[QUOTE="God's Beard!";181347758]I remember Mr. GW himself complaining about the new format because Abzan was too good and his GW decks weren't getting there.
Duxstar where you at?

Giving up on standard because I don't want to pay $45 bux for 4 gideons; I actually thought the deck was weak to jeskai thanks to the Mantis Riders (trust me, Turn 3, into turn 4 mantis rider feel's impossible to beat on g/w side of the field) but like i suspected Surge of Rightousness in the sideboard helps with ALOT of matchups.
I don't know, I found a place that does FNM draft instead of standard so I don't think I will be playing it for quite awhile (ironic that g/w finally wins an event and I'm not even into standard when it happens).
We'll see what the response is to the g/w decks next week, I think esper dragon's is really well positioned against the deck in general; Complete Disregard, Horribly Awry, into Languish and dig through times kind of sucks, the best answer to the control decks is Evolutionary Leap + Hangarback.