Man I wish the Commander 2015 sets were already spoiled. I want to plan out my discretionary spending for the next month and it would be a lot easier to do if I knew whether or not I wanted to pick up the Commander sets or just aim for singles.
You know shit is getting real when the dictionary is getting pulled out LOL. Anyway, I've seen people beg for drafters because they have have an odd number of players and regulars who know each other well can do a bit of a guilt trip for odd number pods (which often rarely works LOL) but I've never seen someone who legit didn't want to or feel like drafting ever be forced to draft - especially not new players. What you're describing is some severe peer pressure exerted by less than savory people. Shitty people do shitty things and when I see "funny stuff" going on I try to call that stuff out. That's completely divorced from the actual drafting style though.
We do it because we want to have as close to a "pure Magic" experience as possible. I like being able to open a dual land and pass it to take the common two drop that is the best card in the pack. I like being passed a three dollar rare in the middle of pack two because its good for my deck and not because somebody snatched it up for their EDH deck. I like being able to open that PW in pack three and being able to pass it to my neighbor for a removal spell because it will make my deck better. These are feelings mirrored by many people near me of various skill levels. As I've said, I'm 100% aware that there are pros & cons to doing drafts in different ways. Not everybody will like doing it this way and I have no issue if you prefer not to play that way. That's cool. However, and the reason I keep bringing this up and beating this horse, is because I can't sit by a let y'all call some of the most courteous, generous and overall helpful to players of all sorts store owners and perhaps some of the least socially awkward and helpful Magic players I've known in the nearly 10 years I've played this game immoral individuals. Just man. No.
If you made this, this is hilarious - job well done. If you didn't make it please source it (if you have one). Still hilarious.
Here is a link to what coerce actually means.
verb (used with object), coerced, coercing.
to compel by force, intimidation, or authority, especially without regard for individual desire or volition:
They coerced him into signing the document.
to bring about through the use of force or other forms of compulsion; exact:
to coerce obedience.
to dominate or control, especially by exploiting fear, anxiety, etc.:
The state is based on successfully coercing the individual.
And as we all know, new players in stores or to the game never have anxiety or can fall victim to the local shop "pro's" authority, right? And if you had bothered to read the entirety of my post you probably would have seen the sentence that I wrote that allows for a group of fully aware players to engage in a rare redraft. That doesn't change the fact that people who do it take advantage of others or to exploit inexeperienced people are thieves or scammers, depending on the exact situation. It's great if you've never seen it. That doesn't negate their existence. There is a reason why it's not a sanctioned draft format.
You know shit is getting real when the dictionary is getting pulled out LOL. Anyway, I've seen people beg for drafters because they have have an odd number of players and regulars who know each other well can do a bit of a guilt trip for odd number pods (which often rarely works LOL) but I've never seen someone who legit didn't want to or feel like drafting ever be forced to draft - especially not new players. What you're describing is some severe peer pressure exerted by less than savory people. Shitty people do shitty things and when I see "funny stuff" going on I try to call that stuff out. That's completely divorced from the actual drafting style though.
Maybe I haven't been clear enough? When stores run events in which rares are redrafted, they are -- besides explicitly breaking WotC's rules -- almost always doing it in order to give their regulars an opportunity to walk away with more than their share of value from drafts, at the expense of more casual or newer players who have just shown up for the current event.
Having to even interact with this kind of player is already unpleasant in even normal circumstances; when store staff team up with them it's just miserable. These are the kinds of stores that give hobby gaming a bad name. It's sleazy behavior and I'm not going to call it anything else.
We do it because we want to have as close to a "pure Magic" experience as possible. I like being able to open a dual land and pass it to take the common two drop that is the best card in the pack. I like being passed a three dollar rare in the middle of pack two because its good for my deck and not because somebody snatched it up for their EDH deck. I like being able to open that PW in pack three and being able to pass it to my neighbor for a removal spell because it will make my deck better. These are feelings mirrored by many people near me of various skill levels. As I've said, I'm 100% aware that there are pros & cons to doing drafts in different ways. Not everybody will like doing it this way and I have no issue if you prefer not to play that way. That's cool. However, and the reason I keep bringing this up and beating this horse, is because I can't sit by a let y'all call some of the most courteous, generous and overall helpful to players of all sorts store owners and perhaps some of the least socially awkward and helpful Magic players I've known in the nearly 10 years I've played this game immoral individuals. Just man. No.
If you made this, this is hilarious - job well done. If you didn't make it please source it (if you have one). Still hilarious.