Etrian Oddity
Fuck, Wild Slash and Kolaghan's Command have fucking spiked in the past couple months. Knew I should've hopped on those.
yup they def do. Beleieve in the kirblar, he doesn't spec because he doesn't have time to move shit.Just watched Liliana tick up. Guess a lot of people do watch these. I should have grabbed my fourth one already, but I'm happy with running three.
Also, Who else finds it funny that most of the deck is 4-ofs? Looks like there's room for optimization. Decklist grabbed from here:
Haha Owen
What a douche
Does anyone have any idea how to do a splash of Red in a heavy White deck?
That makes sense. I'm debating splashing WarFlare in my White Weenie deck because Kytheon's Tactics is too slow but Inspired Tactics is just meh for the cost.4x GW fetchland, 1x RG tango? If you're unwilling to use a painland.
Sat next to him at a GP Balt and his opponent was clueless about who he was. "Oh, you're from Brazil, that's cool!"Paulo is really good at Magic.
Damn. That's rough. Bad match ups / bad cooperation from your deck or was it a very prepared field?
Loving Finkel's deck.
I'm screwing around with Azusa + Crucible + Storm Cauldron in EDH right now. People hate me.Ugh, Crucible of Worlds just slowly climbs in price... Feels like a dollar every couple weeks. I really don't want to pay 40 fucking dollars (US) for a Magic card, but there's no other card like it... It's a tough life.
I'm tempted to just buy damaged copies for $10 off, lol
Loving Finkel's deck.
An interviewer said he can add another PT top 8 to his resume and he responds with something along the lines of: "Oh yeah it's great. That's a guaranteed 10k, maybe even 40k." LOL Owen keeping it real.I missed it, what happened?
Also, first time actually hearing LSV. For some reason, I previously imagined him having a wacky European accent.
An interviewer said he can add another PT top 8 to his resume and he responds with something along the lines of: "Oh yeah it's great. That's a guaranteed 10k, maybe even 40k." LOL Owen keeping it real.
Glad Finkel has made top 8. Straight up beasting the last two rounds.
A lot of them were running Seeker of the Way, I think. None of that w/ this deck.
Yeah I keep going from 2-4, it changes based on how I configure the rest of my spells.Soulfires up the wazoo. Kologhan and Ojutai's command, just like all the best value cards.
Exert not being an enchantment was something I completely overlooked, its a big change.
Yeah, I posted a deck in here that had liliana with silumgar's sorceror and the 1 mana bounce guy when dragons came out but I didn't think it was very good lolLiliana's -1 often becomes JTMS's -1 in that deck, wow.
Not every deck. I see what the u/b aristocrats is doing and is kind of cool; i just hate that decks that require MINIMAL thought process.
This. My Sultai 'crats deck can get its ass handed to it, but goddamn it's fun to pilot.Aristocrats is not easy to pilot if u watched the match.
So I ended up getting 4th or 3rd at states OhioI assume 4th,but Yay zero testing!
My receipts:
(I'm wearing the blue hat and 8th place)
Also that's a top 8 before we played the rounds. Ended up playing against the first place guy running 5c Bring to light and lost top 4 to atarka red.