by winning of courseyup just found it myself, but how do you get more points?
you can go to the store to buy ticks/packs but it's cheaper to buy the ticks and packs from third parties.
by winning of courseyup just found it myself, but how do you get more points?
by winning of course
you can go to the store to buy ticks/packs but it's cheaper to buy the ticks and packs from third parties.
The more I watch this Standard format, the more I have this feeling that Dark Jeskai is actually the best deck but requires significantly more skill/discipline to squeeze those extra wins out of it than, say, GW Megamorph.
I dare them to put Wooded Foothills and Polluted Delta in a Jace duel deck.Ultimate standard wish is for Baby Jace to be reprinted in a duel deck out of nowhere. Then budget players can enjoy playing with one of the coolest utility belt cards Wizards has ever printed.
When was the last time they printed a really desirable card (that isn't new) in a supplemental precon? And not counting new Commander set cards that turn into Legacy desirables.
When was the last time they printed a really desirable card (that isn't new) in a supplemental precon? And not counting new Commander set cards that turn into Legacy desirables.
That's amazing.Speaking of everyone's favorite content producer: Standard Land Destruction featuring SaffronOlive
Speaking of everyone's favorite content producer: Standard Land Destruction featuring SaffronOlive
The bigger problem to me is that there's no way they put Ugin in a duel deck when they can just put Ugin in Modern Masters '19 and eat up a rare slot with a 40 dollar card.
You think Ugin will still just be $40 with no other reprintings for 4 years? I think he'd be at least $70 by then.
I don't think Karn was and Karn is a 4 of in Tron (I think).
It spiked here or there
The new FNM promos were revealed in order of appearance
Urgh January
His high was $54. I don't think Ugin goes much beyond $40-50. His price won't go down though because he's kind of a casual/EDH staple and sees at least some play in Modern.
Whatever was the reason we had Elspeth vs Kiora in the first place? They're cool with each other in the storyline.
Not that I'm complaining, Kiora deserves the exposure. I hope U/G gets some good representation in Oath.
Whatever was the reason we had Elspeth vs Kiora in the first place? They're cool with each other in the storyline.
Not that I'm complaining, Kiora deserves the exposure. I hope U/G gets some good representation in Oath.
Well, there was an actual story with Jace vs. Vraska, but there was no story whatsoever with Elspeth v. Kiora. My guess is that they decided not to do one since a) there's no reason they would fight, and b) Elspeth is "dead."
It still makes me laugh that they've now officially retconned Nissa's cleavage.
Huh, what did they do?
Speaking of everyone's favorite content producer: Standard Land Destruction featuring SaffronOlive
The one on the left is the actual card art, the one on the right is the Duels of the Planeswalkers art because someone at the ESRB complained and they were forced to photoshop the boobs out.
Ever since ORI she's had the same outfit but now its the covered up version.
Hey guys a quick question -- are fetches from Khans still going to be legal when Dragons of Tarkir is legal in standard? I'm confused as to when the fetchlands from Khans are going to rotate out. Thanks!
The fetchlands will rotate at the same time as Khans (and Fate Reforged) which will be whenever the set after Oath releases.Hey guys a quick question -- are fetches from Khans still going to be legal when Dragons of Tarkir is legal in standard? I'm confused as to when the fetchlands from Khans are going to rotate out. Thanks!
Hey guys a quick question -- are fetches from Khans still going to be legal when Dragons of Tarkir is legal in standard? I'm confused as to when the fetchlands from Khans are going to rotate out. Thanks!
Time for Ojutai to shine then!Khans block is weird. It's semi-arbitrarily split so that Khans of Tarkir and Fate Reforged rotate out of Standard at a different time than Dragons of Tarkir and Magic Origins do.
I think sealed's a better tool for getting started with limited. You get a pile of assorted cards and can mess with your deck all you want to see whether color X works well, if color Y's creatures are better than X's or if it's worth it splashing for a couple off-color cards. Meanwhile, you're probably screwed if you end up drafting colors that get cut, or if you aren't all that good at picking and end up with an imbalanced mana curve or card types.
The only downside is that sealed's more expensive than draft and you get less opportunities to try the format out outside of prereleases, since competitive REL events don't allow you to alter your pre-board maindeck at all.
Yeah they are, hence you could just walk away with them before swapping them.
Don't really get your point, tbh. The cards aren't yours until you pay for them, either. But either way, the packs you paid for are what you own.
There is a reason the word "coercion" exists in the English language. You can "agree" to all sorts of things. Players who talk new, or uninformed players into a unauthorized format that all but guarantees they're buying cards for the most experienced in the group are thieves.
Now, take 8 salty, jaded players and they all then agree to such a proposition then the whole scenario changes. Now it's just gambling.
And that's super fucked up if it's the only option available to players at a store.You don't get to play in the event though. Should I have stated that outright? I thought it was implicit given people show up to events to play at them. You always have the option to bounce but if you actually want to play in the event, you agree and understand that the cards you open aren't actually yours to keep (necessarily).