Angry Grimace
Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Edric, Spymaster of Trest
Marshall has a new draft on fireball youtube.
Someone tell me why he picked....
Touch of the void over emeria?
I didn't watch the video, but I assume he was prioritizing creature destruction over big creatures.
3rd pick.
Passes the retreat.
Heres the video.
I guess void is good, and maybe im over value retreat with blue cards, but free 1/1 just for dropping good to pass
Also wondering if i got bad advice from my friend.
He told me i should build decks in limited with 17 creaturEs, 6 spells, and 17 land
Most drafts i watch they build there deck with maybe 14 creatures 9 spells ish.
Marshall has a new draft on fireball youtube.
Someone tell me why he picked....
Touch of the void over emeria?
UR is considered to be one of the strongest archetypes in the format. Retreat is one of the best uncommons. It's actually a tough choice.
Random aside: I think SaffronOlive and MTGGoldfish are putting out some of my favorite content right now.
You've been calling it "theft" or "shitty people trying to screw over others".
I also paid for the expedition I cracked open in my first pack and had to pass if I wanted to actually play the game optimally. I don't buy into drafts for cards, I buy into it for the draft. If I played drafts to own the cool stuff I opened, I'd just skip the drafts and buy a box.
Having a layer on top that distorts the game for everyone at the table destroys the game just a little bit, and if the authority, be it the friend who brought packs for the draft, or the store, or the group of players themselves, want to do a rare redraft, I think that's a perfectly legitimate stance to take, There's no need for stooping to loaded language and insults in here. I've never even seen it used with a group with an inexperience player in person.
I also paid for the expedition I cracked open in my first pack and had to pass if I wanted to actually play the game optimally. I don't buy into drafts for cards, I buy into it for the draft. If I played drafts to own the cool stuff I opened, I'd just skip the drafts and buy a box.
Having a layer on top that distorts the game for everyone at the table destroys the game just a little bit, and if the authority, be it the friend who brought packs for the draft, or the store, or the group of players themselves, want to do a rare redraft, I think that's a perfectly legitimate stance to take, There's no need for stooping to loaded language and insults in here. I've never even seen it used with a group with an inexperience player in person.
Slightly related, I wish Wizards would implement a draft mode in mtgo that mimicked Hearthstone's arena mode- draft for a lower fee, but you don't keep any of the cards you draft.
Ok? It's still fundamentally shitty for a store to do it, I don't get all the brow beating when it's shitty behaviour that doesn't promote a good environment. I'm not sure why you don't believe that it's ever done with inexperienced players just because you haven't seen it in person.
It is. I have never had draws in real life be as abominable as mtgo.I don't care how "fun" variance is, if I get to turn 11 of a game and have yet to draw a land fuck this game,
I'm not saying the MTGO shuffler is rigged, but I seem to be getting literally 20+ lands (using Sowers) and no actual gas or 3 lands total for entire games of 20+ turns a piece.
I don't care how "fun" variance is, if I get to turn 11 of a game and have yet to draw a land fuck this game,
I'm not saying the MTGO shuffler is rigged, but I seem to be getting literally 20+ lands (using Sowers) and no actual gas or 3 lands total for entire games of 20+ turns a piece.
Because, as others have said, it's like pool sharking: you set up a bunch of rules that act in favor of the venue's regulars, you present what's supposed to come off as a fair and friendly contest, and then you clean up off people who won't be back next week. When a store runs their events this way, it's usually for this exact purpose -- it makes the tournaments much less appealing to new or casual visitors, so it basically serves as a way to make regulars happy by increasing their prizes at the expense of other players.
Like: I don't think an individual person has to be a scammer to enjoy playing in a redraft environment (and I don't have any problem at all with people who buy in with friends to do on their own), but I do think it's fundamentally sleazy for a store to run open-to-the-public events that way.
To be clear, redrafting is actually against Wizards' policy. If it's an unsanctioned event, there's nothing they can do about it, but for sanctioned events like FNM it's absolutely not allowed.
Rare redrafting is just coerced theft. You paid for those cards. They are yours. Period.
The chance of pulling something cool also boosts draft attendance. I for sure would never pay $13-15 for a draft experience if it didn't include me occasionally getting some value from the packs I opened. I'd just spend $5 and play constructed.
Optimal drafts are overrated. The amount of optimal picks I pass to take a money card is 2 or less per draft. There's still every other pick and the games themselves for me to have fun playing.
Btw I love when someone like you sits to my right. Only thing better than a 1st pick fetch is a 2nd pick fetch.
Dyall reckon that's because the mtgo shuffler is actually random, as opposed to real life where folks inadvertently don't shuffle enough?
The cards you open and pay for at a GP or similar events aren't yours until after deck swap (though I guess the GP rules just changed). It's all dependent on what you agree to beforehand.
Ive heard of this situation once before.
Xmage and cockatrice. Whats the magic communitys opinion on these? Are they better then mtgo and a necessary evil to make them get there butss in gear or something frowned upon if you admit to playing them. I have to assume they arent illegal if they havent been shutdown by magic?
I might check one out for interests sake on my surface pro.
The cards you open and pay for at a GP or similar events aren't yours until after deck swap (though I guess the GP rules just changed). It's all dependent on what you agree to beforehand.
Now it's just gambling.
The more I watch this Standard format, the more I have this feeling that Dark Jeskai is actually the best deck but requires significantly more skill/discipline to squeeze those extra wins out of it than, say, GW Megamorph.
The dirty secret of Magic is that the whole thing is gambling.
Hmm i might need to check it out. I tried that mtgmirror to practice drafting but i was finding so many packs in a row with same cards that i think the random generator is busted or something.
My buddy completely wrecked me and the whole draft last night with UR Eldrazi. The toughness on those creatures are so fat for so little cmc. It's also so easy to have synergy. So many good UR commons and uncommons.UR is considered to be one of the strongest archetypes in the format. Retreat is one of the best uncommons. It's actually a tough choice.
Random aside: I think SaffronOlive and MTGGoldfish are putting out some of my favorite content right now. Like actual budget deck ideas, etc. and while he does do the MTGFinance thing a little, he doesn't really do it in the that "hoard a million Gideons/fetchlands/etc." way, but more of a "consider picking this card up in ______ because that's when it will bottom out." It helps that I think MTGGoldfish is a really good site for figuring out price data, decklists and sorting what cards are seeing play in what.
yup just found it myself, but how do you get more points?You can see your points in your collection, under the "Other Products" tab.
are Phantom Drafts cheaper than normal drafts on MTGO, since you can't keep the cards?
and apparently I have enough play points to join a draft without paying, but I don't see anywhere how many points I have