. Some thieves took a collection worth around 75k of magic cards from his trunk.

Now one could argue that it is quiet stupid to leave something that valuable in a car, but everything looks like it was a targeted hit. He made an agreement with another dealer to trade a whole bunch of cards at the event which didnt work out or something.

Still quiet bad losing such an amount of cards, The binders that were stolen were filled with a large number of miscut dual lands (about 30), 30 beta duals and several pieces of power, and just about every legacy staple in Japanese foil. There were also two boxes stolen with a large assortment of foil Japanese cards and about 100 revised duals, mostly blue ones.

Can't stand when shit like this happens. The fact that it was potentially premeditated makes it particularly terrible.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
apparently this well known dealer Eli Kassis was hit during SCG in new Jersey. Some thieves took a collection worth around 75k of magic cards from his trunk.

Now one could argue that it is quiet stupid to leave something that valuable in a car, but everything looks like it was a targeted hit. He made an agreement with another dealer to trade a whole bunch of cards at the event which didnt work out or something.

Still quiet bad losing such an amount of cards, The binders that were stolen were filled with a large number of miscut dual lands (about 30), 30 beta duals and several pieces of power, and just about every legacy staple in Japanese foil. There were also two boxes stolen with a large assortment of foil Japanese cards and about 100 revised duals, mostly blue ones.

I feel bad for the guy, but you're not incredibly bright to bring $75,000 and leave it in a unguarded car, especially after letting somebody know that you're bringing it to a specific location. How does he know the supposed dealer? Even if you know that guy, you don't know everybody that guy might have told.
Eli is a really awesome guy too (he owns Jupiter Games in upstate NY and runs a regular Legacy tournament there. I also remember him making the finals vs. Hatfield in one of the SCGs).

That really fucking sucks. The amount of money circulating in this game now is just insane and bound to attract more nastiness like this.


A lot of MTG communities are asking to everybody keep a look out, but by doing that its getting a lot of attention, if the thief see's it he will wait for it to blow over. Or ship to Europe and or sell locally.


I guess I'll be that guy and say at least these are likely going to be back in circulation. Crazy how I was guarding my ~2,000 in cards I took to the GP in Pittsburgh much better than this guy and a big chunk of his business.


Eli really is a great guy (despite how he says his first name). When I saw the list of the inventory tweeted yesterday I couldn't believe it. I really hope he gets resolution on it.


1x beta lotus MP+ $2,500
1x unlimited lotus SP+ $1,350
1x beta mox Sapphire mp $800
1x beta mox sapphire SP $950
1x beta mox jet SP $850
1x beta mox jet MP $650
1x beta mox ruby SP- $600
1x beta mox pearl mp $550
1x alpha time vault SP $750
1x beta mox emerald MP+ $600
1x beta Ancestral recall MP $750
1x beta time walk MP $650
16 underground sea $2,400
14 tundra $1,400
17 volcanic island $1,700
3 unlimited taiga MP $150
14 Tropical island $1,400
7x japanese foil must rainforest $2,800
4x japanese foil bloodstained mire $2,000
4x japanese foil wooded foothills $2,000
4x japanese foil arid Mesa $600
4x japanese foil marsh flats $600
3x japanese foil tarmogoyf $3000
2x Miscut badlands $1000
2x Miscut savannah $1,500
3x Miscut underground sea $5,600
1x Miscut bayou $800
3x Miscut Taiga $1,950
3x Miscut tropical island $3,000
4x Miscut plateau $2,000
4x japanese foil academy rector $450
4x Korean natural order $300
16x force of will $1,280
30 FWB German Duals (mixed) $2,000
40 death rite shamans $480
4 foil death rite shaman $200
4x foil japanese lord of Atlantis timespiral $160
4x japanese foil merrow reejery $100
4x foil wasteland $440
8x beta tundra SP$6,400
2x beta badlands nm-$1,000
2x beta Savannah nm- $1,200
1x beta underground sea MP $750
1x Fbb plateau $110
2x japanese foil knight of the reliquary $300
8x japanese foil burning wish $1,200
20x Ravnica/guild pact/dissension japanese foil shock lands $2,000
1x unlimited time twister $200
1x library of Alexandria $175
2x japanese foil goblin Welder $400
1x japanese foil grim Monolith
3x Miscut Birds of paradise $450
4x japanese foil pattern or rebirth .$140
4x japanese foil nimble mongoose $300
1x japanese foil batterskull $60
1x japanese foil sword of feast and famine $120
1x japanese foil sword of war and peace $60
1x japanese foil sword of body and mind $50
4x Eureka NM, SP, MP, MP $300
2x English mana drain $250
1x Italian mana drain $100
4x Korean grindstone $160
1x japanese foil snapcaster Mage $175
4x japanese survival of the fittest $100
3x Korean survival of the fittest $120
3x japanese foil engineered explosives $600
4x japanese foil mox opal $400
100 assorted Miscut basics revised $8,000 at least


I think it's interesting to note that it says "Slivers YOU control" instead of the old ones affecting every Sliver.

I wonder if they will do all 5 colors. The previous returning mechanics (Scry, Bloodlust, Exalted) were all limited to 2 colors. Green and Red are obvious, and maybe White to do a 3rd color?

EDIT: and they just posted 2 more- 2R 2/2 gives haste and a 6G 6/6 that gives Trample.


I think it's interesting to note that it says "Slivers YOU control" instead of the old ones affecting every Sliver.

I wonder if they will do all 5 colors. The previous returning mechanics (Scry, Bloodlust, Exalted) were all limited to 2 colors. Green and Red are obvious, and maybe White to do a 3rd color?

EDIT: and they just posted 2 more- 2R 2/2 gives haste and a 6G 6/6 that gives Trample.
Makes board states much, much easier to manage.


Why are they one sided? (I prefer one-sided lords but that's pretty much the antithesis of the Sliver MO).

Why are they Predators now?

How did they get on Shandalaar?

Does this count as our returning "mechanic"? I hope not :(

So many questions....... I hope limited isn't just "who can draft the most slivers" but M13 was pretty great so I won't start sweating till I see more of the spoiler.
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