From watching the deck it can go pretty wide and it's a way to finish an opponent that turtled up.
No. I ended up with 2 Courier Griffins, 2 Ghostly Sentinels, 2 Wave-Wing Elementals, a Skyrider Elf and 1 Angel of Renewal.
Wave-Wing is always solid. It's a decent blocker and a great attacker with landfall. Never really felt pressured in any of the games. The important thing about designing your mana curve is that if you have a lot of expensive creatures, you need cheap blockers and removal. Between the 3 walls and the 3 tightening coils, I didn't have any problem dealing with early and mid-game threats, then I'd just fly over to close out the game.How did the wave wings preform? I haven't played fliers yet and I know you drafted some blockers but do you still feel a lot of pressure? I just wondered by the time you get fliers out maybe you get stuck blocking with them but I guess the ghostly vigilance helps with that?
Tom Ross just won T3 with infect with an invigorated, become immense, berserked noble hierarch LOL.
I would buy a playset....but I know I'll never touch that deck ever.so that's why berserk exploded in price recently.
fucking $140 for an uncommon.
thanks a lot, tom fucking ross.
so that's why berserk exploded in price recently.
fucking $140 for an uncommon.
thanks a lot, tom fucking ross.
so that's why berserk exploded in price recently.
fucking $140 for an uncommon.
thanks a lot, tom fucking ross.
Always Bant, Bant is the best triple colour combination.
That's worthless coming from me though.
Hah the guy I lose to in Prereleases regularly is in a feature match at GP Quebec right now and he's playing with 3+ expeditions.
Lol @ Sigrist's deck, casting Ulamog's 3 times in succession.
Wave-Wing is always solid. It's a decent blocker and a great attacker with landfall. Never really felt pressured in any of the games. The important thing about designing your mana curve is that if you have a lot of expensive creatures, you need cheap blockers and removal. Between the 3 walls and the 3 tightening coils, I didn't have any problem dealing with early and mid-game threats, then I'd just fly over to close out the game.
Will there be any draft pn this starcitygames thing, ir just standard
Or even this grand prix channel
I got into an argument with those clowns on MTGS and they were arguing that -- along with Courser -- were fair and balanced cards, and the fact they weren't ban-worthy was evidence enough of how they were not broken. Lmao.man, prophet of kruphix is some broken mess in EDH
sure, let the player have as many turns as everyone else together
That Black Sun's Zenith is sexy. The recent Ultimate Price was a pretty good promo too, but the other promos right now are pretty lame.
I got into an argument with those clowns on MTG and they were arguing that -- along with Courser -- were fair and balanced cards, and the fact they weren't ban-worthy was evidence enough of how they were not broken. Lmao.
What? Are we talking about Courser of Kruphix?Courser's strong but at least it needs something else to really go nuts. Prophet is definitely ban-worthy though imo
I went back and check old game day promos and black sun zenith really is something else.
How much Indian/French cooking turn of the century cooking do you do that 'the' was replaced with 'ghee?'
My personal favourite Gameday Promo is
Actually bought one the day afterwards.
It's sad that miracles wasn't invented by a japanese player.
Because then it'd be Miracuru
Welcome to the new age, to the new age
His art for admonition angel has that in the stained glass, which I thought was pretty cool. The other one I think is Mayael's Aria?
Jesus this are great.Some other gorgeous promos:
Cheesy as hell scene from Arrow, became the source of the Arrow season 3 thread title.I know the song but I'm missing the connection, and I misstyped it'd be mirakuru
Cheesy as hell scene from Arrow, became the source of the Arrow season 3 thread title.
You can make quite a nice collection of full arts now.
The moment somebody plays Prophet of Kruphix in EDH, they have my full ire and attention. Fuck that obnoxious unfun card. And of course it's GU, so it fits into obnoxious cookie-cutter GU goodstuff decks.man, prophet of kruphix is some broken mess in EDH
sure, let the player have as many turns as everyone else together
I bet it's as unfun to play against as it is to watch someone play it.Man reid duke on Esper Control is a beast.
That deck must be excruciating to play against, having to sit through misery ntil he finally finds his wincons.